< Ayuba 34 >

1 Sa’an nan Elihu ya ce,
Moreover Elihu answered,
2 “Ku ji maganata, ku masu hikima; ku saurare ni, ku masu ilimi.
“Hear my words, you wise men. Give ear to me, you who have knowledge.
3 Gama kunne yana rarrabe magana kamar yadda harshe yake ɗanɗana abinci.
For the ear tries words, as the palate tastes food.
4 Bari mu zaɓi abin da yake daidai, bari mu koyi abin da yake mai kyau tare.
Let us choose for us that which is right. Let us know amongst ourselves what is good.
5 “Ayuba ya ce, ‘Ba ni da laifi, amma Allah ya hana mini hakkina.
For Job has said, ‘I am righteous, God has taken away my right.
6 Ko da yake ina da gaskiya, an ɗauke ni maƙaryaci; ko da yake ba ni da laifi, kibiyoyinsa sun ji mini ciwo wanda ba ya warkewa.’
Notwithstanding my right I am considered a liar. My wound is incurable, though I am without disobedience.’
7 Wane mutum ne kamar Ayuba, wanda yake shan ba’a kamar ruwa?
What man is like Job, who drinks scorn like water,
8 Yana abokantaka da masu aikata mugunta; yana cuɗanya da mugaye.
who goes in company with the workers of iniquity, and walks with wicked men?
9 Gama ya ce, ‘Ba ribar da mutum zai samu lokacin da yake ƙoƙari yă faranta wa Allah zuciya.’
For he has said, ‘It profits a man nothing that he should delight himself with God.’
10 “Saboda haka ku saurare ni, ku masu ganewa. Ko kaɗan Allah ba ya mugunta, Maɗaukaki ba ya kuskure.
“Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: far be it from God, that he should do wickedness, from the Almighty, that he should commit iniquity.
11 Yana biyan mutum bisa ga abin da ya yi; yana kawo masa abin da ayyukansa suka jawo.
For the work of a man he will render to him, and cause every man to find according to his ways.
12 Ba zai yiwu Allah yă yi ba daidai ba, Maɗaukaki ba zai yi shari’a marar gaskiya ba.
Yes surely, God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty pervert justice.
13 Wane ne ya ba shi iko yă lura da duniya? Wane ne ya ba shi iko kan dukan duniya?
Who put him in charge of the earth? Or who has appointed him over the whole world?
14 In nufinsa ne ya kuma janye ruhunsa da numfashinsa,
If he set his heart on himself, if he gathered to himself his spirit and his breath,
15 ’yan adam duka za su hallaka tare, mutum kuma zai koma ƙasa.
all flesh would perish together, and man would turn again to dust.
16 “In kana da ganewa sai ka saurari wannan; ka saurari abin da zan ce.
“If now you have understanding, hear this. Listen to the voice of my words.
17 Maƙiyin gaskiya zai iya yin mulki? Za ka iya ba mai gaskiya, Maɗaukaki laifi?
Should even one who hates justice govern? Will you condemn him who is righteous and mighty,
18 Ba shi ne ya ce wa sarakuna, ‘Ba ku da amfani ba,’ ya ce wa manya ‘Ku mugaye ne,’
who says to a king, ‘Vile!’ or to nobles, ‘Wicked!’?
19 wanda ba ya nuna sonkai ga’ya’yan sarki kuma ba ya goyon bayan masu arziki a kan matalauta, gama dukansu shi ya yi su da hannuwansa.
He doesn’t respect the persons of princes, nor respect the rich more than the poor, for they all are the work of his hands.
20 Suna mutuwa nan take, a cikin tsakiyar dare; an girgiza mutanen amma sun wuce; an taɓa manya amma ba da hannun mutum ba.
In a moment they die, even at midnight. The people are shaken and pass away. The mighty are taken away without a hand.
21 “Idanunsa suna kan al’amuran mutane; yana ganin tafiyarsu duka.
“For his eyes are on the ways of a man. He sees all his goings.
22 Babu wuri mai duhu, babu inuwa mai duhu, inda masu aikata mugunta za su ɓoye.
There is no darkness, nor thick gloom, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
23 Allah ba ya bukata yă ci gaba da bincike mutane, har da za su zo gabansa don yă shari’anta su.
For he doesn’t need to consider a man further, that he should go before God in judgement.
24 Ba tare da tambaya ba yana ragargaza masu iko, yă kuma sa waɗansu a wurinsu.
He breaks mighty men in pieces in ways past finding out, and sets others in their place.
25 Gama yana sane da abubuwan da suke yi, yana hamɓarar da su da dare a kuma ragargaza su.
Therefore he takes knowledge of their works. He overturns them in the night, so that they are destroyed.
26 Yana ba su horo, don muguntarsu, inda kowa zai gan su,
He strikes them as wicked men in the open sight of others;
27 domin sun juya daga binsa, kuma ba su kula da hanyoyinsa ba.
because they turned away from following him, and wouldn’t pay attention to any of his ways,
28 Sun sa kukan matalauta ya kai wurinsa yadda ya kai ga jin kukan masu bukata.
so that they caused the cry of the poor to come to him. He heard the cry of the afflicted.
29 Amma in ya yi shiru, wa zai ba shi laifi? In ya ɓoye fuskarsa, wa zai gan shi? Duk da haka shi yake da iko kan mutum da al’umma duka,
When he gives quietness, who then can condemn? When he hides his face, who then can see him? He is over a nation or a man alike,
30 yana hana wanda bai san Allah ba yă yi mulki, ya hana shi sa wa mutane tarko.
that the godless man may not reign, that there be no one to ensnare the people.
31 “A ce mutum ya ce wa Allah, ‘Na yi laifi, amma ba zan sāke saɓa wa wani ba.
“For has any said to God, ‘I am guilty, but I will not offend any more.
32 Ka koya mini abin da ba zan iya gani ba; in na yi ba daidai ba, ba zan sāke yi ba.’
Teach me that which I don’t see. If I have done iniquity, I will do it no more’?
33 Ya kamata Allah yă yi maka bisa ga abin da ka ce ne, sa’ad da ka ƙi ka tuba? Dole kai ka zaɓa, ba ni ba; yanzu ka gaya mini abin da ka sani.
Shall his recompense be as you desire, that you refuse it? For you must choose, and not I. Therefore speak what you know.
34 “Mutane masu ganewa za su ce, masu hikima waɗanda suka ji ni za su ce mini,
Men of understanding will tell me, yes, every wise man who hears me:
35 ‘Ayuba ya yi magana cikin rashin sani; maganganunsa na marar hikima ne.’
‘Job speaks without knowledge. His words are without wisdom.’
36 Kash, da za a gwada Ayuba har ƙarshe, domin yana ba da amsa kamar mugun mutum.
I wish that Job were tried to the end, because of his answering like wicked men.
37 Ya ƙara tawaye a kan zunubansa; ya tafa hannuwansa na reni a cikinmu ya kuma ƙara yawan maganganunsa ga Allah.”
For he adds rebellion to his sin. He claps his hands amongst us, and multiplies his words against God.”

< Ayuba 34 >