< Ezra 6 >

1 Sarki Dariyus kuwa ya ba da umarni a bincika a duba cikin littattafan tarihin da suke a ajiye a wurin ajiyarsu a Babilon.
Then King Darius gaue commandement, and they made search in the librarie of the treasures, which were there layd vp in Babel.
2 Sai aka sami takarda a Ekbatana a yankin Mediya, ga kuma abin da yake rubuce a ciki. Abin tunawa.
And there was founde in a coffer (in the palace that was in the prouince of the Medes) a volume, and therein was it thus written, as a memoriall,
3 A shekara ta farko ta mulkin sarki Sairus, sarki ya ba da umarni game da haikalin Allah a Urushalima, ya ce, Bari a sāke gina haikalin yă zama wurin miƙa hadayu, a kuma aza harsashin ginin haikalin. Tsayinsa zai zama ƙafa tasa’in, fāɗinsa kuma kamu tasa’in.
IN THE FIRST yeere of King Cyrus, King Cyrus made a decree for the house of God in Ierusalem, Let the house be buylt, euen the place where they offred sacrifices, and let the walles thereof be ioyned together: let the height thereof be three score cubites, and the breadth thereof three score cubites,
4 Za a jera manyan duwatsu jeri uku, da jeri ɗaya na katako. Daga asusun sarki kuma za a biya kuɗin aikin.
Three orders of great stones, and one order of timber, and let the expenses be giuen of the Kings house.
5 Kwanonin zinariya da na azurfan gidan Allah waɗanda Nebukadnezzar ya kwashe daga haikali a Urushalima ya kawo Babilon, a mayar da su wurinsu a haikali a Urushalima; a sa su cikin gidan Allah.
And also let them render the vessels of the house of God (of golde and siluer, which Nebuchadnezzar tooke out of the Temple, which was in Ierusalem, and brought vnto Babel) and let him goe vnto the Temple that is in Ierusalem to his place, and put them in the house of God.
6 Saboda haka Tattenai, gwamnan Kewayen Kogin Yuferites, da Shetar-Bozenai, da ku masu muƙami na yankin, ku bar wurin.
Therefore Tatnai captaine beyond the Riuer, and Shethar Boznai, (and their companions Apharsecaie, which are beyonde the Riuer) be ye farre from thence.
7 Kada ku hana wannan aiki na haikalin Allah. Bari gwamnan Yahudawa, da dattawan Yahudawa su sāke gina wannan gidan Allah a wurin da yake a dā.
Suffer ye the worke of this house of God, that the captaine of the Iewes and the Elders of the Iewes may buylde this house of God in his place.
8 Na kuma ba da umarni game da abin da za ku yi wa dattawan Yahudawa cikin aikin ginin wannan gidan Allah. Daga asusun sarki a kuɗin da yake shigo wa Kewayen Kogin Yuferites za a biya mutanen nan duka, domin kada aikin yă tsaya.
For I haue giuen a commandement what ye shall doe to the Elders of these Iewes, for the buylding of this house of God, that of the reuenues of the King, which is of the tribute beyonde the Riuer, there be incontinently expenses giuen vnto these men that they cease not.
9 A tanada musu duk abin da suke bukata. A ba su’yan bijimai, da raguna, da’yan tumaki domin miƙa hadaya ta ƙonawa ga Allah na sama, haka kuma dole a tanada wa firistoci alkama, da gishiri, da ruwan inabi, da mai, kullum ba fasawa yadda firistoci suke yi a Urushalima
And that which they shall haue neede of, let it be giuen vnto them day by day, whether it be yong bullockes, or rammes, or lambes for the burnt offrings of the God of heauen, wheate, salt, wine, and oyle, according to the appoyntment of the Priestes that are in Ierusalem, that there bee no fault,
10 domin su miƙa hadayu masu daɗi ga Allah na Sama, su kuma yi addu’a domin lafiyar sarki da’ya’yansa.
That they may haue to offer sweete odours vnto the God of heauen, and praye for the Kings life, and for his sonnes.
11 Na kuma yi umarni cewa duk wanda ya karya wannan doka sai a fitar da itace daga cikin gidansa, a fiƙe kan itacen, a tsire mutumin, sa’an nan a mai da gidansa juji.
And I haue made a decree, that whosoeuer shall alter this sentence, the wood shall be pulled downe from his house, and shall be set vp, and he shalbe hanged thereon, and his house shalbe made a dunghill for this.
