< Ayyukan Manzanni 21 >

1 Bayan muka rabu da su da ƙyar, sai muka shiga jirgin ruwa, muka miƙe zuwa Kos. Kashegari muka tafi Rods daga can kuma muka je Fatara.
[After] we said goodbye to the elders [from Ephesus], we [got on the ship and] sailed to Cos [Island, where the ship stopped for the night]. The next day we sailed from Cos to Rhodes [Island, where the ship stopped again. The day after] that we sailed to Patara [town, where the ship stopped. This was on Patara Island].
2 Sai muka sami wani jirgin ruwa da zai ƙetare zuwa Funisiya, sai muka shiga muka kama tafiya.
[At Patara we left that ship, and someone told us that] there was a ship that would be going to Phoenicia [region. So] we got on that ship, and it left.
3 Bayan muka hangi Saifurus muka wuce shi ta kudu, sai muka ci gaba zuwa Suriya. Muka sauka a Taya, inda jirgin ruwanmu zai sauke kayansa.
[We sailed until] we could see Cyprus [Island]. We passed to the south of the island and continued sailing until we arrived at [Phoenicia region, in] Syria [province]. We arrived at Tyre [city. The ship was going to stay there several days, because its workers] had to unload the cargo.
4 Da muka sami almajirai a can, sai muka zauna da su kwana bakwai. Ta wurin Ruhu, suka yi ƙoƙari su hana Bulus wucewa zuwa Urushalima.
[Someone told us] where the believers in Tyre lived, so we [(exc) went and] stayed with them for seven days. Because [God’s] Spirit revealed to them ([that people would cause Paul to suffer/Paul would suffer]) [in Jerusalem], they told Paul that he should not go there.
5 Amma da lokacin tashinmu ya yi, sai muka tashi muka ci gaba da tafiyarmu. Dukan almajirai da matansu da’ya’yansu suka raka mu har bayan birni, a can kuwa a bakin teku muka durƙusa muka yi addu’a.
But when it was time [for the ship to leave again], we [prepared to] continue going [to Jerusalem]. When we left [Tyre], all the believers, including their wives and children, went with us [to the edge of the sea]. We all knelt down there on the sand/shore and prayed.
6 Bayan mun yi bankwana da juna, sai muka shiga jirgin ruwa, su kuwa suka koma gida.
After we all said goodbye, Paul and we [his companions] got on the ship, and the [other] believers returned to their own homes.
7 Muka ci gaba da tafiyarmu daga Taya muka sauka a Tolemayis, inda muka gai da’yan’uwa muka yi kwana ɗaya tare da su.
After we [(exc)] left Tyre, we continued on [that ship] to Ptolemais [city]. There were believers there, and we greeted them and stayed with them that night.
8 Da muka tashi kashegari, sai muka isa Kaisariya muka kuma sauka a gidan Filibus mai bishara, ɗaya daga cikin Bakwai ɗin nan.
The next day we left [Ptolemais] and sailed to Caesarea [city], where we stayed in the home of Philip, who [spent his days] telling others how to become disciples of Jesus. He was one of the seven [men whom the believers in Jerusalem had chosen to care for the widows].
9 Yana da’ya’ya huɗu’yan mata da ba su yi aure ba, waɗanda suka yi annabci.
He had four daughters who were not married. Each of them [frequently] spoke messages that the Holy Spirit had revealed to them.
10 Bayan muka yi’yan kwanaki da dama a can, sai wani annabin da ake kira Agabus ya gangaro daga Yahudiya.
After [we(exc) had been in Philip’s house for] several days, a believer whose name was Agabus came down from Judea [district] and arrived [in Caesarea]. He [frequently] spoke messages that the Holy Spirit had told him.
11 Da ya zo wurinmu, sai ya ɗauki ɗamarar Bulus, ya ɗaura hannuwansa da ƙafafunsa da ita sa’an nan ya ce, “Ruhu Mai Tsarki ya ce, ‘Haka Yahudawan Urushalima za su daure mai wannan ɗamara su kuma ba da shi ga Al’ummai.’”
