< Ezekiyel 18 >

1 Maganar Ubangiji ta zo mini cewa,
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
2 “Me ku mutane kuke nufi da faɗar wannan karin magana a kan ƙasar Isra’ila cewa, “‘Ubanni sun ci’ya’yan inabi masu tsami, haƙoran’ya’ya kuwa sun mutu’?
“You people quote [RHQ] this proverb [and say that it is] about Israel: ‘Parents/People eat sour grapes, but it is their children who have a very sour taste in their mouths', [which means that you think that it is not fair for you to be punished for your ancestors’ sins].
3 “Muddin ina raye, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, ba za ku ƙara faɗar wannan karin magana a Isra’ila ba.
But [I], Yahweh the Lord, declare that [as surely] as I am alive, you Israeli people will no longer quote that proverb.
4 Gama kowane mai rai nawa ne, mahaifi da ɗa, duk nawa ne. Mutumin da ya yi zunubi shi zai mutu.
Everyone [who is alive] belongs to me. That includes children and their parents; they all belong to me. And it is those who sin who will [because of their sins].
5 “A ce akwai mai adalci wanda yake aikata abin da yake daidai da kuma gaskiya;
[So, ] suppose there is a righteous person [always] does what is fair and right [DOU].
6 ba ya cin abinci a duwatsun tsafi ko ya dogara ga gumakan gidan Isra’ila. Ba ya ƙazantar da matar maƙwabcinsa ko ya kwana da mace lokacin al’adarta ba.
He does not [meat sacrificed to idols] on the hilltops, he does not request help from idols. He does not have sex with someone else’s wife or have sex with a woman during her monthly menstrual period.
7 Ba ya cin zalin wani, amma yakan mayar wa wanda ya ba shi jingina abin da ya jinginar masa. Ba ya yi fashi amma yakan ba wa mayunwata abinci ya kuma tanada wa marasa tufafi riga.
He does not mistreat/oppress people; if [borrows money from him and gives him his cloak to guarantee that he will pay the money back], he always gives the cloak back to that [before the sun goes down]. He does not rob people. He gives food to hungry people. He gives clothing to people who need clothes.
8 Ba ya ba da bashi da ruwa ko ya karɓa ƙarin riba. Yakan janye hannunsa daga aikata mugunta yakan kuma yi shari’a cikin gaskiya tsakanin mutum da mutum.
When he lends money to people, he does not [do it just to] charge big interest. He does not do [SYN] things that are evil. He [always] decides things fairly.
9 Yana bin ƙa’idodina yana kuma kiyaye dokokina da aminci. Wannan mutumin adali ne; tabbatacce zai rayu, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
He faithfully obeys all [DOU] my laws. That man is truly righteous; he will remain alive. [That is what I, ] Yahweh the Lord, promise.
10 “A ce yana da ɗa wanda yana kisa ko yana yin ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan abubuwa
But suppose that man has a son who acts violently, who murders people and does any of these other things, even though his father has not done any of them:
11 (ko da yake mahaifin bai yi ko ɗaya daga cikinsu ba). “Yakan ci abinci a duwatsun tsafi. Yakan ƙazantar da matar maƙwabci.
He [meat sacrificed to idols] on the hilltops. He has sex with other people’s wives.
12 Yakan ci zalin matalauta da mabukata. Yakan yi fashi. Ba ya mayar da abin da aka jinginar masa. Ya dogara ga gumaka. Yana aikata ayyukan banƙyama.
He mistreats/oppresses poor and needy people. He robs people. If someone gives him his cloak to [that he will pay the money back], he never gives the cloak back to [before the sun goes down]. He seeks help from idols. He does [other] detestable things.
13 Yakan ba da bashi da ruwa ya kuma karɓi riba mai yawa. Irin wannan mutum zai rayu? Ba zai rayu ba! Domin ya aikata dukan waɗannan abubuwa masu banƙyama, tabbatacce za a kashe shi, kuma hakkin jininsa zai zauna a kansa.
When he lends money, he [very big] interest. If you think that such a person [be allowed to] remain alive [RHQ], you are certainly wrong. Because he has done those detestable things, he will surely be executed, and it will be his own fault [IDM].
14 “Amma a ce wannan ɗa yana da ɗa wanda ya ga dukan zunuban da mahaifinsa yake aikata, kuma ko da yake ya gan su, bai yi ko ɗaya daga cikin irin abubuwan nan ba, wato,
But suppose that man has a son who sees all the sins that his father commits, but he does not do those things:
15 “Bai ci abinci a duwatsun tsafi ba ko ya dogara ga gumakan gidan Isra’ila. Bai ƙazantar da matar maƙwabcinsa ba.
He does not [meat sacrificed to idols] on the hilltops. He does not request help from idols. He does not have sex with other people’s wives.
16 Bai ci zalin wani ko ya karɓi jingina ba. Ba ya fashi amma yakan ba da abincinsa ga mayunwata ya tanada tufafi wa marasa tufafi.
He does not mistreat/oppress people. If he lends money to someone, he does not require that person to give him his cloak to guarantee that he will pay the money back. He does not rob anyone. He gives food to those who need it. He gives clothes to those who need clothes.
17 Yakan janye hannunsa daga zunubi ba ya kuma ba da bashi da ruwa ko karɓan riba da yawa. Yakan kiyaye dokokina ya kuma bi ƙa’idodina. Ba zai mutu saboda zunubin mahaifinsa ba; tabbatacce zai rayu.
He does not commit sins, [like his father did], and does not charge big interest [DOU] when he lends money. He faithfully obeys [all] [DOU] my laws. That person will not be executed for his father’s sins; he will surely remain alive.
