< Ezekiyel 27 >

1 Maganar Ubangiji ta zo mini cewa,
The worde of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying,
2 “Ɗan mutum, ka yi makoki domin Taya.
Sonne of man, take vp a lametation for Tyrus,
3 Ka ce wa Taya, wadda take zaune a hanyar shiga zuwa teku, kasuwar masu yawa mutane a bakin teku, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa, “‘Kin ce, ya Taya, “Ni kyakkyawa ce cikakkiya.”
And say vnto Tyrus, that is situate at the entrie of the sea, which is the marte of the people for many yles, Thus sayeth the Lord God, O Tyrus, thou hast said, I am of perfite beautie.
4 Manyan tekuna ne wurin zamanki; maginanki sun sa kyanki ya zama cikakke.
Thy borders are in the middes of the sea, and thy builders haue made thee of perfit beauty.
5 Sun yi dukan katakanki daga itatuwan fir daga Senir; sun kwaso itatuwan al’ul daga Lebanon don su yi miki jigon jirgin ruwa.
They haue made all thy shippe boardes of firre trees of Shenir: they haue brought cedars from Lebanon, to make mastes for thee.
6 Da oak daga Bashan suka yi sandunan tuƙan jirgin ruwa da itatuwan kasharina daga bakin tekun Saifurus suka yi daɓe jirgin ruwanki, suka kuma manne masa hauren giwa.
Of ye okes of Bashan haue they made thine ores: the company of the Assyrians haue made thy banks of yuorie, brought out of ye yles of Chittim.
7 Lilin mai kyau mai ado daga Masar ne filafilan jirgin ruwanki suka kuma zama tutarki; an yi tutarki da shuɗi da shunayya daga bakin tekun Elisha.
Fine linen with broydered woorke, brought from Egypt, was spread ouer thee to be thy sayle, blue silke and purple, brought from the yles of Elishah, was thy couering.
8 Mutanen Sidon da Arfad su ne matuƙan jirgin ruwanki; gwanayenki, ya Taya, suna ciki a matsayi matuƙan jiragen ruwa.
The inhabitants of Zidon, and Aruad were thy mariners, O Tyrus: thy wise men that were in thee, they were thy pilots.
9 Masu hikima na Gebal suna ciki a matsayin masu tattoshe mahaɗan katakon jirginki. Dukan jiragen ruwa da matuƙansu sukan zo wurinki don kasuwanci.
The ancients of Gebal, and the wise men thereof were in thee thy calkers, all the shippes of the sea with their mariners were in thee to occupie thy marchandise.
10 “‘Mutanen Farisa, Lidiya da Fut su ne suka zama sojoji a cikin mayaƙanki. Sun rataye garkuwoyinsu da hulunan kwano a katangarki, suna kawo miki daraja.
They of Persia, and of Lud and of Phut were in thine armie: thy men of warre they hanged the shielde and helmet in thee: they set foorth thy beautie.
11 Mutanen Arfad da Helek sun yi tsaron katangar a kowace gefe; mutanen Gammad su ne a hasumiyoyinki. Sun rataye garkuwoyinsu kewaye da katangarki; sun sa kyanki ya zama cikakke.
The men of Aruad with thine armie were vpon thy walles round about, and the Gammadims were in thy towres: they hanged their shields vpon thy walles round about: they haue made thy beautie perfite.
12 “‘Tarshish ta yi ciniki da ke saboda yawan wadatar kayayyakinki; sun sayi kayan cinikinki da azurfa, ƙarfe, kuza da dalma.
They of Tarshish were thy marchantes for the multitude of all riches, for siluer, yron, tynne, and leade, which they brought to thy faires.
13 “‘Girka, Tubal da Meshek sun yi kasuwanci da ke; sun sayi kayanki suka biya da bayi da kuma abubuwan da aka yi da tagulla.
They of Iauan, Tubal and Meshech were thy marchants, concerning the liues of men, and they brought vessels of brasse for thy marchadise.
14 “‘Mutanen Bet Togarma sun sayi kayan cinikinki da dawakai, dawakan yaƙi da alfadarai.
They of the house of Togarmah brought to thy faires horses, and horsemen, and mules.
15 “‘Mutanen Dedan sun yi kasuwanci da ke, bakin teku masu yawa abokan cinikinki ne; sun biya ki da hauren giwa da katakon kanya.
The men of Dedan were thy marchantes: and the marchandise of many yles were in thine handes: they brought thee for a present hornes, teeth, and peacockes.
16 “‘Mutanen Aram sun yi ciniki da ke saboda yawan kayanki; suka sayi kayan cinikinki da zumurrudu, da shunayya, da kayan ado, da lilin mai taushi, da murjani, da yakutu.
They of Aram were thy marchants for the multitude of thy wares: they occupied in thy faires with emerauds, purple, and broidred worke, and fine linen, and corall, and pearle.
17 “‘Yahuda da Isra’ila sun yi kasuwanci da ke; sun sayi kayanki da alkama da Minnit da alawa, da zuma, da mai, da ganyaye masu ƙanshi.
They of Iudah and of the land of Israel were thy marchants: they brought for thy marchandise wheat of Minnith, and Pannag, and honie and oyle, and balme.
18 “‘Mutanen Damaskus sun ga abin da za ki iya bayarwa sai suka yi ciniki da ke, ta sayi kayanki da ruwan inabi daga Helbon, da ulu daga Zahar.
They of Damascus were thy marchants in ye multitude of thy wares, for the multitude of all riches, as in the wine of Helbon and white wooll.
