< Farawa 16 >

1 To, Saira, matar Abram, ba tă haifa masa’ya’ya ba. Amma tana da wata baiwa mutuniyar Masar mai suna Hagar,
Up to that time, Abram’s wife Sarai had not given birth to any children for Abram. But she had a female slave from Egypt, whose name was Hagar.
2 saboda haka sai ta ce wa Abram, “Ubangiji ya hana mini haihuwar’ya’ya. Tafi ka kwana da baiwata; wataƙila in sami iyali ta wurinta.” Abram kuwa ya yarda da abin da Saira ta faɗa.
[So one day] Sarai said to Abram, “Listen to me! Yahweh has not allowed me to become pregnant. So (sleep with/have sex with) [EUP] my slave Hagar. Perhaps she will bear children whom I can consider to be mine.” Abram agreed to do what Sarai said.
3 Saboda haka bayan Abram ya yi zama a Kan’ana shekaru goma, Saira matarsa ta ɗauki Hagar baiwarta ta ba wa mijinta tă zama matarsa.
So Abram (slept with/had sex with) Hagar, his wife Sarai’s slave from Egypt. This happened ten years after they went to live in Canaan [land]. Sarai gave Hagar to her husband to be his secondary wife.
4 Abram kuwa ya kwana da Hagar, ta kuma yi ciki. Sa’ad da Hagar ta gane tana da ciki, sai ta fara rena uwargijiyarta.
He (slept with/had sex with) [EUP] Hagar and she became pregnant. When she realized that she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress Sarai.
5 Sai Saira ta ce wa Abram, “Kai ne da alhakin wahalan nan da nake sha. Na sa baiwata a hannunka, yanzu da ta sani tana da ciki, sai ta fara rena ni. Bari Ubangiji yă shari’anta tsakanina da kai.”
Then Sarai said to Abram, “It is your fault! I put my servant into your arms, so that you could sleep with her [EUP]. Now she realizes that she is pregnant, and she despises me. I think Yahweh will punish you for doing this to me!”
6 Abram ya ce, “Baiwarki tana a hannunki? Ki yi da ita yadda kika ga ya fi kyau.” Sai Saira ta wulaƙanta Hagar; saboda haka ta gudu daga gare ta.
So Abram said to Sarai, “[You listen to me]! She is your servant, so act towards her in the way you consider best.” Then Sarai started to mistreat her, so she ran away from Sarai.
7 Mala’ikan Ubangiji ya sami Hagar kusa da maɓulɓula a jeji, ita ce maɓulɓular da take gefen hanya zuwa Shur.
An angel of Yahweh found her as she was near a spring of water in the desert. It was the spring that was alongside the road to Shur.
8 Ya kuma ce mata, “Hagar, baiwar Saira, daga ina kika fito, kuma ina za ki?” Ta amsa ta ce, “Ina gudu ne daga wurin uwargijiyata Saira.”
He said to her, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?” She replied, “I have run away from Sarai, my mistress.”
9 Sai mala’ikan Ubangiji ya ce mata, “Koma wurin uwargijiyarki Saira, ki yi mata biyayya.”
The angel said, “Go back to your mistress and be under her authority [MTY]”.
10 Mala’ikan ya ƙara da cewa, “Zan ƙara zuriyarki har su yi yawan da ba wanda zai iya lasafta su.”
The angel also said to her, “I will enable you to bear so many descendants that no one will be able to count them!”
11 Mala’ikan Ubangiji ya kuma ce mata, “Ga shi kina da ciki za ki kuwa haifi ɗa. Za ki ba shi suna Ishmayel, gama Ubangiji ya ga wahalarki.
The angel also said to her, “[Listen to this!] You are pregnant. You will give birth to a son. You must name him Ishmael, [which means ‘God hears]’, because Yahweh has heard you crying because you feel so miserable.
12 Zai zama mutum mai halin jakin jeji. Hannunsa zai yi gāba da kowa, hannun kowa kuma zai yi gāba da shi. Zai yi zama gāba ga dukan’yan’uwansa.”
But your son will be as uncontrollable as a wild donkey [MET]. He will oppose everyone, and everyone will oppose him [MTY]. He will live far away from his relatives [SYN].”
13 Sai ta ba wa Ubangiji wanda ya yi magana da ita, wannan suna. “Kai Allah ne wanda yake ganina,” gama ta ce, “Yanzu na ga wanda yake ganina.”
Then Hagar realized that the angel was really Yahweh, so she said to herself, “(It is difficult to believe that I have really seen the back of Yahweh, the one who sees me!/Have I really seen the back of Yahweh, the one who sees me?)” [RHQ] So she called him ‘Yahweh, the one who sees me’.
14 Shi ya sa ake kira rijiyar Beyer-Lahai-Royi tana nan har yanzu, tsakanin Kadesh da Bered.
That is why people call the well there ‘Beer-Lahai-Roi’, [which means, ‘The well of the living one who sees us’!] It is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.
15 Haka fa Hagar ta haifa wa Abram ɗa, Abram kuwa ya ba da suna Ishmayel ga ɗan da ta haifa.
So Hagar later gave birth to a son for Abram, and she gave to her son the name Ishmael.
16 Abram yana da shekaru 86 sa’ad da Hagar ta haifa masa Ishmayel.
Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar gave birth to Abram’s son Ishmael.

< Farawa 16 >