< Ayuba 30 >

1 “Amma yanzu suna yi mini ba’a waɗanda na girme su, waɗanda iyayensu maza ba su isa su zama karnukan kiwon garken tumakina ba.
But now those who are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.
2 Ina amfani ƙarfin hannuwansu gare ni, tun da ba su da sauran kuzari?
Yea, the strength of their hands, to what should it profit me? Men in whom ripe age is perished.
3 Duk sun rame don rashi da yunwa, suna yawo a gaigayar ƙasa a kufai da dare.
They are gaunt with want and famine. They gnaw the dry ground in the gloom of waste and desolation.
4 A cikin jeji suna tsinkar ganyaye marasa daɗi, jijiyoyin itacen kwakwa ne abincinsu.
They pluck mallows by the bushes, and the roots of the juniper are their food.
5 An kore su daga cikin mutanensu, aka yi musu ihu kamar ɓarayi.
They are driven forth from the midst of men. They cry out after them as after a thief,
6 An sa dole su zauna a kwazazzabai da kuma cikin kogunan duwatsu da kuma cikin ramummuka cikin ƙasa.
so that they dwell in frightful valleys, in holes of the earth and of the rocks.
7 Suka yi ta kuka kamar dabbobi a jeji, suka taru a ƙarƙashin sarƙaƙƙiya.
Among the bushes they bray, under the nettles they are gathered together.
8 Mutane marasa hankali marasa suna, an kore su daga ƙasar.
They are sons of fools, yea, sons of base men. They were scourged out of the land.
9 “Yanzu kuma’ya’yansu maza su suke yi mini ba’a cikin waƙa na zama abin banza a gare su.
And now I have become their song, Yea, I am a byword to them.
10 Suna ƙyamata suna guduna; suna tofa mini miyau a fuska.
They abhor me. They stand aloof from me, and do not spare to spit in my face.
11 Yanzu da Allah ya kunce bakana ya ba ni wahala sun raba ni da mutuncina.
For he has loosed his cord, and afflicted me. And they have cast off the bridle before me.
12 A hannun damana’yan tā-da-na-zaune-tsaye sun tayar; sun sa tarko a ƙafafuna, sun yi shirin hallaka ni.
Upon my right hand rise the rabble. They thrust aside my feet, and they cast up against me their ways of destruction.
13 Sun ɓata mini hanyata; sun yi nasara cikin hallaka ni, ba tare da wani ya taimake su ba.
They mar my path. They set forward my calamity, even men who have no helper.
14 Suka nufo ni daga kowane gefe; suka auko mini da dukan ƙarfinsu.
As through a wide breach they come. In the midst of the ruin they roll themselves upon me.
15 Tsoro ya rufe ni; an kawar mini mutuncina kamar da iska, dukiyata ta watse kamar girgije.
Terrors are turned upon me. They chase my honor as the wind, and my welfare is passed away as a cloud.
16 “Yanzu raina yana ƙarewa; kwanakin wahala sun kama ni.
And now my soul is poured out within me. Days of affliction have taken hold upon me.
17 Dare ya huda ƙasusuwana; ina ta shan azaba ba hutawa.
In the night season my bones are pierced in me, and the pains that gnaw me take no rest.
18 A cikin girman ikonsa Allah ya zama kamar riga a jikina; ya shaƙe ni kamar wuyan rigata.
By the great force my garment is disfigured. It binds me about as the collar of my coat.
19 Ya jefa ni cikin laka, na zama ba kome ba sai ƙura da toka.
He has cast me into the mire, and I have become like dust and ashes.
20 “Na yi kuka gare ka ya Allah, amma ba ka amsa mini ba. Na tashi tsaye, amma sai ka dube ni kawai.
I cry to thee, and thou do not answer me. I stand up, and thou gaze at me.
21 Ka dube ni ba tausayi; Ka kai mini hari da ƙarfin hannunka.
Thou have turned to be cruel to me. With the might of thy hand thou persecute me.
22 Ka ɗaga ni sama ka ɗora ni a kan iska; ka jujjuya ni cikin hadari.
Thou lift me up to the wind. Thou cause me to ride upon it, and thou disintegrate me in the storm.
23 Na san za ka sauko da ni ga mutuwa zuwa wurin da kowane mai rai zai je.
For I know that thou will bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living.
24 “Ba shakka ba mai ɗora hannu a kan mutumin da yake cikin wahala. Lokacin da ya yi kukan neman taimako a cikin wahalarsa.
However does not a man stretch out the hand in his fall? Or in his calamity therefore cry for help?
25 Ashe ban yi kuka domin waɗanda suke cikin damuwa ba? Ko zuciyata ba tă yi baƙin ciki domin matalauta ba?
Did I not weep for him who was in trouble? Was not my soul grieved for the needy?
26 Duk da haka sa’ad da nake begen abu mai kyau, mugun abu ne ya zo; Sa’ad da nake neman haske, sai duhu ya zo.
When I looked for good, then evil came. And when I waited for light, there came darkness.
27 Zuciyata ba tă daina ƙuna ba; ina fuskantar kwanakin wahala.
My heart is troubled, and does not rest. Days of affliction have come upon me.
28 Na yi baƙi ƙirin, amma ba rana ce ta ƙona ni ba. Na tsaya a cikin mutane, na kuma yi kuka don taimako.
I go mourning without the sun. I stand up in the assembly, and cry for help.
29 Na zama ɗan’uwan diloli, na zama abokan mujiyoyi.
I am a brother to jackals, and a companion to ostriches.
30 Fatar jikina ta yi baƙi tana ɓarewa; jikina yana ƙuna da zazzaɓi.
My skin is black, and falls from me. And my bones are burned with heat.
31 Garayata ta zama ta makoki, sarewata kuma ta zama ta kuka.
Therefore my harp has turned to mourning, and my pipe into the voice of those who weep.

< Ayuba 30 >