< Ishaya 42 >
1 “Ga bawana, wanda na ɗaukaka, zaɓaɓɓen nan nawa wanda nake jin daɗi; Zan sa Ruhuna a cikinsa zai kuwa kawo adalci ga al’ummai.
Behold, my seruaunt: I will stay vpon him: mine elect, in whom my soule deliteth: I haue put my Spirit vpon him: he shall bring forth iudgement to the Gentiles.
2 Ba zai yi ihu ko ya tā da murya, ko ya daga muryarsa a tituna ba.
He shall not crie, nor lift vp, nor cause his voice to be heard in the streete.
3 Iwan da ta tanƙware ba zai karye ba, ba zai kashe lagwani mai hayaƙi ba. Cikin aminci zai kawo adalci;
A bruised reede shall hee not breake, and the smoking flaxe shall he not quench: he shall bring foorth iudgement in trueth.
4 ba zai kāsa ko ya karai ba sai ya kafa adalci a duniya. Cikin dokarsa tsibirai za su sa zuciya.”
He shall not faile nor be discouraged till he haue set iudgement in the earth: and the yles shall waite for his lawe.
5 Ga abin da Allah Ubangiji ya ce, shi da ya halicci sammai ya kuma miƙe su, wanda ya shimfiɗa duniya da dukan abin da ya fito cikinta, wanda ya ba wa mutanenta numfashi, da rai ga waɗanda suke tafiya a kanta.
Thus sayeth God the Lord (he that created the heauens and spred them abroad: he that stretched foorth the earth, and the buddes thereof: he that giueth breath vnto the people vpon it, and spirit to them that walke therein)
6 “Ni Ubangiji, na kira ka cikin adalci; zan riƙe hannunka. Zan kiyaye ka in kuma sa ka zama alkawari ga mutane haske kuma ga Al’ummai,
I the Lord haue called thee in righteousnesse, and will hold thine hand, and I will keepe thee, and giue thee for a couenant of the people, and for a light of the Gentiles,
7 don ka buɗe idanun makafi ka’yantar da kamammu daga kurkuku kuma kunce ɗaurarrun kurkuku masu zama cikin duhu.
That thou maist open the eyes of the blind, and bring out the prisoners from the prison: and them that sitte in darkenesse, out of the prison house.
8 “Ni ne Ubangiji; sunana ke nan! Ba zan ba da ɗaukakata ga wani ba ko yabona ga gumaka.
I am the Lord, this is my Name, and my glory wil I not giue to another, neither my praise to grauen images.
9 Duba, abubuwan da sun tabbata, sababbin abubuwa kuwa nake furtawa; kafin ma su soma faruwa na sanar da su gare ku.”
Beholde, the former thinges are come to passe, and newe things doe I declare: before they come foorth, I tell you of them.
10 Ku rera sabuwar waƙa ga Ubangiji, ku yi yabonsa daga iyakar duniya, ku da kuka gangara zuwa teku, da kome da yake cikinsa, ku tsibirai, da waɗanda suke zama a cikinsu.
Sing vnto the Lord a newe song, and his praise from the ende of the earth: yee that goe downe to the sea, and all that is therein: the yles and the inhabitants thereof.
11 Bari hamada da garuruwanta su tā da muryoyinsu; bari wuraren zaman da Kedar ke zama su yi farin ciki. Bari mutanen Sela su rera don farin ciki; bari su yi sowa daga ƙwanƙolin duwatsu.
Let the wildernesse and the cities thereof lift vp their voyce, the townes that Kedar doeth inhabite: let the inhabitants of the rocks sing: let them shoute from the toppe of the mountaines.
12 Bari su ɗaukaka Ubangiji su kuma yi shelar yabonsa a tsibirai.
Let them giue glorie vnto the Lord, and declare his praise in the ylands.
13 Ubangiji zai fita ya yi yaƙi kamar mai ƙarfi, kamar jarumi zai yi himma; da ihu zai tā da kirarin yaƙi zai kuma yi nasara a kan abokan gābansa.
