< Ezekiyel 10 >

1 Na duba, sai na ga kamannin kursiyin saffaya a kan sararin da yake a bisa kawunan kerubobi.
And I saw and there! [was] to the expanse which [was] above [the] head of the cherubim like a stone of sapphire like [the] appearance of [the] likeness of a throne it appeared above them.
2 Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa mutumin da yake saye da lilin, “Ka shiga cikin da’irorin da suke ƙarƙashin kerubobi. Ka cika hannuwanka da garwashin wuta wanda yake tsakanin kerubobin ka kuma watsar da su a kan birnin.” Yayinda nake dubawa, sai ya shiga.
And he said to the man - clothed of the linen and he said go to between the wheel to under the cherub and fill cupped hands your coals of fire from between the cherubim and sprinkle [them] on the city and he went to eyes my.
3 Kerubobin kuwa suna tsaye a gefen kudu na haikali sa’ad da mutumin ya shiga, sai girgije ya cika filin da yake can ciki.
And the cherubim [were] standing from [the] south of the house when went he the man and the cloud it filled the court inner.
4 Sai ɗaukakar Ubangiji ya tashi daga bisa kerubobi ya tafi zuwa madogarar ƙofar haikali. Girgijen ya cika haikali, filin kuwa ya cika da hasken ɗaukakar Ubangiji.
And it rose [the] glory of Yahweh from on the cherub to [the] threshold of the house and it was filled the house the cloud and the court it was full [the] brightness of [the] glory of Yahweh.
5 Sai aka ji ƙarar fikafikan kerubobin har a filin waje, kamar muryar Allah Maɗaukaki sa’ad da ya yi magana.
And [the] sound of [the] wings of the cherubim it was heard to the court outer like [the] sound of God Almighty when speaks he.
6 Sa’ad da Ubangiji ya umarci mutumin da yake saye da lilin cewa, “Ka ɗibi wuta daga cikin tsakanin da’irorin, daga tsakanin kerubobin,” sai mutumin ya shiga ya tsaya kusa da da’irar.
And it was when commanded he the man clothed of the linen saying take fire from between the wheel from between the cherubim and he went and he stood beside the wheel.
7 Sa’an nan ɗaya daga cikin kerubobin ya miƙa hannu zuwa wurin wutar da take tsakaninsu. Ya ɗebo wutar daga ciki ya zuba a hannuwan mutumin da yake saye da lilin, shi kuwa ya karɓa ya fita.
And he stretched out the cherub hand his from between the cherubim into the fire which [was] between the cherubim and he lifted up [some] and he put [it] into [the] cupped hands of [the] [man] clothed of the linen and he took [it] and he went out.
8 (A ƙarƙashin fikafikan kerubobin ana iya ganin abin da ya yi kamar hannuwan mutum.)
And it was seen to the cherubim [the] form of [the] hand of a human under wings their.
9 Na duba, sai na ga kusa da kerubobin akwai da’irori huɗu, kowanne kusa da kerub guda; da’irorin suna ƙyalli kamar wani dutse mai daraja.
And I saw and there! four wheels [were] beside the cherubim a wheel one beside the cherub one and a wheel one beside the cherub one and [the] appearance of the wheels [was] like [the] appearance of a stone of chrysolite.
10 Game da kamanninsu kuwa, huɗu a cikinsu sun yi kama da juna; kowanne ya yi kamar da da’ira a cikin da’ira.
And appearance their a likeness one [belonged] to [the] four of them just as it was the wheel in [the] middle of the wheel.
11 Yayinda suke tafiya, sukan tafi kowane gefe huɗun da kerubobin suka nufa; da’irorin ba sa juyawa yayinda kerubobin suke tafiya. Kerubobin suka tafi kowane gefen da kan ya nufa, ba tare da juyawa ba sa’ad da suke tafiya.
When moved they to [the] four sides their they moved not they turned when moved they for the place which it turned the head after it they moved not they turned when moved they.
12 Jikunansu gaba ɗaya, har da bayansu, hannuwansu da fikafikansu, sun cika gaba ɗaya da idanu, kamar yadda suke a da’irori huɗun.
And all body their and backs their and hands their and wings their and the wheels [were] full eyes all around [belonged] to [the] four of them wheels their.
13 Na ji ana kiran da’irorin “da’irorin guguwa.”
To the wheels to them it was called the wheel in ears my.
14 Kowane daga kerubobin yana da fuskoki huɗu. Fuska ɗaya na kerub ne, na biyun fuskar mutum ne, na ukun fuskar zaki ne, na huɗun kuwa fuskar gaggafa ce.
And four faces [belonged] to one [the] face of the one [was] [the] face of the cherub and [the] face of the second [was the] face of a human and the third [face] [was the] face of a lion and the fourth [face] [was the] face of an eagle.
15 Sai kerubobin suka tashi sama. Waɗannan ne halittu masu ran da na gani kusa da Kogin Kebar.
And they rose the cherubim that [was] the living creature which I had seen at [the] river of Kebar.
16 Sa’ad da kerubobin suka motsa, sai da’irorin da suke kusa da su su motsa; kuma sa’ad da kerubobin suka buɗe fikafikansu don su tashi daga ƙasa, da’irorin ba sa barin wurarensu.
And when moved the cherubim they moved the wheels beside them and when lifted up the cherubim wings their to rise from on the earth not they turned the wheels also they from beside them.
17 Sa’ad da kerubobin suka tsaya cik, su ma sukan tsaya cik; kuma sa’ad da kerubobin suka tashi, sai su ma su tashi tare da su, domin ruhun rayayyun halittun yana a cikinsu.
When stood still they they stood still and when rose they they rose with them for [the] spirit of the living creature [was] in them.
18 Sai ɗaukakar Ubangiji ya tashi daga bisa madogarar ƙofar haikali ya kuma tsaya a bisa kerubobi.
And it went out [the] glory of Yahweh from at [the] threshold of the house and it stood still above the cherubim.
19 Yayinda nake duba, kerubobin suka buɗe fikafikansu suka kuma tashi daga ƙasa, yayinda suka tafi kuwa, da’irorin suka tafi tare da su. Suka tsaya a mashigin ƙofar gabas na gidan Ubangiji, ɗaukakar Allah na Isra’ila kuwa yana a kansu.
And they lifted up the cherubim wings their and they rose from the earth to eyes my when went out they and the wheels [were] close by them and it stood still [the] entrance of [the] gate of [the] house of Yahweh eastern and [the] glory of [the] God of Israel [was] above them from to above.
20 Waɗannan ne rayayyun halittun da na gani a ƙarƙashin Allah na Isra’ila kusa da Kogin Kebar, na kuma gane cewa su kerubobi ne.
That [was] the living creature which I had seen under [the] God of Israel at [the] river of Kebar and I knew that [were] cherubim they.
21 Kowanne yana da fuskoki huɗu da fikafikai huɗu, a ƙarƙashin kuwa akwai wani abin da ya yi kamar hannuwan mutum.
Four four faces [belonged] to one and four wings [belonged] to one and [the] likeness of [the] hands of a human [were] under wings their.
22 Fuskokinsu suna da kamanni ɗaya da waɗanda na gani kusa da Kogin Kebar. Kowanne ya tafi kai tsaye sosai.
And [the] likeness of faces their they [were] the faces which I had seen at [the] river of Kebar appearance their and them each to [the] side of face its they moved.

< Ezekiyel 10 >