< Ezekiyel 44 >

1 Sai mutumin ya komo da ni zuwa ƙofar waje na wuri mai tsarki, wadda take fuskantar gabas, tana kuwa a rufe.
Then [in the vision] the man brought me back to the outer entryway to the temple [area], the one on the east side, but the outer entrance was shut.
2 Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Wannan ƙofar za tă kasance a rufe. Ba za a buɗe ta ba; ba wanda zai shiga ta wurinta. Za tă kasance a rufe domin Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, ya shiga ta wurinta.
Yahweh said to me, “This entrance must remain shut. It must not be opened [by anyone]; no one will be permitted to enter it. It must remain shut because [I], Yahweh, the God of Israel, have [caused it to be sacred by] entering through it.
3 Sarki kansa ne kaɗai zai zauna a hanyar shiga don yă ci a gaban Ubangiji. Zai shiga ta hanyar shirayin hanyar shiga yă kuma fita a wannan hanya.”
Only the king [of Israel] will be permitted to sit inside this entryway to eat food in the presence of Yahweh. But he will must enter and leave [the temple area] through the entry room of this entryway.”
4 Sa’an nan mutumin ya kawo ni ta hanyar ƙofar arewa zuwa gaban haikali. Na duba na kuma ga ɗaukakar Ubangiji tana cika haikalin Ubangiji, sai na fāɗi rubda ciki.
Then the man brought me through the north entryway to the front of the temple. I looked and saw that the glory of Yahweh filled his temple, and I prostrated myself on the ground.
5 Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Ɗan mutum, ka lura sosai, ka saurara sosai ka kuma mai da hankali ga kome da na faɗa maka game da dukan ƙa’idodi game da haikalin Ubangiji. Ka lura sosai da ƙofar shigar haikali da kuma dukan ƙofofin wuri mai tsarki.
Yahweh said to me, “You human, look carefully, and listen carefully to everything that I tell you about all the regulations concerning the temple. Note carefully the temple entrance and all the exits.
6 Faɗa wa’yan tawayen gidan Isra’ila, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa ayyukan banƙyamarku sun isa haka, ya gidan Isra’ila!
Say this to the rebellious Israeli people: ‘This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: You Israeli people, I will no longer endure the detestable things that you do!
7 Ban da dukan sauran ayyukanku na banƙyama, kun kawo baƙi marasa kaciya a zuciya da jiki a wurina mai tsarki, kun kuma ƙazantar da haikalina yayinda kuke miƙa mini abinci, kitse da kuma jini, kun kuma karya alkawarina.
In addition to all the other detestable things that you do, you brought into my temple foreign men who had not been circumcised and who were godless [IDM]. By doing that, you caused my temple to be an unacceptable place to worship me, while you offered food and fat and blood, and you disobeyed my agreement with you.
8 A maimakon yin ayyukanku bisa ga abubuwana masu tsarki, kun sa waɗansu su lura da wurina mai tsarki.
Instead of doing what I commanded you to do in regard to my holy things, you appointed foreigners to be in charge of my temple.
9 Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa ba baƙo marar kaciya a zuciya da jiki da zai shiga wurina mai tsarki, kai, har ma da baƙin da suke zama a cikin Isra’ila.
But this is what [I], Yahweh, have said: No foreigners, no men who are not circumcised, no godless people are permitted to enter my temple, not even foreigners who live among you [Israelis permanently].
10 “‘Lawiyawan da suka yi nesa da ni sa’ad da Isra’ila suka kauce da kuma waɗanda suka karkata daga gare ni suka bi gumakansu, dole su ɗauki alhakin zunubinsu.
[Most of] the descendants of Levi abandoned me along with [most of] the Israeli people, and started to worship idols. They must be punished for their sin.
11 Za su iya yin hidima a wurina mai tsarki, suna lura da ƙofofin haikali suna kuma hidima a cikinsu; za su iya yankan hadayun ƙonawa da sadaka don mutane su kuma tsaya a gaban mutane su yi musu hidima.
They are [still] permitted to work in my temple and to be in charge of the entrances of the temple, and they are permitted to slaughter the animals that will be completely burned on the altar, and [to burn other] sacrifices for the people, and they will [be able to] help the people.
12 Amma domin sun yi musu hidima a gaban gumakansu suka sa gidan Isra’ila ya yi zunubi, saboda haka na ɗaga hannu na rantse cewa dole su ɗauki alhakin zunubinsu, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
But because they helped the people to worship idols and caused [many of] the Israeli people [MTY] to sin [by worshiping idols], I have lifted up my arm and solemnly declared that they must be punished for their sin.
13 Ba za su yi kusa don su yi hidima kamar firistoci ko su zo kusa da abubuwana masu tsarki ko hadayuna mafi tsarki ba; dole su sha kunya saboda ayyukansu na banƙyama.
They must not come near me to serve as priests. They must not come near any sacred things or the holy offerings. They must be ashamed of the shameful things that they did.
14 Duk da haka zan sa su su lura da ayyukan haikali da kuma dukan ayyukan da za a yi a cikinsa.
But I will still put them in charge of the work in the temple and allow them to do all the work that needs to be done there.
15 “‘Amma firistoci, waɗanda suke Lawiyawa kuma zuriyar Zadok waɗanda suka yi aminci ta wurin yin ayyukansu a wurina mai tsarki sa’ad da Isra’ilawa suka kauce daga gare ni, su ne za su zo kusa don hidima a gabana; za su tsaya a gabana don miƙa hadayun kitse da jini, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
But [most of] the priests who are descendants of Levi and from the clan of Zadok worked in my temple when the [other] Israelis abandoned me. [So they] are permitted to come near to me to work for me. They will stand in my presence to offer [sacrifices of animals’] fat and blood.