19 Wedan da Yaban kusa da Uzal, suka sayi kayanki; wato gyararren ƙarfe da kayan yaji.
They of Dan also and of Iauan, going to and from, occupied in thy faires: yron woorke, cassia and calamus were among thy marchandise.
20 “‘Mutanen Dedan sun sayi kayanki da sirdin zama a kan dawakai.
They of Dedan were thy marchants in precious clothes for the charets.
21 “‘Mutanen Arabiya da dukan sarakunan Kedar abokan cinikinki ne; sun yi ciniki da ke suka sayi kayanki da’yan raguna, da raguna, da awaki.
They of Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar occupied with thee, in lambes, and rammes and goates: in these were they thy marchants.
22 “‘’Yan kasuwan Sheba da Ra’ama sun yi ciniki da ke; suka sayi kayanki da kayan yaji mafi kyau iri-iri, da duwatsu masu daraja iri-iri, da zinariya.
The marchats of Sheba, and Raamah were thy marchantes: they occupied in thy faires with the chiefe of all spices, and with al precious stones and golde.
23 “‘Haran, Kanne da Eden da kuma’yan kasuwan Sheba, Assuriya da Kilmad sun yi ciniki da ke.
They of Haram and Canneh and Eden, the marchants of Sheba, Asshur and Chilmad were thy marchants.
24 A kasuwarki sun yi ciniki da ke suka sayar miki tufafi masu tsada, da na shuɗi, da masu ado, da dardumai masu ƙyalƙyali da kirtani, da igiyoyi waɗanda aka tuƙa da kyau.
These were thy marchants in all sortes of things, in raiment of blewe silke, and of broydred woorke, and in coffers for the rich apparell, which were bound with cordes: chaines also were among thy marchandise.
25 “‘Jiragen ruwan Tarshish sun zama masu jigilar kayanki. Kin cika da kaya masu nauyi a tsakiyar teku.
The shippes of Tarshish were thy chiefe in thy marchandise, and thou wast replenished and made very glorious in the middes of the sea.
26 Matuƙan jiragenki sun kai ki can cikin manyan tekuna. Amma iskar gabas za tă farfasa ki kucu-kucu a tsakiyar teku.
Thy robbers haue brought thee into great waters: the East winde hath broken thee in the middes of the sea.
27 Dukiyarki, cinikinki da kayan kasuwarki, ma’aikatanki na jirgi, matuƙan jiragenki da masu tattoshe mahaɗan katakan jiragenki,’yan kasuwarki da dukan sojojinki, da kuma kowa da yake cikin jirgi zai nutsa a tsakiyar teku a ranar da jirginki zai nutse.
Thy riches and thy faires, thy marchandise, thy mariners and pilotes, thy calkers, and the occupiers of thy marchandise and al thy men of warre that are in thee, and all thy multitude which is in the middes of thee, shall fall in the middes of the sea in the day of thy ruine.
28 Ƙasashen bakin teku za su girgiza sa’ad da matuƙan jirginki suka yi kuka.
The suburbes shall shake at the sound of the crie of thy pilotes.
29 Dukan waɗanda suke riƙe da matuƙi za su ƙyale jiragensu; ma’aikatan jirage da dukan matuƙan jirage za su tsaya a bakin teku.
And all that handle the ore, the mariners and al the pilots of the sea shall come downe from their shippes, and shall stand vpon the land,
30 Za su tā da muryarsu su yi kuka mai zafi a kanki; za su yayyafa ƙura a kawunansu, su yi ta birgima a cikin toka.
And shall cause their voyce to be heard against thee, and shall cry bitterly, and shall cast dust vpon their heads, and wallow theselues in the ashes.
31 Za su aske kawunansu saboda ke za su kuma sa tufafin makoki. Za su yi kuka dominki su yi ɓacin rai da kuma kuka mai zafi.
They shall plucke off their heare for thee and gird them with a sackecloth, and they shall weepe for thee with sorow of heart and bitter mourning.
32 Yayinda suke kuka a kanki kuwa, za su yi makoki dominki suna cewa, “Wa ya taɓa yin shiru kamar Taya, kewaye da teku?”
And in their mourning, they shall take vp a lametation for thee, saying, What citie is like Tyrus, so destroied in the middes of the sea!
33 Sa’ad da kayan cinikinki suka tafi ƙasashen hayi, kin gamsar da al’ummai masu yawa; da dukiyarki masu yawa da kuma kayan cinikinki kin azurtar da sarakunan duniya.
When thy wares went foorth of the seas, thou filledst many people, and thou diddest enrich the Kings of the earth with the multitude of thy riches and of thy marchandise.
34 Yanzu teku ta farfashe ki cikin zurfafan ruwaye; kayan cinikinki da dukan kamfaninki sun nutse tare da ke.
When thou shalt be broken by ye seas in the depths of the waters, thy marchandise and all thy multitude, which was in the mids of thee, shall fal.
35 Dukan mazaunan bakin teku sun giggice saboda masifarki; sarakunansu sun tsorata ƙwarai fuskokinsu kuwa sun yamutse don tsoro.
All the inhabitantes of the yles shall be astonished at thee, and all their Kings shall be sore afraide and troubled in their countenance.
36 ’Yan kasuwa a cikin al’ummai suna yin miki tsaki; kin zo ga mummunar ƙarshe ba za ki ƙara kasancewa ba har abada.’”
The marchants among the people shall hisse at thee: thou shalt be a terrour, and neuer shalt be any more.

< Ezekiyel 27 >