< Maimaitawar Shari’a 2 >

1 Sai muka juya muka kama hanya, muka nufi hamada, ta hanyar Jan Teku yadda Ubangiji ya umarce ni. Da daɗewa muka yi ta yawo kewaye da ƙasar tudun Seyir.
“Then we turned around and went through the desert toward the (Red Sea/Gulf of Aqaba), as Yahweh told us to do, and we wandered in the Edom area for many years.
2 Sai Ubangiji ya ce mini,
Then Yahweh said to me,
3 “Kun yi ta yawo kewaye da ƙasar tudun nan da daɗewa; yanzu ku juya, ku nufi arewa.
‘You have been wandering around this hilly area for a long enough time. Now turn [and travel] toward the north.
4 Ka ba wa mutane waɗannan umarnai, ka ce, ‘Kuna gab da wucewa cikin yankin’yan’uwanku, zuriyar Isuwa, wanda yake zama a Seyir. Za su ji tsoronku, amma ku yi hankali
And tell the people that they are about to travel near the land that belongs to the descendants of Esau, who are also descendants of Isaac. They live in the [hilly] Edom region. They will be afraid of you,
5 kada ku tsokane su da yaƙi, gama ba zan ba ku wata ƙasa daga cikinsu ba, ba ma wadda za tă iya isa ku sa ƙafarku a kai. Na ba wa Isuwa ƙasar tudu ta Seyir, ta zama tasa.
but do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you even a tiny bit [HYP] of their land. I have given that land to the descendants of Esau.
6 Duk abincin za ku ci, da ruwan da za ku sha, za ku biya su.’”
[When you travel near their land], buy food and water from them.’
7 Ubangiji Allahnku ya albarkace ku cikin dukan aikin hannuwanku. Ya kiyaye ku cikin tafiyarku a duk fāɗin hamada. Waɗannan shekaru arba’in Ubangiji Allahnku ya kasance tare da ku, ba kuwa kun rasa wani abu ba.
Do not forget that Yahweh our God has blessed you in everything that you [SYN] have done. He knows [what has happened to you while] you have wandered in this huge desert. But he has been with you during those 40 years, and as a result you have had everything that you needed [LIT].
8 Saboda haka muka ci gaba, muka wuce’yan’uwanmu, zuriyar Isuwa, wanda yake zama a Seyir. Muka bar hanyar Araba, wadda ta haura daga Elat da Eziyon Geber, muka nufi wajen hamadar Mowab.
So we continued to travel. We avoided going through the hilly area where the descendants of Esau live. We stayed away from the road through the Jordan [River] Valley past Ezion-Geber and Elath [towns], and we turned and traveled northeast toward the desert area where the Moab people-group lives.
9 Sai Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Kada ku dami Mowabawa, ko ku tsokane su da yaƙi, gama ba zan ba ku wani sashe na ƙasarsu ba. Na ba da Ar ga zuriyar Lot, ta zama mallakarsu.”
Yahweh said to me, ‘Do not bother/harass the people of Moab, and do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you any of their land. [Do not forget that] they are descendants of [Abraham’s nephew] Lot, and I have given to them Ar [city, their capital, and the other areas in that country].’”
10 (Emawa, mutane ne masu ƙarfi da kuma yawa, suna kuma da tsayi kamar Anakawa, dā sun zauna a can.
A large group of giants called Emim formerly lived there. They were strong and numerous, and as tall as the giants who were descendants of Anak.
11 Kamar Anakawa, su ma an ɗauka su Refahiyawa ne, amma Mowab suna kiransu Emawa.
They and the descendants of Anak are also called the Repha giants, but the people of Moab call them Emim.
12 Haka ma Horiyawa, a dā sun zauna a Seyir, amma zuriya Isuwa suka kore su. Suka hallaka Horiyawa da suke kafinsu, suka kuma zauna a wurinsu, kamar dai yadda Isra’ila ta yi a ƙasar da Ubangiji ya ba su a matsayin mallaka.)
The Hor people-group also formerly lived in the Edom area, but the descendants of Esau chased them out. They defeated and killed them and (settled in/occupied) their land, just as the Israeli people later expelled their enemies from the land that Yahweh gave to them.