Coming over to where we were, he took off Paul’s belt. Then he tied his own feet and hands with it and said, “The Holy Spirit says, ‘The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] in Jerusalem will tie up [the hands and feet of] the owner of this belt, like this, and they will hand him over to non-Jewish people [as a prisoner].’”
12 Sa’ad da muka ji haka, sai mu da mutanen da suke can muka roƙi Bulus kada yă je Urushalima.
When [the rest of] us heard that, we and [other] believers there repeatedly pled with Paul, “Please do not go up to Jerusalem!”
13 Sai Bulus ya amsa ya ce, “Don me kuke kuka kuna kuma ɓata mini zuciya? A shirye nake ba ma a daure ni kawai ba, amma har ma in mutu a Urushalima saboda sunan Ubangiji Yesu.”
But Paul replied, “(Please stop crying and trying to discourage me [IDM] [from going!]/Why are you crying and trying to discourage me [IDM] [from going]?) [RHQ] I am willing to be put {[for people] to put me} in prison and also to be killed {[for them] to kill me} in Jerusalem because I [serve] [MTY] the Lord Jesus.”
14 Da dai ya ƙi rarrasuwa, muka yi shiru, muka ce, “Bari Ubangiji yă yi nufinsa.”
When [we(exc) realized that] he was determined [to go to Jerusalem], we did not try [any longer] to persuade him [not to go]. We said, “May (the Lord [God] do what he wants/the Lord’s will be done)!”
15 Bayan haka, sai muka shirya muka kuma haura zuwa Urushalima.
After those days [in Caesarea], we [(exc)] prepared [our things] and [left to] go [by land] up to Jerusalem.
16 Waɗansu almajirai daga Kaisariya suka raka mu suka kawo mu gidan Minason, inda za mu sauka. Shi mutumin Saifurus ne kuma ɗaya daga cikin almajirai na farko.
Some of the believers from Caesarea also went with us. [On the way to Jerusalem], we stayed [one night] in the house of [a man whose name was] Mnason. He was from Cyprus [Island], and he had believed [in Jesus] when people were first beginning to hear the message [about him].
17 Sa’ad da muka zo Urushalima,’yan’uwa suka karɓe mu da murna.
When we arrived in Jerusalem, [a group of] the believers greeted us happily.
18 Kashegari Bulus da sauranmu muka tafi domin mu ga Yaƙub, dukan dattawan kuwa suna nan.
The next day Paul and the rest of us went to speak with James, [who was the leader of the congregation there]. All of the [other] leaders/elders [of the congregation in Jerusalem] were also there.
19 Bulus ya gaishe su ya kuma ba su rahoto dalla-dalla a kan abin da Allah ya yi a cikin Al’ummai ta wurin aikinsa.
Paul greeted them, and then he reported all of the things that God had enabled him to do among the non-Jewish people.
20 Da suka ji haka, sai suka yabi Allah. Sa’an nan suka ce wa Bulus, “Ka gani ɗan’uwa, yawan dubban Yahudawan da suka gaskata, kuma dukansu masu himma ne a wajen bin doka.
When they heard that, James and the other elders said, “Praise the Lord!” Then [one of] them said to Paul, “Brother/Friend, you [(sg)] know that there are very many thousands of us [(inc)] Jewish people [here] who have believed [in the Lord Jesus]. Also, you know that we [(inc)] all continue very carefully to obey the laws [that Moses gave us].
21 An sanar da su cewa kana koya wa dukan Yahudawan da suke zama a cikin Al’ummai cewa su juye daga Musa, kana kuma faɗa musu kada su yi wa’ya’yansu kaciya ko su yi rayuwa bisa ga al’adunmu.
[But our fellow Jewish believers] have been told {have heard [people say]} that when you are among non-Jews, you tell the Jewish believers who live there that they should stop obeying [the laws] [MTY] ([of] Moses/[that] Moses [received from God]). [People say that] you tell [those Jewish believers] not to circumcise their sons and not to practice our [other] customs. [We(exc) do not believe that this is true].
22 To, me za mu yi ke nan? Lalle za su ji cewa ka iso,
But our fellow [Jewish] believers will certainly hear that you have arrived, [and they will be angry with you]. So [you] need to do something [RHQ] [to show them that what they heard about you is not true].
