< Ayuba 10 >
1 “Na gaji da rayuwa; saboda haka bari in faɗi zuciyata gabagadi yadda raina yake jin ba daɗi.
My soul is disgusted with my life; I will give free vent to my complaint over myself; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.
2 Zan ce wa Allah, kada ka hukunta ni, amma ka gaya mini laifin da na yi maka.
I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; let me know for what cause thou contendest against me.
3 Kana jin daɗin ba ni wahala, don me ka yashe ni, abin da ka halitta da hannunka, yayinda kake murmushi game da shirye-shiryen mugaye?
Is it well for thee that thou shouldst oppress, that thou shouldst reject the labor of thy hands, and shed light upon the counsel of the wicked?
4 Idanunka irin na mutum ne? Kana gani yadda mutum yake gani ne?
Hast thou eyes of flesh? or wilt thou see as a mortal seeth?
5 Kwanakinka kamar na mutane ne, ko shekarunka kamar na mutane ne
Are thy days as the days of a mortal, or are thy years as the days of a man,
6 da za ka neme ni da laifi ka hukunta ni?
That thou inquirest after my iniquity, and searchest after my sin?
7 Ko da yake ka san ba ni da laifi, kuma ba wanda zai iya cetona daga hannunka.
Still it is within thy knowledge that I am not wicked, and there is none that can deliver me out of thy hand.
8 “Da hannuwanka ka ƙera ni, kai ka halicce ni. Yanzu kuma kai za ka juya ka hallaka ni?
Thy hands have carefully fashioned me and made me; every thing is in harmony all round about; and yet thou dost destroy me!
9 Ka tuna cewa ka mulmula ni kamar yumɓu. Yanzu za ka mai da ni in zama ƙura kuma?
Remember, I beseech thee, that as though I were clay hast thou made me; and wilt thou cause me to return again unto the dust?
10 Ba kai ka zuba ni kamar madara ba, na daskare kamar cuku.
Behold, like milk didst thou pour me out, and like cheese didst thou curdle me.
11 Ka rufe ni da tsoka da fata, ka harhaɗa ni da ƙasusuwa da jijiyoyi?
With skin and flesh didst thou clothe me, and with bones and sinews didst thou cover me.
12 Ka ba ni rai ka kuma yi mini alheri, kuma cikin tanadinka ka kula da ruhuna.
Life and kindness didst thou grant me, and thy providence watched over my spirit.
13 “Amma wannan shi ne abin da ka ɓoye a zuciyarka, na kuma san abin da yake cikin zuciyarka ke nan.
And yet these things hadst thou treasured up in thy heart: I know that this was [resolved] within thee.
14 In na yi zunubi kana kallo na kuma ba za ka fasa ba ni horo ba don laifin da na yi.
If I have sinned, then dost thou watch me, and from my iniquity thou wilt not declare me guiltless.
15 Idan ina da laifi, kaitona! Ko da ba ni da laifi, ba zan iya ɗaga fuskata ba, gama kunya ta ishe ni duk ɓacin rai ya ishe ni.
If I be wicked, woe unto me: and if I be righteous, I can still not lift up my head; I am sated with disgrace, and ever seeing my affliction;
16 In na ɗaga kaina, za ka neme ni kamar zaki ka sāke nuna al’ajabin ikonka a kaina.
And it constantly increaseth; like a fierce lion dost thou hunt for me; and again thou showest thyself continually wonderful on me;
17 Kana sāke kawo sababbin waɗanda za su ba da shaida a kaina kana ƙara haushinka a kaina; kana ƙara kawo mini hari.
Thou ever renewest thy witnesses against me, and causest thy indignation to grow strong against me; changes and multitudes [of sufferings] are around me.
18 “Me ya sa ka fito da ni daga cikin uwata? Da ma na mutu kafin a haife ni.
Wherefore then didst thou bring me forth out of the womb? Oh that I had perished, and that no eye had seen me!
19 Da ma ba a halicce ni ba, da na mutu tun daga cikin cikin uwata na wuce zuwa kabari!
That I were as though I had not been, —had been borne from the womb to the grave.
20 ’Yan kwanakina ba su kusa ƙarewa ba ne? Ka rabu da ni don in ɗan samu sukuni na ɗan lokaci
Lo! my days are but few: cease, then, withdraw from me [thy hand], that I may recover my cheerfulness a little.
21 kafin in koma inda na fito, ƙasa mai duhu da inuwa sosai,
Before I go, and return not, to the land of darkness and the shadow of death,
22 zuwa ƙasa mai duhun gaske, da inuwa da hargitsi, inda haske yake kamar duhu.”
A land of utter gloom, as of the darkness of the shadow of death, without any order, and the light of which is like utter gloom.