13 Ubangiji kuwa ya ce, “Yanzu ku tashi ku ƙetare Kwarin Zered.” Sai muka ƙetare kwarin.
[I also said to the Israeli people], “Then we crossed the Zered Gorge, as Yahweh told us to do.
14 Dukan shekarun da muka yi a tafiyarmu daga Kadesh Barneya zuwa lokacin da muka ƙetare Kwarin Zered, sun kai shekaru talatin da takwas. A lokacin, wannan tsara gaba ɗaya ta mutanen da suka isa yaƙi sun mutu daga sansani, yadda Ubangiji ya rantse musu.
It had been thirty-eight years from the time we first left Kadesh-Barnea until we crossed the Zered Gorge. During those years, all the Israeli (fighting men/soldiers) of that generation had died, as Yahweh had vowed would happen.
15 Hannun Ubangiji ya yi gāba da su sai da ya hallaka su ƙaƙaf daga sansani.
They died because Yahweh opposed them, until he had gotten rid of all of them.
16 To, sa’ad da na ƙarshe cikin waɗannan mayaƙa a cikin mutanen ya rasu,
After all the men who had been old enough to fight in wars had died [DOU],
17 sai Ubangiji ya ce mini,
Yahweh said to me,
18 “Yau za ku wuce ta yankin Mowab a Ar.
‘Today you all must cross the border into the Moab region, near Ar, [their capital city].
19 Sa’ad da kuka iso kusa da Ammonawa, kada ku dame su, ko ku tsokane su da yaƙi, gama ba zan ba ku mallakar wata ƙasar da take ta Ammonawa ba. Na riga na ba da ita mallaka ga zuriyar Lot.”
When you come near the border of the land where the Ammon people-group live, do not bother/harass them or start to fight against them. They are also descendants of Lot, so I am not going to give you any of the land that I have given to them.’”
20 (Wannan ita ma a ɗauka ta a matsayin ƙasar Refahiyawa waɗanda dā sun zauna a can ne; amma Ammonawa suna ce da su Zamzummawa.
That region is also called the land of the Repha giants, who formerly lived there. The Ammon people-group call them the Zamzum group.
21 Mutane ne masu ƙarfi da kuma yawa, suna kuma da tsayi kamar Anakawa. Ubangiji ya hallaka su daga gaban Ammonawa, waɗanda suka kore su, suka kuma zauna a wurinsu.
They were a large and powerful group, who were as tall as the descendants of Anak. But Yahweh got rid of them, and the Ammon people-group expelled them and took their land away from them and started to live there.
22 Ubangiji ya yi daidai yadda ya yi wa zuriyar Isuwa waɗanda suka zauna a ƙasar Seyir, sa’ad da ya hallaka Horiyawa a gabansu. Su kuma suka kore su, suka zauna a wurinsu. Har wa yau, zuriyar Isuwa ne suke zama a can.
Yahweh had done the same thing for the descendants of Esau who live in the hilly area of Edom. He got rid of the Hor people-group, with the result that the Edom people-group took their land from them and started to live there. They still live there.
23 Kusan abu ɗaya ya faru, sa’ad da Kaftorawa daga ƙasar Kaftor suka hallaka Awwiyawa, waɗanda dā suke zaune a yankin ƙauyukan da suke kewaye da Gaza. Suka zauna a wurinsu.)
People who came from Crete [Island] got rid of the Av group [who previously lived in the land close to the Mediterranean Sea], as far south as Gaza. They took their land from them and started to live there.
24 “Ku fito yanzu ku ƙetare Kwarin Arnon. Duba, na ba da Sihon mutumin Amoriyawa a hannunku, na kuma ba da sarkin Heshbon da ƙasarsa. Ku fara mallake ta, ku kuma yi yaƙi da shi.
“[After we had gone through the Moab region], Yahweh said to us, ‘Now cross the Arnon [River]. I will help you to defeat [IDM] [the army of] Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, who lives in Heshbon [city]. So attack their army and start to take their land from them.
