< Daniyel 3 >

1 Sarki Nebukadnezzar ya yi gunkin zinariya, tsawonsa kamu tasa’in, fāɗinsa kuma kamu tara ne, ya kafa shi a filin Dura a yankin Babilon.
King Nebuchadnezzar ordered his men to make a gold statue. It was (90 feet/27 meters) high and (9 feet/2.7 meters) wide. They set it up in the Dura plain in Babylon province.
2 Sa’an nan ya aika a kira hakimai da wakilai da gwamnoni da mashawarta, da ma’aji, da alƙalai, da marubutan kotu, da dukan sauran ma’aikatan yankunan, suka hallara domin a rusuna wa wannan siffar da ya kafa.
Then he sent messages to all the provincial governors, the district governors, the chief advisors, the counselors, the various judges, and all the other officials in the province. He told them to come to the dedication of the statue that he had set up.
3 Saboda haka sai hakimai, da wakilai da gwamnoni, mashawarta da ma’aji da alƙalai, da marubutan alƙalai, da kuma dukan ma’aikatan yankunan suka tattaru domin kaddamar da siffar da Nebukadnezzar ya kafa, suka kuma tsaya a gabansa.
When they all arrived, they all stood in front of that statue.
4 Sai mai shela ya daga murya da ƙarfi ya ce, “Wannan shi ne abin da aka umarce ku ku yi, ya ku mutane da al’umma da kowane yare.
Then an announcer shouted, “You people who come from many countries and many people-groups and [who speak many] languages, listen to what the king has commanded!
5 Da zarar kuka ji karar ƙaho, da sarewa, da garaya da goge da molo da algaita da kowane irin kaɗe-kaɗe da bushe-bushe ku rusuna ku yi sujada ga wannan gunkin da sarki Nebukadnezzar ya kafa.
When you hear the sounds made by the trumpets, the flutes, the guitars, the harps, the wind instruments, and all the other musical instruments, bow down to worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s gold statue.
6 Duk wanda bai rusuna ya yi sujada ba, nan take za a jefa shi a cikin tendarun wuta.”
Anyone who refuses to do that will be thrown into a blazing furnace!”
7 Saboda haka, da zarar suka ji karar ƙaho, da sarewa, garaya da goge da kowane irin kaɗe-kaɗe da bushe-bushe da kowane irin kaɗe-kaɗe kowane mutum da ko wace al’umma da kowane irin yare suka sunkuya suka yi sujada ga wannan siffa ta zinariya da sarki Nebukadnezzar ya kafa.
So when all those people who had gathered heard the sounds made by the musical instruments, they all bowed down to worship the statue.
8 A wannan lokaci sai waɗansu masanan taurari suka zo gaba suka yi karar Yahudawa.
But some of the men who studied the stars went to the king.
9 Suka ce wa sarki Nebukadnezzar, “Ran sarki yă daɗe,
They reported to him, “We hope that you, O king, will live a long time!
10 Ya sarki, ka fitar da doka, cewa duk wanda ya ji karar ƙaho, da sarewa, da garayu da goge, da molo da algaita da kowane irin kayan kaɗe-kaɗe da bushe-bushe sai yă rusuna yă yi sujada ga siffar zinariya,
You decreed that all the officials [whom you had gathered] should bow down and worship the gold statue when they heard the sounds made by the musical instruments.
11 kuma cewa duk wanda bai rusuna ya yi sujadar ba za a jefa shi cikin tanderun wuta.
You also decreed that those who refused to do that would be thrown into a blazing furnace.
12 Amma sai ga waɗansu Yahudawa waɗanda ka ɗora su a kan harkokin yankin Babilon, wato, Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego waɗanda ba su kula da umarninka ba, ya sarki. Ba su bauta wa allolin ba balle su yi sujada ga gunkin zinariya da ka kafa.”
Sir, there are some men from Judah whom you have appointed to be officials in Babylon province who have not obeyed your decree. Their names are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They have refused to worship your god and the gold statue that you have set up.”
13 Cikin fushi da hasala, Nebukadnezzar ya aika a kira Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego. Aka kawo waɗannan mutane a gaban sarki,
Nebuchadnezzar became very angry. He commanded [his soldiers] to bring in Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. When they were brought to him,
14 sai Nebukadnezzar ya ce musu, “Gaskiya ne Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego, cewa kun ƙi ku bauta wa alloli kuka kuma ƙi yi sujada ga gunkin da na kafa?
Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Is it true that you three men have refused to worship my gods or the gold statue that I have set up?
15 Yanzu sa’ad da kuka ji karar ƙaho, da sarewa, da garaya, da goge, da molo da algaita da kowane irin kaɗe-kaɗe da bushe-bushe, in kuna a shirye ku rusuna ƙasa ku yi wa wannan gunkin da na yi sujada, to, da kyau. Amma in ba ku yi sujada ba, za a je fa ku yanzu a cikin tanderun wutar nan. In ga kowane ne allahn nan da zai kuɓutar da ku daga hannuna?”
[If that is true, ] I will give you one more chance. If you bow down to worship the statue that I have set up when you hear the sounds of the musical instruments, fine. But if you refuse, you will be thrown immediately into the blazing furnace. Then (what god will be able to rescue you from my power?/no god will be able to rescue you from my power!)” [RHQ]
16 Sai Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego suka amsa wa sarki suka ce, “Ya Nebukadnezzar, ba mu bukata mu kāre kanmu a gabanka a kan wannan batu.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, “Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend our [actions] to you in this matter.
