< Ibraniyawa 2 >

1 Dole mu ƙara mai da hankali sosai ga abubuwan da muka ji, don kada mu kauce.
So, [since that is true], we must pay very careful attention to what we have heard [about God’s Son], in order that we do not drift away from it, [as a boat drifts off its course when people do not guide it] [MET].
2 Gama in saƙon da aka faɗi ta bakin mala’iku ya zama tabbatacce, kuma kowane ƙeta umarni da rashin biyayya suka karɓi sakamakonsu da ya dace,
[God’s laws that] were given by angels were valid, and God justly punished all who rejected them and all who disobeyed [DOU] them.
3 yaya za mu tsira in muka ƙyale irin wannan babban ceto? Wannan ceto, wanda Ubangiji ne ya fara sanar, aka kuma tabbatar mana ta bakin waɗanda suka ji shi.
So, we will certainly not escape [God punishing us] if we ignore such a great [message about how God] [MTY] saves us! [RHQ] This [new message] was first spoken by the Lord [Jesus] {The Lord [Jesus] first spoke this [message]}. Then it was confirmed to us by those who heard [what the Lord told them] {those who heard [what the Lord told them] confirmed it to us}.
4 Allah shi ma ya shaida ta wurin alamu, abubuwan banmamaki da mu’ujizai iri-iri, da kuma baye-bayen Ruhu Mai Tsarki da aka rarraba bisa ga nufinsa.
God also confirmed to us [that this message was true] by [enabling believers to do] many things that showed God’s power, to do other miraculous things [DOU], and [to do other things] by the gifts that the Holy Spirit distributed to them according to what [God] desired.
5 Ba ga mala’iku ba ne ya sa su yi mulkin duniya mai zuwa, wanda muke magana a kai ba.
God has determined that the angels will not rule over everything. [Instead, he has determined that Christ] will rule in the new world that [God] will [create]. [That is the new world] about which I am writing.
6 Amma akwai wani wurin da wani ya shaida cewa, “Mene ne mutum, da kake tuna da shi, ɗan mutum da kake kula da shi?
Someone spoke to [God about this] somewhere [in the Scriptures], saying, (No one is worthy enough for you to think about him!/Who is [worthy enough] for you to think about him?) [RHQ] (No human is [worthy enough] for you to care for him!/Is any human [worthy enough] for you to care for him?) [RHQ]
7 Ka sa shi ƙasa kaɗan da darajar mala’iku; ka naɗa shi da ɗaukaka da girma,
[So it is surprising that] you have caused people to be for a little while inferior in rank to angels. You have greatly honored [DOU] them [MET], as [kings are honored with] a crown.
8 ka kuma sa kome a ƙarƙashin ƙafafunsa.” Ta wurin sa kome a ƙarƙashinsa, Allah bai bar wani abu da bai sa a ƙarƙashinsa ba. Duk da haka a yanzu ba mu ga kowane abu a ƙarƙashinsa ba.
You have put everything under people’s control [MET]. God has determined that people will rule over absolutely everything [LIT]. But now, at this present time, we perceive that people do not yet have authority over everything.
9 Sai dai muna ganin Yesu, wanda aka mai da shi ƙasa kaɗan da darajar mala’iku, yanzu kuwa an naɗa shi da ɗaukaka da girma domin yă sha wahalar mutuwa, domin ta wurin alherin Allah yă ɗanɗana mutuwa saboda kowa.
But we do know about Jesus, [who truly has authority over everything]! Hebrews 2:9b-13 Jesus, for a little while, became inferior [in rank] to angels in order to die on behalf of [MET] everyone. He became inferior when he suffered [and] died, as God kindly [planned]. But now he has been greatly [honored] [DOU] [by being] crowned [as kings are].
10 Ta wurin kawo’ya’ya masu yawa zuwa ga ɗaukaka, ya dace cewa Allah, wanda dominsa da kuma ta wurinsa ne kome yake kasancewa, ya sa tushen cetonsu yă zama cikakke ta wurin shan wahala.
It was fitting that [God] make [Jesus] (perfect/all that God intended him to be). God was enabling many people who would belong to him [MET] to share his glory. God [is the one who] created all things, and [he is the one] for whom all things [exist]. [He perfected Jesus] by causing him to suffer [and die]. [Jesus] is the one whom [God] uses to save people.
11 Da shi wanda yake tsarkake mutane da kuma su waɗanda ake tsarkakewa duk’yan iyali ɗaya ne. Saboda haka Yesu ba ya kunyan kiransu’yan’uwansa.
[Jesus] is the one who (makes people holy/sets people apart for God), and they all belong to God’s family. [As a result, Christ] gladly [LIT] proclaims them to be [like] his own brothers [and sisters].
12 Ya ce, “Zan sanar da sunanka ga’yan’uwana; a gaban jama’a zan rera yabonka.”
[The Psalmist wrote what Christ said to God about us becoming] his brothers, in these words: I will proclaim to my brothers how awesome you are (OR, what you ([are like/have done])) [MTY]. I will sing praise to you in the presence of the congregation!
13 Har wa yau ya ce, “Zan dogara gare shi.” Ya kuma ce, “Ga ni, da’ya’yan da Allah ya ba ni.”
And a prophet wrote [in] another [Scripture passage what Christ said about God], I will trust him. And in another [Scripture passage, Christ said about those who are like his] children, I and the ones that God has given me are here.
14 Da yake’ya’yan suna da nama da jini, shi ma sai ya ɗauki kamanninsu na mutum domin ta wurin mutuwarsa yă hallaka wanda yake riƙe da ikon mutuwa, wato, Iblis
So, since those [whom God calls his] children are all human beings [MTY], Jesus also became a human being [just like them]. The devil has the power to cause people [to be afraid] to die, but Christ became human in order that by his dying he might make the devil powerless.
15 ya kuma’yantar da waɗanda dukan rayuwarsu tsoron mutuwa ya riƙe su cikin bauta.
[Jesus did that] to free all of us who are like slaves [MET] all the time we live, because we are [forced to] be afraid to die.
16 Gama tabbatacce ba mala’iku ne ya taimaka ba, sai dai zuriyar Ibrahim.
Because [Jesus became a human being], it is not angels whom he wants to help. No, it is we who trust God as Abraham did whom he wants to help.
17 Saboda wannan dole a mai da shi kamar’yan’uwansa ta kowace hanya, domin yă zama babban firist mai aminci da mai jinƙai cikin hidima ga Allah, yă kuma miƙa hadayar sulhu saboda zunuban mutane.
So, [since he came to help humans, not angels], he had to be made exactly like [us whom he calls] his own brothers [and sisters]. He wants to be a Supreme Priest who [acts] mercifully [to all people] and who faithfully does what God wants, so that people who had sinned would be declared no longer guilty.
18 Domin shi kansa ya sha wahala sa’ad da aka gwada shi, yana iya taimakon waɗanda ake yi wa gwaji.
[Specifically], he is able to help those/us who are tempted [to sin]. He can do that because he suffered, and he was also tempted [to sin like we are tempted to sin].

< Ibraniyawa 2 >