< Ayyukan Manzanni 8 >

1 Shawulu kuwa yana can, yana tabbatar da mutuwarsa. A wannan rana wani babban tsanani ya auka wa ikkilisiyar da take a Urushalima, sai duka suka warwatsu ko’ina a Yahudiya da Samariya, manzanni kaɗai ne suka rage.
And Saul was consenting and participating in his death. And there was, in that day, a great persecution against the church that was at Jerusalem; and they were all dispersed, except the legates, among the villages of Judaea and likewise among the Samaritans.
2 Mutane masu tsoron Allah suka binne Istifanus suka kuma yi makoki ƙwarai dominsa.
And believing men gathered up and buried Stephen. And they lamented over him greatly.
3 Amma Shawulu ya fara hallaka ikkilisiya. Yana shiga gida-gida, yana jan maza da mata yana jefa su cikin kurkuku.
And Saul persecuted the church of God, entering houses, and dragging forth men and women and committing them to prison.
4 Waɗanda aka wartsar suka yi ta wa’azin maganar a duk inda suka tafi.
And they who were dispersed, travelled about and preached the word of God.
5 Filibus ya gangara zuwa wani birni a Samariya ya kuma yi shelar Kiristi a can.
And Philip went down to a city of the Samaritans, and preached concerning the Messiah.
6 Sa’ad da taron mutane suka ji Filibus suka kuma ga abubuwan banmamakin da ya yi, sai duk suka mai da hankali sosai ga abin da ya faɗa.
And when the people who were there heard his discourse, they gave ear to him, and acquiesced in all that he said; because they saw the signs which he wrought.
7 Mugayen ruhohi suka fiffito suna kururuwa daga cikin mutane da yawa, shanyayyu da guragu masu yawa suka sami warkarwa.
For many who were possessed by unclean spirits, cried with a loud voice, and came out of them: and others, who were paralytic and lame, were healed.
8 Saboda haka aka yi farin ciki ƙwarai a birnin.
And there was great joy in that city.
9 To, akwai wani mutum mai suna Siman wanda ya kwana biyu yana yin sihiri a birnin har ya ba wa duk mutanen Samariya mamaki. Ya kuma yi taƙama cewa shi wani mai girma ne,
And there was a certain man there, whose name was Simon, who had resided in that city a long time, and who seduced the people of the Samaritans by his sorceries, magnifying himself, and saying, I am a great personage.
10 dukan mutane kuwa, manyan da ƙanana, suka mai da hankali gare shi suka kuma ce, “Mutumin nan shi ne ikon Allah da aka sani a matsayin Iko Mai Girma”
And they all inclined towards him, great and small; and they said, This is the mighty power of God.
11 Suka bi shi domin ya daɗe yana ba su mamaki da sihirinsa.
And they acquiesced in him, because for a long time he had astonished them by his sorceries.
12 Amma da suka gaskata da Filibus sa’ad da yake wa’azin labari mai daɗi na mulkin Allah da kuma sunan Yesu Kiristi, sai aka yi musu baftisma, maza da mata.
But when they gave credence to Philip, as he preached the kingdom of God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah; they were baptized, both men and women.
13 Siman kansa ya gaskata aka kuma yi masa baftisma. Ya kuma bi Filibus ko’ina, yana mamakin manyan alamu da ayyukan banmamakin da ya gani.
And Simon himself also believed, and was baptized, and adhered to Philip. And when he saw the signs and mighty deeds which were wrought by his hand, he was surprised and astonished.
14 Sa’ad da manzannin da suke a Urushalima suka ji cewa Samariya ta karɓi maganar Allah, sai suka aika musu da Bitrus da Yohanna.
And when the legates at Jerusalem, heard that the people of the Samaritans had received the word of God, they sent out to them Simon Cephas and John.
15 Da suka iso, sai suka yi musu addu’a domin su karɓi Ruhu Mai Tsarki,
And they went down, and prayed over them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
16 domin Ruhu Mai Tsarki bai riga ya sauka wa waninsu ba tukuna, an dai yi musu baftisma ne kawai a cikin sunan Ubangiji Yesu.
For he was not yet on any one of them; and they had only been baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus.
17 Sa’an nan Bitrus da Yohanna suka ɗibiya hannuwansu a kansu, suka kuwa karɓi Ruhu Mai Tsarki.
Then they laid the hand on them; and they received the Holy Spirit.
18 Sa’ad da Siman ya ga cewa ana ba da Ruhu ta wurin ɗibiya hannuwan manzannin, sai ya miƙa musu kuɗi,
And when Simon saw that, by the imposition of a hand of the legates, the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,
19 ya ce, “Ni ma ku ba ni wannan iyawa don kowa na ɗibiya wa hannuwana yă karɓi Ruhu Mai Tsarki.”
saying: Give me also this prerogative, that he on whom I impose a hand, may receive the Holy Spirit.
20 Bitrus ya amsa ya ce, “Bari kuɗinka ya hallaka tare da kai, domin ka yi tsammani za ka iya saya kyautar Allah da kuɗi!
Simon Cephas said to him: Thy money go with thee to perdition! because thou hast supposed, that the gift of God may be purchased by a worldly substance.
21 Ba ruwanka da wannan hidimar, domin zuciyarka ba daidai take a gaban Allah ba.
Thou hast no part nor lot in this faith; because thy heart is not right before God.
