< Mai Hadishi 12 >
1 Ka tuna da Mahaliccinka a kwanakin ƙuruciyarka, kafin lokacin wahala ta zo shekaru kuma su ƙarato sa’ad da za ka ce, “Ba na jin daɗinsu,”
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of adversity come and the years approach of which you will say, “I find no pleasure in them,”
2 kafin rana da haske wata da taurari su daina haske, gizagizai kuma su tattaru bayan da suka sheƙa ruwa;
before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is darkened, and the clouds return after the rain,
3 sa’ad da masu tsaron gida suke rawar jiki, majiya ƙarfi kuma suka rasa ƙarfi, sa’ad da masu niƙa suka daina don ba su da yawa, idanun da suke duba ta taga suka duhunta;
on the day the keepers of the house tremble and the strong men stoop, when those grinding cease because they are few and those watching through windows see dimly,
4 sa’ad da aka rufe ƙofofin shiga tituna ƙarar niƙa kuma ya tsagaita; sa’ad da kukan tsuntsaye ta farkar da mutane, ba a kuwa jin waƙoƙinsu,
when the doors to the street are shut and the sound of the mill fades away, when one rises at the sound of a bird and all the daughters of song grow faint,
5 sa’ad da mutane suke jin tsoron tudu da kuma hatsarori a tituna; sa’ad da itacen almon ya toho, fāra kuma ya yi ta jan jikinsa da ƙyar, sha’awace-sha’awace sun kafe. Daga nan mutum ya tafi madawwamiyar gidansa ya bar masu makoki suna ta yi.
when men fear the heights and dangers of the road, when the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper loses its spring, and the caper berry shrivels— for then man goes to his eternal home and mourners walk the streets.
6 Ka tuna da shi, kafin igiyar azurfa ta katse, ko tasar zinariya ta fashe; kafin tulu yă ragargaje a maɓulɓula, ko guga ta tsinke a rijiya,
Remember Him before the silver cord is snapped and the golden bowl is crushed, before the pitcher is shattered at the spring and the wheel is broken at the well,
7 turɓaya ta koma ƙasar da ta fito, rai kuma yă koma ga Allah wanda ya ba da shi.
before the dust returns to the ground from which it came and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
8 “Ba amfani! Ba amfani!” In ji Malami, “Gaba ɗaya ba amfani!”
“Futility of futilities,” says the Teacher. “Everything is futile!”
9 Ba kawai Malami ya kasance mai hikima ba, amma kuma ya koyar da mutane. Ya yi tunani ya kuma yi binciken da ya tsara karin magana masu yawa.
Not only was the Teacher wise, but he also taught the people knowledge; he pondered, searched out, and arranged many proverbs.
10 Malami ya yi bincike don yă sami kalmomin da suka dace, kuma abin da ya rubuta daidai ne da kuma gaskiya.
The Teacher searched to find delightful sayings and to record accurate words of truth.
11 Kalmomin masu hikima kamar tsinken tsokanar dabba ne, tarin maganganunsu kuma kamar ƙusoshi ne da aka kafa daram, da aka ba wa Makiyayi guda.
The words of the wise are like goads, and the anthologies of the masters are like firmly embedded nails driven by a single Shepherd.
12 Ka yi hankali ɗana, game da duk wani ƙari a kan waɗannan. Wallafa littattafai ba shi da iyaka, kuma yawan karatu yakan gajiyar da jiki.
And by these, my son, be further warned: There is no end to the making of many books, and much study wearies the body.
13 Yanzu an ji kome; ga ƙarshen magana. Ka ji tsoron Allah ka kuma kiyaye umarnansa, gama wannan shi ne dukan hakkin mutum.
When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: Fear God and keep His commandments, because this is the whole duty of man.
14 Gama Allah zai shari’anta kowane irin aiki, har da waɗanda aka yi a ɓoye, ko nagari ne, ko mugu.
For God will bring every deed into judgment, along with every hidden thing, whether good or evil.