< Ishaya 59 >

1 Tabbatacce hannun Ubangiji bai kāsa yin ceto ba, kunnensa kuma bai kurmance da zai kāsa ji ba.
Listen to this! Yahweh’s power [MTY] is not ended/gone, with the result that he cannot save [you]. He has not become deaf [MTY], with the result that he cannot hear [you when you call to him for help].
2 Amma laifofinku sun raba ku da Allahnku; zunubanku sun ɓoye fuskarsa daga gare ku, saboda kada yă ji.
But, you have separated yourselves from your God by the sins that you have committed. Because of your sins, he has turned away from you, with the result that he does not pay attention to what you request him to do.
3 Gama hannuwanku sun ƙazantu da jini, yatsotsinku kuma da alhaki. Leɓunanku suna faɗin ƙarairayi, harshenku kuma yana raɗar mugayen abubuwa.
You do violent things [MTY] [to others], with the result that your hands are stained with their blood. You [constantly] tell [MTY] lies, and you say [MTY] evil things [about others].
4 Babu wani mai ce a yi adalci; babu wani mai nema a dubi al’amarinsa da mutunci. Sun dogara a gardandamin banza suna ƙarairayi; suna ɗaukar cikin ɓarna, su haifi mugunta.
When you accuse someone in court, what you say is not fair and it is not true. You accuse people falsely. You are [constantly] planning to cause trouble for others, and then you do those evil things that you planned.
5 Suna ƙyanƙyashe ƙwan kāsā su kuma saƙa yanar gizo-gizo. Duk wanda ya ci ƙwansu zai mutu, kuma sa’ad da ƙwan ya fashe, zai ƙyanƙyashe kububuwa.
What you plan to do to harm people [MET] is as dangerous as the eggs of a (cobra/poisonous snake), because cobras will hatch from those eggs. You trap people like [MET] spiders trap/catch insects in their webs.
6 Yanar gizo-gizonsu ba amfani don tufa; ba za su iya rufuwa da abin da suka yi ba. Ayyukansu mugaye ne, ayyukan tā da hargitsi kuma suna a hannuwansu.
We people cannot hide/cover our skin with clothes made of spider webs [MET], and similarly you cannot hide the evil things that you have done. You are [constantly] acting [MTY] violently.
7 Ƙafafunsu sukan gaggauta zuwa aikata zunubi; suna da saurin zub da jini. Tunaninsu mugaye ne; lalaci da hallaka sun shata hanyoyinsu.
You [SYN] are very quick to go and do evil things, and you hurry to murder people [MTY] who are innocent. You are [continually] thinking about sinning. Wherever you go, you destroy things and cause people to suffer.
8 Ba su san hanyar salama ba; babu adalci a hanyoyinsu. Sun mai da su karkatattun hanyoyi; babu wanda zai yi tafiya a kansu ya sami salama.
You do not know how to act peacefully or to treat others fairly. You always are (dishonest/deceiving others) [MET], and those who imitate your behavior never have any inner peace.
9 Saboda haka gaskiya ta yi nisa da mu, adalci kuma ba ya kaiwa gare mu. Muna neman haske, sai ga duhu; muna neman haske, sai muka yi ta tafiya cikin baƙin inuwa.
Because of that, God does not rescue us [from our enemies]; [it seems that] he is not acting fairly/righteously toward us. We expect [God to give us] light, but all [he gives us] is darkness [DOU].
10 Kamar makafi, sai lallubar bango muke yi, muna lallubawar hanyarmu kamar marasa idanu. Da tsakar rana muna tuntuɓe sai ka ce wuri ya fara duhu; cikin ƙarfafa, mun zama kamar matattu.
We are like [SIM] blind people who have to feel along a wall to be able to walk anywhere. We stumble [and trip] at noontime like [SIM] we would when it is dark. We are like [SIM] dead people who are among healthy people.
11 Muna gurnani kamar beyar; muna ta ƙugi kamar kurciyoyi. Muna ta neman adalci amma ina; mun nemi fansa, amma yana can da nisa.
We growl like [SIM] [hungry] bears; we continually moan like [SIM] doves. We seek [people who do] what is just/fair, but we cannot find any [anywhere]. [We want God] to rescue us, but [it seems that] he is far away.
