< Ishaya 30 >

1 “Kaiton’ya’ya masu tayarwa,” in ji Ubangiji, “ga waɗanda suke ƙulle-ƙullen da ba nawa ba, suna yin yarjejjeniya, amma ba ta Ruhuna ba, suna jibga zunubi a kan zunubi;
“Woe to the sons of apostasy!” says the Lord. For you would take advice, but not from me. And you would begin to weave, but not by my spirit. Thus do you add sin upon sin!
2 waɗanda suka gangara zuwa Masar ba tare da sun nemi shawarata; waɗanda suke neman taimakon kāriyar Fir’auna, don neman inuwar mafakar Masar.
You are walking so as to descend into Egypt, and you have not sought answers from my mouth, instead hoping for assistance from the strength of Pharaoh and placing trust in the shadow of Egypt.
3 Amma kāriyar Fir’auna za tă zama muku abin kunya, inuwar Masar za tă jawo muku kunya.
And so, the strength of Pharaoh will be your confusion, and trust in the shadow of Egypt will be your disgrace.
4 Ko da yake suna da shugabanni a Zowan kuma jakadunsu sun iso Hanes,
For your leaders were at Tanis, and your messengers have traveled even as far as Hanes.
5 kowa zai sha kunya saboda mutanen da ba su da amfani gare su, waɗanda ba sa taimako ko amfani, sai dai jawo kunya da da-na-sani.”
They have all been confounded because of a people who were not able to offer profit to them, who were not of assistance, nor of other usefulness, except to offer confusion and reproach.
6 Allah ya faɗa game da dabbobin Negeb cewa, Ta cikin ƙasa mai wahala da mai hatsari inda zakoki da zakanya, inda macizai masu dafi da macizai masu tashi sama suke, jakadu na ɗaukan arzikinsu a kan jakuna, dukiyarsu a kan raƙuma, zuwa ƙasan nan marar riba,
The burden of the beasts in the south. In a land of tribulation and anguish, from which go forth the lioness and the lion, the viper and the flying king snake, they carry their riches upon the shoulders of beasts of burden, and their valuables upon the humps of camels, to a people who are not able to offer profit to them.
7 zuwa Masar, wadda taimakonta marar amfani ne. Saboda haka na yi mata laƙabi Rahab Marar Yin Kome.
For Egypt will offer assistance, but without purpose or success. Therefore, concerning this, I cried out: “It is only arrogance! Remain calm.”
8 Tafi yanzu, ka rubuta musu a kan allo, ka rubuta shi a kan littafi, cewa kwanaki suna zuwa zai zama madawwamin shaida.
Now, therefore, enter and write for them upon a tablet, and note it diligently in a book, and this shall be a testimony in the last days, and even unto eternity.
9 Waɗannan mutane masu tawaye,’ya’ya masu ruɗu,’ya’yan da ba sa niyya su saurara ga umarnan Ubangiji.
For they are a people who provoke to wrath, and they are lying sons, sons unwilling to listen to the law of God.
10 Sukan ce wa masu gani, “Kada ku ƙara ganin wahayi!” Ga annabawa kuwa sukan ce, “Kada ku ƙara ba mu wahayin abin da yake daidai! Faɗa mana abubuwan da muke so mu ji ne kawai, ku yi annabcin abin da zai ruɗe mu.
They say to the seers, “Do not see,” and to those who behold: “Do not behold for us the things that are right. Speak to us of pleasing things. See errors for us.
11 Ku bar wannan hanya, ku tashi daga wannan hanya, ku kuma daina kalubalantarmu da Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila!”
Take me from the way. Avert me from the path. Let the Holy One of Israel cease from before our face.”
