< Ezekiyel 23 >

1 Maganar Ubangiji ta zo mini cewa,
Yahweh said to me,
2 “Ɗan mutum, an yi mata biyu,’yan matan mahaifiya guda.
“You human, [listen to this parable about Jerusalem and Samaria]. Once there were two women, daughters of the same mother.
3 Suka zama karuwai a Masar, suka yi karuwanci tun daga ƙuruciyarsu. A wancan ƙasar an rungumi mamansu da ƙirjinsu na budurwanci.
They lived in Egypt. And from the time that they were young women, they became prostitutes. In that land, [men] fondled their breasts and caressed their bosoms [DOU].
4 Sunan babbar Ohola, ƙanuwarta kuwa Oholiba. Sun zama nawa suka kuma haifi’ya’ya maza da mata. Ohola ita ce Samariya, Oholiba kuwa ita ce Urushalima.
The older [sister] was Oholah, and her [younger] sister was Oholibah. [It was as though] they became my [wives. Later] they gave birth to sons and daughters. Oholah represents Samaria, and Oholibah represents Jerusalem.
5 “Ohola ta shiga karuwanci yayinda take zamana; ta kuwa yi ta kai da kawowa da kwartayenta, Assuriyawa, mayaƙa
Oholah acted like a prostitute while she was [still] my wife. She desired to have sex with those she loved—soldiers from Assyria.
6 waɗanda suke saye da shunayya, gwamnoni da manyan sojoji, dukansu samari ne masu bansha’awa, suna bisa kan dawakai.
[Some of them] were army officers and commanders. They wore [beautiful] blue [uniforms. They were] all handsome young men. Some of them rode horses.
7 Ta ba da kanta ga duk waɗanda suke masu ilimin Assuriya ta kuma ƙazantar da kanta da dukan gumaka na kowa da take kai da kawowa a cikinsu.
She acted like a prostitute toward all the important Assyrian officials, and became unacceptable to me by worshiping all the idols of the men she wanted to have sex with.
8 Ba ta bar karuwancin da ta fara a Masar ba, sa’ad da take budurwa maza sun kwana da ita, suka rungumi ƙirjinta suka kuma biya kwaɗayinsu a kanta.
When she was a young woman in Egypt, she started being a prostitute, and [young] men caressed her breasts and had sex with her; and when she became older, she did not quit acting like a prostitute.
9 “Saboda haka na bashe ta ga kwartayenta, Assuriyawa, waɗanda ta yi ta kai da kawowa a cikinsu.
So I allowed the Assyrian soldiers, whom she wanted to have sex with, to capture her.
10 Suka tuɓe ta tsirara, suka kwashe’ya’yanta maza da mata suka kuma kashe ta da takobi. Ta kuwa zama abin karin magana a cikin mata, aka kuma yi mata hukunci.
They stripped all her clothes off her. They took away her sons and daughters. And then they killed her with a sword. [Other] women started talking about what had happened to her, about how she had been punished.
11 “Ƙanuwarta Oholiba kuwa ta ga wannan, duk da haka cikin kai da kawowarta da karuwancinta ta fi’yar’uwar lalacewa.
[younger] sister Oholibah saw those [that happened to Oholah], but she was a prostitute, and she desired to have sex with men more than [older] sister had desired.
12 Ita ma ta yi ta kai da kawowa cikin Assuriyawa, gwamnoni da manyan sojoji; mayaƙa masu saye da kayan yaƙi, suna bisa dawakai, dukansu samari ne masu bansha’awa.
Oholibah [also] wanted to have sex with the Assyrian soldiers. [Some of them were] army officers and commanders. [They all] wore beautiful blue uniforms. They were all handsome young men. [Some of] them rode horses.
13 Na ga cewa ita ma ta ƙazantar da kanta; dukansu biyu sun bi hanya guda.
I saw what she did that caused her to became unacceptable to me, just like [older] sister.
