< Ishaya 37 >

1 Sa’ad da Sarki Hezekiya ya ji haka, sai ya kyakkece rigunansa ya kuma sanya tsummoki ya tafi ya shiga haikalin Ubangiji.
And when the King Hezekiah heard it, he rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth and came into the House of the Lord.
2 Ya aiki Eliyakim sarkin fada, Shebna magatakarda da kuma manyan firistoci, duka sanye da tsummoki, wurin Ishaya ɗan Amoz.
And he sent Eliakim the stewarde of the house, aud Shebna the chanceller, with the Elders of the Priestes, clothed in sackcloth vnto Isaiah the Prophet, the sonne of Amoz.
3 Suka faɗa masa cewa, “Ga abin da Hezekiya ya ce wannan rana ce ta baƙin ciki da tsawatawa da shan kunya, sai ka ce sa’ad da’ya’ya kan zo matakin haihuwa sa’an nan a rasa ƙarfin haihuwarsu.
And they sayd vnto him, Thus saith Hezekiah, This day is a day of tribulation and of rebuke and blasphemie: for the children are come to the birth, and there is no strength to bring foorth.
4 Mai yiwuwa Ubangiji Allahnka zai ji maganganun sarkin yaƙin da maigidansa, sarkin Assuriya, ya aika don yă zagi Allah mai rai, ya kuma tsawata masa saboda maganganun da Ubangiji Allahnka ya ji. Saboda haka ka yi addu’a saboda raguwar da suke da rai.”
If so be the Lord thy God hath heard the wordes of Rabshakeh, whom the King of Asshur his master hath sent to raile on the liuing God, and to reproch him with wordes which the Lord thy God hath heard, then lift thou vp thy prayer for the remnant that are left.
5 Sa’ad da shugabannin Sarki Hezekiya suka zo wurin Ishaya,
So the seruants of the King Hezekiah came to Isaiah.
6 sai Ishaya ya ce musu, “Ku faɗa wa maigidanku cewa, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji ya faɗa. Kada ka ji tsoron abin da ka ji, maganganun nan da bayin sarkin Assuriya suka yi mini saɓo.
And Isaiah sayde vnto them, Thus say vnto your master, Thus saith the Lord, Be not afrayd of the wordes that thou hast heard, wherewith the seruants of the king of Asshur haue blasphemed me.
7 Ka saurara! Zan sa ruhuna a cikinsa saboda sa’ad da ya ji wani labari, zai koma zuwa ƙasarsa, a can kuwa zan sa a kashe shi da takobi.’”
Beholde, I wil send a blast vpon him, and he shall heare a noyse, and returne to his owne land, and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his owne land.
8 Sa’ad da sarkin yaƙin ya ji cewa sarkin Assuriya ya bar Lakish, sai ya janye ya kuma sami sarki yana yaƙi da Libna.
So Rabshakeh returned, and found the King of Asshur fighting against Libnah: for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish.
9 To, fa, Sennakerib ya sami labari cewa Tirhaka, mutumin Kush sarkin Masar, yana fitowa don yă yi yaƙi da shi. Sa’ad da ya ji haka, sai ya aiki jakadu zuwa wurin Hezekiya da wannan magana.
He heard also men say of Tirhakah, King of Ethiopia, Beholde, he is come out to fight against thee: and when he heard it, he sent other messengers to Hezekiah, saying,
10 “Ku faɗa wa Hezekiya sarkin Yahuda cewa kada ka bar allahn da ka dogara a kai ya ruɗe ka sa’ad da ya ce, ‘Ba za a ba da Urushalima ga sarkin Assuriya ba.’
Thus shall ye speake to Hezekiah King of Iudah, saying, Let not thy God deceiue thee, in whom thou trustest, saying, Ierusalem shall not be giuen into the hand of the King of Asshur.
11 Tabbatacce ka ji abin da sarakunan Assuriya suka aikata ga dukan ƙasashe, suna hallaka su tas. Kai kuwa za ka tsira ne?
Beholde, thou hast heard what the Kings of Asshur haue done to all lands in destroying them, and shalt thou be deliuered?
12 Allolin al’umman da kakannina suka hallaka sun cece su ne, allolin Gozan, Haran, Rezef da kuma na mutanen Eden waɗanda suke zama a Tel Assar?
Haue the gods of the nations deliuered them, which my fathers haue destroyed? as Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden, which were at Telassar?
