< Ibraniyawa 12 >

1 Saboda haka, da yake muna kewaye da irin wannan taron shaidu mai girma, sai mu yar da duk abin da yake hana mu da kuma zunubin da yake saurin daure mu, mu kuma yi tseren da aka sa a gabanmu da nacewa.
We [know about] many people like that [who showed they trusted in God]. They are like a crowd of spectators [who are cheering for us inside a stadium] [MET]. Knowing that, we must put away all the things that hinder us, [as a runner puts aside everything that would hinder him because they are heavy] [MET]. Especially we must put away sinful actions that [hinder us, as a runner] sets aside clothes he does not need, clothes that would entangle him [MET]. Let us [wholeheartedly strive to achieve what God has planned for us, as someone] in a race wholeheartedly runs the course that is before him [MET].
2 Bari mu kafa idanunmu a kan Yesu, tushe da kuma kammalar bangaskiyarmu, wanda ya jure kunyar gicciye da aka yi masa, domin ya san cewa daga baya zai yi farin ciki ya yi haka. Yanzu kuma yana zaune a hannun dama na kursiyin Allah.
And let us [keep our minds on] Jesus, [as a runner] keeps his eyes on [the goal] [MET]. Jesus is the one we should imitate in the way he perfectly trusted [God. When he died on] the cross he endured it as he suffered greatly [MTY], instead of [thinking about the things he would] rejoice about [later]. He disregarded being disgraced by [dying that way]. He is now sitting at the place of highest honor [MTY] at the throne [where God rules].
3 Ku lura da wannan wanda ya jure da irin hamayyan nan daga masu zunubi, don kada ku gaji, har ku fid da zuciya.
[Jesus] patiently endured it when sinful people acted so hostilely against him. Try to act the way he did, so that you do not give up [trusting] God or become discouraged.
4 Cikin famanku da zunubi, ba ku yi tsayayya har ga zub da jininku ba tukuna.
While you have struggled against [being tempted to] sin, you have not yet bled [and died because of resisting evil, as Jesus did].
5 Kun kuma manta da kalmar ƙarfafawan nan da tana ce da ku’ya’ya, “Ɗana kada ka rena horon Ubangiji, kada kuma ka fid da zuciya sa’ad da ya kwaɓe ka,
Do not forget [RHQ] these words [that Solomon spoke to his son, that are the same as God] would exhort you as his children: My child, pay attention [LIT] when the Lord is disciplining you, and do not be discouraged when the Lord punishes you [DOU],
6 domin Ubangiji yakan hori waɗanda yake ƙauna, yakan kuma hori duk wanda yakan karɓa a matsayin ɗa.”
because it is everyone whom he loves whom the Lord disciplines, and he punishes everyone whom he accepts as his child.
7 Ku jimre shan wahala a matsayin horo; Allah yana yi da ku kamar’ya’ya. Gama wane ɗa ne mahaifinsa ba ya horonsa?
It is in order that God may discipline you that he requires you to endure the disagreeable things [that happen to you]. [When God disciplines you] he is treating you as a father treats his children. All fathers [RHQ] discipline their children [LIT].
8 In ba a hore ku ba (kowa kuwa yakan sami horo), to, ku shegu ne ba’ya’yan gida ba.
So, if you have not experienced God disciplining you just like he disciplines all his other children, you are [not true children of God] [MET]. [You are like] illegitimate children; [no father disciplines them].
9 Ban da haka ma, dukanmu mun kasance da ubannin jiki waɗanda suka hore mu muka kuma yi musu ladabi. Ashe, bai kamata mu yi wa Uban ruhohinmu biyayya mu kuwa rayu ba!
Furthermore, our natural fathers disciplined us [when we were young], and we respected them for doing that. So we should certainly more readily accept God our spiritual Father disciplining us, with the result that we live eternally [RHQ]!
10 Ubanninmu sun hore mu na ɗan lokaci yadda suka ga ya fi kyau; amma Allah yakan hore mu don amfaninmu, domin mu sami rabo cikin tsarkinsa.
Our natural fathers disciplined us for a short time in a way that they considered right, [but it wasn’t always right], but God always disciplines us [in a right way], to help us. He does it so that we may be holy as he is.
11 Babu horon da yake da daɗi a lokacin da ake yinsa, sai dai zafi. Amma daga baya waɗanda suka horu ta haka sukan sami kwanciyar rai wadda aikin adalci yake bayarwa.
During the time that God is disciplining us, that does not seem to be something about which we should rejoice. Instead, it is something that pains us. But later it causes those who have learned from it to be peaceful and to [live] righteously.
12 Saboda haka, sai ku ƙarfafa raunanan hannuwanku da gwiwoyinku marasa ƙarfi!
So, [instead of acting as though you were spiritually exhausted], renew yourselves [MET] spiritually.
13 “Ku shirya hanyoyi marasa gargaɗa saboda ƙafafunku,” don kada guragu su daɗa gurguntawa, sai dai su warke.
Go straight forward [in your Christian life] [MET], in order that believers who are uncertain about their faith [will imitate you] and not ([leave God’s way/] useless [to God]) [MET]. Instead, they will be spiritually restored [MET] as an injured and useless limb is restored.
14 Ku yi iyakacin ƙoƙari ku yi zaman lafiya da kowa, ku kuma zama masu tsarki; gama in ban da tsarki ba babu wanda zai ga Ubangiji.
Try to live peacefully with all people. Seek to be holy, since no one will see the Lord if he is not holy.
15 Ku lura fa kada wani yă kāsa samun alherin Allah, kada kuma wani tushen ɗacin rai yă tsira har yă kawo rikici, yă kuma ƙazantar da mutane da yawa.
