< Hosiya 6 >
1 “Ku zo, mu koma ga Ubangiji. Ya yayyage mu kucu-kucu amma zai warkar da mu; ya ji mana ciwo amma zai daure mana miyakunmu.
Come, and let vs returne to the Lord: for he hath spoyled, and he will heale vs: he hath wounded vs, and he will binde vs vp.
2 Bayan kwana biyu zai rayar da mu, a rana ta uku zai tashe mu, don mu rayu a gabansa.
After two dayes will he reuiue vs, and in the third day he will raise vs vp, and we shall liue in his sight.
3 Bari mu yarda da Ubangiji; bari mu nace gaba don mu yarda da shi. Muddin rana tana fitowa, zai bayyana; zai zo mana kamar ruwan bazara, kamar ruwan saman farko da yake jiƙe ƙasa.”
Then shall we haue knowledge, and indeuour our selues to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning, and he shall come vnto vs as the raine, and as the latter raine vnto the earth.
4 “Me zan yi da kai Efraim? Me zan yi da kai Yahuda? Ƙaunarku tana kamar hazon safiya, kamar raɓar safiya da takan ɓace.
O Ephraim, what shall I doe vnto thee? O Iudah, how shall I intreate thee? for your goodnesse is as a morning cloude, and as the morning dewe it goeth away.
5 Saboda haka na yayyaga ku kucu-kucu tare da annabawana, na kashe ku da kalmomin bakina; hukuntaina sun haskaka kamar walƙiya a kanku.
Therefore haue I cut downe by the Prophets: I haue slaine them by the wordes of my mouth, and thy iudgements were as the light that goeth forth.
6 Gama jinƙai nake bukata, ba hadaya ba, ku kuma san Allah a maimakon hadayun ƙonawa.
For I desired mercie, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more then burnt offrings.
7 Kamar Adamu, sun tā da alkawari, sun yi mini rashin aminci a can.
But they like men haue transgressed the couenant: there haue they trespassed against me.
8 Gileyad birni ce ta mugayen mutane, da tabon alamun jini.
Gilead is a citie of them that worke iniquitie, and is polluted with blood.
9 Kamar yadda mafasa sukan yi fakon mutum, haka ƙungiyoyin firistoci suke; suna kisa a hanya zuwa Shekem, suna aikata laifofi bankunya.
And as the eues waite for a man, so the companie of Priestes murder in the way by consent: for they worke mischiefe.
10 Na ga wani abu mai bantsoro a gidan Isra’ila. A can Efraim ya miƙa wuya ga karuwanci Isra’ila kuma ta ƙazantu.
I haue seene vileny in the house of Israel: there is ye whoredome of Ephraim: Israel is defiled.
11 “Ku kuma, ya mutanen Yahuda, na shirya muku ranar girbi. “A duk sa’ad da zan mayar da dukiya wa mutanena,
Yea, Iudah hath set a plant for thee, whiles I woulde returne ye captiuitie of my people.