< Farawa 41 >
1 Bayan shekaru biyu cif, Fir’auna ya yi mafarki. A mafarkin, ya ga yana tsaye kusa da Nilu,
And it came to pass after two full years that Pharao had a dream. He thought he stood upon [the bank of] the river.
2 sai ga shanu bakwai masu ƙiba mulmul, suka fito daga kogin, suna kiwo a cikin kyauro.
And behold, there came up as it were out of the river seven cows, fair in appearance, and choice of flesh, and they fed on the sedge.
3 Bayansu, sai ga waɗansu shanu bakwai, munana, ramammu, suka fito daga Nilu, suka tsaya kusa da waɗancan masu ƙiban, a bakin kogin.
And other seven cows came up after these out of the river, ill-favoured and lean-fleshed, and fed by the [other] cows on the bank of the river.
4 Shanun nan da suke munana ramammu, suka cinye shanu bakwai nan masu ƙiba mulmul. Sai Fir’auna ya farka.
And the seven ill-favoured and lean cows devoured the seven well-favoured and choice-fleshed cows; and Pharao awoke.
5 Ya sāke yin barci, sai ya yi mafarki na biyu; ya ga kawuna bakwai na dawa, ƙosassu masu kyau, suka yi girma a kara guda.
And he dreamt again. And, behold, seven ears came up on one stalk, choice and good.
6 Bayansu, sai ga waɗansu kawuna bakwai na dawa, suka fito sirara waɗanda iskar gabas ta sa suka yanƙwane.
And, behold, seven ears thin and blasted with the wind, grew up after them.
7 Siraran dawan suka haɗiye kawuna bakwai nan ƙosassu masu kyau. Sai Fir’auna ya farka, ashe, mafarki ne.
And the seven thin ears and blasted with the wind devoured the seven choice and full ears; and Pharao awoke, and it was a dream.
8 Da safe sai hankalinsa ya tashi, saboda haka sai ya aika a kawo dukan masu duba da masu hikima na Masar. Fir’auna ya faɗa musu mafarkansa, amma babu wanda ya iya ba shi fassararsu.
And it was morning, and his soul was troubled; and he sent and called all the interpreters of Egypt, and all her wise men; and Pharao related to them his dream, and there was no one to interpret it to Pharao.
9 Sai shugaban masu shayarwa ya ce wa Fir’auna, “Yau an tuna mini da kāsawata.
And the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharao, saying, I this day remember my fault:
10 Sai ya ci gaba ya ce, Fir’auna ya taɓa husata da bayinsa, ya kuma jefa ni da shugaban masu tuya a cikin kurkuku a gidan shugaban masu tsaro.
Pharao was angry with his servants, and put us in prison in the house of the captain of the guard, both me and the chief baker.
11 Kowannenmu ya yi mafarki a wani dare, kowane mafarki kuma ya kasance da ma’anarsa.
And we had a dream both in one night, I and he; we saw, each according to his dream.
12 To, wani saurayi, mutumin Ibraniyawa ya kasance a can tare da mu, bawan shugaban masu tsaro. Sai muka faɗa masa mafarkanmu, ya kuwa fassara mana su, yana ba wa kowane mutum fassarar mafarkinsa.
And there was there with us a young man, a Hebrew servant of the captain of the guard; and we related to him [our dreams], and he interpreted [them] to us.
13 Abubuwan kuwa suka kasance daidai yadda ya fassara su gare mu; aka mai da ni a matsayina, ɗaya mutumin kuwa aka rataye shi.”
And it came to pass, as he interpreted them to us, so also it happened, both that I was restored to my office, and that he was hanged.
14 Sai Fir’auna ya aika a kawo Yusuf, aka kuwa kawo shi da sauri daga kurkuku. Sa’ad da ya yi aski, ya kuma canja tufafinsa, sai ya zo gaban Fir’auna.
And Pharao having sent, called Joseph; and they brought him out from the prison, and shaved him, and changed his dress, and he came to Pharao.
