< Hosiya 3 >

1 Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Ka tafi, ka sāke nuna wa matarka ƙauna, ko da yake wani yana son ta, ita kuma mazinaciya ce. Ka ƙaunace ta yadda Ubangiji yake ƙaunar Isra’ilawa, ko da yake sun juya ga waɗansu alloli suna kuma ƙauna wainar zabibi mai tsarki.”
Then Yahweh said to me, “Go and show to your wife that you still love her, even though she has been committing adultery with another man who loves her. [That will show that] I still love the people of Israel, even though they worship other gods/idols and eat raisin cakes [in feasts that honor those gods].”
2 Ta haka na saye ta da shekel goma sha biyar na azurfa da kuma wajen buhu na sha’ir.
[My wife had become a slave, ] but I bought her for (6 ounces/179 grams) of silver and ten bushels of barley.
3 Sai na faɗa mata, “Za ki zauna tare da ni kwanaki masu yawa; kada ki yi karuwanci ko ki yi abuta da wani namiji, ni kuwa zan zauna tare da ke.”
Then I said to her, “You must wait for many days [before we sleep together] [EUP]. During that time, you must not be a prostitute, and you must not have sex with any other man; but I will live with you.”
4 Gama Isra’ilawa za su yi kwanaki masu yawa ba tare da sarki ko shugaba ba, babu hadaya ko keɓaɓɓun duwatsu, babu efod ko gunki.
[Our doing that will show that] in the same way, the people of Israel will not have a king and [other] leaders for many years. They will not offer sacrifices or [have sacred stone] pillars, no sacred vest [for the Supreme Priest], and no idols!
5 Daga baya Isra’ilawa za su dawo su nemi Ubangiji Allahnsu da kuma Dawuda sarkinsu. Za su je da rawan jiki wajen Ubangiji da kuma ga albarkunsa a kwanakin ƙarshe.
But later, the people of Israel will return to Yahweh their God and [be guided by him and] by a king who is a descendant of [King] David. In the last/future days they will come to Yahweh, revering him and trembling [in his presence], and he will bless them.

< Hosiya 3 >