Beware that none of you stops [trusting in] God, [who has done kind things for us that we did not deserve] (OR, Beware that you have never [experienced] God kindly [saving you]). Be on guard lest any of you [act in an evil way towards others], because your doing that will [grow like] [MET] a root [grows into a big plant], and the result [of your] doing that will be that many believers will sin and become unacceptable to God.
16 Ku lura kada wani yă zama mai fasikanci, ko marar tsoron Allah kamar Isuwa, wanda saboda ƙwaryar abinci ɗaya tak ya sayar da gādonsa na ɗan fari.
Do not let anyone be immoral, or be irreligious as Esau was. He exchanged the rights he had as a firstborn son for only one meal.
17 Daga baya, kamar yadda kuka sani, sa’ad da ya nemi yă gāji wannan albarka, aka ƙi shi. Bai sami zarafin tuba ba, ko da yake ya nemi albarkan nan da hawaye.
You know that after he did that, he wanted to receive [what his father would promise to give him if] he blessed him. But [his father] was unable [to change what he had already done]. And Esau found no way to change things, even though he sought tearfully to do that.
18 Ba ku zo ga Dutsen Sinai wanda ana iya taɓawa ba, ko ga wuta mai ci sosai, ko ga duhu baƙi ƙirin, ko
In coming [to God] you have not [experienced things like what the Israeli people experienced] at [Sinai] Mountain. [They] approached [a mountain that God told them they] should not touch. [They approached] a blazing fire, and it was gloomy and dark [DOU], and there was a hurricane/cyclone.
19 ko busar ƙaho, ko ga irin wata murya mai magana da kalmomin da masu jinta suka yi roƙo kada su ƙara ji,
They heard a trumpet sounding and they heard [God] speak. The result was that those who heard it pleaded for God not to speak to them like that again.
20 domin ba su iya jimrewa da abin da aka umarta cewa, “Ko da ma dabba ce ta taɓa dutsen, dole a jajjefe ta da duwatsu.”
When [God] commanded them saying, “If [a person or] even an animal touches this mountain, [you] must [kill him/it by] throwing stones at him/it,” they were terrified.
21 Ganin wannan abu da matuƙar bantsoro yake, har Musa ya ce, “Ina rawar jiki don tsoro.”
Truly, because Moses was terrified after seeing what happened [on the mountain], he said, “I am trembling because I am very afraid!”
22 Sai dai kun zo ne ga Dutsen Sihiyona, ga Urushalima ta sama, birnin Allah mai rai. Kun zo ga dubu dubban mala’ikun da suke cikin taron farin ciki,
Instead, [it is as though] you have come to [the presence of God in heaven] [MET]. [That is like what your ancestors did when they came to worship] God on Zion Hill, in Jerusalem, in the city of God who is all-powerful. You have come (OR, you are coming) to where there are countless angels, who are rejoicing as they have gathered together.
23 kun zo ga ikkilisiyar ɗan fari, waɗanda sunayensu suna a rubuce a sama. Kun zo ga Allah, alƙalin dukan mutane, kun kuma zo ga ruhohin mutane masu adalci da aka mai da su cikakku.
You have joined all the believers [who have privileges like] firstborn sons, whose names [God] has written down in heaven. You have come to God, who will judge everyone. You have come to where the spirits of God’s people are, people who lived righteously [before they died], and who now have been made perfect [in heaven].
24 Kun zo ga Yesu, mai yin sulhu na sabon alkawari, da kuma ga jinin da aka yayyafa wanda yake magana mafi kyau fiye da jinin Habila.
You have come to Jesus, who arranged a new covenant [between us and God]. You have accepted [what he accomplished when] his blood flowed [when he died on the cross. His doing that made it possible for God to forgive us]. That is better than the blood of Abel, [who just] wanted revenge because his brother Cain murdered him.
25 Ku lura fa kada ku ƙi wanda yake magana. Gama in su ba su tsira sa’ad da suka ƙi wanda ya gargaɗe su a wannan duniya ba, to, ƙaƙa mu za mu tsira, in mun ƙi jin wannan da yake yi mana gargaɗi daga Sama?
Beware that you do not refuse to listen to [God] who is speaking to you. The Israeli people did not escape [God punishing them] when [Moses] (OR, [God]) warned them here on earth. So we shall surely not escape [God punishing us] if we reject him when he warns us from heaven! [RHQ]
26 A lokacin nan muryarsa ta jijjiga duniya, amma yanzu ya yi alkawari cewa, “Har wa yau sau ɗaya tak zan ƙara jijjiga ba duniya kaɗai ba, amma har ma da sammai.”
The earth shook [PRS] then when he spoke [MTY] [at Sinai Mountain]. But now he has promised, “I will shake the earth again, one more time, but I will shake heaven too.”
27 Wannan magana “sau ɗayan nan” sun nuna, kawar da abin da za a iya jijjigawa, wato, ƙirƙiro abubuwa, saboda abubuwan da ba a iya jijjigawa, su kasance.
The words “again, one more time” indicate that things [on earth] will be shaken {that [he] will shake things [on earth]}, meaning that he will set aside all that [he] has created, in order that the things [in heaven] that cannot be shaken {that nothing can shake} may remain forever.
28 Saboda haka, da yake muna karɓar mulkin da ba ya jijjiguwa, sai mu yi godiya, ta haka kuwa mu yi wa Allah sujada yadda ya kamata, tare da bangirma da kuma tsoro,
So, let us thank God that we are becoming members of a kingdom that nothing can shake. Let us worship/serve God in a way that pleases him by being greatly in awe [DOU] before him.
29 gama “Allahnmu wuta ne mai cinyewa.”
Remember that the God we [worship/serve] is like a fire that burns up everything [that is impure] [MET]!

< Ibraniyawa 12 >