< Mai Hadishi 1 >

1 Kalmomin Malami, ɗan Dawuda, Sarki a Urushalima.
The wordes of the Preacher, the sonne of Dauid King in Ierusalem.
2 “Ba amfani! Ba amfani!” In ji Malami. “Gaba ɗaya ba amfani! Kome ba shi da amfani!”
Vanitie of vanities, sayth the Preacher: vanitie of vanities, all is vanitie.
3 Wace riba ce mutum yake samu daga wahalar da yake fama a duniya?
What remaineth vnto man in all his trauaile, which he suffereth vnder ye sunne?
4 Zamanai sukan zo zamanai su wuce, amma duniya tana nan har abada.
One generation passeth, and another generation succeedeth: but the earth remaineth for euer.
5 Rana takan fito rana ta kuma fāɗi, ta kuma gaggauta zuwa inda takan fito.
The sunne riseth, and ye sunne goeth downe, and draweth to his place, where he riseth.
6 Iska takan hura zuwa kudu ta kuma juya zuwa arewa; tă yi ta kewayewa, tă yi ta koma inda take fitowa.
The winde goeth toward the South, and compasseth towarde the North: the winde goeth rounde about, and returneth by his circuites.
7 Dukan rafuffuka sukan gangara zuwa teku, duk da haka teku ba ya cika. Daga inda rafuffukan suke fitowa, a can suke komawa kuma.
All the riuers goe into the sea, yet the sea is not full: for the riuers goe vnto ye place, whence they returne, and goe.
8 Dukan abubuwa suna kawo gajiya, gaban magana. Ido ba ya gaji da gani, haka ma kunne yă ƙoshi da ji.
All things are full of labour: man cannot vtter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the eare filled with hearing.
9 Abin da ya taɓa kasancewa, zai sāke kasance, abin da aka yi za a sāke yi kuma; babu wani abu sabo a duniya.
What is it that hath bene? that that shalbe: and what is it that hath bene done? that which shalbe done: and there is no newe thing vnder the sunne.
10 Akwai wani abin da za a ce, “Duba! Ga wani abu sabo”? Abin yana nan, tun dā can, ya kasance kafin lokacinmu.
Is there any thing, whereof one may say, Beholde this, it is newe? it hath bene already in the olde time that was before vs.
11 Ba a tunawa da mutanen dā, haka su ma da ba a haifa ba tukuna waɗanda za su biyo bayansu ba za a tuna da su ba.
There is no memorie of the former, neither shall there be a remembrance of the latter that shalbe, with them that shall come after.
12 Ni, Malami, sarki ne bisa Isra’ila a Urushalima.
I the Preacher haue bene King ouer Israel in Ierusalem:
13 Na dauri aniyata in gwada don in bincika ta wurin hikima dukan abin da ake yi a duniya. Kaya mai nauyi ne Allah ya ɗora a kan mutane!
And I haue giuen mine heart to search and finde out wisdome by all things that are done vnder the heauen: (this sore trauaile hath GOD giuen to the sonnes of men, to humble them thereby)
14 Na ga dukan abubuwan da ake yi a duniya, dukansu ba su da amfani, naushin iska ne kawai.
I haue considered all the workes that are done vnder the sunne, and beholde, all is vanitie, and vexation of the spirit.
15 Abin da yake tanƙwararre ba zai miƙu ba; ba za a kuma iya ƙidaya abin da ba shi ba.
That which is crooked, can none make straight: and that which faileth, cannot be nombred.
16 Na yi tunani a raina na ce, “Duba, na yi girma, na kuma ƙaru da hikima fiye da duk wanda ya taɓa mulki a bisa Urushalima kafin ni; na ɗanɗana hikima mai yawa da kuma ilimi.”
I thought in mine heart, and said, Behold, I am become great, and excell in wisdome all them that haue bene before me in Ierusalem: and mine heart hath seene much wisedome and knowledge.
17 Sa’an nan na ɗaura aniyata ga fahimtar hikima, in kuma san bambanci tsakanin hauka da wauta, amma na koyi cewa wannan ma, naushin iska ne kawai.
And I gaue mine heart to knowe wisdome and knowledge, madnes and foolishnes: I knew also that this is a vexation of the spirit.
18 Gama yawan hikima yakan kawo yawan baƙin ciki; yawan sani, yawan ɓacin rai.
For in the multitude of wisedome is much griefe: and he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorowe.

< Mai Hadishi 1 >