< Ishaya 43 >

1 To, fa, ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, shi da ya halicce ka, ya Yaƙub, shi da ya siffanta ka, ya Isra’ila, “Kada ka ji tsoro, gama na fanshe ka; na kira ka da suna; kai nawa ne.
But now, you people of Israel, listen to Yahweh, the one who established your nation. The one who caused you to become a nation [DOU] says this: “Do not be afraid, because I previously rescued you. I enabled you to have a personal relationship with me [MTY], and you belong to me.
2 Sa’ad da kuka bi ta ruwaye, zan kasance tare da ku; sa’ad da kuka bi ta koguna, ba za su kwashe ku ba. Sa’ad da kuke tafiyata cikin wuta, ba za tă ƙone ku ba; harsunan wutar ba za su ƙone ku ba.
When you [experience dangerous situations], and [you feel like] [MET] you are crossing deep rivers, I will be with you. When you have very big troubles/difficulties, you will [LIT] be able to endure them. When [people try to kill you like they tried to kill Daniel’s three friends by] throwing them in a fire, you will not [die, just like Daniel’s three friends were not] burned up,
3 Gama ni ne Ubangiji, Allahnku, Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila, Mai Cetonku; na bayar da Masar don fansa, Kush da Seba a maimakonku.
because I am Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel, the one who rescues you. I will enable [the army of the emperor of Persia] to conquer Egypt instead of conquering you; similarly I will enable them to conquer Ethiopia, and Seba [in Arabia], in order that you can be saved.
4 Da yake ku masu daraja da kuma girma ne a idona, saboda kuma ina ƙaunarku, zan ba da mutane a maimakonku, al’umma kuma domin ranku.
I will cause other countries to be conquered, instead of your country; I will trade them for you, in order that you will not be killed, because you are very precious [DOU] to me and because I love you.
5 Kada ku ji tsoro, gama ina tare da ku; zan kawo yaranku daga gabas in kuma tattara ku daga yamma.
Do not be afraid, because I am with you. [Some day] I will gather your descendants from the east and from the west.
6 Zan ce wa arewa, ‘Ku miƙa su!’ Ga kudu kuma, ‘Kada ku riƙe su.’ Kawo’ya’yana maza daga nesa’ya’yana mata kuma daga iyakar duniya,
I will command the [rulers of the nations to] the north and to the south, ‘Allow all the people of Israel to return [to their country], from the most distant places on the earth.
7 kowa da ake kira da sunana, wanda aka halitta saboda ɗaukakata, wanda na siffanta na kuma yi.”
Allow all those who belong to me [MTY] to return, because I have caused them to become a nation in order that they would honor me; I am the one who has done that [DOU].’
8 Jagoranci waɗanda suke da idanu amma suke makafi, waɗanda suke da kunnuwa amma suke kurame.
Summon the people who have eyes but [it is as though] they are blind; summon those who have ears but [because they do not listen to me, it is as though] they are deaf.
9 Dukan al’ummai su taru mutane kuma su tattaru. Wane ne a cikinsu ya yi faɗar wannan ya kuma yi mana shelar abubuwan da suka riga suka faru? Bari su kawo shaidunsu don su tabbatar cewa sun yi daidai, don waɗansu su ji su kuma ce, “Gaskiya ne.”
Gather people of all nations together, ones from all people-groups, [and ask them this]: ‘Has any of their idols foretold the things that are happening now? And can any of them predict what will happen in the future?’ Then bring people who will testify and say ‘I heard them predict things, and what they predicted was what happened,’ [but they will be lying].”
10 “Ku ne shaiduna,” in ji Ubangiji, “bawana kuma wanda na zaɓa, saboda ka sani ka kuma gaskata ni ka kuma fahimci cewa ni ne shi. Kafin ni babu allahn da aka siffanta, ba kuwa za a yi wani a bayana ba.
But Yahweh says, “You people of Israel (are my witnesses/know what I have done), and you are the ones who serve me. I chose you in order that you would know me, believe in me, and understand that I am the only one who is [truly] God. There is no other [true] God. There was no other [true] God previously, and there will never be another [true] God.
11 Ni kaɗai, ni ne Ubangiji, kuma in ban da ni babu wani mai ceto.
I, [only] I, am Yahweh, and there is no other one who can save you.
12 Na bayyana na ceci na kuma furta, Ni ne, ba wani baƙon allah a cikinku. Ku ne shaiduna,” in ji Ubangiji, “cewa ni ne Allah.
I said that I would rescue [your ancestors], and then I rescued them, and I proclaimed [that I had done it]. No foreign god among you did that! And you are witnesses that only I, Yahweh, am God.