12 Gama laifofinmu suna da yawa a gabanka, zunubanmu kuma suna ba da shaida gāba da mu. Laifofinmu kullum suna a gabanmu, muna kuma sane da laifofinmu,
[But these things are happening] because [it is as though] our sins are piled high in the presence of God, and that they testify [PRS] against us. We cannot deny it; we know that we have done many wrong things.
13 tawaye da mūsun Ubangiji, mun juye bayanmu ga Allahnmu, zugawa a yi zalunci da tayarwa, faɗin ƙarairayi da zukatanmu suka shirya.
[We know that] we have rebelled against Yahweh; we have turned away from him. We (oppress people/treat people cruelly) by what we testify [against them]; we do not allow them to get what they have a right to get. We [SYN] think about the lies that we can tell, and then we tell them.
14 Saboda haka aka kau da yin gaskiya adalci kuma ya tsaya can da nesa; gaskiya ta yi tuntuɓe a tituna, sahihanci ba zai shiga ba.
[In our courts, the judges] do not decide cases/matters fairly; no one is acting righteously. In plazas where people gather together, no one tells the truth [PRS]; [it seems that people] are not allowed to say what is true.
15 Gaskiya ta ɓace gaba ɗaya, kuma duk wanda ya guji mugunta zai zama ganima. Ubangiji ya duba bai kuwa ji daɗi cewa babu adalci ba.
No one tells the truth, and people try to ruin [the reputations of] those who quit doing evil. Yahweh looked around, and he saw that no one was doing what is just/fair, and he was [very] displeased.
16 Ya ga cewa babu wani, ya yi mamaki cewa babu wanda zai shiga tsakani; saboda haka hannunsa ya aikata masa ceto, adalcinsa kuma ya raya shi.
He was disgusted when he saw that no one tried to help [those who were being treated cruelly]. So he used his own power [MTY] to rescue them; it is because he is always righteous that he did that [PRS].
17 Ya yafa sulke a matsayin rigar ƙirji, da hulan kwanon ceto a kansa; ya sa rigunan ɗaukar fansa ya kuma nannaɗe kansa da kishi kamar a cikin alkyabba.
[It is as though he is a soldier who] [MET] puts on his armor and a helmet; his continually doing what is right is like [MET] his armor, and his ability to rescue people is [like] his helmet. His being extremely angry and his being ready to get revenge [on those who do evil] are like [MET] his robes.
18 Bisa ga abin da suka yi, haka za a sāka fushi a kan abokan gābansa ramuwa kuma a kan maƙiyansa; zai sāka wa tsibirai abin da ya dace da su.
He will repay his enemies for the evil things that they have done. He will severely punish [MTY] even those who live far [from Jerusalem].
19 Daga yamma, mutane za su ji tsoron Ubangiji, daga mafitar rana kuma, za su girmama ɗaukakarsa. Gama zai zo kamar rigyawa mai tsananin gudu cewa numfashin Ubangiji zai tafi tare da shi.
When that happens, people everywhere, from the east to the west, will respect and honor Yahweh [MTY], because he will come like [SIM] a rushing river that is pushed along by the strong wind that Yahweh sent.
20 “Mai fansa zai zo Sihiyona, zuwa waɗanda suke cikin Yaƙub da suka tuba daga zunubansu,” in ji Ubangiji.
And Yahweh says that he will come to Jerusalem to free [his people]; he will come to rescue those in Judah who have quit (doing sinful things/their sinful behavior).
21 “Game da ni dai, ga alkawarina da su,” in ji Ubangiji. “Ruhuna, wanda yake a kanka, da kuma maganata da na sa a bakinka ba za tă rabu da bakinka ba, ko daga bakunan’ya’yanka ba, ko kuwa daga bakunan zuriyarsu ba daga wannan lokaci zuwa gaba da kuma har abada,” in ji Ubangiji.
This is what Yahweh says to his people: “This is the agreement that I will make with you: My Spirit will not leave you, and you will always have my message. You will [be able to] declare it [MTY], and your children and grandchildren will [be able to] declare it forever.”

< Ishaya 59 >