12 Saboda haka, ga abin da Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila yake cewa, “Saboda haka kun ƙi wannan saƙo, kuka dogara ga aikin kama-karya kuka kuma dogara ga yin ruɗu,
Because of this, thus says the Holy One of Israel: Since you have rejected this word, and you have hoped in calumny and rebellion, and since you have depended upon these things,
13 wannan zunubi zai zama muku kamar bango mai tsayi, tsagagge da yake kuma fāɗuwa, da zai rushe nan da nan, ba tsammani.
for this reason, this iniquity will be to you like a breach that has fallen, and like a gap in a high wall. For its destruction will happen suddenly, when it is not expected.
14 Zai rushe kucu-kucu kamar tukunyar yumɓu, ya ragargaje ƙaf har cikin gutsattsarinsa ba za a sami ko ɗan katanga don ɗiba garwashin wuta ko a ɗiba ruwa daga tanki ba.”
And it will be crushed, just as the earthen vessel of a potter is destroyed by a sharp blow. And not even a fragment of its earthenware will be found, which might carry a little fire from the hearth, or which might draw a little water from a hollow.
15 Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila ya faɗa, “Cikin tuba da hutu ne kaɗai cetonku yake, cikin shiru da dogara gare ni ne za ku sami ƙarfinku, amma ba za ku sami ko ɗaya a cikinsu ba.
For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: If you return and are quiet, you shall be saved. Your strength will be found in silence and in hope. But you are not willing!
16 Kun ce, ‘A’a, za mu gudu a kan dawakai.’ Saboda haka za ku gudu! Kun ce, ‘Za mu hau dawakai masu sauri mu gudu.’ Saboda haka masu fafararku za su fi ku gudu!
And you have said: “Never! Instead, we will flee by horseback.” For this reason, you will be put to flight. And you have said, “We will climb upon swift ones.” For this reason, those who pursue you will be even swifter.
17 Dubu za su gudu don barazanar mutum guda; da jin barazanar mutane biyar dukanku za ku yi ta gudu sai an bar ku kamar sandar tuta a kan dutse, kamar tuta a kan tudu.”
A thousand men will flee in terror from the face of one, and you will flee in terror from the face of five, until you who have been left behind are like the mast of a ship at the top of a mountain, or like a sign on a hill.
18 Duk da haka Ubangiji yana marmari ya yi muku alheri; ya tashi don yă nuna muku jinƙai. Gama Ubangiji Allah ne mai aikata gaskiya. Masu albarka ne dukanku waɗanda suke dogara gare shi!
Therefore, the Lord waits, so that he may take pity on you. And therefore, he will be exalted for sparing you. For the Lord is the God of judgment. Blessed are all those who wait for him.
19 Ya mutanen Sihiyona, waɗanda suke zama a Urushalima, ba za ku ƙara kuka ba. Zai zama mai alheri sa’ad da kuka yi kukan neman taimako! Da zarar ya ji, zai amsa muku.
For the people of Zion will live in Jerusalem. Bitterly, you will not weep. Mercifully, he will take pity on you. At the voice of your outcry, as soon as he hears, he will respond to you.
20 Ko da yake Ubangiji yakan ba da abincin azaba da ruwan wahala, ba za a ƙara ɓoye malamanku ba; da idanunku za ku gan su.
And the Lord will give you thick bread and accessible water. And he will not cause your teacher to fly away from you anymore. And your eyes will behold your instructor.
21 Ko kun juye dama ko hagu, kunnuwanku za su ji murya a bayanku tana cewa, “Ga hanya; ku yi tafiya a kai.”
And your ears will listen to the word of one admonishing you behind your back: “This is the way! Walk in it! And do not turn aside, neither to the right, nor to the left.”
22 Sa’an nan za ku ƙazantar da gumakanku da kuka dalaye da zinariya; za ku zubar da su kamar rigar al’adar mace ku kuma ce musu, “Ku ɓace mana da gani!”
And you will defile the plates of your silver graven images and the vestment of your gold molten idols. And you will throw these things away like the uncleanness of a menstruating woman. You will say to it, “Go away!”
23 Zai kuma aiko muku da ruwan sama don shuki a ƙasa, kuma abincin da zai fito daga gona zai zama mai albarka da kuma mai yawa. A wannan rana shanu za su yi kiwo a wadatacciyar makiyaya.
