< Irmiya 30 >
1 Ga maganar da ta zo wa Irmiya daga Ubangiji.
The word that came to Jeremiah from Yahweh, saying,
2 “Ga abin da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, yana cewa, ‘Ka rubuta a cikin littafi dukan maganganun da na yi maka.
“This is what Yahweh, God of Israel, says, 'Write in a scroll all the words that I have spoken to you.
3 Kwanaki suna zuwa,’ in ji Ubangiji, ‘sa’ad da zan komo da mutanena Isra’ila da Yahuda daga bauta in kuma maido da su ga ƙasar da na ba wa kakanninsu mallaka,’ in ji Ubangiji.”
For look, days are coming—this is Yahweh's declaration—when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah. I, Yahweh, have said it. For I will bring them back to the land that I gave their ancestors, and they will possess it.'”
4 Ga kalmomin Ubangiji da ya yi game da Isra’ila da Yahuda,
These are the words that Yahweh declared concerning Israel and Judah,
5 “Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “‘Ana jin kukan tsoro, razana, ba salama ba.
“For Yahweh says this, 'We have heard a trembling voice of dread and not of peace.
6 Ku tambaya ku ji. Namiji zai iya haifi’ya’ya? To, me ya sa kuke ganin kowane mai ƙarfi da hannuwansa a kwankwaso kamar mace mai naƙuda, kowace fuska ta koma fari?
Ask and see if a man bears a child. Why do I see every young man with his hand on his loins like a woman bearing a child? Why have all their faces become pale?
7 Kaito, gama wannan rana za tă zama mai girma! Babu kamar ta. Zai zama lokacin wahala wa Yaƙub, amma za a cece shi daga cikinta.
Woe! For that day will be great, with none like it. It will be a time of anxiety for Jacob, but he will be rescued from it.
8 “‘A wannan rana,’ in ji Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, ‘Zan karya karkiya daga wuyansu zan kuma cire musu kangi; baƙi ba za su ƙara bautar da su ba.
For it will be in that day—this is the declaration of Yahweh of hosts—that I will break the yoke off your neck, and I will shatter your chains, so foreigners will no longer enslave you.
9 A maimakon haka, za su bauta wa Ubangiji Allahnsu Dawuda sarkinsu kuwa, wanda na tayar musu.
But they will worship Yahweh their God and serve David their king, whom I will make king over them.
10 “‘Saboda haka kada ka ji tsoro, ya Yaƙub bawana; kada ka karai, ya Isra’ila,’ in ji Ubangiji. ‘Tabbatacce zan cece ka daga wuri mai nesa, zuriyarka daga ƙasar zaman bautansu. Yaƙub zai sami salama da zaman lafiya, kuma ba wanda zai sa ya ji tsoro.
So you, my servant Jacob, do not fear—this is Yahweh's declaration—and do not be dismayed, Israel. For see, I am about to bring you back from far away, and your descendants from the land of captivity. Jacob will return and be at peace; he will be secure, and there will be no more terror.
11 Ina tare da kai zan kuma cece ka,’ in ji Ubangiji. ‘Ko da yake na hallakar da dukan al’umma gaba ɗaya a inda na warwatsa ku, ba zan hallaka ku gaba ɗaya ba. Zan hore ku amma da adalci kaɗai; ba zan ƙyale ku ku tafi gaba ɗaya ba hukunci ba.’
For I am with you—this is Yahweh's declaration—to save you. Then I will bring a complete end to all the nations where I have scattered you. But I will certainly not put an end to you, though I discipline you justly and will certainly not leave you unpunished.'
12 “Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “‘Mikinku marar warkewa ne, raunin da kuka ji ya sha ƙarfin warkarwa.
For Yahweh says this, 'Your injury is incurable; your wound is infected.
13 Babu wanda zai yi roƙo saboda damuwarku, ba magani domin mikinku babu warkarwa dominku.
There is no one to plead your case; there is no remedy for your wound to heal you.
14 Dukan abokanku sun manta da ku; ba su ƙara kulawa da ku. Na buge ku kamar yadda abokin gāba zai yi na kuma hukunta ku yadda mai mugunta zai yi, domin laifinku da girma yake zunubanku kuma da yawa suke.
All of your lovers have forgotten you. They will not look for you, for I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy and the discipline of a cruel master because of your many iniquities and your innumerable sins.
15 Me ya sa kuke kuka a kan mikinku, wahalarku da ba ta da magani? Domin laifinku da girma yake da kuma zunubanku masu yawa na yi muku waɗannan abubuwa.
Why do you call for help for your injury? Your pain is incurable. Because of your many iniquities, your innumerable sins, I have done these things to you.
16 “‘Amma duk wanda ya cinye ku za a cinye shi; dukan abokan gābanku za su tafi zaman bauta. Waɗanda suka washe ku su ma za a washe su; dukan waɗanda suka mai da ku ganima su ma zan mai da su ganima.
So everyone who consumes you will be consumed, and all of your adversaries will go into captivity. For the ones who have plundered you will become plunder, and I will make all of the ones despoiling you a spoil.
17 Amma zan mayar muku da lafiya in kuma warkar da mikinku,’ in ji Ubangiji, ‘domin ana ce da ku yasassu, Sihiyona wadda ba wanda ya kula da ita.’
For I will bring healing on you; I will heal you of your wounds—this is Yahweh's declaration— I will do this because they called you: Outcast. No one cares for this Zion.'”
18 “Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “‘Zan mayar da wadatar tentin Yaƙub in kuma ji tausayin wuraren zamansa; za a sāke gina birnin a kufansa, fadar kuwa za tă tsaya a wurin da ya dace da ita.
Yahweh says this, “See, I am about to bring back the fortunes of Jacob's tents and have compassion on his homes. Then a city will be built on the heap of ruins, and a stronghold will exist again where it used to be.
19 Daga gare su waƙoƙi za su fito na godiya da kuma sowa ta farin ciki. Zan riɓaɓɓanya su, ba za su kuwa ragu ba; zan kawo musu ɗaukaka, ba kuwa za a ƙasƙanta su ba.
Then a song of praise and a sound of merriment will go out from them, for I will increase them and not diminish them; I will honor them so they will not be humbled.
20 ’Ya’yansu za su kasance kamar a kwanakin dā jama’arsu kuma za su kahu a gabana; zan hukunta duk wanda ya zalunce su.
Then their people will be like before, and their assembly will be established before me when I punish all the ones who are now tormenting them.
21 Shugabansu zai zama ɗaya daga cikinsu; mai mulkinsu zai taso daga cikinsu. Zan kawo shi kusa zai kuma zo kusa da ni, gama wane ne zai miƙa kansa don yă yi kusa da ni?’ In ji Ubangiji.
Their leader will come from among them. He will emerge from their midst when I draw him near and when he approaches me. If I do not do this, who would dare come close to me?—this is Yahweh's declaration.
22 ‘Saboda haka za ku zama mutanena, ni kuwa in zama Allahnku.’”
Then you will be my people, and I will be your God.
23 Ga shi, hadarin Ubangiji zai fasu cikin hasala, iskar guguwa mai hurawa a kan kawunan mugaye.
See, the tempest of Yahweh, his fury, has gone out. It is a continual tempest. It will whirl on the heads of the wicked people.
24 Fushi mai zafi na Ubangiji ba zai kawu ba sai ya cika manufofin zuciyarsa gaba ɗaya. A kwanaki masu zuwa za ku gane wannan.
Yahweh's wrath will not return until it has carried out and brought into being his heart's intentions. In the final days, you will understand it.”