< Ayuba 22 >

1 Sai Elifaz mutumin Teman ya amsa,
Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered,
2 “Mutum yana iya zama da amfani a wurin Allah? Mai hikima ma zai iya zama da amfani a wurin shi?
"Can a man be profitable to God? Surely he who is wise is profitable to himself.
3 Wane daɗi Allah zai ji in kai mai adalci ne? Wace riba zai samu in rayuwarka marar laifi ce?
Is it any pleasure to Shaddai, that you are righteous? Or does it benefit him, that you make your ways perfect?
4 “Ko don kana tsoron Allah shi ya sa ya kwaɓe ka ya kuma bari haka yă same ka?
Is it for your piety that he reproves you, that he enters with you into judgment?
5 Ba muguntarka ce ta yi yawa ba? Ba zunubanka ne ba iyaka ba?
Isn't your wickedness great? Neither is there any end to your iniquities.
6 Ka sa ɗan’uwanka yă biya ka bashin da kake binsa ba dalili; ka ƙwace wa mutanen rigunansu ka bar su tsirara.
For you have taken pledges from your brother for nothing, and stripped the naked of their clothing.
7 Ba ka ba masu jin ƙishirwa su sha ba kuma ka hana wa masu jin yunwa abinci su ci.
You haven't given water to the weary to drink, and you have withheld bread from the hungry.
8 Ko da yake kai mai ƙarfi ne, ka mallaki ƙasa, mutum mai martaba kuma, kana zama cikin ƙasarka.
But as for the mighty man, he had the earth. The honorable man, he lived in it.
9 Ka kori gwauraye hannu wofi, ka kuma karya ƙarfin marayu.
You have sent widows away empty, and the arms of the fatherless have been broken.
10 Shi ya sa kake kewaye da tarkuna, shi ya sa ka cika da tsoron mugun abin da zai auko maka.
Therefore snares are around you. Sudden fear troubles you,
11 An yi duhu ƙwarai, har ba ka iya gani, shi ya sa ambaliyar ruwa ta rufe ka.
or darkness, so that you can not see, and floods of waters cover you.
12 “Ba Allah ne a can sama ba? Dubi yadda taurarin sama suke can nesa a sama!
"Isn't God in the heights of heaven? See the height of the stars, how high they are.
13 Duk da haka ka ce, ‘Me Allah ya sani? A cikin duhu ne yake shari’a?
You say, 'What does God know? Can he judge through the thick darkness?
14 Gajimare ya rufe shi, saboda haka ba ya ganinmu lokacin da yake takawa a cikin sammai.’
Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he doesn't see. He walks on the vault of the sky.'
15 Za ka ci gaba da bin tsohuwar hanyar da mugayen mutane suka bi?
Will you keep the old way, which wicked men have trodden,
16 An ɗauke su kafin lokacinsu yă cika, ruwa ya share tushensu.
who were snatched away before their time, whose foundation was poured out as a stream,
17 Suka ce wa Allah, ‘Ka rabu da mu! Me Maɗaukaki zai yi mana?’
who said to God, 'Depart from us;' and, 'What can Shaddai do for us?'
18 Duk da haka kuwa shi ne ya cika gidajensu da abubuwa masu kyau, saboda haka ba ruwana da shawarar mugaye.
Yet he filled their houses with good things, but the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
19 “Masu adalci suna gani ana hallaka mugaye, suna jin daɗi; marasa laifi suna yi musu ba’a, suna cewa,
The righteous see it, and are glad. The innocent ridicule them,
20 ‘Ba shakka an hallaka maƙiyanmu, wuta kuma ta ƙona dukiyarsu.’
saying, 'Surely those who rose up against us are cut off. The fire has consumed the remnant of them.'
21 “Ka miƙa kanka ga Allah ka samu salamarsa; ta haka ne arziki zai zo maka.
"Acquaint yourself with him, now, and be at peace. Thereby good shall come to you.
22 Ka bi umarnin da zai fito daga bakinsa kuma ka riƙe maganarsa a cikin zuciyarka.
Please receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.
23 In ka komo ga Maɗaukaki, za ka warke. In ka kawar da mugunta daga cikin gidanka.
If you return to Shaddai, you shall be built up, if you put away unrighteousness far from your tents.
24 Ka jefar da zinariyarka a ƙasa, ka jefar da zinariyar Ofir da ka fi so a cikin duwatsu,
Lay your treasure in the dust, the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks.
25 sa’an nan ne Maɗaukaki zai zama zinariyarka, zai zama azurfa mafi kyau a wurinka.
Shaddai will be your treasure, and precious silver to you.
26 Ba shakka a lokacin ne za ka sami farin ciki daga wurin Maɗaukaki, ku kuma ɗaga idanunku ga Allah
For then you will delight yourself in Shaddai, and shall lift up your face to God.
27 Za ka yi addu’a zuwa gare shi, zai kuwa ji ka, kuma za ka cika alkawuranka.
You shall make your prayer to him, and he will hear you. You shall pay your vows.
28 Abin da ka zaɓa za ka yi za ka yi nasara a ciki, haske kuma zai haskaka hanyarka.
And you will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.
29 Sa’ad da aka ƙasƙantar da mutane ka kuma ce, ‘A ɗaga su!’ Sa’an nan zai ceci masu tawali’u.
When they cast down, you shall say, 'be lifted up.' And he will save the humble.
30 Zai ceci wanda ma yake mai laifi, wanda zai tsirar da shi ta wurin tsabtar hannuwanka.”
He will even deliver him who is not innocent. Yes, he shall be delivered through the cleanness of your hands."

< Ayuba 22 >