25 A wannan rana zan fara sa tsoro da fargabanku a kan dukan al’ummai, a ƙarƙashin sama. Za su ji labarinku, za su yi rawan jiki, su kuma damu saboda ku.”
Today I will begin to cause everyone, everywhere, to be afraid of you. Everyone who hears about you will tremble and be terrified.’
26 Daga hamadar Kedemot, na aiki’yan saƙo zuwa wurin Sihon sarkin Heshbon, a kan ina neman zaman lafiya, ina cewa,
Then I sent messengers to go from the desert to King Sihon at Heshbon. I told them to give this peaceful message to the king:
27 “Bari mu wuce cikin ƙasarka. Za mu bi ta kan hanya ne kaɗai; ba za mu ratse dama ko hagu ba.
‘Please allow us to travel through your land. We [promise that we] will stay on the road; we will not turn off to the right or to the left.
28 Ka sayar mana da abincin da za mu ci, da kuma ruwan da za mu sha a farashinsu na azurfa. Ka dai bar mu mu wuce ta ƙasarka kawai,
We will pay for any food or water that you allow us to buy. We want only to walk through your country,
29 kamar yadda zuriyar Isuwa, waɗanda suke zaune a Seyir, da Mowabawa, waɗanda suke zaune a Ar, suka yardar mana, gama muna so mu ƙetare Urdun zuwa ƙasa wadda Ubangiji, Allahnmu yake ba mu.”
until we cross the Jordan [River] into the land that Yahweh our God is giving to us. Do for us just as the descendants of Esau who live in the Edom area and the Moab people-group did for us when they allowed us to go through their areas.’
30 Amma Sihon sarkin Heshbon ya ƙi yă bar mu mu wuce a ciki. Gama Ubangiji Allahnku ya sa ruhunsa ya taurare don yă ba da shi a hannuwanku kamar yadda ya yi yanzu.
But King Sihon would not allow us to go through his country. That was because Yahweh our God caused him to be stubborn [IDM]. The result was that Yahweh enabled us to defeat his army and take his land [IDM], which we still live in.
31 Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Duba, na fara ba da Sihon da ƙasarsa gare ku. Yanzu ku fara cinta, ku kuma mallake ƙasarsa.”
Yahweh said to me, ‘Listen! I am about to allow you to defeat Sihon’s [army] and to take the people’s land from them. So start to occupy it!’
32 Sa’ad da Sihon da dukan sojojinsa suka fito don su sadu da mu, a yaƙi, a Yahaz,
Then Sihon came out [of the city] with all his army to fight against us at Jahaz [town].
33 sai Ubangiji Allahnmu ya ba da shi gare mu, muka kuwa buga shi tare da’ya’yansa maza da kuma dukan sojojinsa.
But God enabled us to defeat [DOU] them, and we killed Sihon and his sons and all his soldiers.
34 A wannan lokaci mun ci dukan biranensa, muka kuma hallaka su, maza, mata da kuma yara. Ba mu bar wani da rai ba.
We captured all their cities and destroyed them all. We killed all the men and women and children; we did not allow any of them to remain alive.
35 Amma muka washe, muka kuma kwasa shanu da kuma ganima daga biranen wa kanmu.
We took the valuable things that were in the cities that we captured and also their cattle.
36 Ubangiji Allahnmu ya taimake mu muka ci Arower wadda take a gefen Kwarin Arnon, da garin da yake a cikin kwarin, har zuwa Gileyad. Babu garin da ya gaggare mu.
Yahweh our God enabled us to capture [IDM] all their towns from Aroer [in the south], which is at the edge of the Arnon River [Valley], to the Gilead [region in the north]. Some of their cities had [walls around them], but we were able to [climb over them].
37 Amma bisa ga umarnin Ubangiji Allahnmu, ba ku yi kusa da wata ƙasar Ammonawa, ko ƙasar da take gefen kwarin kogin Yabbok, ko kuwa wadda take kewaye da birane cikin tuddai ba.
But we did not go near the area where the Ammon people-group live, or the banks of the Jabbok riverbed, or the towns in the hilly area, or any other place where Yahweh our God told us not to go.”

< Maimaitawar Shari’a 2 >