< Ishaya 38 >
1 A kwanakin nan sai Hezekiya ya kamu da ciwo ya kuma kusa ya mutu. Annabi Ishaya ɗan Amoz ya tafi wurinsa ya kuma ce, “Ga abin da Ubangiji ya ce ka shirya gidanka, domin za ka mutu; ba za ka warke ba.”
About that time was Hezekiah sicke vnto the death, and the Prophet Isaiah sonne of Amoz came vnto him, and sayd vnto him, Thus sayth the Lord, Put thine house in an order, for thou shalt dye, and not liue.
2 Hezekiya ya juye fuskarsa wajen bango ya kuma yi addu’a ga Ubangiji,
Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall, and prayed to the Lord,
3 “Ka tuna, ya Ubangiji, yadda na yi tafiya a gabanka da aminci da dukan zuciya na kuma yi abin da yake nagari a idanunka.” Sai Hezekiya ya yi kuka mai zafi.
And saide, I beseeche thee, Lord, remember nowe howe I haue walked before thee in trueth, and with a perfite heart, and haue done that which is good in thy sight: and Hezekiah wept sore.
4 Sai maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Ishaya cewa,
Then came the worde of the Lord to Isaiah, saying,
5 “Ka tafi ka faɗa wa Hezekiya, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji Allah na kakanka Dawuda, ya ce na ji addu’arka na kuma ga hawayenka; zan ƙara maka shekaru goma sha biyar ga rayuwarka.
Goe, and say vnto Hezekiah, Thus saith the Lord God of Dauid thy father, I haue heard thy prayer, and seene thy teares: behold, I will adde vnto thy dayes fifteene yeeres.
6 Zan kuwa cece ka da wannan birni daga hannun sarkin Assuriya. Zan kiyaye wannan birni.
And I will deliuer thee out of the hand of the King of Asshur, and this citie: for I will defende this citie.
7 “‘Ga alamar Ubangiji gare ka cewa Ubangiji zai aikata kamar yadda ya yi alkawari.
And this signe shalt thou haue of ye Lord, that ye Lord will do this thing that he hath spoken,
8 Zan sa inuwar da rana ta yi a kan matakalar Ahaz ta koma baya da taki goma.’” Saboda haka inuwar ta koma da baya daga fuskar rana har taki goma.
Beholde, I will bring againe the shadowe of the degrees (whereby it is gone downe in the diall of Ahaz by the sunne) ten degrees backeward: so the sunne returned by tenne degrees, by the which degrees it was gone downe.
9 Rubutun Hezekiya sarkin Yahuda bayan ciwonsa da kuma warkarwarsa.
The writing of Hezekiah King of Iudah, when he had bene sicke, and was recouered of his sickenesse.
10 Na ce, “Cikin tsakiyar rayuwata dole in bi ta ƙofofin mutuwa a kuma raba ni da sauran shekaruna?” (Sheol )
I saide in the cutting off of my dayes, I shall goe to the gates of the graue: I am depriued of the residue of my yeeres. (Sheol )
11 Na ce, “Ba zan ƙara ganin Ubangiji ba, Ubangiji a ƙasa ta masu rai; ba zan ƙara ga wani mutum, ko in kasance tare da waɗanda suke zama a wannan duniya ba.
I said, I shall not see the Lord, euen the Lord in the land of the liuing: I shall see man no more among the inhabitants of the world.
12 Kamar tentin makiyayi an rushe gidana aka kuma ƙwace ta daga gare ni. Kamar mai saƙa, na nannaɗe rayuwata, ya kuma yanke ni daga sandar saƙa; dare da rana ka kawo ni ga ƙarshe.
Mine habitation is departed, and is remoued from me, like a shepheards tent: I haue cut off like a weauer my life: he will cut me off from the height: from day to night, thou wilt make an ende of me.
13 Na yi jira da haƙuri har safiya, amma kamar zaki ya kakkarya ƙasusuwana duka; dare da rana ka kawo ni ga ƙarshe.
I rekoned to the morning: but he brake all my bones, like a lion: from day to night wilt thou make an ende of me.
14 Na yi kuka kamar mashirare ko zalɓe, na yi kuka kamar kurciya mai makoki. Idanuna suka rasa ƙarfi yayinda na duba sammai. Na damu; Ya Ubangiji, ka taimake ni!”
Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourne as a doue: mine eies were lift vp on high: O Lord, it hath oppressed me, comfort me.
15 Amma me zan ce? Ya riga ya yi mini magana, shi kansa ne kuma ya aikata. Zan yi tafiya da tawali’u dukan kwanakina saboda wahalar raina.
What shall I say? for he hath said it to me, and he hath done it: I shall walke weakely all my yeeres in the bitternesse of my soule.
16 Ubangiji, ta waɗannan abubuwa ne mutane suke rayuwa; ruhuna kuma yana samun rai a cikinsu shi ma. Ka maido mini da lafiya ka kuma sa na rayu.
O Lord, to them that ouerliue them, and to all that are in them, the life of my spirite shalbe knowen, that thou causedst me to sleepe and hast giuen life to me.
17 Tabbatacce wannan kuwa saboda ribata ne cewa in sha irin wahalan nan. Cikin ƙaunarka ka kiyaye ni daga ramin hallaka; ka sa dukan zunubaina a bayanka.
Beholde, for felicitie I had bitter griefe, but it was thy pleasure to deliuer my soule from the pit of corruption: for thou hast cast all my sinnes behinde thy backe.
18 Gama kabari ba zai yabe ka ba, matattu ba za su rera yabonka ba; waɗanda suka gangara zuwa rami ba za su sa zuciya ga amincinka ba. (Sheol )
For the graue cannot confesse thee: death cannot praise thee: they that goe downe into the pit, cannot hope for thy trueth. (Sheol )
19 Masu rai, masu rai, su suke yabonka, kamar yadda nake yi a yau; iyaye za su faɗa wa’ya’yansu game da amincinka.
But the liuing, the liuing, he shall confesse thee, as I doe this day: the father to the children shall declare thy trueth.
20 Ubangiji zai cece ni, za mu kuma rera da kayan kiɗi masu tsirkiya dukan kwanakinmu a cikin haikalin Ubangiji.
The Lord was ready to saue me: therefore we will sing my song, all the dayes of our life in the House of the Lord.
21 Ishaya ya riga ya ce, “Ku shirya curin da aka yi da’ya’yan ɓaure ku kuma shafa a marurun, zai kuwa warke.”
Then said Isaiah, Take a lumpe of drye figs and lay it vpon the boyle, and he shall recouer.
22 Hezekiya ya riga ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Me zai zama alama ta cewa zan haura zuwa haikalin Ubangiji?”
Also Hezekiah had said, What is ye signe, that I shall goe vp into the House of the Lord?