And wherever you sow seed upon the earth, rain will be given to the seed. And bread from the grain of the earth will be very plentiful and full. In that day, the lamb will pasture in the spacious land of your possession.
24 Shanunku da jakunanku da suke huɗar gonakinku za su ci harawa mafi kyau, wanda an sheƙe shi da babban cokali mai yatsu da kuma babban cokali.
And your bulls, and the colts of the donkeys that work the ground, will eat a mix of grains like that winnowed on the threshing floor.
25 A ranar babban kisa, sa’ad da hasumiyoyi za su fāɗi, rafuffukan ruwa za su malalo a kan kowane dutse da kowane tudu mai tsawo.
And there will be, on every lofty mountain, and on every elevated hill, rivers of running water, in the day of the slaughter of many, when the tower will fall.
26 Wata zai yi haske kamar rana, kuma hasken rana zai ma yi sau bakwai na haskenta, kamar hasken cikakku ranaku bakwai, sa’ad da Ubangiji zai ɗaura raunukan mutanensa ya kuma warkar da raunukan da ya yi musu.
And the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, like the light of seven days, in the day when the Lord will bind the wound of his people, and when he will heal the stroke of their scourge.
27 Duba, Sunan Ubangiji yana zuwa daga nesa, tare da fushi mai ƙuna da kuma baƙin hayaƙi; leɓunansa sun cika da fushi, harshensa kuma wuta ce mai cinyewa.
Behold, the name of the Lord arrives from far away. His fury is burning and heavy to bear. His lips have been filled with indignation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.
28 Numfashinsa kamar raƙuman ruwa masu gudu yana tashi har zuwa wuya. Yakan tankaɗe al’ummai cikin lariyar hallaka; yakan sa a muƙamuƙan mutane linzamin da zai jagorance su su kauce.
His Spirit is like a torrent, inundating, even as high as the middle of the neck, in order to reduce the nations to nothing, along with the bridle of error that was in the jaws of the people.
29 Za ku kuma rera kamar a daren da kuke shagalin biki mai tsarki; zukatanku za su yi farin ciki kamar sa’ad da mutane sukan haura da busa zuwa dutsen Ubangiji, zuwa Dutse na Isra’ila.
There will be a song for you, as in the night of a sanctified solemnity, and a joy of heart, as when one travels with music to arrive at the mountain of the Lord, to the Strong One of Israel.
30 Ubangiji zai sa mutane su ji muryarsa mai daraja ya kuma sa su ga hannunsa na saukowa tare da fushi mai ƙuna da kuma wuta mai cinyewa, gizagizai za su ɓarke, za a yi hadarin tsawa da ƙanƙara.
And the Lord will cause the glory of his voice to be heard, and, with a threatening fury and a devouring flame of fire, he will reveal the terror of his arm. He will crush with the whirlwind and with hailstones.
31 Muryar Ubangiji za tă firgita Assuriya da sandar mulkinsa zai kashe su.
For at the voice of the Lord, Assur will dread being struck with the staff.
32 Kowane bugun da Ubangiji zai yi musu da bulalarsa na hukunci zai zama kiɗi ga ganguna da garaya, yayinda yake yaƙi da su da naushin hannunsa.
And when the passage of the staff has been begun, the Lord will cause it to rest upon him, with timbrels and harps. And with special battles, he will fight against them.
33 An riga an shirya wurin ƙonawa; an shirya shi saboda sarki. An haƙa ramin wutarsa da zurfi da kuma fāɗi, da isashen wuta da itacen wuta; numfashin Ubangiji, yana kamar kibiritu mai ƙuna, da aka sa masa wuta.
For a burning place, deep and wide, has been prepared from yesterday, prepared by the King. Its nourishment is fire and much wood. The breath of the Lord, like a torrent of brimstone, kindles it.

< Ishaya 30 >