15 Fir’auna ya ce wa Yusuf, “Na yi mafarki, kuma babu wanda ya iya fassara shi. Amma na ji an ce sa’ad da ka ji mafarki, kana iya fassara shi.”
And Pharao said to Joseph, I have seen a vision, and there is no one to interpret it; but I have heard say concerning you that you did hear dreams and interpret them.
16 Yusuf ya amsa wa Fir’auna ya ce, “Ba ni ne da iyawar ba, Allah zai iya ba wa Fir’auna amsar da yake nema.”
And Joseph answered Pharao and said, Without God an answer of safety shall not be given to Pharao.
17 Sa’an nan Fir’auna ya ce wa Yusuf, “A cikin mafarkina, na ga ina tsaye a bakin Nilu,
And Pharao spoke to Joseph, saying, In my dream I thought I stood by the bank of the river;
18 sai ga shanu bakwai masu ƙiba mulmul, suka fito daga kogin, suna kiwo a cikin kyauro.
and there came up as it were out of the river, seven cows well-favoured and choice-fleshed, and they fed on the sedge.
19 Bayansu kuma, sai ga waɗansu shanu bakwai suka fito ƙanjamammu, munana, ramammu. Ban taɓa ganin irin munanan shanu haka a cikin dukan ƙasar Masar ba.
And behold seven other cows came up after them out of the river, evil and ill-favoured and lean-fleshed, such that I never saw worse in all the land of Egypt.
20 Ramammun shanun nan munana, suka cinye shanun nan bakwai masu ƙiba da suka fito da fari.
And the seven ill-favoured and thin cows ate up the seven first good and choice cows.
21 Amma ko bayan da suka cinye su, babu wanda zai iya faɗa cewa sun yi haka; suna nan dai munana kamar yadda suke a dā. Sai na farka.
And they went into their bellies; and it was not perceptible that they had gone into their bellies, and their appearance was ill-favoured, as also at the beginning; and after I awoke I slept,
22 “Har yanzu kuma, a cikin mafarkina na ga kawuna bakwai na dawa ƙosassu masu kyau, suna girma a kara guda.
and saw again in my sleep, and as it were seven ears came up on one stem, full and good.
23 Bayansu, sai ga waɗansu kawuna bakwai suka fito, yanƙwananne sirara waɗanda iskar gabas ta yanƙwane.
And other seven ears, thin and blasted with the wind, sprang up close to them.
24 Siraran kawunan dawan nan suka haɗiye kawuna bakwai nan masu kyau. Na faɗa wannan wa masu duba, amma ba wanda ya iya fassara mini shi.”
And the seven thin and blasted ears devoured the seven fine and full ears: so I spoke to the interpreters, and there was no one to explain it to me.
25 Sai Yusuf ya ce wa Fir’auna, “Mafarkan Fir’auna, ɗaya ne. Allah ya bayyana wa Fir’auna abin da yake shirin yi.
And Joseph said to Pharao, The dream of Pharao is one; whatever God does, he has shown to Pharao.
26 Shanu masu kyau nan, shekaru bakwai ne, kawunan dawa bakwai ƙosassun nan kuwa shekaru bakwai ne; mafarkan iri ɗaya ne.
The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good ears are seven years; the dream of Pharao is one.
27 Shanun nan ramammu, munana, da suka zo daga baya, shekaru bakwai ne, haka ma kawuna dawan nan shanyayyu da iskar gabas ta yanƙwane. Shekaru ne bakwai na yunwa.
And the seven thin kine that came up after them are seven years; and the seven thin and blasted ears are seven years; there shall be seven years of famine.
28 “Haka yake kamar yadda na faɗa wa Fir’auna cewa Allah ya nuna wa Fir’auna abin da yake shirin yi.
And as for the word which I have told Pharao, whatever God intends to do, he has shown to Pharao:
29 Shekaru bakwai na yalwar abinci suna zuwa a dukan ƙasar Masar,
behold, for seven years there is coming great plenty in all the land of Egypt.
