< Ishaya 3 >

1 Yanzu ka duba fa, Ubangiji, Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, yana shirin yă ɗauke kowane tanadi da taimako daga Urushalima da Yahuda dukan tanade-tanaden abinci da kuma dukan tanade-tanaden ruwa,
For behold, the Lord GOD of Hosts is about to remove from Jerusalem and Judah both supply and support: the whole supply of food and water,
2 jarumi, da soja, alƙali da annabi masu duba da dattijo,
the mighty man and the warrior, the judge and the prophet, the soothsayer and the elder,
3 shugaban sojojin hamsin da mutum mai makami, mai ba da shawara, gwanin sarrafa abubuwa da mai gwanintan dabo.
the commander of fifty and the dignitary, the counselor, the cunning magician, and the clever enchanter.
4 “Zan sa’yan yara su zama shugabanninsu;’yan yara kurum za su yi mulkinsu.”
“I will make mere lads their leaders, and children will rule over them.”
5 Mutane za su zalunci juna mutum da mutum, maƙwabci da maƙwabci. Yara za su rena tsofaffi, ƙasƙantacce zai rena mai daraja.
The people will oppress one another, man against man, neighbor against neighbor; the young will rise up against the old, and the base against the honorable.
6 Mutum zai kama ɗaya daga cikin’yan’uwansa a gidan mahaifinsa ya ce, “Kana da abin sawa, ka zama shugabanmu; wannan kango kuma yă zama a ƙarƙashinka!”
A man will seize his brother within his father’s house: “You have a cloak—you be our leader! Take charge of this heap of rubble.”
7 Amma a ranan nan zai tā da murya ya ce, “Ba ni ba dai. Ba ni da abinci ko abin sawa a gidana; kada ka mai da ni shugaban mutane.”
On that day he will cry aloud: “I am not a healer. I have no food or clothing in my house. Do not make me leader of the people!”
8 Urushalima tana tangaɗi, Yahuda yana fāɗuwa; maganganunsu da ayyukansu suna gāba da Ubangiji, suna rena ɗaukakar kasancewarsa.
For Jerusalem has stumbled and Judah has fallen because they spoke and acted against the LORD, defying His glorious presence.
9 Fuskokinsu shaidu ne a kansu; suna nuna zunubinsu a fili kamar yadda Sodom ya yi; ba sa ma ɓoye shi. Kaitonsu! Sun jawo wa kansu masifa.
The expression on their faces testifies against them, and like Sodom they flaunt their sin; they do not conceal it. Woe to them, for they have brought disaster upon themselves.
10 Ku faɗa wa masu adalci cewa kome zai zama musu da kyau, gama za su ji daɗin aikin da hannuwansu suka yi.
Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their labor.
11 Kaiton masu mugunta! Masifa tana a kansu! Za a rama abin da hannuwansu suka yi.
Woe to the wicked; disaster is upon them! For they will be repaid with what their hands have done.
12 Matasa suna zalunta mutanena, mata suna mulki a bisansu. Ya mutanena, jagorarinku suna ɓad da ku; suna karkatar da ku daga hanya.
Youths oppress My people, and women rule over them. O My people, your guides mislead you; they turn you from your paths.
13 Ubangiji ya ɗauki mazauninsa a cikin ɗakin shari’a; ya tashi don yă shari’anta mutane.
The LORD arises to contend; He stands to judge the people.
14 Ubangiji yana shari’a da dattawa da kuma shugabannin mutanensa, “Ku ne kuka lalace gonar inabina; ganimar talakawa suna a gidajenku.
The LORD brings this charge against the elders and leaders of His people: “You have devoured the vineyard; the plunder of the poor is in your houses.
15 Ina dalilin da kuke marmatsa mutanena kuna gurgurje fuskokin talakawa?” Ni Ubangiji Maɗaukaki na faɗa.
Why do you crush My people and grind the faces of the poor?”
16 Ubangiji ya ce, “Matan Sihiyona suna da girman kai, suna tafiya da wuya a miƙe, da idanu masu yaudara, suna takawa ɗaya-ɗaya a hankali, da mundaye a ƙafafunsu, suna cas-cas.
The LORD also says: “Because the daughters of Zion are haughty— walking with heads held high and wanton eyes, prancing and skipping as they go, jingling the bracelets on their ankles—
17 Saboda haka Ubangiji zai kawo gyambuna a kawunan matan Sihiyona; Ubangiji zai sa a aske kawunansu, a bar su ƙwal.”
the Lord will bring sores on the heads of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will make their foreheads bare.”
18 A wannan rana Ubangiji zai ƙwace abin da suke taƙama da shi, mundayensu, ɗankwalin kansu da abin wuyansu,
In that day the Lord will take away their finery: their anklets and headbands and crescents;
19 ’yan kunnensu, kwandagansu da lulluɓinsu,
their pendants, bracelets, and veils;
20 kitsonsu, sarƙar da suke sa wa damatsansu da ɗamararsu, kwalabai turare da layu,
their headdresses, ankle chains, and sashes; their perfume bottles and charms;
21 da ƙawanen da suka sa a yatsotsinsu da hancinsu,
their signet rings and nose rings;
22 tufafi masu kyau, da manyan rigunansu, da mayafansu, da jakar kuɗinsu
their festive robes, capes, cloaks, and purses;
23 da madubi, da kuma tufafin lilin da adikai, da gyale.
and their mirrors, linen garments, tiaras, and shawls.
24 A maimakon ƙanshi, wari ne za a ji; a maimakon abin ɗamara, igiya ce za a samu; a maimakon kyakkyawan gashi, sanƙo za su kasance da shi a kai; a maimakon tufafi masu kyau, za su sa tsummoki; a maimakon kyau, za su zama munana.
Instead of fragrance there will be a stench; instead of a belt, a rope; instead of styled hair, baldness; instead of fine clothing, sackcloth; instead of beauty, shame.
25 Mazanku za su mutu ta wurin takobi, jarumawanku za su mutu a yaƙi.
Your men will fall by the sword, and your warriors in battle.
26 Ƙofofin Sihiyona za su yi makoki su kuma yi kuka; za tă zama wofi, za tă zauna a ƙasa.
And the gates of Zion will lament and mourn; destitute, she will sit on the ground.

< Ishaya 3 >