< Ayuba 4 >

1 Sai Elifaz mutumin Teman ya amsa,
Then answered Eliphaz the Themanite, and said,
2 “In wani ya yi maka magana, za ka ji haushi? Amma wa zai iya yin shiru?
If we essay to address a word to thee, wilt thou be wearied? yet who is able to refrain from speaking?
3 Ka tuna yadda ka yi wa mutane da yawa magana, yadda ka ƙarfafa hannuwa marasa ƙarfi.
Behold, thou hast [ere this] corrected many, and weak hands thou wast wont to strengthen.
4 Maganarka ta ƙarfafa waɗanda suka yi tuntuɓe; ka ƙarfafa gwiwoyin da suka rasa ƙarfinsu.
Him that stumbled thy words used to uphold, and to sinking knees thou gavest vigor.
5 Amma yanzu wahala ta zo maka, sai ka karaya; wahala ta sa ka rikice.
Yet now, when it cometh to thee, thou art wearied: it toucheth even thee, and thou art terrified.
6 Ashe bai kamata ka dogara ga Allahnka ba, amincinka kuma yă zama begenka?
Is not then thy fear of God still thy confidence, thy hope equal to the integrity of thy ways?
7 “Ka duba ka gani yanzu. Wane marar laifi ne ya taɓa hallaka? Ko an taɓa hallaka masu adalci?
Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished, being innocent? or where were the righteous destroyed?
8 Na kula cewa waɗanda suke huɗa gonar mugunta, da waɗanda suke shuka mugunta, su ne suke girbe mugunta.
Even as I have seen, that those who plough wrong-doing, and sow trouble, have to reap the same.
9 A sa’a ɗaya Allah yake hallaka su, cikin fushinsa yakan hallaka su.
Before the breathing of God they perish, and before the breath of his nostrils they come to their end.
10 Zakoki suna ruri suna gurnani; duk da haka an karya haƙoran manyan zakoki.
The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the fierce lion, and the teeth of the young lions, are broken.
11 Zakoki suna mutuwa domin ba dabbar da za su kashe su ci,’ya’yan zakanya kuma sun watse.
The old lion perisheth for lack of prey, and the whelps of the lioness have to scatter themselves abroad.
12 “Asirce aka gaya mini maganan nan, da ƙyar kunnuwana suka iya ji.
But to me a word came by stealth, and my ear took in a scarcely perceptible whisper thereof.
13 Cikin mafarki da tsakar dare, lokacin kowa yana zurfin barci, na sami saƙon nan.
In intense thoughts out of visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men:
14 Tsoro da fargaba suka kama ni har duk ƙasusuwan jikina suka yi ta rawa.
Dread came over me, with trembling, and it caused all my bones to shudder.
15 Wani iska ya taɓa mini fuska, sai tsigar jikina ta tashi.
Then flitted a spirit past before my face; the hair of my body stood up:
16 Ya tsaya cik, amma ban iya sani ko mene ne ba. Wani abu ya tsaya a gabana, na kuma ji murya.
It stood still, but I could not recognize its form; a figure was before my eyes, a slight whisper, then a [louder] voice I heard, saying,
17 ‘Ko zai yiwu mutum yă fi Allah adalci, ko kuma mutum yă fi wanda ya halicce shi tsarki?
Can a mortal be more righteous than God? or can a man be more pure than his Maker?
18 In Allah bai yarda da bayinsa ba, in ya sami mala’ikunsa da laifi,
Behold, in his servants he putteth no trust, and his angels he chargeth with folly:
19 to, su wane ne mutane masu zama a gidan da aka yi da laka, waɗanda da ƙura aka yi harsashensu, waɗanda za a iya murƙushe su kamar asu!
How much less in those that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, who are crushed till they come to be eaten by the moth?
20 Tsakanin safe da yamma mai yiwuwa ne ragargaza su; farat ɗaya, su mutu har abada.
From morning to evening are they broken to pieces: without laying it [to heart] they perish for ever.
21 Ba a tuge igiyar tentinsu, don su mutu ba tare da hikima ba?’
Behold, their excellency which is in them is torn away: they die, and this without wisdom.

< Ayuba 4 >