17 In an jefa mu cikin tanderun wutar nan, Allahn da muke bauta wa zai iya cetonmu daga ita, kuma ya sarki, zai cece mu daga hannunka.
If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we worship is able to rescue us. Sir, he will rescue us from your power.
18 Amma ko da bai cece mu ba, muna so ka sani, ya sarki; cewa ba za mu bauta wa allolinka ba ko kuma mu yi sujada ga gunkin zinariyar da ka kafa ba.”
But [even] if he does not [rescue us], you need to know that we will never worship your gods or the gold statue that you have set up.”
19 Sai Nebukadnezzar ya husata da Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego, sai al’amuransa a kansu ya canja. Sai ya umarta a ƙara zuga wutar har sau bakwai domin tă yi zafi fiye da yadda take a dā.
Nebuchadnezzar was extremely angry. [His being very angry even] showed on his face. He commanded that the furnace should be made seven times as hot as usual.
20 Kuma ya umarci waɗansu ƙarfafan sojoji a cikin rundunarsa su daure Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego su jefa su cikin tanderun wutar.
[After that was done, ] he commanded some of the [very] strong men of his army to tie Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and [then] to throw them into the blazing furnace.
21 Waɗannan mutanen suna sanye da riguna, da wanduna, da rawani da waɗansu kayan sawa, aka daure su, aka jefa su cikin tanderun wuta.
So [the soldiers] tied them up and threw them into the furnace, while they were wearing their clothes.
22 Sarki ya ba da umarnin da gaggawa kuma wutar ta yi zafi ƙwarai har harshen wutar ya kashe sojojin nan da suka ɗauki Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego,
Because the fire had been made very hot because the king had very strongly ordered them to do that, the flames [leaped out and] killed the soldiers as they were throwing the men into the fire!
23 waɗannan mutane uku kuma a daure, suka fāɗa cikin tanderun wutar.
So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego fell into the roaring flames.
24 Sai Sarki Nebukadnezzar ya miƙe tsaye, cike da mamaki ya tambayi mashawartansa, “Shin ba mutum uku ba ne muka daure muka jefa cikin wutar?” Suka amsa, “Tabbatacce haka yake ya sarki.”
But as Nebuchadnezzar was watching, he was amazed. He suddenly jumped up and shouted to his advisors, “Did we tie up three men and throw them into the flames, or not?” They replied, “Yes, O king, [we did].”
25 Sai ya ce, “Ku duba ina ganin mutum huɗu suna tafiya suna yawo a cikin wutar, a sake kuma babu abin da ya same su, na huɗun sai ka ce ɗan alloli.”
Nebuchadnezzar shouted, “[Look]! I see four men in the fire! They have no ropes on them, they are walking around, and [the flames] are not hurting them! And the fourth man looks like a divine being!”
26 Sai Nebukadnezzar ya matsa kusa da ƙofar tanderun wutar ya yi kira da ƙarfi, “Shedrak, Meshak da Abednego, bayin Allah Mafi Ɗaukaka ku fito! Ku zo nan!” Sai Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego suka fita daga cikin wutar,
Nebuchadnezzar came closer to the opening of the flaming furnace, and he shouted, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you who worship the Supreme God, come out of there! Come here!” So they stepped out of the fire.
27 Sa’an nan hakimai, da wakilai, da gwamnoni da masu ba wa sarki shawara suka kewaya su. Suka ga wutar ba tă yi musu wani lahani a jikinsu ba, babu ko gashin kansu da ya ƙuna; ko warin wuta ma ba su yi ba.
Then all the king’s officials crowded around them. They saw that the flames had not harmed them. The flames had not [even] singed any of the hair on their heads or scorched any of their clothes! There was not [even] any smell of smoke on them!
28 Sa’an nan Nebukadnezzar ya ce, “Yabo ya tabbata ga Allahn Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego wanda ya aiko da mala’ikansa ya ceci bayinsa da suka dogara matuƙa a gare shi, suka ki bin umarnin sarki kuma su na a shirye domin su ba da ransu da suka ƙi bauta ko su yi sujada ga wani allah sai dai Allahnsu.
[Then] Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise the God whom Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego [worship]! He sent one of his angels to rescue these [three] men who worship him and trust in him. They ignored my command; they insisted that they would worship only their God, and were willing to die instead of worshiping any other god.
29 Domin haka ina ba da doka cewa duk mutane da kowace al’umma ko kowane yaren da ya ce wani abu mummuna a kan Allahn Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego za a yanka shi gunduwa-gunduwa kuma gidansu zai zama wurin zuba shara, domin babu wani allahn da zai iya ceto ta irin wannan hanya.”
Therefore, I am [now] making this decree: ‘If any people, from any country or people-group or any language group, criticize the God whom Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego worship, they will be cut in pieces and their houses [will be torn down and] made into a pile of rubble. There is no other god who can rescue people like this!’”
30 Sa’an nan sarki ya ƙara wa su Shadrak, Meshak da Abednego girma a yankin Babilon.
Then the king gave Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego more important positions in Babylon province than they had before.

< Daniyel 3 >