< Farawa 37 >

1 Yaƙub ya zauna a ƙasar da mahaifinsa ya zauna, wato, ƙasar Kan’ana.
And Iacob dwelt in the lande wherein his father was a straunger yt is to saye in the lande of Canaan.
2 Wannan shi ne labarin zuriyar Yaƙub. Yusuf, saurayi ne mai shekara goma sha bakwai. Shi da’yan’uwansa, wato,’ya’yan Bilha maza da kuma’ya’yan Zilfa maza, matan mahaifinsa suna kiwon garkuna tare. Sai Yusuf ya kawo wa mahaifinsu rahoto marar kyau game da’yan’uwansa.
And these are the generations of Iacob: when Ioseph was. xvij. yere olde he kepte shepe with his brethren and the lad was with the sonnes of Bilha and of Zilpha his fathers wyues. And he brought vnto their father an euyll saynge yt was of them.
3 Isra’ila dai ya fi ƙaunar Yusuf fiye da kowanne a cikin sauran’ya’yansa maza, gama an haifa masa shi a cikin tsufansa. Sai ya yi masa riga mai gwanin kyau.
And Israel loued Ioseph more than all his childern because he begat hym in his olde age and he made him a coote of many coloures.
4 Sa’ad da’yan’uwansa suka ga cewa mahaifinsu ya fi ƙaunarsa fiye da kowanne daga cikinsu, sai suka ƙi jininsa, ba sa kuma maganar alheri da shi.
When his brothren sawe that their father loued him more than all his brethern they hated him and coude not speke one kynde worde vnto him.
5 Sai Yusuf ya yi mafarki, sa’ad da ya faɗa wa’yan’uwansa, suka ƙara ƙin jininsa.
Moreouer Ioseph dreamed a dreawe and tolde it his brethren: wherfore they hated him yet the more.
6 Ya ce musu, “Ku saurari wannan mafarkin da na yi.
And he sayde vnto them heare I praye yow this dreame which I haue dreamed:
7 Muna daurin dammunan hatsi a gona, sai nan da nan damina ya tashi ya tsaya, yayinda dammunanku suka taru kewaye da nawa suka rusuna masa.”
Beholde we were makynge sheues in the felde: and loo my shefe arose and stode vpright and youres stode rounde aboute and made obeysaunce to my shefe.
8 Sai’yan’uwansa suka ce masa, “Kana nufin za ka yi mulki a kanmu ke nan? Ko kuwa za ka zama sarki, a bisanmu?” Suka ƙara ƙin jininsa saboda mafarkinsa da kuma abin da ya faɗa.
Than sayde his brethren vnto him: what shalt thou be oure kynge or shalt thou reigne ouer us? And they hated hi yet the more because of his dreame and of his wordes.
9 Sai Yusuf ya sāke yin wani mafarki, ya faɗa wa’yan’uwansa. Ya ce, “Ku saurara, na sāke yin wani mafarki, a wannan lokaci, na ga rana da wata da taurari goma sha ɗaya suna rusuna mini.”
And he dreamed yet another dreame and told it his brethren saynge: beholde I haue had one dreame more: me thought the sonne and the moone and. xi. starres made obaysaunce to me.
10 Sa’ad da ya faɗa wa mahaifinsa da kuma’yan’uwansa, sai mahaifinsa ya kwaɓe shi ya ce, “Wanne irin mafarki ne haka da ka yi? Kana nufin ni da mahaifiyarka da’yan’uwanka za mu zo gabanka mu rusuna maka?”
And when he had told it vnto his father and his brethern his father rebuked him and sayde vnto him: what meaneth this dreame which thou hast dreamed: shall I and thy mother and thy brethren come and fall on the grounde before the?
11 ’Yan’uwansa suka yi kishinsa, amma mahaifinsa ya riƙe batun nan a zuciya.
And his brethern hated him but his father noted the saynge.