22 Ka tuba daga wannan mugunta ka kuma yi addu’a ga Ubangiji. Wataƙila zai gafarta maka don irin tunanin da yake a zuciyarka.
Nevertheless, repent of this thy wickedness, and entreat of God, if perhaps the guile of thy heart may be forgiven thee.
23 Gama na lura kana cike da ɗacin rai kana kuma daure cikin zunubi.”
For I perceive that thou art in the bitter gall and in the bonds of iniquity.
24 Sai Siman ya amsa ya ce, “Ku yi addu’a ga Ubangiji saboda ni don kada ko ɗaya daga cikin abin da ka faɗa ya same ni.”
Simon answered and said: Intercede ye with God for me, that nothing of which ye have mentioned may come upon me.
25 Sa’ad da suka yi shaidar suka kuma yi shelar maganar Ubangiji, sai Bitrus da Yohanna suka koma Urushalima, suna wa’azin bishara a ƙauyukan Samariya masu yawa.
And Simon and John, when they had testified, and had taught them the word of God, returned to Jerusalem. And they had preached in many villages of the Samaritans.
26 To wani mala’ikan Ubangiji ya ce wa Filibus, “Ka yi kudu zuwa hanyar, hanyar hamada, da ta gangara daga Urushalima zuwa Gaza.”
And the angel of the Lord spake with Philip, and said to him: Arise, go to the south, along the desert way that leadeth down from Jerusalem to Gaza.
27 Saboda haka ya kama hanya, a kan hanyarsa kuwa sai ya sadu da wani mutumin Itiyofiya, wanda yake bābā, hafsa mai muhimmanci wanda yake lura da dukan ma’ajin Kandas (wanda yake nufin “sarauniyar mutanen Itiyofiya”). Mutumin nan ya tafi Urushalima ne domin yin sujada,
And he arose and went. And there met him a eunuch, who had come from Cush, an officer of Candace, queen of the Cushites, who had charge of all her treasure; and he had come to worship at Jerusalem.
28 a kan hanyarsa ta komawa gida kuwa yana zaune bisan keken yaƙinsa yana karatun littafin annabin Ishaya.
And as he turned to go, he was sitting in his chariot, and was reading in Isaiah the prophet.
29 Sai Ruhu ya ce wa Filibus, “Matsa wurin kekunan yaƙin nan ka yi kusa da ita.”
And the Holy Spirit said to Philip: Go near, and join thyself to the chariot.
30 Sai Filibus ya ruga zuwa wajen keken yaƙin ya kuma ji mutumin yana karatun littafin annabin Ishaya. Filibus ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Ka fahimci abin da kake karantawa?”
And when he came near, he heard him reading in Isaiah the prophet; and he said to him: Understandest thou what thou readest?
31 Sai ya ce, “Ina fa zan iya, in ba dai wani ya fassara mini ba?” Saboda haka sai ya gayyaci Filibus yă hau yă zauna tare da shi.
And he said: How can I understand, unless some one instruct me? And he requested of Philip, that he would come up and sit with him.
32 Bābān yana karanta wannan Nassin, “An ja shi kamar tunkiya zuwa mayanka, kuma kamar ɗan rago a hannun mai askin gashinsa yake shiru, haka kuwa bai buɗe bakinsa ba.
And the section of scripture in which he was reading, was this: As a lamb to the slaughter he was led away, and as a sheep before the shearer is silent, so also he in his humility opened not his mouth.
33 A cikin wulaƙacinsa aka hana masa gaskiya. Wa zai iya yin zancen zuriyarsa? Gama an ɗauke ransa daga duniya.”
From prison and from judgment he was carried: and his generation, who will declare? for his life is taken away from the earth.
34 Sai bābān ya tambayi Filibus ya ce, “Ka gaya mini, ina roƙonka, annabin yana magana a kan wane ne, kansa ne, ko kuwa wani dabam?”
And the eunuch said to Philip: I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other person?
35 Sa’an nan Filibus ya fara da wannan Nassi ɗin ya kuma faɗa masa labari mai daɗi game da Yesu.
Then Philip opened his mouth and, from that scripture, began to preach to him concerning our Lord Jesus.
36 Yayinda suke cikin tafiya a kan hanya, sai suka iso wani wurin ruwa bābān nan ya ce, “Duba, ga ruwa. Me zai hana a yi mini baftisma?”
And as they proceeded on the way, they came to a certain place in which there was water. And the eunuch said: Lo, here is water; what doth forbid, that I should be baptized?
And Philip said: If thou believest with all thy heart, it is allowable. And he answered, and said: I believe that Jesus Messiah is the Son of God.
38 Ya kuwa ba da umarni a tsai da keken yaƙin. Sa’an nan da Filibus da bābān suka gangara zuwa cikin ruwan Filibus kuwa ya yi masa baftisma.
And he commanded the chariot to stop; and they both went down to the water, and Philip baptized the eunuch.
39 Sa’ad da suka fita daga cikin ruwan, sai Ruhun Ubangiji ya fyauce Filibus, bābān kuwa bai ƙara ganinsa ba, amma ya ci gaba da tafiyarsa yana farin ciki.
And when they came up from the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip; and the eunuch saw him no more; but he went on his way rejoicing.
40 Filibus kuwa ya fito a Azotus, ya yi ta zagawa, yana wa’azin bishara a dukan garuruwan sai da ya kai Kaisariya.
And Philip was found at Azotus; and from there he travelled about, and preached in all the cities, until he came to Caesarea.

< Ayyukan Manzanni 8 >