16 Su ne kaɗai za su shiga wurina mai tsarki; su ne kaɗai za su zo kusa da teburina don yin hidima a gabana su kuma yi hidimata.
They [are the only ones who] are permitted to enter my temple. They are [the only ones who are] permitted to come near my altar to serve me and do what I tell them to do.
17 “‘Sa’ad da suka shiga ƙofofin fili na can ciki, dole su sa tufafin lilin; kada su sa wani rigar da aka yi da ulu yayinda suke hidima a ƙofofin fili na can ciki da cikin haikali.
When they enter [one of] the entrances into the inner courtyard, they must wear linen clothes. They must not wear any clothes [made] of wool while they do their work at the entrances of the inner courtyard or inside [the temple].
18 Za su naɗa rawunan lilin a kawunansu, su kuma sa wandunan lilin. Kada su sa wani abin da zai sa su yi zuffa.
They must have linen turbans [wrapped] around their heads and wrap linen undergarments around their waists. They must not wear anything that would cause them to perspire.
19 Sa’ad da suka fita daga haikali zuwa fili na waje inda mutane suke, sai su tuɓe rigunan da suka yi hidima da su su bar su a tsarkakan ɗakuna, su sa waɗansu riguna, don kada su tsarkake mutane ta wurin rigunansu.
Before they go out into the outer courtyard where [other] people are, they must take off the clothes that they have been wearing and leave them in the sacred rooms, and they must put on other clothes, in order that the other people are not punished because of [their touching] the sacred clothes.
20 “‘Ba za su aske kawunansu ko su bar gashin kansu ya yi tsayi ba, amma sai su sausaye gashin kansu.
The priests must not shave their heads or allow their hair to become long; but they must regularly trim [the edges of] their hair.
21 Kada firist ya sha ruwan inabi sa’ad da zai shiga fili na can ciki.
Priests must not drink wine before they enter the inner courtyard.
22 Kada su auri gwauruwa ko macen da aka sāke; za su auri budurwai ne kaɗai na Isra’ilawa ko gwaurayen firistoci.
[Also], priests must not marry widows [of men who were not priests] or women who have been divorced. [Priests are permitted to marry only] Israeli [MTY] virgins or widows of [other] priests.
23 Za su koyar da mutanena bambanci tsakanin tsarki da rashin tsarki su kuma nuna musu yadda za su bambanta marar tsarki da mai tsarki.
Priests must teach the people the difference between things that are holy/sacred and things that are not, and they must teach them the difference between things that are acceptable to me and things that are not.
24 “‘A duk wani rashin jituwa, firistoci za su zama alƙalai su kuma yanke magana bisa ga farillaina. Za su kiyaye dokokina da ƙa’idodina a dukan ƙayyadaddun bukukkuwana, su kuma kiyaye Asabbataina da tsarki.
When there are disputes [between people], the priests are the ones who must be the judges and decide according to my laws what must be done. They must obey all my laws and decrees concerning the sacred festivals, and they must keep my Sabbath days (holy/set apart).
25 “‘Firist ba zai ƙazantar da kansa ta wurin zuwa kusa da gawa ba; amma, in gawar mahaifinsa ko mahaifiyarsa, ko ɗansa ko’yarsa, ko ɗan’uwansa ko’yar’uwarsa ce, to, ba zai ƙazantar da kansa ba.
A priest is permitted to go near the corpse of his father or his mother or his son or his daughter or his brother or his unmarried sister; but he is still defiled by doing that. But a priest must not defile himself by going near a corpse of anyone else.
26 Bayan ya tsarkaka, dole yă jira har kwana bakwai.
But [even] if a priest touches the corpse [of a close relative, he must perform the rituals to become acceptable to serve me again]. After he performs those rituals, he must wait seven days.
27 A ranar da ya shiga fili na can ciki na wuri mai tsarki don hidima a wuri mai tsarki, zai miƙa hadaya don zunubi saboda kansa, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
Then, on the day that he enters the inner courtyard [again] to serve me in the temple, he must give an offering to remove his guilt for his sin. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
28 “‘Ni ne kaɗai zan zama abin gādon da firistoci za su kasance da shi. Kada ka ba su wani mallaka a Isra’ila; zan zama mallakarsu.
The priests are not permitted to own any property. They will have only what I [provide for them].
29 Za su ci hadaya ta gari, hadaya don zunubi da hadaya don laifi; da kuma kowane keɓaɓɓen abu a Isra’ila da za a ba wa Ubangiji zai zama nasu.
They will eat the offerings [other people make] from grain, offerings to remove people’s guilt for having sinned, and offerings made when people fail to give to Yahweh the things that they are required to give. Everything [else] in Israel that is completely dedicated to [me], Yahweh, will belong to the priests.
30 Mafi kyau na nunan farinku da kuma dukan kyautanku na musamman za su zama na firistoci. Za ku ba su rabo na fari na ɓarzajjen hatsinku saboda albarka ta kasance a gidanku.
The best fruits of the first part of each harvest and all the [other] special gifts that are given to me will belong to the priests. You must give them the first part of your finely-ground flour, in order that I will bless [the people who live in] [MTY] your houses.
31 Firistoci ba za su ci mushen tsuntsu ko na dabba ba, ba kuwa za su ci waɗanda namun jeji suka kashe ba.
Priests must not eat the flesh of any bird or animal that was found dead or that has been killed by wild animals.’”

< Ezekiyel 44 >