14 “Amma karuwancinta ya zarce. Ta ga an zāna mutane a kan bango, siffofin sojojin Kaldiyawa suna cikin jajjayen riguna,
But she did [even] worse things. She saw drawings of men from Babylonia on the walls, painted in red.
15 da ɗamara a gindinsu da rawuna a kansu suna kaɗawa falfal; dukansu sun yi kamar jarumawan kekunan yaƙin Babiloniyawa’yan Kaldiya.
The [in the drawings] had belts around their waists and long turbans on their heads. They all resembled officers from Babylonia [DOU] [who rode in chariots].
16 Nan da nan da ta gan su, sai ta yi sha’awarsu ta aika da’yan aika zuwa wurinsu a Kaldiya.
As soon as she saw those drawings, she wanted to have sex with those men, and she sent messages to them in Babylonia.
17 Sai Babiloniyawan suka zo wurinta, zuwa gadon soyayya, cikin kai da kawowarsu suka ƙazantar da ita. Bayan sun ƙazantar da ita, sai ta ji ƙyamarsu, ta rabu da su.
Then the soldiers from Babylonia came to her, they lay in bed with her, and they had sex with her. Then she became disgusted with them and turned away from them.
18 Sa’ad da ta ci gaba da yin karuwancinta a fili ta kuma nuna tsiraicinta, sai na ji ƙyamarta, na rabu da ita, kamar dai yadda na rabu da’yar’uwarta.
But when she continued to openly/boldly act like a prostitute [DOU], I became disgusted with her, and I rejected her like I had rejected [older] sister.
19 Duk da haka sai ta yi ta ƙara fasikanci tana tuna da kwanakin budurcinta, sa’ad da take karuwa a Masar.
But she became even more immoral, as she remembered when she was a young woman who was a prostitute in Egypt.
20 A can ta yi ta kai da kawowa da kwartayenta, waɗanda al’auransu kamar na jakuna ne waɗanda maniyyinsu kuwa kamar na dawakai ne.
There she wanted to have sex with those who loved her, whose genitals were [very long], like [SIM] those of donkeys, and whose sexual emissions were huge, [like] those of horses.
21 Haka kika yi ta lalacin budurcinki, sa’ad da a Masar aka rungumi ƙirjinta aka tattaɓa nononta.
So she desired to be immoral like she was when she was young, when men in Egypt caressed her bosom and fondled her breasts.”
22 “Saboda haka, Oholiba, ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa zan zuga kwartayenki su yi gāba da ke, su waɗanda kika ji ƙyamarsu, zan kuma kawo su su yi gāba da ke daga kowane gefe,
“[represents you people of Jerusalem]. Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord say: ‘I will cause those [soldiers] who loved you but whom you turned away from because you became disgusted with them, to be angry with you. I will cause them to come and attack you from every side—
23 Babiloniyawa da dukan Kaldiyawa, mutanen Fekod da Showa da Kowa, da dukan Assuriyawa, samari masu bansha’awa, dukan gwamnoni da manyan sojoji, hafsoshin keken yaƙin da mutane masu manyan matsayi, dukansu a bisa dawakai.
soldiers from Babylon and all the other places in Babylonia, [their allies] from Pekod and Shoa and [regions], and all the army of Assyria. [Yes], all of them are handsome young men, army officers and commanders, officers who ride in chariots, all riding on horses.
24 Za su yi gāba da ke da kayan yaƙi, kekunan yaƙi da kekunan doki da mutane masu yawa; za su ja dāgā a kanki a kowane gefe da garkuwoyi manya da ƙanana da kuma hulunan kwano. Zan miƙa ke gare su don hukunci, za su kuma hukunta ki bisa ga shari’arsu.
Their huge army will attack you with weapons, riding in chariots and pulling wagons [that will carry their army supplies]. They will surround you, carrying large and small shields, and wearing helmets. I will allow them to capture you and punish you in the way that they [always] [their enemies].