13 Ina sarkin Hamat yake, sarkin Arfad fa, sarkin Sefarfayim, ko na Hena ko na Iffa?”
Where is the King of Hamath, and the King of Arpad, and the King of the citie of Sepharuaim, Hena and Iuah?
14 Hezekiya ya karɓi wasiƙar daga jakadun ya karanta ta. Sa’an nan ya haura zuwa haikalin Ubangiji ya shimfiɗa ta a gaban Ubangiji.
So Hezekiah receiued the letter of the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went vp into the House of the Lord, and Hezekiah spread it before the Lord.
15 Sai Hezekiya ya yi addu’a ga Ubangiji ya ce,
And Hezekiah prayed vnto the Lord, saying,
16 “Ya Ubangiji Allah Maɗaukaki, Allah na Isra’ila, zaune a tsakanin kerubobi, kai kaɗai ne Allah a kan dukan masarautan duniya.
O Lord of hostes, God of Israel, which dwellest betweene the Cherubims, thou art very God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth: thou hast made the heauen and the earth.
17 Ka kasa kunne, ya Ubangiji, ka kuma ji; ka buɗe idanunka, ya Ubangiji, ka kuma gani; ka saurara ga dukan maganganun da Sennakerib ya aika don yă zagi Allah mai rai.
Encline thine eare, O Lord, and heare: open thine eyes, O Lord, and see, and heare all the wordes of Saneherib, who hath sent to blaspheme the liuing God.
18 “Gaskiya ce, ya Ubangiji, cewa sarakunan Assuriyawa sun mai da dukan waɗannan mutane da ƙasashensu kango.
Trueth it is, O Lord, that the Kings of Asshur haue destroyed all lands, and their countrey,
19 Sun jefar da gumakansu cikin wuta suka kuma hallaka su, gama su ba alloli ba ne itace ne kawai da dutse, da hannuwan mutane suka sarrafa.
And haue cast their gods in ye fire: for they were no gods, but the worke of mans hands, euen wood or stone: therefore they destroyed them.
20 Yanzu, ya Ubangiji Allahnmu, ka cece mu daga hannunsa, saboda masarautai a duniya su san cewa kai kaɗai ne, ya Ubangiji, Allah.”
Nowe therefore, O Lord our God, saue thou vs out of his hand, that all the kingdomes of the earth may knowe, that thou onely art the Lord.
21 Sa’an nan Ishaya ɗan Amoz ya aika da saƙo wa Hezekiya cewa, “Ga abin da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, ya faɗa. Saboda ka yi addu’a gare ni game da Sennakerib sarkin Assuriya,
Then Isaiah the sonne of Amoz sent vnto Hezekiah, saying, Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, Because thou hast prayed vnto me, concerning Saneherib king of Asshur,
22 ga abin da maganar Ubangiji ya faɗa a kansa, “Budurwa Diyar Sihiyona ta rena tana kuma maka ba’a. Diyar Urushalima tana kada kai yayinda kake gudu.
This is the worde that the Lord hath spoken against him, the virgine, the daughter of Zion, hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorne: the daughter of Ierusalem, hath shaken her head at thee.
23 Wane ne ka zargi ka kuma yi wa saɓo? A kan wa ka tā da muryarka ka kuma daga idanu cikin fariya? A kan Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila!
Whome hast thou railed on and blasphemed? and against whome hast thou exalted thy voyce, and lifted vp thine eyes on hie? euen against the holy one of Israel.
24 Ta wurin jakadunka ka jibge zage-zage a kan Ubangiji. Ka kuma ce, ‘Da kekunan yaƙina masu yawa na hau ƙwanƙolin duwatsu, ƙwanƙolin mafi tsayi na Lebanon. Na sassare al’ul mafi tsayi fir mafi kyau. Na kai can wuri mafi nisa na kurminsa.
By thy seruants hast thou railed on the Lord, and sayd, By the multitude of my charets I am come vp to the top of the mountaines to the sides of Lebanon, and will cut downe the hie cedars thereof, and the faire firre trees thereof, and I will goe vp to the heightes of his top and to the forest of his fruitfull places.
25 Na haƙa rijiyoyi a baƙuwar ƙasa na kuma sha ruwa a can. Da tafin ƙafafuna na busar da dukan rafuffukan Masar.’
I haue digged and drunke the waters, and with the plant of my feete haue I dryed all the riuers closed in.