12 Bari Allah yă sa sunansa yă kasance, yă hamɓarar da duka wani sarki ko mutanen da za su sa hannu don a sāke wannan doka, ko kuma don su rushe haikalin nan a Urushalima. Ni Dariyus na ba da wannan umarni, bari a yi biyayya babu wasa.
And the God that hath caused his Name to dwell there, destroy all Kings and people that put to their hand to alter, and to destroy this house of God, which is in Ierusalem. I Darius haue made a decree, let it be done with speede.
13 Saboda umarnin da sarki Dariyus ya aika, sai Tattenai, gwamnan Kewayen Kogin Yuferites da Shetar-Bozenai da abokansu suka yi biyayya da umarnin babu wasa.
Then Tatnai the captaine beyond the Riuer, and Shethar Boznai and their companions, according to that which Darius had sent, so they did speedily.
14 Dattawan Yahuda kuwa suka ci gaba da ginin suna yin nasara ta wurin wa’azin Haggai annabi da Zakariya ɗan Iddo. Suka kuma gama ginin haikalin bisa ga umarnin Allah na Isra’ila da kuma umarnin Sairus da Artazerzes, sarakunan Farisa.
So the Elders of the Iewes builded, and they prospered by the prophecying of Haggai the Prophet, and Zechariah the sonne of Iddo, and they buylded and finished it, by the appoyntment of the God of Israel, and by the commandement of Cyrus and Darius, and Artahshashte king of Persia.
15 An gama ginin haikalin a rana ta uku na watan Adar a shekara ta shida ta mulkin Sarki Dariyus.
And this house was finished the thirde day of the moneth Adar, which was the sixt yeere of the reigne of King Darius.
16 Sai mutanen Isra’ila, firistoci, Lawiyawa da kuma sauran waɗanda suka dawo daga bauta suka yi bikin keɓe gidan Allah, cike da farin ciki.
And the children of Israel, the Priestes, and the Leuites, and the residue of the children of the captiuitie kept the dedication of this house of God with ioy,
17 Suka miƙa bijimai guda ɗari, da raguna ɗari biyu, da’yan raguna ɗari huɗu. Suka kuma miƙa hadayu don zunubi saboda dukan Isra’ila, suka kuma miƙa bunsurai guda goma sha biyu don hadaya ta zunubi, kowane bunsuru ɗaya don kowace kabila ta Isra’ila.
And offred at the dedication of this house of God an hundreth bullockes, two hundreth rams, foure hundreth lambes, and twelue goates, for the sinne of all Israel, according to the nomber of the tribes of Israel.
18 Suka kuma naɗa firistoci a gundumominsu da kuma Lawiyawa a ƙungiyoyinsu don hidimar Allah a Urushalima, bisa ga abin da aka rubuta a Littafin Musa.
And they set the Priests in their order, and the Leuites in their courses ouer the seruice of God in Ierusalem, as it is written in the booke of Moses.
19 A rana ta goma sha huɗu ga watan farko, sai waɗanda suka dawo daga bauta suka yi Bikin Ƙetarewa.
And the childre of the captiuitie kept the Passeouer on ye fourtenth day of the first moneth.
20 Firistoci da Lawiyawa suka tsarkake kansu, suka zama da tsabta. Lawiyawa suka yanka ragon Bikin Ƙetarewa domin dukan waɗanda suka dawo daga bauta, da kuma domin’yan’uwansu firistoci, da kuma domin kansu.
(For the Priests and the Leuites were purified altogether) and they killed the Passeouer for all the children of the captiuitie, and for their brethren the Priests, and for themselues.
21 Sai Isra’ilawa waɗanda suka dawo daga bauta suka ci tare da duk waɗanda suka keɓe kansu daga halin ƙazanta na Al’ummai maƙwabtansu, don su nemi Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila.
So the children of Israel which were come againe out of captiuitie, and all such as had separated themselues vnto them, from the filthines of the Heathen of the land, to seeke the Lord God of Israel, did eate,
22 Suka yi kwana bakwai suna Bikin Burodi Marar Yisti, suna cike da farin ciki, gama Ubangiji ya cika su da farin ciki don ya sa sarkin Assuriya ya canja tunaninsa, ya taimake su cikin aikin gidan Allah, Allah na Isra’ila.
And they kept ye feast of vnleauened bread seuen dayes with ioy: for the Lord had made them glad, and turned the heart of the King of Asshur vnto them, to incourage them in the worke of the house of God, euen the God of Israel.

< Ezra 6 >