< Ishaya 46 >

1 Bel ya rusuna, Nebo ya durƙusa ƙasa; ana ɗaukan gumakansu a kan dabbobi ne. Siffofin da ake yawo da su nawaya ne, kayan nauyi masu gajiyarwa.
[It is as though] Bel and Nebo, the statues of the gods [of Babylonia], are bowing down as those statues are put on animals and carried away! The statues are heavy burdens and will cause the animals to become tired [SAR]!
2 Sun durƙusa suka kuma rusuna tare; ba su iya kuɓutar da nauyin kaya su kansu sukan tafi bauta.
[It seems like] both gods are bowing down; not only can they not save themselves, but they themselves are being (exiled/taken to another country)!
3 “Ku kasa kunne gare ni, ya ku gidan Yaƙub, dukanku waɗanda kuka rage na gidan Isra’ila, ku da na lura da ku tun da aka yi cikinku, na kuma riƙe ku tun haihuwarku.
[Yahweh says], “You descendants of Jacob who were exiled, [I am not like the gods of Babylonia that must be carried]; [instead, it is as though] I have carried you since you first became a nation [MET]. I carried you [even] before you became a nation.
4 Har lokacin da kuka tsufa kuka yi furfura ni ne shi, ni ne shi wanda zai lura da ku. Na yi ku zan kuma riƙe ku; zan lura da ku in kuma kuɓutar da ku.
I will be your God, and I will carry you for many years, until [it is as though] [MET] your nation is an old man with gray hair. I caused [you to become a nation], and I will sustain you and rescue you.
5 “Da wa za ku kwatanta ni ko ku ɗauka daidai da ni? Da wa nake kama da har da za ku kwatanta ni?
There is certainly [RHQ] no one to whom I can be compared. There is [RHQ] no one who is equal to me [DOU].
6 Waɗansu sukan zubar da zinariya daga jaka su kuma auna azurfa a ma’auni; sukan yi haya maƙerin zinariya don yă ƙera allah, su kuma rusuna su yi masa sujada.
[So it is stupid/ridiculous that] some people pour out gold and silver from their bags and weigh it on a scale. [Then] they hire a man who makes things from gold to make an idol from it. [After he makes an idol], they bow down and worship it!
7 Sukan daga shi a kafaɗunsu su kuma ɗauke shi; sukan kafa shi a tsaye a wurinsa, a can kuwa zai tsaya. Daga wannan wuri ba zai iya gusawa ba. Ko da wani ya nemi taimakonsa, ba ya amsawa; ba zai iya cetonsa daga wahala ba.
They lift it up and carry it on their shoulders. They put it in a [special] place, and it stays there. It cannot move! And when someone prays to it, it does not answer. So [obviously] it cannot rescue anyone from his troubles!
8 “Ku tuna da wannan, ku sa shi a zuciya, ku riƙe shi a zuciya, ku’yan tawaye.
[You people of Judah], do not forget this; keep thinking about it, you sinful people!
9 Ku tuna da abubuwan da suka riga suka faru, waɗannan na tun dā; ni ne Allah, kuma babu wani; ni ne Allah kuma babu wani kamar ni.
Think about the things [that I did] long ago. Only I am God; I am God, and there is no one like me.
10 Nakan sanar da ƙarshe tun daga farko, daga fil azal, abin da yake zuwa nan gaba. Na ce nufina zai tabbata, kuma zan aikata dukan abin da na gan dama.
Only I can tell what will happen in the future before it occurs; I tell it long before it happens. I will accomplish everything that I plan to accomplish, and I will do everything that I want to do.
11 Daga gabas na kira tsuntsun da yake farauta; daga can ƙasa mai nesa, wani mutumin da zai cika nufina. Abin da na riga na faɗa, shi zan sa ya faru; abin da na shirya, shi zan aikata.
So I will summon [someone to come] from the east [like a swift and powerful] eagle; he will come from a distant country. He will accomplish what I want him to. [He is the one who] will do what I have said that I want him to do, what I have planned.
12 Ku kasa kunne, ku masu taurinkai, ku da kuke nesa da adalci.
You stubborn people [of Israel], [you think that] it will be a long time before you are allowed to return to your own country.
13 Ina kawo adalcina kusa, ba shi da nisa; kuma cetona ba zai jinkirta ba. Zan yi wa Sihiyona ceto, darajata ga Isra’ila.
But I will rescue you, and it will not be a long time [before that happens]. I will do it soon. I will rescue Jerusalem and show to you Israeli [people] that I am glorious.”

< Ishaya 46 >