23 saboda haka, ka yi abin da muka faɗa maka. Akwai mutum huɗu tare da mu da suka yi alkawari.
So you should do what we suggest to you. There are four men among us who have strongly promised [to God] about [something].
24 Ka ɗauki waɗannan mutane, ka tafi da su ku tsarkaka gaba ɗaya, ka kuma biya musu kome don su samu su yi aski. Ta haka kowa zai sani babu gaskiya a waɗannan rahotanni game da kai, za a kuma ga cewa kai kanka kana kiyaye dokar.
Go with these men [to the Temple] and [ritually] purify yourself along with them. Then, [when it is time for them to offer the sacrifices for that ritual], pay for what they offer [as sacrifices]. After that, they can shave their heads [to show that they have done what they promised to do. And when people see you in the courts of the Temple with those men], they will know that what they have been told {what people have told them} about you is not true. Instead, all of them will know that you obey all our Jewish laws [and rituals].
25 Game da Al’ummai masu bi kuwa, mun yi musu wasiƙa a kan shawararmu cewa su guji abincin da aka miƙa wa gumaka, da jini, da naman dabbar da aka maƙure da kuma fasikanci.”
As for the non-Jewish believers, [we elders here in Jerusalem have talked] about [which of our laws] they [should obey, and] we [(exc)] wrote them [a letter, telling them] what we decided. [We wrote] that they should not eat meat that people have offered as a sacrifice to any idol, [that they should not eat] blood [from animals], and that [they should not eat] meat from animals [that people have killed by] strangling [them. We also told them that] they should not have sex with someone to whom they are not married.”
26 Kashegari, sai Bulus ya ɗauki mutanen ya kuma tsarkake kansa tare da su. Sa’an nan ya tafi haikali domin yă sanar da ranar cikar tsarkakewarsu da kuma ranar da za a ba da sadaka domin kowannensu.
So Paul [agreed to do what they asked], and the next day he took the [four] men, and together they ritually purified themselves. After that, Paul went to the Temple [courts and] told [the priest] what day they would [finish] purifying themselves [ritually] and when [they] would offer [the animals as sacrifices] for each of them.
27 Da kwana bakwai ɗin suka yi kusan cika, waɗansu Yahudawa daga lardin Asiya suka ga Bulus a haikali. Sai suka zuga taron duka, suka kama shi,
When the seven days [for purifying themselves] were nearly finished, Paul [returned] to the Temple [courtyard]. Some Jews from Asia [province] saw him there, [and they were very angry at him]. On another day they had seen Paul [walking around] in Jerusalem with Trophimus, who was a non-Jew. Their laws did not permit non-Jews to be in the Temple, and they thought that Paul had brought Trophimus into the Temple [courtyard that day. So] they called out to many other Jews [who were in the Temple courtyard] to [help them] seize [MTY] Paul. They shouted, “Fellow Israelites, come and help [us punish this] man! This is the one who is [constantly] teaching people wherever [he goes that they] should despise the [Jewish] people. [He teaches people that they should no longer obey] the laws [of Moses] nor respect this holy [Temple]. He has even brought non-Jews here into [the court of] our Temple, causing God to consider it no longer holy!”
28 suna ihu suna cewa “Mutanen Isra’ila ku taimake mu! Ga mutumin da yake koya wa dukan mutane ko’ina cewa su ƙi mutanenmu da dokarmu da kuma wannan wuri. Ban da haka ma, ya kawo Hellenawa a cikin filin haikali ya ƙazantar da wurin nan mai tsarki.”
29 (Dā ma can sun ga Turofimus mutumin Afisa a birni tare da Bulus suka yi tsammani Bulus ya kawo shi filin haikali.)
30 Duk birnin ya ruɗe, mutane suka zaburo da gudu daga kowane gefe. Suka kama Bulus, suka ja shi daga haikali, nan da nan aka rurrufe ƙofofi.
[People] throughout [MTY] the city heard that there was trouble [at the Temple courtyard], and they came running there. They grabbed Paul and dragged him outside of the Temple [area]. The gates [to the Temple courtyard were shut] {[The Temple guards] shut the doors [to the Temple courts]} immediately, [so that the people would not riot inside the Temple area].