The Lord shall go forth as a gyant: he shall stirre vp his courage like a man of warre: he shall shout and crie, and shall preuaile against his enemies.
14 “Na daɗe ina shiru, na yi shiru na kuma ƙame kaina. Amma yanzu, kamar mace mai naƙuda, na yi ƙara, ina nishi ina kuma haki.
I haue a long time holden my peace: I haue beene still and refrained my selfe: nowe will I crie like a trauailing woman: I will destroy and deuoure at once.
15 Zan lalatar da duwatsu da tuddai in busar da dukan itatuwansu; zan mai da koguna su zama tsibirai in kuma busar da tafkuna.
I will make waste mountaines, and hilles, and drie vp all their herbes, and I will make the floods ylands, and I will drie vp the pooles.
16 Zan yi wa makafi jagora a hanyoyin da ba su taɓa sani ba, a hanyoyin da ba a saba ba zan bishe su; zan mai da duhu ya zama haske a gabansu in kuma mai da ƙasa mai kururrumai ta zama sumul. Abubuwan da zan yi ke nan; ba zan yashe su ba.
And I will bring the blinde by a way, that they knewe not, and lead them by paths that they haue not knowen: I will make darkenesse light before them, and crooked thinges straight. These thinges will I doe vnto them, and not forsake them.
17 Amma waɗanda suka dogara ga gumaka, waɗanda suke ce wa siffofi, ‘Ku ne allolinmu,’ za a mai da su baya da kunya.
They shall be turned backe: they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in grauen images, and say to the molten images, Yee are our gods.
18 “Ka ji, kai kurma; duba, kai makaho, ka kuma gani!
Heare, ye deafe: and ye blinde, regarde, that ye may see.
19 Wane ne makaho in ba bawana ba, da kuma kurma in ba ɗan aikan da na aika ba? Wane ne makaho kamar wanda ya miƙa kai gare ni, makaho kamar bawan Ubangiji?
Who is blinde but my seruaunt? or deafe as my messenger, that I sent? who is blind as the perfit, and blinde as the Lordes seruant?
20 Kun ga abubuwa masu yawa, amma ba ku kula ba; kunnuwanku suna a buɗe, amma ba kwa jin wani abu.”
Seeing many things, but thou keepest them not? opening the eares, but he heareth not?
21 Yakan gamsar da Ubangiji saboda adalcinsa ya sa dokarsa ta zama mai girma da kuma mai ɗaukaka.
The Lord is willing for his righteousnesse sake that he may magnifie the Lawe, and exalt it.
22 Amma ga mutanen da aka washe aka kuma kwashe ganima, an yi wa dukansu tarko a cikin rammuka ko kuma an ɓoye su cikin kurkuku. Sun zama ganima, babu wani da zai kuɓutar da su; an mai da su ganima, ba wanda zai ce, “Mayar da su.”
But this people is robbed and spoiled, and shalbe all snared in dungeons, and they shalbe hid in prison houses: they shall be for a pray, and none shall deliuer: a spoile, and none shall say, Restore.
23 Wane ne a cikinku zai saurari wannan ko ya kasa kunne sosai a cikin kwanaki masu zuwa?
Who among you shall hearken to this, and take heede, and heare for afterwardes?
24 Wa ya ba da Yaƙub don yă zama ganima Isra’ila kuma ga masu kwasar ganima? Ba Ubangiji ba ne, wanda kuka yi wa zunubi? Gama ba su bi hanyoyinsa ba; ba su yi biyayya da dokarsa ba.
Who gaue Iaakob for a spoyle, and Israel to the robbers? Did not ye Lord, because we haue sinned against him? for they woulde not walke in his waies, neither be obedient vnto his Lawe.
25 Saboda haka ya zuba musu zafin fushinsa, yaƙi mai tsanani. Ya rufe su cikin harsunan wuta, duk da haka ba su gane ba; ya cinye su, amma ba su koyi kome ba.
Therefore hee hath powred vpon him his fierce wrath, and the strength of battell: and it set him on fire round about, and he knewe not, and it burned him vp, yet he considered not.