< Ishaya 23 >
1 Abin da Allah ya faɗa game da Taya. Ku yi kuka mai zafi, ya jiragen ruwan Tarshish! Gama an hallaka Taya aka kuma bar su babu gida ko tasha. Daga ƙasar Saifurus magana ta zo musu.
A message about Tyre. Howl, people on the ships of Tarshish! Tyre has been destroyed—nothing is left of the houses and the harbor. They heard the news from the people of Cyprus.
2 Ku yi shiru, ku mutanen tsibiri da ku’yan kasuwan Sidon waɗanda masu ciniki a teku suka azurta.
Stay shocked into silence, people of the coastlands, merchants of Sidon, and sailors.
3 A manyan ruwaye hatsin Shihor suka iso; girbin Nilu ne kuɗin shiga na Taya ta kuma zama kasuwar al’ummai.
Egyptian grain came across the wide oceans. The Nile's harvest was what made Tyre money; she was the merchant to the nations.
4 Ki ji kunya, ya ke Sidon, da ke kuma, kagarar teku, gama teku ya yi magana ya ce, “Ban taɓa naƙuda ba balle in haifi’ya’ya; ban taɓa goyon’ya’ya maza ba balle in reno’ya’ya mata.”
Feel the shame, Sidon! For the fortress of the sea says, “I have no children, having never been in labor or given birth. I have not brought up young men or brought up young women.”
5 Sa’ad da magana ta kai Masar, za su razana da jin labari daga Taya.
When the news about Tyre reaches Egypt they will be in agony.
6 Ku haye zuwa Tarshish; ku yi kuka mai zafi, ku mutanen tsibiri.
Sail across to Tarshish! Howl, people of the coastlands!
7 Wannan ce birnin murnanku, birnin nan na tun dā wadda ƙafafunta suka kai ta zama a ƙasashe masu nesa?
Is this really your triumphant city, whose beginnings are from the distant past, who has sent out people to colonize faraway places?
8 Wane ne ya ƙulla wannan a kan Taya ita da take ba da rawanin sarauta, wadda’yan kasuwanta sarakuna ne, wadda masu cinikinta sanannu ne a duniya?
Who planned this attack on Tyre? Tyre, who created kingdoms, whose merchants were princes, whose traders were honored around the world!
9 Ubangiji Maɗaukaki ya ƙulla shi, don yă kawo ƙarshen girman kan dukan darajarta ya kuma ƙasƙantar da dukan waɗanda suke sanannu a duniya.
The Lord Almighty planned it, to humble its pride in all its glory, and to bring down all who receive worldly honor.
10 Ki nome ƙasarki har zuwa wajen Nilu, Ya Diyar Tarshish, gama ba ki da tashan jirgin ruwa kuma.
Work your land, people of Tarshish, as they do beside the Nile, for you don't have a harbor anymore.
11 Ubangiji ya miƙa hannunsa a bisa teku ya kuma sa mulkokinsa suka yi rawar jiki. Ya ba da umarni game da Funisiya cewa a hallaka kagararta.
The Lord held his hand out over the sea and shook kingdoms. He has condemned Phoenicia, giving the order to destroy their fortresses.
12 Ya ce, “Ba za ki ƙara yin murna ba, Ya ke Budurwa Diyar Sidon, yanzu da kike ragargajiya! “Tashi, ki ƙetare zuwa Saifurus; a can ɗin ma ba za ki huta ba.”
He said, “Don't celebrate any more, mistreated virgin daughter of Sidon. Go and sail over to Cyprus—however, even there you won't find rest.”
13 Dubi ƙasar Babiloniyawa, wannan mutanen da yanzu ba su da wani amfani! Assuriyawa sun mai da ita wurin zaman halittun hamada; sun gina hasumiyoyin kwanto, suka ragargaza kagararta ƙaf suka mai da ita kango.
Look at the country of the Babylonians, this people that are not as they used to be! The Assyrians have turned it into a place for desert animals. They set up their siege towers, they demolished the fortresses, and ruined the country.
14 Ku yi kuka mai zafi, ku jiragen ruwan Tarshish; an rurrushe kagararku!
Howl, people on the ships of Tarshish because your fortress is destroyed!
15 A wannan lokaci za a manta da Taya har shekaru saba’in, tsawon rayuwar sarki. Amma a ƙarshen waɗannan shekaru saba’in, zai zama wa Taya kamar yadda yake a waƙar karuwa cewa,
At that time Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, a king's lifetime, as it were. But at the end of these seventy years, Tyre will be like the song about a prostitute,
16 “Ɗauki garaya, ki ratsa birni, Ya ke karuwar da aka manta da ita; kaɗa garaya da kyau, ki rera waƙoƙi masu yawa, saboda a tuna da ke.”
“Take a lyre and walk around the city, forgotten prostitute! Play and sing so people will remember you!”
17 A ƙarshen shekaru saba’in, Ubangiji zai magance Taya. Za tă koma ga aikinta na karuwanci za tă kuma yi kasuwancinta da dukan mulkokin duniya.
After seventy years, the Lord will restore Tyre. But then she will go back to hiring herself out as a prostitute, selling herself to all the kingdoms of the world.
18 Duk da haka za a keɓe ribarta da kuɗin shigarta wa Ubangiji; ba za a yi ajiyarsu ko a ɓoye su. Ribarta za tă tafi ga waɗanda suke yi wa Ubangiji sujada, don su sami yalwataccen abinci da tufafi masu kyau.
However, her profits and what she earns will consecrated to the Lord. They won't be kept or saved up, for her business earnings will go to those who worship the Lord, to provide them with plenty of food and good clothes.