12 To,’yan’uwansa suka tafi kiwon garkunan mahaifinsu kusa da Shekem.
His brethren went to kepe their fathers shepe in Sichem
13 Sai Isra’ila ya ce wa Yusuf, “Kamar yadda ka sani,’yan’uwanka suna kiwon garkuna kusa da Shekem. Zo, in aike ka gare su.” Ya ce, “To.”
and Israell sayde vnto Ioseph: do not thy brethern kepe in Sichem? come that I may send ye to the. And he answered here am I
14 Saboda haka Isra’ila ya ce wa Yusuf, “Jeka ka ga ko kome lafiya yake da’yan’uwanka da kuma garkunan, ka kawo mini labari.” Sa’an nan ya sallame shi daga Kwarin Hebron. Sa’ad da Yusuf ya kai Shekem,
And he sayde vnto him: goo and see whether it be well with thy brethren and the shepe and brynge me worde agayne: And sent him out of the vale of Hebron for to go to Sichem.
15 sai wani mutum ya same shi yana yawo a cikin jeji, sai mutumin ya tambaye shi ya ce, “Me kake nema?”
And a certayne man founde him wandrynge out of his waye in the felde ad axed him what he soughte.
16 Yusuf ya amsa ya ce, “Ina neman’yan’uwana ne. Za ka iya faɗa mini inda suke kiwon garkunansu?”
And he answered: I seke my brethren tell me I praye the where they kepe shepe
17 Mutumin ya amsa, “Sun yi gaba daga nan. Na ji su suna cewa, ‘Bari mu je Dotan.’” Saboda haka Yusuf ya bi bayan’yan’uwansa, ya kuwa same su kusa da Dotan.
And the man sayde they are departed hece for I herde them say let vs goo vnto Dothan. Thus went Ioseph after his brethren and founde them in Dothan.
18 Amma da suka gan shi daga nesa, kafin yă kai wurinsu, sai suka ƙulla su kashe shi.
And whe they sawe him a farr of before he came at them they toke councell agaynst him for to sley him
19 Suka ce wa juna, “Ga mai mafarkin nan can zuwa!
and sayde one to another Beholde this dreamer cometh
20 Ku zo mu kashe shi mu kuma jefa shi a ɗaya daga cikin rijiyoyin nan, mu ce mugun naman jeji ya cinye shi. Mu ga yadda mafarkinsa zai cika.”
come now and let us sley him and cast him in to some pytt and let vs saye that sonne wiked beast hath deuoured him and let us see what his dreames wyll come to.
21 Sa’ad da Ruben ya ji wannan, sai ya yi ƙoƙari yă cece shi daga hannuwansu. Ya ce, “Kada mu ɗauki ransa.
When Ruben herde that he wet aboute to ryd him out of their handes and sayde let vs not kyll him.
22 Kada mu zub da wani jini. Mu dai jefa shi cikin wannan rijiya a nan cikin hamada, amma kada mu sa hannu a kansa.” Ruben ya faɗa wannan ne don yă cece shi daga gare su, yă kuma mai da shi ga mahaifinsa.
And Ruben sayde moreouer vnto them shed not his bloude but cast him in to this pytt that is in the wildernes and laye no handes vpon him: for he wolde haue rydd him out of their handes and delyuered him to his father agayne.
23 Saboda haka sa’ad da Yusuf ya zo wurin’yan’uwansa, sai suka tuɓe masa rigarsa, rigan nan mai gwanin kyau da ya sa,
And as soone as Ioseph was come vnto his brethren they strypte him out of his gay coote that was vpon him
24 suka kuma ɗauke shi suka jefa a cikin rijiya. To, rijiyar wofi ce, babu ruwa a ciki.
and they toke him and cast him in to a pytt: But the pytt was emptie and had no water therein.
