< Maimaitawar Shari’a 13 >

1 In wani annabi ko mai mafarkai, ya bayyana a cikinku, ya kuma yi muku shelar wata alama mai banmamaki ko al’ajabi,
“Possibly there will be people among you who [say that they] are prophets. They may say that they are able to interpret the meaning of dreams or perform various kinds of miracles [DOU].
2 in kuwa alamar, ko al’ajabin da annabin ya yi faɗin ya faru, ya kuma ce, “Bari mu bi waɗansu alloli (allolin da ba ku sani ba) mu kuma yi musu sujada,”
They will say those things in order to induce/persuade you to worship gods that you have never known about before. But even if what they predict happens,
3 kada ku saurari kalmomin wannan annabi ko mai mafarki. Ubangiji Allahnku yana gwada ku ne don yă sani ko kuna ƙaunarsa da dukan zuciyarku da kuma dukan ranku.
do not pay attention to what they say. Yahweh our God will be testing you to find out if you love him with all your inner being.
4 Ubangiji Allahnku ne za ku bi, shi ne kuma za ku girmama. Ku kiyaye umarnansa, ku kuma yi masa biyayya; ku bauta masa, ku kuma manne masa.
You must conduct your lives as Yahweh our God wants you to, and you must revere him, and do what he tells you to do [MTY], and worship only him, and (be faithful to/have a close relationship with) him.
5 Dole a kashe wannan annabi ko mai mafarki, domin ya yi wa’azin tawaye ga Ubangiji Allahnku, wanda ya fitar da ku daga Masar, ya fanshe ku daga ƙasar bauta; gama annabin nan ya yi ƙoƙari yă juye daga hanyar da Ubangiji Allahnku ya umarce ku, ku bi. Dole ku fid da mugu daga cikinku.
“But you must execute anyone who [falsely says that he] is a prophet, or someone who [falsely] says that he can interpret dreams, or who tells you to rebel against Yahweh our God, who rescued your ancestors from being slaves in Egypt. People like that are only wanting to cause you to stop conducting your lives as Yahweh has commanded you to do. Execute them, to get rid of this evil among you.
6 In ɗan’uwanka, ko ɗanka, ko’yarka, ko matar da kake ƙauna, ko abokinka na kusa, a ɓoye ya ruɗe ka, yana cewa, “Mu je mu yi wa waɗansu alloli sujada” (allolin da ko kai, ko kakanninka ba su sani ba,
It does not matter if even your brother or your daughter or your wife or some close/dear friend secretly urges you, saying ‘Let’s worship other gods. They are gods which you or your ancestors have never known about.
7 allolin mutanen kewayenku, ko na kusa, ko na nisa, daga wannan ƙarshen ƙasar zuwa wancan),
Some of them may encourage you to worship gods that people-groups that live near you worship, or gods that groups who live far away worship.
8 kada ka yarda da shi, kada ma ka saurare shi. Kada ka ji tausayinsa. Kada ka haƙura da shi, ko ka tsare shi.
Do not [SYN] do what they suggest. Do not even listen to them. Do not even be merciful to them, and do not keep secret what they have done.
9 Dole ka kashe shi. Dole hannunka yă zama na farko a kisansa, sa’an nan hannuwan sauran dukan mutane.
Execute them! You [who are their relative] must be the first one to [throw stones at them to] kill them, and then let everyone else [MTY] throw stones at them, too.
10 Ku jajjefe shi da duwatsu har sai ya mutu, domin ya yi ƙoƙari yă juye ku daga Ubangiji Allahnku, wanda ya fitar da ku daga Masar, daga ƙasar bauta kuma.
Kill such people by throwing stones at them, because they are trying to cause you to stop worshiping Yahweh our God, who rescued your ancestors from being slaves in Egypt.
11 Sa’an nan dukan Isra’ila za su ji su kuma tsorata, babu kuma wani a cikinku da zai ƙara yin irin wannan mugun abu.
When they are executed, all the Israeli people will hear [what happened], and they will become afraid, and none of them will do such an evil thing again.
12 In kuka ji an yi magana a kan wani daga cikin biranen da Ubangiji Allahnku yake ba ku ku zauna a ciki
“When you are living in one of the towns in the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you, you may hear
13 cewa mugaye sun taso a cikinku, suna rikitar da mutane a birni, suna cewa, “Mu je mu yi wa waɗansu alloli sujada” (allolin da ba ku sani ba),
that some worthless people there among you [IDM] are deceiving the people of their town, saying, ‘Let’s go and worship other gods,’ but they are gods that you have never heard about before.
14 to, sai ku bincike labarin sosai a hankali. In kuwa gaskiya ne, an kuma tabbatar wannan abin ƙyama ya faru a cikinku,
Investigate it thoroughly/carefully. If [you find out that] it is true that such a disgraceful thing has happened,
15 dole a karkashe dukan waɗanda suke zama a wannan birni da takobi. Ku hallaka su ƙaƙaf, ku karkashe mutanen birnin da kuma dabbobinsa.
kill all the people in that town. And kill all their livestock, too. Destroy the town completely.
16 Ku tattara dukan ganimar birnin a tsakiyar gari, ku ƙone birnin da kuma ganimar ƙurmus a matsayin hadaya ta ƙonawa ga Ubangiji Allahnku. Birnin zai kasance kufai har abada, kada a sāke gina shi.
Gather all the possessions that belonged to the people who lived there and pile them up in the city plaza. Then burn the town and everything in it, as though it were an offering to Yahweh that would be completely burned [on the altar]. The ruins/ashes must stay there forever; the town must never be rebuilt.
17 Ba za a iske wani daga cikin abubuwan nan da aka haramta a hannuwanku ba, saboda Ubangiji yă juya daga fushinsa mai ƙuna, yă nuna jinƙai, yă ji tausayinku, yă kuma ƙara yawanku, kamar yadda ya alkawarta da rantsuwa ga kakanninku,
None of you Israelis must take for yourselves [IDM] anything that Yahweh has said must be destroyed. But if you do what I say, Yahweh will stop being angry with you, and he will act mercifully toward you. And he will cause you to have many children/descendants, which is what he promised our ancestors that he would do.
18 domin kun yi biyayya da Ubangiji Allahnku, kuna kiyaye dukan umarnan da nake ba ku a yau, kuna kuma aikata abin da yake daidai a idanunsa.
Yahweh our God will do all those things if you do what he is telling you to do, and if you obey all the commandments that I am giving to you today and do what Yahweh says is right [for you to do].”

< Maimaitawar Shari’a 13 >