< Irmiya 44 >

1 Wannan maganata zo wa Irmiya game da dukan Yahudawa masu zama a Masar ta Ƙasa, a Migdol, Tafanes da Memfis, da kuma a Masar ta Bisa.
This is the word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews living in the land of Egypt —in Migdol, Tahpanhes, and Memphis —and in the land of Pathros:
2 “Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, Allah na Isra’ila yana cewa kun ga masifa mai girmar da na kawo a kan Urushalima da kuma a kan dukan garuruwan Yahuda. A yau sun zama hamada da kuma kango
“This is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: You have seen all the disaster that I brought against Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah; and behold, they lie today in ruins and desolation
3 saboda muguntar da suka aikata. Sun tsokane ni na yi fushi ta wurin ƙone turare da kuma ta wurin bauta wa waɗansu allolin da su ko ku ko kakanninku ba su taɓa sani ba.
because of the evil they have done. They provoked Me to anger by continuing to burn incense and to serve other gods that neither they nor you nor your fathers ever knew.
4 Sau da sau na aiki bayina annabawa, waɗanda suka ce, ‘Kada ku yi wannan abin ƙyama da na ƙi!’
Yet I sent you all My servants the prophets again and again, saying: ‘Do not do this detestable thing that I hate.’
5 Amma ba su saurara ko su kasa kunne ba; ba su juye daga muguntarsu ko su daina ƙone turare wa waɗansu alloli ba.
But they did not listen or incline their ears; they did not turn from their wickedness or stop burning incense to other gods.
6 Saboda haka, fushina mai ƙuna ya fāɗo a kan garuruwan Yahuda da kuma titunan Urushalima na kuma mai da su kufai da suke a yau.
Therefore My wrath and anger poured out and burned in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, so that they have become the desolate ruin they are today.
7 “To, ga abin da Ubangiji Allah Maɗaukaki, Allah na Isra’ila, yana cewa don me kuka kawo irin masifa mai girma haka a kanku ta wurin warewa daga Yahuda maza da mata, yara da jarirai, kun kuma bar kanku babu raguwa?
So now, this is what the LORD God of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: Why are you doing such great harm to yourselves by cutting off from Judah man and woman, child and infant, leaving yourselves without a remnant?
8 Me ya sa kuka tsokane ni in yi fushi saboda abin da hannuwanku suka yi, kuna ƙone turare wa waɗansu alloli a Masar, inda kuka zo don ku zauna? Za ku hallakar da kanku ku kuma mai da kanku abin la’ana da abin zargi da abin ba’a a cikin dukan al’umman duniya.
Why are you provoking Me to anger by the work of your hands by burning incense to other gods in the land of Egypt, where you have gone to reside? As a result, you will be cut off and will become an object of cursing and reproach among all the nations of the earth.
9 Kun manta mugayen ayyukan kakanninku, da na sarakuna da sarauniyoyin Yahuda da mugayen ayyukanku, da na matanku a cikin Yahuda da kan titunan Urushalima?
Have you forgotten the wickedness of your fathers and of the kings of Judah and their wives, as well as the wickedness that you and your wives committed in the land of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
10 Har yă zuwa yau ba su ƙasƙantar da kansu ko su nuna bangirma, ko su kiyaye dokata da ƙa’idodin da na sa a gabanku da kakanninku ba.
To this day they have not humbled themselves or shown reverence, nor have they followed My instruction or the statutes that I set before you and your fathers.
11 “Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, Allah na Isra’ila, yana cewa na ƙudura in aukar muku da masifa in kuma hallaka dukan Yahuda.
Therefore this is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: I will set My face to bring disaster and to cut off all Judah.
12 Zan ɗauke raguwar Yahuda waɗanda suka ƙudurta su je Masar su zauna a can. Duk za su hallaka a Masar; za su mutu ta wurin takobi ko su mutu da yunwa. Daga ƙarami zuwa babba, za su mutu ta wurin takobi ko yunwa. Za su zama abin zarge da abin tsoro, abin la’ana da abin ba’a.
And I will take away the remnant of Judah who have resolved to go to the land of Egypt to reside there; they will meet their end. They will all fall by the sword or be consumed by famine. From the least to the greatest, they will die by sword or famine; and they will become an object of cursing and horror, of vilification and reproach.
13 Zan hukunta waɗanda suke zama a Masar da takobi, yunwa da annoba, yadda na hukunta Urushalima.
I will punish those who live in the land of Egypt, just as I punished Jerusalem, by sword and famine and plague,
14 Babu wani daga raguwar Yahuda wanda ya tafi Masar da zai kuɓuta ko ya tsira har ya komo zuwa ƙasar Yahuda, wadda za su yi marmari su komo su zauna; babu wani da zai komo sai dai’yan gudun hijira.”
so that none of the remnant of Judah who have gone to reside in Egypt will escape or survive to return to the land of Judah, where they long to return and live; for none will return except a few fugitives.”
15 Sai dukan mazan da suka san cewa matansu suna ƙone turare wa waɗansu alloli, tare da dukan matan da suke a nan babban taro, da kuma dukan mutanen da suke zama a Masar ta Ƙasa da ta Bisa, suka ce wa Irmiya,
Then all the men who knew that their wives were burning incense to other gods, and all the women standing by—a great assembly—along with all the people living in the land of Egypt and in Pathros, said to Jeremiah,
16 “Ba za mu saurari saƙon da ka yi mana magana a sunan Ubangiji ba!
“As for the word you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you!