25 Zan nuna fushin kishina a kanki, za su kuwa wulaƙanta ki da fushi. Za su yanke hancinki da kunnuwanki, waɗanda suka rage miki kuma za a kashe su da takobi. Za su kama’ya’yanki maza da mata, waɗanda suka rage miki kuwa za a ƙone su da wuta.
Because I am very angry with you, I will cause them to act [very] furiously toward you. They will cut off your noses and your ears. Then, those who are still alive, they will kill with their swords. They will take away your sons and daughters, and a fire will burn up those who remain alive.
26 Za su tuɓe tufafinki su kuma kwashe kayan adonki masu kyau.
They will strip off your clothes and your fine jewelry and take them away.
27 Ta haka zan tsai da marmari da kuma karuwancin da kika fara a Masar. Ba za ki dubi waɗannan abubuwa da marmari ko ki ƙara tuna da Masar ba.
In that way, I will stop all the immoral behavior that began when you became a prostitute in Egypt. You will no longer desire to do those things, or think [what you did in] Egypt.’
28 “Gama ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa ina shirin miƙa ki ga waɗanda suke ƙinki, ga waɗanda kika ji ƙyamarsu kika rabu da su.
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord say: ‘I am about to allow those whom you hate, those you became disgusted with and turned away from, to capture you.
29 Za su hukunta ki da ƙiyayya su kuma kwashe kome da kika yi wahalarsa. Za su bar ki tsirara tik, kunyan karuwancinki kuma zai tonu. Marmarinki da fasikancinki
They will be cruel and take away everything that you have worked hard to acquire. They will leave you completely naked [DOU], and everyone will see that you truly are a prostitute.
30 sun jawo miki wannan, domin ki yi ta kai da kawowa cikin ƙasashe kina ƙazantar da kanki da gumakansu.
It is because of what you have done that you will be punished like that; you have been an immoral prostitute; you have had sex with men of other nations, and you have caused yourselves to become unacceptable to me [worshiping] their idols.
31 Kin bi hanyar’yar’uwarki; saboda haka zan sa kwaf nata a hannunki.
You have behaved [the people of Samaria, who are like] your [older] sister. So I will cause you to be punished [MET] like they were punished.’
32 “Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa, “Za ki sha kwaf na’yar’uwarki, kwaf wanda yake da girma da kuma zurfi; zai jawo dariya da kuma reni gama yana ɗauke da abubuwa da yawa.
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘[You will suffer like people suffer when they drink from a cup a lot of strong alcoholic drink]: [It will be as though] you will drink from the cup that the people of Samaria drank from; a big and tall cup. Because of your drinking what is in that cup, many people will scorn you and make fun of you because there is a lot of liquid in that cup.
33 Za ki cika da buguwa da baƙin ciki, kwaf lalaci da kaɗaici, kwaf na’yar’uwarki Samariya.
When you become very drunk, you will become very sad, [drinking what is in] that cup [MTY] will cause you to become ruined and deserted, like what happened [MET] to [the people of] Samaria, [who are like] [MET] your sister.
34 Za ki sha shi ki kuma lashe shi ƙaf; za ki buga shi da ƙasa ya yi rugu-rugu ki tsattsage nononki. Ni Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka na faɗa.
You will drink all the liquid that is in that cup; then you will break that cup into pieces [use those pieces to] gash/cut your [because you will be very sad].’ [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.
35 “Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa da yake kin manta da ni kika tura ni bayanki, dole ki sha sakamakon marmarinki da karuwancinki.”
Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘Because you have forgotten me and rejected me [IDM], you must be punished for your immoral behavior and for [like] a prostitute.’”
36 Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Ɗan mutum, za ka shari’anta Ohola da Oholiba? To, sai ka kalubalance su da ayyukansu masu banƙyama,
Yahweh said to me, “You human, you must [RHQ] [the people of those two cities represented by] Oholah and Oholibah. You must remind them of their detestable behavior:
37 gama sun yi zina kuma jinin yana a hannuwansu. Sun yi zina da gumakansu; har suka miƙa’ya’yansu da suka haifa mini, su zama musu abinci.
