< Ishaya 58 >

1 “Ku yi ihu da ƙarfi, ba ƙaƙƙautawa. Ku tā da muryarku kamar busar ƙaho. Ku furta wa mutanena tawayensu da kuma ga gidan Yaƙub zunubansu.
Cry aloud, spare not, Lift up thy voice like a trumpet, And show my people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins!
2 Gama kowace rana suna nemana; suna marmarin sanin hanyoyina, sai ka ce al’ummar da take yin abin da yake daidai ba ta kuma yashe umarnan Allahnta ba. Sun nemi shawarwaran da suke daidai daga gare ni suna kuma marmari Allah ya zo kusa da su.
Yet they seek me daily, And desire to know my ways, As a nation that hath done righteousness, And hath not forsaken the ordinances of their God; They inquire of me concerning the judgments which bring salvation; They long for the coming of God.
3 Suna cewa, ‘Don me muka yi azumi, ba ka kuma gani ba? Me ya sa muka ƙasƙantar da kanmu, ba ka kuma lura da wannan ba?’ “Duk da haka a ranar azuminku, kuna yi yadda kuka ga dama kuna kuma zaluntar dukan ma’aikata.
“Wherefore do we fast, and thou seest not? Wherefore do we afflict our souls, and thou dost not regard it?” Behold, in the day of your fasts ye pursue your pleasure, And exact all your labors.
4 Azuminku yakan ƙare a faɗa da kuma hargitsi, kuna ta naushin juna da mugayen naushe-naushe. Ba za ku iya azumi kamar yadda kuke yi a yau ku zaci za a ji muryarku can sama.
Behold, ye fast in strife and contention, And smiting with the fist of wickedness. Ye do not fast now So that your voice shall be heard on high.
5 Irin azumin da na zaɓa ke nan, rana guda kawai don mutum ya ƙasƙantar da kansa? Sunkuyar da kanku kamar iwa kawai kuna kuma kwance a tsummoki da toka? Abin da kuke kira azumi ke nan rana yardajje ga Ubangiji?
Is this the fast that I approve, A day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it that he should bow down his head like a bulrush, And lie down in sackcloth and ashes? Wilt thou call this a fast, And a day acceptable to Jehovah?
6 “Irin azumin da na zaɓa shi ne, a kunce sarƙoƙin rashin adalci a kuma kunce igiyoyin karkiya, a’yantar da waɗanda ake zalunta a kuma kakkarye kowace karkiya?
Is not this the fast that I approve, —To loose the bands of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And to break in pieces every yoke?
7 Ba shi ne ku rarraba abincinku da mayunwata ku kuma tanada wa matalauta masu yawo mahalli, sa’ad da kuka ga wanda yake tsirara, ku yi masa sutura, kada kuma ku ba wa namanku da jininku baya?
Is it not to break thy bread to the hungry, And to bring the poor, that are cast out, to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou clothe him, And that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
8 Sa’an nan haskenku zai keto kamar ketowar alfijir, warkarwarku kuma zai bayyana nan da nan; sa’an nan adalcinku zai tafi a gabanku, ɗaukakar Ubangiji kuma zai tsare ku daga baya.
Then shall thy light break forth like the morning, And thy health shall spring forth speedily; Thy salvation shall go before thee, And the glory of Jehovah shall bring up thy rear.
9 Sa’an nan za ku yi kira, Ubangiji kuma zai amsa; za ku yi kuka don neman taimako, zai kuwa ce ga ni nan. “In kuka kawar da karkiyar zalunci, kuka daina nuna wa juna yatsa da kuma faɗar mugayen maganganu,
Then shalt thou call, and Jehovah will answer; Thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Lo, here I am! If thou remove from the midst of thee the yoke, The pointing of the finger, and the injurious speech.
10 in kuma kuka ɗauki lokaci kuka ƙosar da mayunwata kuka kuma biya bukatun waɗanda suke shan tsanani, sa’an nan ne haskenku zai haskaka cikin duhu darenku kuma zai zama kamar tsakar rana.
If thou bring forth thy bread to the hungry, And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then in obscurity shall light arise to thee; Yea, thy darkness shall become as noonday;
11 Ubangiji zai bishe ku kullum; zai biya muku bukatunku a ƙasa mai zafin rana ya kuma ƙarfafa ƙasusuwanku. Za ku zama kamar lambun da aka yi masa banruwa, kamar rafin da ruwansa ba ya ƙafewa.
Jehovah shall lead thee continually, And satisfy thee in the time of drought, And strengthen thy bones; Thou shalt be like a watered garden, and a spring of water, Whose waters never fail.
12 Mutanenku za su sāke gina kufai na da su kuma daga tsofaffin harsashai; za a ce da ku Masu Gyaran Katangar da ta Rushe, Masu Farfaɗo da Tituna da kuma Wuraren zama.
Thy people shall build the ancient desolations, The ruins of many generations shall they restore; Thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of ways for inhabitants.
13 “In kun kiyaye ƙafafunku daga take Asabbaci da kuma daga aikata abin da kuka gan dama a ranata mai tsarki, in kuka kira Asabbaci ranar murna rana mai tsarki ta Ubangiji kuma mai bangirma, in kuka girmama ta ta wurin ƙin yin abin da kuka gan dama da kuma yin al’amuranku ko yin mugayen maganganu,
If thou restrain thy foot from the sabbath, From doing thy pleasure on my holy day, If thou shalt call the sabbath a delight, The holy day of Jehovah honorable, And shalt honor it by refraining from thy work, From doing thy pleasure, and speaking vain words,
14 sa’an nan za ku yi farin ciki a cikin Ubangiji, zan kuma sa ku a kan maɗaukaka ƙasashe ku kuma yi biki a gādon mahaifinku Yaƙub.” Ni Ubangiji ne na faɗa.
Then shalt thou delight thyself in Jehovah. And I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, And cause thee to enjoy the inheritance of Jacob, thy father; For the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it.

< Ishaya 58 >