< Farawa 49 >

1 Sai Yaƙub ya kira’ya’yansa maza ya ce, “Ku tattaru don in faɗa muku abin da zai faru gare ku, a kwanaki masu zuwa.
And Iacob called for his sonnes ad sayde: come together that I maye tell you what shall happe you in the last dayes.
2 “Ku tattaru, ku saurara,’ya’yan Yaƙub maza; ku saurari mahaifinku, Isra’ila.
Gather you together and heare ye sonnes of Iacob and herken vnto Israel youre father.
3 “Ruben, kai ne ɗan farina, ƙarfina, alamar farko ta ƙarfina, mafi matsayi, kuma mafi iko.
Ruben thou art myne eldest sonne my myghte and the begynnynge of my strength chefe in receauynge and chefe in power.
4 Mai tumbatsa kamar ruwa, amma ba za ka ƙara zama mai daraja ba, gama ka hau gadon mahaifinka ka hau kujerata, ka kuma ƙazantar da shi.
As vnstable as water wast thou: thou shalt therfore not be the chefest for thou wenst vp vpo thy fathers bedd and than defyledest thou my couche with goynge vppe.
5 “Simeyon da Lawi’yan’uwa ne, takubansu makamai ne na tā da hankali.
The brethern Simeon and Leui weked instrumentes are their wepos.
6 Ba zan shiga shawararsu ba, ba zan shiga taronsu ba, gama sun kashe maza cikin fushinsu cikin ganin dama suka kashe bijimai.
In to their secrettes come not my soule and vnto their congregation be my honoure not coupled: for in their wrath they slewe a man and in their selfewill they houghed an oxe.
7 La’ananne ne fushinsu, mai tsanani ne ƙwarai, hasalarsu kuwa, muguwa ce ƙwarai! Zan warwatsa su cikin Yaƙub in kuma daidaita su cikin Isra’ila.
Cursed be their wrath for it was stronge and their fearsnes for it was cruell. I will therfore deuyde them in Iacob and scater them in Israel.
8 “Yahuda,’yan’uwanka za su yabe ka; hannuwanka za su kasance a wuyan abokan gābanka,’ya’yan mahaifinka maza za su rusuna maka.
Iuda thy brethern shall prayse the and thine hande shalbe in the necke of thyne enimies and thy fathers childern shall stoupe vnto the.
9 Kai ɗan zaki ne, ya Yahuda, ka dawo daga farauta, ɗana. Kamar zaki, yakan kwanta a miƙe, kamar zakanya, wa yake da ƙarfin halin tashe shi?
Iuda is a lions whelpe. Fro spoyle my sonne thou art come an hye: he layde him downe and couched himselfe as a lion and as a lionesse. Who dare stere him vp?
10 Kursiyi ba zai tashi daga Yahuda ba, ba kuwa sandan mulki daga tsakani ƙafafunsa ba, sai ya zo ga wanda yake mai shi. Biyayyar al’umma kuwa tasa ce.
The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda nor a ruelar from betwene his legges vntill Silo come vnto whome the people shall herken.
11 Zai daure jakinsa a kuringa, aholakinsa a rassa mafi kyau; zai wanke tufafinsa cikin ruwan inabi rigunansa cikin inabi ja wur kamar jini.
He shall bynde his fole vnto the vine and his asses colt vnto the vyne braunche ad shall wash his garment in wyne and his mantell in the bloud of grapes
12 Idanunsa za su duhunce fiye da ruwan inabi, haƙorarsa farare kamar madara.
his eyes are roudier than wyne ad his teeth whitter then mylke.
13 “Zebulun zai zauna a bakin teku, yă zama tasar jiragen ruwa; iyakarsa za tă nausa zuwa Sidon.
Zabulon shall dwell in the hauen of the see and in the porte of shippes and shall reache vnto Sidon.
14 “Issakar doki mai ƙarfi, kwance tsakanin buhunan sirdi.
Isachar is a stronge asse he couched him doune betwene. ij. borders
15 Sa’ad da ya ga yadda wurin hutunsa yana da kyau da kuma daɗin da ƙasarsa take, zan tanƙware kafaɗarsa ga nauyi yă miƙa kai ga aikin dole.
and sawe that rest was good and the lande that it was pleasant and bowed his shulder to beare and became a servaunte vnto trybute.
16 “Dan zai tanada adalci wa mutanensa kamar ɗaya cikin kabilan Isra’ila.
Dan shall iudge his people as one of the trybes of Israel.
17 Dan zai zama maciji a gefen hanya, kububuwa a bakin hanya, da take saran ɗiɗɗigen doki domin mahayinsa yă fāɗi da baya.