13 I, kuma tun fil azal ni ne shi. Babu wani da zai amshi daga hannuna. Sa’ad da na aikata, wa zai iya sauyawa?”
I am God, the one who has existed forever and who will exist forever; no one can snatch people from my hand, and no one can alter/change what I have done.”
14 Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, Mai Fansarku, Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila, “Saboda ku zan aika Babilon in kawo dukan Babiloniyawa kamar masu gudun hijira, a cikin jiragen ruwa waɗanda suke taƙama da su.
Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, is the one who rescues you; and this is what he says: “For your sake, I will send [an army] to [attack] Babylon. They will force the people of that city to flee in ships which they have been proud of.
15 Ni ne Ubangiji, Mai Tsarkin nan, Mahaliccin Isra’ila, Sarkinku.”
I am Yahweh, your Holy One, the one who caused Israel to become a nation, and the one who is really your king.
16 Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, shi da ya yi hanya ta cikin teku, hanya ta cikin manyan ruwaye,
I am Yahweh, the one who opened a path through the water, making a road through the [Red] Sea.
17 wanda ya ja kekunan yaƙi da dawakai, mayaƙa da kuma ƙarin mayaƙa tare ya kwantar da su a can, ba kuwa za su ƙara tashi ba, ya kashe hayaƙi daga lagwani,
Then I summoned the great army [of Egypt] to come with all their chariots and horses. [But when they tried to pursue my people], I caused the waves to flow over them [and they drowned]; their lives ended [like the light of a candle ends when someone] [MET] snuffs out the wick.
18 “Ku manta da abubuwan da suka riga suka faru; kada ku yi tunanin abin da ya riga ya wuce.
But do not think [only] about what happened in the past, long ago [DOU].
19 Duba, ina yi abu sabo! Yanzu yana faruwa; ba ku gan shi ba? Ina yin hanya a cikin hamada rafuffuka kuma a cikin ƙeƙasasshiyar ƙasa.
Instead, consider the new thing that I am going to do. I have already started to do it; can you see it? I am going to make a road through the desert. And I will cause there to be streams in the wasteland/desert.
20 Namun jeji suna girmama ni, diloli da mujiyoyi ma haka, domin na tanada musu ruwa a hamada da rafuffuka a ƙeƙasasshiyar ƙasa, don a ba da abin sha ga mutanena, zaɓaɓɓuna,
The jackals/wolves and owls and other wild creatures will thank me for giving them water in the desert. I will cause streams to appear in the dry desert in order that my people, the ones whom I have chosen, will have water;
21 mutanen da na yi saboda kaina don su furta yabona.
I will do that for the people whom I have created [and chosen] to belong to me, and [some day] they will cause many others to praise me.
22 “Duk da haka ba ku kira bisa sunana ba, ya Yaƙub, ba ku gajiyar da kanku saboda ni ba, ya Isra’ila.
But now, you descendants of Jacob, you refuse to request my help. It seems that you people of Israel have become tired of worshiping me.
23 Ba ku kawo mini tumaki don hadaya ta ƙonewa ba, balle ku girmama ni da hadayunku. Ban nawaita muku da hadaya ta gari ba balle in gajiyar da ku da bukatar turare.
You have not brought to me sheep or goats for offerings that will be completely burned [on the altar]; you have not honored me by [bringing to me any] sacrifices, even though the offerings of grain and incense [that I asked you] to bring to me were not a burden to you.
24 Ba ku saya wani turaren kalamus domina ba ko ku gamshe ni da kitsen hadayunku. Amma kun nawaita ni da zunubanku kuka kuma gajiyar da ni da laifofinku.
You have bought for me fragrant reeds, and you have brought me the fat from your sacrifices. But these have not pleased me, because you have burdened me by all the sins that you have committed, and made me weary because of all (your iniquities/the wrong things that you have done).
25 “Ni kaɗai ne na shafe laifofinku, saboda sunana, ban kuma ƙara tunawa da zunubanku ba.
I am the one who is able to forgive you for all your sins; I am the only one who can do that, with the result that I will never think about them again.
26 Ku tunashe ni abin da ya riga ya wuce, bari mu yi muhawwara wannan batu tare; ku kawo hujjarku na nuna rashin laifinku.
Tell me what I have done that you do not like. Do you think that when you state your case, you will prove that you (are innocent/have done nothing wrong) [IRO]?
27 Mahaifinku na farko ya yi zunubi; masu magana a madadinku suka yi mini tayarwa.
No, [what has happened is that] the first ancestor of you Israelis sinned [against me], and since then, all your leaders have rebelled against me.
28 Saboda haka zan kunyata manyan baƙi na haikalinku, zan tura Yaƙub ga hallaka Isra’ila kuwa yă zama abin dariya.
That is why I have caused your priests to be disgraced; and I have allowed others to destroy you people of Israel and caused you to be despised.”

< Ishaya 43 >