30 amma shekaru bakwai na yunwa za su biyo bayansu. Tsananin yunwar za tă sa a manta da dukan isashen abincin da aka samu a ƙasar Masar, yunwa kuwa za tă rufe dukan ƙasar.
But there shall come seven years of famine after these, and they shall forget the plenty that shall be in all Egypt, and the famine shall consume the land.
31 Ba za a tuna da isashen abincin da aka samu a ƙasar ba, domin yunwar da za tă biyo baya za tă zama da tsanani ƙwarai.
And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of the famine that shall be after this, for it shall be very grievous.
32 Dalilin da aka ba wa Fir’auna mafarkan nan kashi biyu kuwa shi ne cewa Allah ya riga ya ƙaddara al’amarin. Allah zai aikata shi, ba da daɗewa ba.
And concerning the repetition of the dream to Pharao twice, [it is] because the saying which is from God shall be true, and God will hasten to accomplish it.
33 “Yanzu fa, bari Fir’auna yă nemi mutum mai basira da kuma hikima, yă sa shi yă shugabanci ƙasar Masar.
Now then, look out a wise and prudent man, and set him over the land of Egypt.
34 Bari Fir’auna yă naɗa komishinoni a kan ƙasar don su karɓi kashi ɗaya bisa biyar na girbin Masar a lokacin shekaru bakwai na yalwar abinci.
And let Pharao make and appoint local governors over the land; and let them take up a fifth part of all the produce of the land of Egypt for the seven years of the plenty.
35 Ya kamata su tara dukan abincin waɗannan shekaru masu kyau da suke zuwa, su yi ajiyar hatsin a ƙarƙashin ikon Fir’auna, don a ajiye a birane don abinci.
And let them gather all the food of these seven good years that are coming, and let the corn be gathered under the hand of Pharao; let food be kept in the cities.
36 Ya kamata a adana abincin nan don ƙasar, kāriya shekaru bakwai na yunwa, domin a yi amfani da shi a lokacin shekarun yunwan da za su zo wa Masar, saboda kada ƙasar ta lalace da yunwa.”
And the stored food shall be for the land against the seven years of famine, which shall be in the land of Egypt; and the land shall not be utterly destroyed by the famine.
37 Shirin ya yi wa Fir’auna da kuma dukan hafsoshinsa kyau.
And the word was pleasing in the sight of Pharao, and in the sight of all his servants.
38 Saboda haka Fir’auna ya tambaye su, “Za mu iya samun wani kamar wannan mutum, wannan wanda Ruhun Allah yake cikinsa?”
And Pharao said to all his servants, Shall we find such a man as this, who has the Spirit of God in him?
39 Sai Fir’auna ya ce wa Yusuf, “Da yake Allah ya ba ka sanin dukan waɗannan, babu wani mai basira da kuma hikima kamar ka.
And Pharao said to Joseph, Since God has showed you all these things, there is not a wiser or more prudent man than you.
40 Za ka shugabanci fadata, kuma dukan mutanena za su zama a ƙarƙashinka. Da sarauta kaɗai zan fi ka girma.”
You shall be over my house, and all my people shall be obedient to your word; only in the throne will I excel you.
41 Saboda haka Fir’auna ya ce wa Yusuf, “Ga shi na sa ka zama shugaban dukan ƙasar Masar.”
And Pharao said to Joseph, Behold, I set you this day over all the land of Egypt.
42 Sa’an nan Fir’auna ya zare zoben sarauta daga yatsarsa, ya sa shi a yatsan Yusuf. Ya sanya masa rigar lallausan lilin, ya kuma sa masa sarƙar zinariya a wuyansa.
And Pharao took his ring off his hand, and put it on the hand of Joseph, and put on him a robe of fine linen, and put a necklace of gold about his neck.
43 Ya sa shi ya hau keken yaƙi a matsayi mai binsa na biyu, mutane kuwa suka yi shela a gabansa suna cewa, “A ba da hanya!” Ta haka ya sa shi shugaba a kan dukan ƙasar Masar.
And he mounted him on the second of his chariots, and a herald made proclamation before him; and he set him over all the land of Egypt.