25 Da suka zauna don cin abinci, sai suka tā da idanu, suka ga ayarin mutanen Ishmayel suna zuwa daga Gileyad. An yi wa raƙumansu labtu da kayan yaji da na ƙanshi, suna kan hanyarsu za su Masar.
And they satt them doune to eate brede. And as they lyft vp their eyes and loked aboute there came a companye of Ismaelites from Gilead and their camels lade with spicery baulme and myrre and were goynge doune in to Egipte.
26 Yahuda ya ce wa’yan’uwansa, “Me zai amfane mu in muka kashe ɗan’uwanmu muka ɓoye jininsa?
Than sayde Iuda to his brethre what avayleth it that we sley oure brother and kepe his bloude secrett?
27 Ku zo, mu sayar da shi wa mutanen Ishmayelawan nan, kada mu sa hannuwanmu a kansa; ban da haka ma, shi ɗan’uwanmu ne, jiki da jininmu.” Sai’yan’uwansa suka yarda.
come on let vs sell him to the Ismaelites and let not oure handes be defyled vpon him: for he is oure brother and oure flesh. And his brethren were content.
28 Saboda haka sa’ad da Fataken Midiyawa suka iso, sai’yan’uwansa suka ja Yusuf daga rijiyar, suka sayar da shi a bakin shekel ashirin na azurfa wa mutanen Ishmayel, waɗanda suka ɗauke shi zuwa Masar.
Than as the Madianites marchaunt men passed by they drewe Ioseph out of the pytt and sold him vnto the Ismaelites for. xx. peces of syluer. And they brought him into Egipte.
29 Sa’ad da Ruben ya dawo wurin rijiyar, sai ya tarar cewa Yusuf ba ya can, sai ya kyakkece tufafinsa.
And when Ruben came agayne vnto the pytt and founde not Ioseph there he rent his cloothes
30 Ya koma wurin’yan’uwansa ya ce, “Yaron ba ya can! Ina zan bi yanzu?”
and went agayne vnto his brethern saynge: the lad is not yonder and whether shall I goo?
31 Sai suka ɗauki rigar Yusuf, suka yanka akuya suka tsoma rigar a cikin jinin.
And they toke Iosephs coote ad kylled a goote and dypped the coote in the bloud.
32 Suka ɗauki rigan nan mai gwanin kyau, suka kawo wa mahaifinsu suka ce, “Mun sami wannan. Ka bincika shi ka gani ko rigar ɗanka ne.”
And they sent that gay coote and caused it to be brought vnto their father and sayd: This haue we founde: se whether it be thy sones coote or no.
33 Ya gane shi, sai ya ce, “Rigar ɗana ne! Waɗansu mugayen namun jeji sun cinye shi. Tabbatacce an yayyaga Yusuf.”
And he knewe it saynge: it is my sonnes coote a wicked beast hath deuoured him and Ioseph is rent in peces.
34 Sa’an nan Yaƙub ya kyakkece tufafinsa, ya sa tufafin makoki, ya kuma yi makoki domin ɗansa kwanaki masu yawa.
And Iacob rent his cloothes ad put sacke clothe aboute his loynes and sorowed for his sonne a longe season.
35 Dukan’ya’yansa maza da mata, suka zo don su ta’azantar da shi, amma ya ƙi yă ta’azantu. Ya ce, “A’a, cikin makoki zan gangara zuwa kabari wurin ɗana.” Saboda haka, mahaifin Yusuf ya yi kuka saboda shi. (Sheol h7585)
Than came all his sonnes ad all his doughters to comforte him. And he wold not be comforted but sayde: I will go doune in to ye grave vnto my sonne mornynge. And thus his father wepte for him. (Sheol h7585)
36 Ana cikin haka, Midiyawa suka sayar da Yusuf a Masar wa Fotifar, ɗaya daga cikin shugabannin’yan gadin fadar Fir’auna.
And the Madianytes solde him in Egipte vnto Putiphar a lorde of Pharaos: and his chefe marshall.

< Farawa 37 >