17 Lalle za mu aikata duk abin da muka ce za mu yi. Za mu ƙone turare ga Sarauniyar Sama za mu kuma miƙa hadayun sha gare ta kamar dai yadda mu da kakanninmu, sarakunanmu da fadawanmu muka yi a garuruwan Yahuda da kuma kan titunan Urushalima. A lokacin muna da abinci a yalwace muna kuma da arziki ba mu kuma da wata damuwa.
Instead, we will do everything we vowed to do: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and offer drink offerings to her, just as we, our fathers, our kings, and our officials did in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and good things, and we saw no disaster.
18 Amma tun da muka daina ƙone turare ga Sarauniyar Sama da kuma miƙa mata hadayun sha, muka rasa kome muna ta mutuwa ta wurin takobi da yunwa.”
But from the time we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have lacked everything and have been perishing by sword and famine.”
19 Matan suka ƙara da cewa, “Sa’ad da muka ƙone turare ga Sarauniyar Sama muka kuma miƙa mata hadayun sha, mazanmu ba su san muna yin waina kamar siffarta muna kuma miƙa mata hadayun sha ba?”
“Moreover,” said the women, “when we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, was it without our husbands’ knowledge that we made sacrificial cakes in her image and poured out drink offerings to her?”
20 Sai Irmiya ya ce wa dukan mutanen, maza da mata, waɗanda suke ba shi amsa,
Then Jeremiah said to all the people, both men and women, who were answering him,
21 “Ubangiji bai tuna ya kuma yi tunani game da turaren da aka ƙone a garuruwan Yahuda da kan titunan Urushalima wanda ku da kakanninku, sarakunanku da fadawanku da mutanen ƙasar ba ne?
“As for the incense you burned in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem—you, your fathers, your kings, your officials, and the people of the land—did the LORD not remember and bring this to mind?
22 Sa’ad da Ubangiji bai iya jurewa da mugayen ayyukanku da kuma abubuwa banƙyama da kuka aikata ba, sai ƙasarku ta zama abin la’ana da kufai babu mazauna yadda yake a yau.
So the LORD could no longer endure the evil deeds and detestable acts you committed, and your land became a desolation, a horror, and an object of cursing, without inhabitant, as it is this day.
23 Domin kun ƙone turare kuka kuma yi wa Ubangiji zunubi ba ku kuma yi masa biyayya ko ku kiyaye dokarsa ko ƙa’idodinsa ko farillansa ba, wannan masifa ta aukar muku, yadda yanzu kuka gani.”
Because you burned incense and sinned against the LORD, and did not obey the voice of the LORD or walk in His instruction, His statutes, and His testimonies, this disaster has befallen you, as you see today.”
24 Sai Irmiya ya ce wa dukan mutane, har da mata, “Ku saurari maganar Ubangiji, dukanku mutanen Yahuda a Masar.
Then Jeremiah said to all the people, including all the women, “Hear the word of the LORD, all those of Judah who are in the land of Egypt.
25 Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, Allah na Isra’ila, yana cewa ku da matanku kun nuna ta wurin ayyukanku abin da kuka yi alkawari sa’ad da kuka ce, ‘Lalle za mu yi abin da muka yi alkawari na ƙone turare da kuma miƙa hadayun sha ga Sarauniyar Sama.’ “To, sai ku ci gaba, ku aikata abin da kuka yi alkawari! Ku cika alkawarinku!
This is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: As for you and your wives, you have spoken with your mouths and fulfilled with your hands your words: ‘We will surely perform our vows that we have made to burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink offerings to her.’ Go ahead, then, do what you have promised! Keep your vows!
26 Amma ku ji maganar Ubangiji, dukan Yahudawan da suke zama a Masar, ‘Na rantse da sunana,’ in ji Ubangiji, ‘cewa babu wani daga Yahuda wanda yake zama a ko’ina a Masar zai ƙara kira bisa sunana ko ya rantse ya ce, “Muddin Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana raye.”
Nevertheless, hear the word of the LORD, all you people of Judah living in Egypt: Behold, I have sworn by My great name, says the LORD, that never again will any man of Judah living in the land of Egypt invoke My name or say, ‘As surely as the Lord GOD lives.’
27 Gama ina lura da su don lahani, ba alheri ba; mutanen Yahuda da suke a Masar za su hallaka ta wurin takobi da yunwa sai dukansu sun hallaka.
I am watching over them for harm and not for good, and every man of Judah who is in the land of Egypt will meet his end by sword or famine, until they are finished off.
28 Waɗanda suka kuɓuta wa takobi suka komo zuwa ƙasar Yahuda daga Masar za su zama kima kawai. Sa’an nan dukan raguwar Yahuda waɗanda suka zo don su yi zama a Masar za su san maganar wane ne za tă tabbata, tawa ko tasu.
Those who escape the sword will return from Egypt to Judah, few in number, and the whole remnant of Judah who went to dwell in the land of Egypt will know whose word will stand, Mine or theirs!
29 “‘Wannan zai zama alama a gare ku cewa zan hukunta ku a wannan wuri,’ in ji Ubangiji, ‘saboda ku san cewa barazanata ta lahani a kanku tabbatacce za tă cika.’
This will be a sign to you that I will punish you in this place, declares the LORD, so that you may know that My threats of harm against you will surely stand.
30 Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, ‘Zan bayar da Fir’auna Hofra sarkin Masar ga abokan gābansa waɗanda suke neman ransa, kamar yadda na ba da Zedekiya sarkin Yahuda ga Nebukadnezzar sarkin Babilon, abokin gāban da ya nemi ransa.’”
This is what the LORD says: Behold, I will deliver Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt into the hands of his enemies who seek his life, just as I delivered Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the enemy who was seeking his life.”

< Irmiya 44 >