18 Amma mahaifinsa zai mutu saboda zunubinsa, domin ya yi ƙwace, ya yi wa ɗan’uwansa fashi ya kuma yi abin da ba daidai ba a cikin mutanensa.
But his father will be executed for the sins that he committed, because he cheated people and robbed people and did [other] things that are evil.
19 “Duk da haka kukan yi tambaya, ‘Me ya sa ɗan ba zai sami rabo a laifin mahaifinsa ba?’ Da yake ɗan ya yi abin da yake daidai da kuma gaskiya, ya kuma kiyaye dukan ƙa’idodina, tabbatacce zai rayu.
[If] you ask, ‘Why should the [man’s] son not (suffer/be punished) for the evil things that his father did?’, [I will answer that] the son has done what is fair and right [DOU] and has obeyed all my laws, so he will surely remain alive.
20 Mutumin da ya yi zunubi shi zai mutu. Ɗa ba zai sami rabo a laifin mahaifi ba, mahaifi ba zai sami rabo a laifi ɗa ba. Adalcin adali zai zama nasa, muguntar mugu za tă koma kansa.
It is those who sin who will [because of their sins]. People will not be punished for the sins of their parents, or for the sins of their children. Good/Righteous people will be rewarded for their being good/righteous, and evil people will be punished for [doing] evil.
21 “Amma in mugun mutum ya juya daga dukan zunubin da ya aikata ya kuma kiyaye dukan ƙa’idodina ya kuwa yi abin da yake daidai da kuma gaskiya, tabbatacce zai rayu; ba zai mutu ba.
But if a wicked person (turns away from/quits) doing all the evil things that he did previously, and if he starts to obey faithfully all my laws, and does what is fair and right [DOU], he will surely remain alive; he will not be executed.
22 Babu laifin da ya yi da za a tuna da su. Saboda abubuwan adalcin da ya aikata, zai rayu.
He will not be punished for the sins he committed [previously]. Because of the good/righteous things that he has done [since that time], he [be allowed to] remain alive.
23 Ina jin daɗin mutuwar mugu ne? In ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka. A maimako, ban fi jin daɗi sa’ad da suka juyo daga hanyoyinsu suka rayu ba?
[I], Yahweh the Lord, declare that I certainly am not [RHQ] happy about wicked people dying. Instead, I am happy when they turn away from their wicked behavior, [because of that, they] remain alive.
24 “Amma in mai adalci ya juya daga adalcinsa ya yi zunubi ya kuma aikata abubuwa masu banƙyamar da mugun mutum ke aikatawa, zai rayu? Babu abubuwan adalcin da ya aikata da za a tuna da su. Saboda rashin amincinsa da kuma saboda zunubai da ya yi, zai mutu.
But if a righteous person stops doing righteous things and [starts to] commit sins and does the same detestable things that wicked people do, he will certainly not [RHQ] [be allowed to] remain alive. I will not think about the righteous things that he did previously. Because he did not [do what pleases me], and because of [all] the sins that he has committed, he will be executed.
25 “Duk da haka kun ce, ‘Hanyar Ubangiji ba daidai ba ce.’ Ka ji, ya gidan Isra’ila. Hanyata ba daidai ba ce?
But you say, ‘Yahweh does not act fairly!’ You Israeli people, listen to what I say: It is certainly not [RHQ] what I do that is unfair, it is what you continually do that is not fair/right!
26 In mai adalci ya juye daga adalcinsa ya yi zunubi, zai mutu saboda wannan; saboda zunubin da ya yi, zai mutu.
If a righteous person (turns away from/quits) doing what is righteous and commits sins, he will [for committing those sins].
27 Amma in mugun mutum ya juye daga muguntarsa ya kuma yi abin da yake daidai da kuma gaskiya, zai ceci ransa.
But if a wicked person turns away from doing wicked things and does what is just and right [DOU], he will save [from being executed/punished].
28 Domin ya lura da dukan laifofin da ya yi ya kuma juye daga gare su, tabbatacce zai rayu; ba zai mutu ba.
Because he has thought about all the evil things that he did and has turned away from doing them, he will [be allowed to] live. He will not be executed [for having done evil things].
29 Duk da haka mutanen Isra’ila sun ce, ‘Hanyar Ubangiji ba daidai ba ce.’ Hanyoyina ba daidai ba ne, ya gidan Isra’ila? Ba hanyoyinku ne ba daidai ba?
But [you] Israeli people [MTY] say, ‘Yahweh does not act fairly.’ You people of Israel, my behavior is certainly not [RHQ] unfair! It is your behavior that is not right.
30 “Saboda haka, ya gidan Isra’ila, zan hukunta ku, kowa bisa ga hanyarsa, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka. Ku tuba! Ku juye daga dukan laifofinku; sa’an nan zunubi ba zai zama sanadin fāɗuwarku ba.
Therefore, you Israeli people [MTY], I, Yahweh the Lord, will judge each of you according to what you have done. Repent! Turn [away] from all your wicked behavior! Then you will not be destroyed [PRS] because of your sins.
31 Ku raba kanku da dukan laifofin da kuka yi, ku sami sabuwar zuciya da sabon ruhu. Don me za ku mutu, ya gidan Isra’ila?
Get rid of all your wicked behavior, and get a new way of thinking [IDM, DOU]. You Israeli people [MTY], (do you really want to be executed for your sins?/you act as though you want to be executed [for your sins]) [RHQ].
32 Gama ba na jin daɗin mutuwar wani, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka. Ku tuba don ku rayu!
[I], Yahweh the Lord, declare that I am not pleased about your dying. So repent, and remain alive!”

< Ezekiyel 18 >