44 Sa’an nan Fir’auna ya ce wa Yusuf, “Ni ne Fir’auna, amma in ba tare da umarninka ba, ba wanda zai ɗaga hannu ko ƙafa a cikin dukan Masar.”
And Pharao said to Joseph, I am Pharao; without you no one shall lift up his hand on all the land of Egypt.
45 Fir’auna ya ba wa Yusuf suna Zafenat-Faneya, ya kuma ba shi Asenat’yar Fotifera firist na On, ta zama matarsa. Yusuf kuwa ya zaga dukan ƙasar Masar.
And Pharao called the name of Joseph, Psonthomphanech; and he gave him Aseneth, the daughter of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis, to wife.
46 Yusuf yana zuwa shekara talatin sa’ad da ya shiga hidimar Fir’auna sarkin Masar. Yusuf kuwa ya fita daga gaban Fir’auna, ya zaga ko’ina a Masar.
And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharao, king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharao, and went through all the land of Egypt.
47 A shekaru bakwai na yalwa, ƙasar ta ba da amfani mai yawa.
And the land produced, in the seven years of plenty, [whole] handfuls [of corn].
48 Yusuf ya tattara dukan abincin da aka samu a waɗannan shekaru bakwai na yalwa a Masar, ya kuma yi ajiyarsu a cikin birane. A kowane birni, ya sa abincin da aka nome a kewayensa.
And he gathered all the food of the seven years, in which was the plenty in the land of Egypt; and he laid up the food in the cities; the food of the fields of a city round about it he laid up in it.
49 Sai Yusuf ya tara hatsi da yawan gaske, kamar yashi a bakin teku, har sai da ya kāsa iya auna shi, gama ba a iya aunawa.
And Joseph gathered very much corn as the sand of the sea, until it could not be numbered, for there was no number [of it].
50 Kafin shekarun yunwa su zo, Asenat’yar Fotifera, firist na On, ta haifa wa Yusuf’ya’ya maza biyu.
And to Joseph were born two sons, before the seven years of famine came, which Aseneth, the daughter of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis, bore to him.
51 Yusuf ya ba wa ɗansa na fari suna Manasse ya ce, “Gama Allah ya sa na mance dukan wahalata da dukan gidan mahaifina.”
And Joseph called the name of the firstborn, Manasse; for God, [said he], has made me forget all my toils, and all my father's house.
52 Ya ba wa ɗansa na biyu suna Efraim ya ce, “Gama Allah ya wadata ni cikin wahalata.”
And he called the name of the second, Ephraim; for God, [said he], has increased me in the land of my humiliation.
53 Shekaru bakwai na yalwa a Masar suka zo ga ƙarshe,
And the seven years of plenty passed away, which were in the land of Egypt.
54 sai shekaru bakwai na yunwa suka soma shigowa, kamar yadda Yusuf ya faɗa. Aka yi yunwa ko’ina amma ban da ƙasar Masar. Don akwai abinci.
And the seven years of famine began to come, as Joseph said; and there was a famine in all the land; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.
55 Sa’ad da dukan Masar ta fara jin yunwa, sai mutane suka yi wa Fir’auna kuka don abinci. Sai Fir’auna ya ce wa dukan Masarawa, “Ku tafi wurin Yusuf, ku kuma yi abin da ya faɗa muku.”
And all the land of Egypt was hungry; and the people cried to Pharao for bread. And Pharao said to all the Egyptians, Go to Joseph, and do whatever he shall tell you.
56 Sa’ad da yunwa ta bazu a dukan ƙasar, sai Yusuf ya buɗe gidajen ajiya, ya kuma sayar da hatsi ga Masarawa, gama yunwa ta yi tsanani a dukan Masar.
And the famine was on the face of all the earth; and Joseph opened all the granaries, and sold to all the Egyptians.
57 Dukan ƙasashe kuwa suka zo Masar don saya hatsi daga Yusuf, gama yunwa ta yi tsanani a dukan duniya.
And all countries came to Egypt to buy of Joseph, for the famine prevailed in all the earth.