< Mai Hadishi 6 >

1 Na ga wani mugun abu a duniya, ya kuma nawaita wa mutane ƙwarai.
I have seen something [else here] on this earth that troubles people.
2 Allah yakan ba mutum dukiya, da wadata da kuma girma, don kada yă rasa abin da ransa yake so, amma Allah bai ba shi zarafin more su ba, a maimakon haka ma sai baƙo ne yă more su. Wannan ba shi da amfani, mugun abu ne ƙwarai.
God enables some people to get a lot of money and possessions and to be honored; they have everything [LIT] that they want. But God [sometimes] does not allow them to continue to enjoy those things. Someone else gets them and enjoys them. That seems senseless and unfair.
3 Mutum zai iya kasance da’ya’ya ɗari, yă kuma yi shekaru masu yawa; duk da haka kome daɗewarsa, in bai more wadatarsa ba, bai kuma sami kyakkyawar binnewa ba, na ce, gara wanda aka haife shi gawa.
Someone might have 100 children and live for many years. But if he is not able to enjoy the things that he has acquired, and if he is not buried [properly after he dies], [I say that] a child that is dead when it is born is more fortunate.
4 Haihuwa ba tă amfane wanda aka haifa gawa ba, gama ya zo daga duhu ya koma duhu inda aka manta da shi.
That dead baby’s birth is meaningless; it does not even have a name. It goes directly to the place where there is only darkness.
5 Ko da yake bai ga hasken rana ba, bai kuma san kome ba, duk da haka ya dai huta, fiye da mutumin da bai more wa ransa ba,
It does not [live to] see the sun or know anything. But it finds more rest than rich people do [who are alive].
6 ko da ya yi shekara dubu biyu amma bai more wadatarsa ba. Ba wuri ɗaya dukansu biyu za su tafi ba?
Even if people could live for 2,000 years, if they do not enjoy the things that God gives to them, [it would have been better for them never to have been born]. [All people who live a long time] certainly [RHQ] all go to the same place— [to the grave].
7 Dukan ƙoƙarin da mutum yake yi, yana yi ne domin bakinsa, duk da haka bai taɓa gamsar da abin da yake marmari.
People work hard to [earn enough money to buy] food to eat [MTY], but [often] they never get enough to eat.
8 Da me mai hikima ya fi wawa? Wace riba ce matalauci yakan samu don yă iya zama da mutane?
So it seems that [RHQ] wise people do not receive more lasting benefits than foolish people do. And it seems that [RHQ] poor people do not benefit from knowing how to conduct their lives.
9 Gara abin da ido ya gani da kwaɗayin da bai sami biyan bukata ba. Wannan ma ba shi da amfani, naushin iska ne kawai.
It is better to enjoy the things that we already have [MTY] than to constantly want more things; continually wanting more things is [senseless], [like] the wind.
10 Duk abin da ya kasance, to, yana da suna, kuma duk abin da mutum yake, an riga an sani. Ba mutumin da zai iya ƙarawa da wanda ya fi shi ƙarfi.
All the things that exist [on the earth] have been given names. And everyone knows what people are like, [so] it is useless to argue with someone (OR, with God) who is stronger than we are.
11 Yadda yawan magana take haka ƙarancin amfaninta, yaya wannan zai amfane wani?
The more [that we] talk, the more [often we say things that are] senseless, so it certainly does not [RHQ] benefit us to talk a lot.
12 Gama wa ya san abin da ya fi dacewa ga mutum a’yan kwanakinsa marasa amfani da sukan wuce kamar inuwa? Wa kuma zai iya faɗa masa abin da zai faru a duniya bayan ya rasu?
We live for only a short time; we disappear like [SIM] a shadow disappears [in the sunlight]. No one [RHQ] knows what is best for us while we are alive, and no one [RHQ] knows what will happen to us after we die [EUP].

< Mai Hadishi 6 >