31 Yayinda suke ƙoƙari su kashe shi, sai labari ya kai ga shugaban ƙungiyar sojan Roma cewa birnin Urushalima duk ta hargitse.
While they were trying to kill Paul, someone [ran to the fort near the Temple] and told the Roman commander that many [HYP] people [MTY] in Jerusalem were rioting [at the Temple].
32 Nan da nan ya ɗibi waɗansu hafsoshi da sojoji suka gangara a guje wurin taron. Da masu hargitsin suka ga shugaban ƙungiyar sojan da sojojinsa, sai suka daina dūkan Bulus.
The commander quickly took some officers and [a large group of] soldiers and ran to [the Temple area where] the crowd was. When the crowd of people [who were yelling and beating Paul] saw the commander and the soldiers [coming], they stopped beating him.
33 Shugaban ƙungiyar sojan ya zo ya kama shi ya ba da umarni a daure shi da sarƙoƙi biyu. Sa’an nan ya yi tambaya ko shi wane ne, da kuma abin da ya yi.
The commander came to [where Paul was and] seized him. He [commanded soldiers] to fasten a chain to [each of] Paul’s [arms]. Then he asked [the people in the crowd], “Who is this man, and what has he done?”
34 Waɗansu daga cikin taron suka ɗau kururuwa suna ce abu kaza, waɗansu kuma suna ce abu kaza, da yake shugaban ƙungiyar sojan ya kāsa samun ainihin tushen maganar saboda yawan hayaniyar, sai ya yi umarni a kai Bulus barikin soja.
Some of the many people there were shouting one thing, [and] some were shouting something else. Because they continued shouting so loudly, the commander could not understand [what they were shouting. So] he [commanded] that Paul be taken {[the soldiers] to take Paul} into the barracks [so that he could question him there].
35 Sa’ad da Bulus ya kai bakin matakala, sai da sojoji suka ɗaga shi sama saboda tsananin haukan taron.
[The soldiers] led Paul to the steps [of the barracks], but many people continued to follow them, trying to kill [Paul. So the commander told] the soldiers to carry Paul [up the steps into the barracks].
36 Taron da suka bi suka dinga kururuwa, suna cewa, “A yi da shi!”
The crowd that followed kept shouting, “Kill him! Kill him!”
37 Da sojoji suka kai gab da shigar da Bulus cikin bariki, sai ya ce wa shugaban ƙungiyar sojan, “Ko ka yarda in yi magana da kai?” Sai ya amsa ya ce, “Ka iya Girik ne?
As Paul was about to be taken {[the soldiers] were about to take Paul} into the barracks, he said [in Greek] to the commander, “May I speak to you?” The commander said, “(I am surprised that you can speak the Greek [language]!/Can you [(sg)] speak the Greek [language]?)” [RHQ]
38 Ba kai ba ne mutumin Masar nan da ya haddasa tawaye har ya yi jagorar’yan ta’ada dubu huɗu zuwa hamada a shekarun baya?”
“(I [thought] that you [(sg)] were that fellow/Are you not that fellow) from Egypt [RHQ] who wanted to rebel [against the government not long ago], and who took 4,000 violent terrorists [with him] out into the desert, [so that we could not catch him]?”
39 Bulus ya amsa ya ce, “Ni mutumin Yahuda ne, daga Tarshish a Silisiya shahararren birnin nan. In ka yarda bari in yi wa mutane magana.”
Paul answered, “[No, I am not!] I am a Jew. I [was born] in Tarsus, which is an important [LIT] city in Cilicia [province]. I ask that you [(sg)] let me speak to the people.”
40 Da ya sami izini daga shugaban ƙungiyar sojan, sai Bulus ya tsaya a matakala, ya ɗaga wa taron hannu. Da dukan suka yi shiru, sai ya ce musu da Arameyanci,
Then the commander permitted Paul [to speak. So] Paul stood on the steps and motioned with his hand [for the crowd to be quiet. And after] the people in the crowd became quiet, Paul spoke to them in [their own] Hebrew language [MTY].

< Ayyukan Manzanni 21 >