< Ayuba 19 >

1 Sai Ayuba ya amsa,
Then answered Job, and said,
2 “Har yaushe za ku yi ta ba ni azaba ku kuma murƙushe ni da maganganunku?
How long will ye grieve my soul, and crush me with words?
3 Yanzu sau goma ke nan kuna wulaƙanta ni, kuna kai mini hari na rashin kunya.
These ten times have ye reproached me: ye are not ashamed when ye show yourselves as strangers to me.
4 In gaskiya ne na yi laifi, kuskurena ya rage nawa.
Yea, if it be indeed that I have erred, let my error remain with myself.
5 In kuwa za ku ɗaukaka kanku a kaina kuna ɗauka wahalar da nake sha domin na yi laifi ne,
But if indeed ye wish to magnify yourselves above me, and to prove against me my disgrace:
6 sai ku san cewa Allah ya yi mini ba daidai ba ya kewaye ni da ragarsa.
Then know for certain that God hath bent me down, and hath laid his net all around me.
7 “Ko da yake na yi kuka cewa, ‘An yi mini ba daidai ba!’ Ba a amsa mini ba; ko da yake na nemi taimako, ba a yi adalci ba.
Behold, I cry out concerning the violence [done me], but I am not answered: I entreat aloud, but there is no justice.
8 Ya tare mini hanya yadda ba zan iya wucewa ba; ya rufe hanyata da duhu.
My road hath he fenced up, so that I cannot pass out; and on my paths he placeth darkness.
9 Ya cire darajar da nake da ita, ya kuma cire rawani daga kaina.
My glory hath he stripped from me, and removed the crown of my head.
10 Ya yi kaca-kaca da ni har sai da na ƙare; ya tuge begen da nake da shi kamar itace.
He hath pulled me down on every side, and I am going hence; and he hath rooted up like a tree my hope.
11 Yana jin haushina ya lissafta ni cikin maƙiyansa.
He hath also kindled against me his wrath, and he counteth me with himself as one of his adversaries.
12 Rundunarsa ta zo da ƙarfi; suka kafa sansani kewaye da ni, suka zagaye tentina.
Altogether come on his troops, and make level against me their way, and encamp round about my tent.
13 “Ya raba ni da’yan’uwana maza; abokaina sun zama baƙi gare ni.
My brothers hath he removed far from me, and my acquaintance are entirely estranged from me.
14 Dangina sun tafi; abokaina na kurkusa sun manta da ni.
My near of kin have withdrawn, and those befriended by me have forgotten me.
15 Waɗanda sukan ziyarce ni, da masu yi mini aiki mata sun ɗauke ni baƙo.
Ye that sojourn in my house, and my maid-servants, regard me as a stranger: an alien am I become in their eyes.
16 Na kira bawana, amma bai amsa ba, ko da yake na roƙe shi da bakina.
I call for my servant, but he will not answer, though I were to entreat him with my mouth.
17 Numfashina yana ɓata wa matata rai;’yan’uwana sun ƙi ni.
My breath is become nauseous to my wife, and my caressing, to the children of my own body.
18 Har’yan yara suna rena ni; in sun gan ni sai su fara yi mini riyar reni.
Yea, children even despise me: I rise up, but they speak against me.
19 Duk abokaina sun yashe ni; waɗanda nake ƙauna sun zama ba sa ƙaunata.
All that have had my confidence abominate me; and those whom I have loved are turned against me.
20 Ni ba kome ba ne sai dai fata da ƙashi, da ƙyar na tsira.
To my skin and to my flesh my bones do cleave, and I must sustain myself with the gums of my teeth.
21 “Ku tausaya mini, abokaina, ku ji tausayina, gama hannun Allah ya sauko a kaina.
Spare me, spare me, O ye, my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me.
22 Don me kuke fafarata kamar yadda Allah yake yi? Ba ku gaji da yagar fatata ba?
Why will ye persecute me as God [hath done], and will never be satisfied with my flesh?
23 “Kash, da ma a ce ana rubuta maganganuna, da an rubuta su a littafi,
Oh who would but grant, that my words might be written down! oh who would grant that they were entered in a book!
24 a rubuta su da ƙarfe a kan dutse don su dawwama har abada!
That they were hewn with an iron pen and [blackened with] lead for eternity in the hard rock!
25 Na san wanda zai fanshe ni yana nan da rai, kuma a ƙarshe zai tsaya a kan duniya.
And well I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he will remain as the last after the creatures of the dust [are passed away];
26 Kuma bayan an hallaka fatata, duk da haka a cikin jiki zan ga Allah.
And after my skin is cut to pieces will this be: and then freed from my body shall I behold God;
27 Zan gan shi da kaina da idanuna, Ni, ba wani ba ne. Zuciyata ta cika da wannan tunani!
Whom I shall myself behold to my happiness, and whom my eyes will see, and not as a stranger, [when even] my reins are consumed within my bosom.
28 “In kuka ce, ‘Za ku ci gaba da matsa mini, tun da shi ne tushen damuwa,’
But if ye should say, How will we pursue him? seeing the root of the matter is found in me:
29 sai ku ma ku ji tsoron takobin; gama fushi yakan kawo hukunci ta wurin takobi, sa’an nan za ku san cewa akwai shari’a.”
Then have dread for yourselves of the sword; for the wrath [which ye excite] is an iniquity that bringeth the sword; in order that ye may know there is one that judgeth [in the world].

< Ayuba 19 >