[It is as though the people of those cities] have committed adultery and have murdered [MTY] people. They have been unfaithful to me by [worshiping] idols. They have even sacrificed their own children, who belonged to me, to be food for their idols.
38 Sun kuma yi mini wannan. A lokaci guda sun ƙazantar da wuri mai tsarkina suka ɓata Asabbataina.
They have done [disgraceful things]: They have caused my temple to be an unacceptable place for worship, and have not respected the Sabbath days.
39 A ranar da suka miƙa’ya’yansu ga gumakansu, sai suka shiga wuri mai tsarkina suka kuma ƙazantar da shi. Abin da suka yi a gidana ke nan.
On the same day that they sacrificed their children to their idols, they entered my temple, which caused it to be an unacceptable place for worshiping me.
40 “Sun ma aiki manzanni wa mutanen da suka zo daga nesa, kuma da suka iso kun yi wanka dominsu, kuka yi shafe-shafen idanunku, kuka kuma sa kayan adonku.
They sent messages to men [in countries] far away. And when those men arrived, [the women of those two cities] bathed themselves for them, painted their eyebrows, and put on jewelry.
41 Kuka zauna a gado mai daraja, da tebur a shirye a gabanku wanda kun ajiye turare da maina.
They sat on a beautiful couch, with a table in front of it on which they had put incense and [olive] oil that belonged to me.
42 “Surutun taron mutane marasa kula suna kewaye da ita; aka kawo Sabenawa daga hamada tare da mutane daga mashaya, suka sa mundaye a hannuwan macen da kuma’yar’uwarta suka kuma sa rawani masu kyau a kawunansu.
Soon there was a noisy crowd around them. Among the crowd there were men from Sheba who had come from the [of Arabia]. They put bracelets on the arms of the [two] sisters and put beautiful crowns on their heads.
43 Sai na yi magana a kan wadda ta ƙare ƙarfi ta wurin karuwanci na ce, ‘Yanzu bari su yi amfani da ita kamar karuwa, gama abin da take ke nan.’
Then I said about the woman who had become exhausted by her having sex with many men, ‘Now allow those men to act toward her as though she is a prostitute, because that is all that she is.’
44 Suka kuwa kwana da ita. Kamar yadda maza suke kwana ta karuwa, haka suka kwana da waɗannan lalatattun mata, Ohola da Oholiba.
So they had sex [EUP] with those two women, Oholah and Oholibah, like men have sex with prostitutes.
45 Amma masu adalci za su hukunta su irin da akan yi wa matan da suka yi zina suka kuma yi kisa, domin su mazinata ne kuma jini yana a hannuwansu.
But righteous men will condemn them to be punished, like women who commit adultery and who murder others are punished, because those women commit adultery and they murder [MTY] others.
46 “Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa kawo taron mutane a kansu a kuma miƙa su don a firgitar da su a kuma washe su.
So this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: Bring a mob to attack Samaria and Jerusalem, and allow that mob to cause the people of those cities to be terrified, and to rob them.
47 Taron mutanen za su jajjefe su, su kuma sassare su da takuba; za su kashe’ya’yansu maza da mata su kuma ƙone gidajensu.
The mob will throw stones at [to kill them]; they will cut them into pieces with their swords, they will kill their sons and daughters, and burn down their houses.
48 “Ta haka zan kawo ƙarshe ga lalaci a ƙasar, don dukan mata su ji gargaɗi kada kuma su kwaikwaye ku
In that way I will cause them to stop their immoral behavior. It will warn other women to not imitate/do what you people of Jerusalem are doing.
49 Za ku sha hukuncin lalacinku ku kuma ɗauki hakkin zunuban bautar gumaka. Sa’an nan za ku san cewa Ni ne Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.”
[people of Jerusalem] will be punished for your immoral behavior and for your worshiping idols. Then you will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”

< Ezekiyel 23 >