26 “Ba ka ji ba cewa tun dā can na shirya ya zama haka? A kwanakin dā na kafa shi; yanzu na sa ya faru, cewa ka mai da birane masu mafaka zuwa tsibin ɓuraguzai.
Hast thou not heard howe I haue of olde time made it, and haue formed it long ago? and should I now bring it, that it should be destroyed, and layde on ruinous heapes, as cities defensed?
27 Mutanensu, suka rasa ƙarfi, sun firgita suka kuma sha kunya. Suka zama kamar tsire-tsire a gona, kamar tsire-tsiren ta suka tohu, kamar ciyawar da ya tsiro a kan rufi, wadda zafi ya yi wa ƙuna kafin tă yi girma.
Whose inhabitants haue small power, and are afrayd and confounded: they are like the grasse of the field and greene herbe, or grasse on the house tops, or corne blassed afore it be growen.
28 “Amma na san inda kake zama da sa’ad da kakan fita ka kuma koma da yadda ka harzuƙa gāba da ni.
But I know thy dwelling, and thy going out, and thy comming in, and thy fury against me.
29 Saboda ka harzuƙa gāba da ni kuma saboda girmankanka ya kai kunnuwana, zan sa ƙugiya a hancinka linzamina a bakinka, zan kuma sa ka koma ta hanyar da ka zo.
Because thou ragest against me, and thy tumult is come vnto mine eares, therefore will I put mine hooke in thy nostrels, and my bridle in thy lips, and wil bring thee backe againe the same way thou camest.
30 “Wannan zai zama alama gare ka, ya Hezekiya, “Wannan shekara za ka ci abin da ya yi girma da kansa, shekara ta biyu kuma abin da ya tsiro daga wancan. Amma a shekara ta uku za ka yi shuki ka kuma girba, za ka dasa gonakin inabi ka kuma ci’ya’yansu.
And this shalbe a signe vnto thee, O Hezekiah, Thou shalt eate this yeere such as groweth of it selfe: and the second yeere, such things as growe without sowing: and in the third yeere, sowe ye and reape, and plant vineyards, and eate the fruite thereof.
31 Sauran da suka rage na gidan Yahuda kuwa za su yi saiwa a ƙarƙashi su kuma ba da’ya’ya a bisa.
And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Iudah, shall againe take roote downward and beare fruite vpward.
32 Gama daga Urushalima raguwa za tă fito, kuma daga Dutsen Sihiyona ƙungiyar waɗanda suka tsira. Himmar Ubangiji Maɗaukaki zai cika wannan.
For out of Ierusalem shall goe a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeale of the Lord of hostes shall doe this.
33 “Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa game da sarkin Assuriya, “Ba zai shiga wannan birni ba ya harbe kibiya a nan. Ba zai zo gabansa da garkuwa ba ko ya gina mahaurai kewaye a kansa ba.
Therefore thus sayth the Lord, concerning the King of Asshur, He shall not enter into this citie, nor shoote an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a mount against it.
34 Ta hanyar da ya zo da ita zai koma; ba zai shiga wannan birni ba,” in ji Ubangiji.
By the same way that he came, he shall returne, and not come into this citie, saith the Lord.
35 “Zan kāre wannan birni in kuma cece shi, saboda girmana da kuma saboda sunan Dawuda bawana!”
For I will defend this citie to saue it, for mine owne sake, and for my seruant Dauids sake.
36 Sai mala’ikan Ubangiji ya fita ya kuma karkashe mutane dubu ɗari da dubu tamanin da dubu biyar a sansanin Assuriya. Sa’ad da mutane suka farka kashegari, sai ga gawawwaki duk a kwance!
Then the Angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the campe of Asshur an hundreth, fourescore, and fiue thousand: so when they arose early in the morning, beholde, they were all dead corpses.
37 Saboda haka Sennakerib sarkin Assuriya ya janye. Ya koma zuwa Ninebe ya zauna a can.
So Saneherib king of Asshur departed, and went away and returned and dwelt at Nineueh.
38 Wata rana, yayinda yake yin sujada a haikalin allahnsa Nisrok,’ya’yansa maza Adrammelek da Sharezer suka kashe shi da takobi, suka kuma gudu zuwa ƙasar Ararat. Esar-Haddon ɗansa kuwa ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
And as he was in the temple worshipping of Nisroch his god, Adramelech and Sharezer his sonnes slewe him with the sword, and they escaped into the land of Ararat: and Esarhaddon his sonne reigned in his steade.

< Ishaya 37 >