Dan shalbe a serpent in the waye and an edder in the path and byte the horse heles so yt his ryder shall fall backwarde,
18 “Ina zuba ido ga cetonka, ya Ubangiji.
After thy sauynge loke I LORde.
19 “Masu fashi za su fāɗa wa Gad, amma zai runtume su.
Gad men of warre shall invade him. And he shall turne them to flyght.
20 “Abincin Asher zai zama a wadace, zai yi tanadin abinci iri-iri da suka dace don sarki.
Off Asser cometh fatt breed and he shall geue pleasures for a kynge.
21 “Naftali sakakkiyar barewa ce da take haihuwar kyawawan’ya’ya.
Nepthali is a swyft hynde ad geueth goodly wordes.
22 “Yusuf kuringa ce mai ba da amfani. Kuringa mai ba da amfani kusa da rafi wadda rassanta na hawan bango.
That florishynge childe Ioseph that florishing childe and goodly vn to the eye: the doughters come forth to bere ruele.
23 Da ɗaci rai mahara suka fāɗa masa; suka harbe shi babu tausayi.
The shoters haue envyed him and chyde with him ad hated him
24 Amma bakansa yana nan daram hannuwansa masu ƙarfi ba sa jijjiguwa saboda hannun Maɗaukaki na Yaƙub, saboda Makiyayi, Dutsen Isra’ila,
and yet his bowe bode fast and his armes and his handes were stronge by the handes of the myghtye God of Iacob: out of him shall come an herde ma a stone in Israel.
25 saboda Allah na mahaifinka, wanda ya taimake ka, saboda Maɗaukaki, wanda yake albarkace ka da albarkar sama da take bisa albarkun zurfafa da suke ƙarƙashin ƙasa albarkun mama da kuma mahaifa.
Thi fathers God shall helpe the and the almightie shall blesse the with blessinges from heaven aboue and with blessinges of the water that lieth vnder and with blessinges of the brestes and of the wombe.
26 Albarkun mahaifi suna da girma fiye da albarkun daɗaɗɗun duwatsu fiye da yalwar madawwaman tuddai. Bari dukan waɗannan su zauna a kan Yusuf, a goshin ɗan sarki a cikin’yan’uwansa.
The blessinges of thy father were stronge: euen as the blessinges of my elders after the desyre of the hiest in the worlde and these blessinges shall fall on the head of Ioseph and on the toppe of the head of him yt was separat from his brethern.
27 “Benyamin kyarkeci ne mai kisa; da safe yakan cinye abin da ya farauto da yamma yakan raba ganima.”
Ben Iamin is a raueshynge wolfe. In the mornynge be shall deuoure his praye ad at nyghte he shall deuyde his spoyle.
28 Dukan waɗannan su ne kabilu goma sha biyu na Isra’ila, kuma abin da mahaifinsu ya faɗa musu ke nan sa’ad da ya albarkace su, yana ba kowane albarkar da ta dace da shi.
All these are the. xij. tribes of Israel and this is that which their father spake vnto them whe he blessed them euery man with a severall blessinge.
29 Sa’an nan ya ba su waɗannan umarnai ya ce, “Ina gab da a tara ni ga mutanena. Ku binne ni tare da kakannina a kogon da yake cikin filin Efron mutumin Hitti,
And he charged them and sayde vnto them. I shall be put vnto my people: se that ye burye me with my fathers in the caue that is in the felde of Ephron the Hethyte
30 kogon da yake cikin filin Makfela, kusa da Mamre a Kan’ana, wanda Ibrahim ya saya tare da filin, yă zama makabarta daga Efron mutumin Hitti.
in the double caue that is in the felde before Mamre in the lande of Canaan. Which felde Abraham boughte of Ephron the Hethite for a possessio to burye in.
31 A can aka binne Ibrahim da matarsa Saratu, a can aka binne Ishaku da matarsa Rebeka, a can kuma na binne Liyatu.
There they buryed Abraha and Sara his wyfe there they buryed Isaac and Rebecca his wyfe. And there I buried Lea:
32 Filin tare da kogon da yake ciki, an saya daga Hittiyawa.”
which felde and the caue that is therin was bought of the childern of Heth.
33 Sa’ad da Yaƙub ya gama ba da umarnan ga’ya’yansa maza, sai ya ɗaga ƙafafunsa zuwa gado, ya ja numfashinsa na ƙarshe, aka kuwa tara shi ga mutanensa.
When Iacob had commaunded all that he wold vnto his sonnes be plucked vp his fete apon the bedd and dyed and was put vnto his people.

< Farawa 49 >