< Farawa 6 >

1 Sa’ad da mutane suka fara ƙaruwa a duniya, aka kuma hahhaifi musu’ya’ya mata,
When people began to become very numerous all over the earth, and many daughters were born to them,
2 sai’ya’yan Allah maza suka ga cewa’ya’yan mutane mata suna da bansha’awa, sai suka zaɓi waɗanda suke so, suka aura.
some of the men who (belonged to/believed in) God saw that some of the women who did not (belong to/believe in) God were very beautiful. So they took whichever ones they chose to become their wives.
3 Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce, “Ruhuna ba zai zauna a cikin mutum har abada ba, saboda shi mai mutuwa ne, kwanakinsa za su zama shekaru ɗari da arba’in ne.”
Then Yahweh said, “[I will] not [allow] my Spirit to keep people alive forever (OR, the breath of life will not remain in people forever). They will die eventually. They will live not more than 120 years before they die (OR, there will be only 120 more years before they die).”
4 Nefilimawa suna nan a duniya a waɗancan kwanaki, da kuma kwanakin da suka bi baya, a sa’ad da’ya’yan Allah suka kwana da’ya’yan mutane mata, suka kuma hahhaifi musu’ya’ya. Ai, su ne jarumawan dā, mutanen da suka shahara.
There were [giants called] Nephils who lived on the earth at that time and later. During that time [some of the Nephil] men who (belonged to/believed in) God had sex [EUP] with women who did not (belong to/believe in) God, and they gave birth to children. The Nephils were considered to be heroic fighters, and they became famous.
5 Ubangiji kuwa ya lura cewa muguntar mutum ta yi yawa a duniya, kuma kowane abin da yake tunani a zuciyarsa mugu ne kawai a kowanne lokaci.
Yahweh saw that people on the earth had become very wicked, and that everything they thought about evil things continually.
6 Ubangiji ya damu da ya yi mutum a duniya, abin ya zafe shi ƙwarai.
Yahweh was sorry that he had made people.
7 Saboda haka Ubangiji ya ce, “Zan kawar da mutum, da dabbobi, da halittu masu rarrafe a ƙasa da kuma tsuntsayen sama waɗanda na halitta, daga doron ƙasa, saboda na damu da na yi su.”
So he said, “I will completely destroy the people I made. I will also destroy all the animals and the creatures that scurry across the ground and the birds. None of them will remain on the earth, because I regret that I made them.”
8 Amma Nuhu ya sami tagomashi a gaban Ubangiji.
But Yahweh was pleased with Noah.
9 Ga tarihin Nuhu. Nuhu mutum ne mai adalci, marar abin zargi a cikin mutanen zamaninsa, ya kuma yi tafiya tare da Allah.
This is why: Noah was a man who always acted in a righteous way. No one who lived at that time could criticize him about anything. Noah lived in close fellowship with God.
10 Nuhu yana da’ya’ya maza uku, Shem, Ham da Yafet.
Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 Duniya dai ta lalace sosai a gaban Allah, ta kuma cika da tashin hankali.
At that time God considered that everyone else on earth was very wicked, and everywhere on the earth, people [MTY] were acting cruelly and violently toward each other.
12 Allah ya ga yadda duniya ta lalace, gama dukan mutane a duniya sun lalatar da rayuwarsu.
God was dismayed when he saw how evil people [MTY] were, because everyone (OR, all living creatures) had begun to behave in an evil way.
13 Saboda haka, Allah ya ce wa Nuhu, “Zan kawo ƙarshen dukan mutane, gama saboda su duniya ta cika da tashin hankali. Lalle zan hallaka su da kuma duniya.
So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy everyone, because all over the earth people are acting violently toward each other. So I am about to get rid of them as well as everything else on the earth.
14 Saboda haka ka yi wa kanka jirgi da katakon Saifires, ka yi ɗakuna a cikinsa, ka shafe shi da ƙaro ciki da waje.
[I want you to] make for yourself a large boat from cypress wood. Make rooms inside it. Cover the outside and the inside with tar [to make it (waterproof/so that water cannot get in and sink the boat]).
15 Ga yadda za ka gina shi; jirgin zai kasance mai tsawon ƙafa 45, fāɗinsa ƙafa 75, tsayinsa kuma ƙafa 45.
This is the size you must make it: It shall be (150 yards/135 meters) long, (25 yards/22.5 meters) wide, and (15 yards/13.5 meters) high.
16 Ka yi masa rufi, ka kuma ba da fili inci 18 tsakanin rufin a kowane gefen jirgin. Ka sa ƙofa a gefen jirgin. Ka yi shi hawa uku, ka yi ƙofa a gefe.
Make a roof for the boat. Leave a space of about (18 in./.5 meter) between the sides and the roof to let air and light enter (OR, the middle of the roof should be 18 inches higher than the sides). Build the boat with three decks inside, and put a door in one side.
17 Ga shi zan aiko da ambaliya ruwa a duniya, in hallaka dukan mai rai da yake a ƙarƙashin sama, kowace halittar da take numfashi a cikinta. Dukan abin da yake a duniya zai hallaka.
Listen carefully! I am about to cause a flood to occur that will destroy every creature that lives beneath the sky. Everything on the earth will die.
18 Amma zan kafa alkawarina da kai, kai kuma za ka shiga jirgin, kai da’ya’yanka maza da matarka da matan’ya’yanka tare da kai.
But I will make an agreement with you(sg): You and your wife, your sons and their wives will enter the boat.
19 Za ka shigar da biyu na dukan halittu masu rai, namiji da ta mace a cikin jirgin, domin su rayu tare da kai.
And I want to save some of all kinds of creatures. So you must also bring two of all living creatures, a male and a female, into the boat with you, so that their species also may remain alive.
20 Biyu na kowane irin tsuntsu, kowace irin dabba da kuma kowace irin halitta mai rarrafe a ƙasa, za su zo wurinka domin a bar su da rai.
Two of every kind of creature will come to [in order that by your putting them in the boat] you will keep them alive. They will include two of each kind of bird and each kind of animal and each kind of creature that scurries across the ground.
21 Za ka ɗauki kowane irin abinci wanda za a ci, ka adana don yă zama abincinka da nasu.”
You must also take some of every kind of food that you and all these animals will need, and store it in the boat.”
22 Nuhu ya yi kome kamar yadda Allah ya umarce shi.
So Noah did everything that God told him to do.

< Farawa 6 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water