< Ayyukan Manzanni 12 >

1 Kusan a wannan lokaci ne Sarki Hiridus ya kama waɗansu da suke na ikkilisiya, da niyya ya tsananta musu.
NOW at that time Herod the king stretched forth his hand to treat cruelly certain persons belonging to the church.
2 Ya sa aka kashe Yaƙub, ɗan’uwan Yohanna, da takobi.
And he slew James the brother of John with a sword.
3 Sa’ad da ya ga wannan ya faranta wa Yahudawa rai, sai ya kama Bitrus shi ma. Wannan ya faru kwanakin Bikin Burodi Marar Yisti.
And seeing how agreeable this was to the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.)
4 Bayan ya kama shi, sai ya sa shi a kurkuku, ya danƙa shi a hannun soja hurhuɗu kashi huɗu, don su yi gadinsa. Hiridus ya yi niyyar ya yi masa shari’a a gaban mutane bayan Bikin Ƙetarewa.
Whom having apprehended, he put him in prison, delivering him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep guard over him; intending after the Passover to bring him forth to the people for execution.
5 Saboda haka aka tsare Bitrus a kurkuku, amma ikkilisiya ta nace da addu’a ga Allah dominsa.
So then Peter was kept in prison: but fervent prayer was offered up by the church to God for him.
6 A daren da in gari ya waye da Hiridus yake niyyar kawo shi domin a yi masa shari’a, Bitrus yana barci tsakanin sojoji biyu, daure da sarƙoƙi biyu, masu gadi kuma suna bakin ƙofa.
Now when Herod was going to bring him forth, the same night was Peter fast asleep between the two soldiers, fastened to them with two chains: and the guards before the door kept the prison.
7 Ba zato ba tsammani sai mala’ikan Ubangiji ya bayyana haske kuma ya haskaka a ɗakin. Ya bugi Bitrus a gefe ya kuma tashe shi ya ce, “Maza, ka tashi!” Sarƙoƙin kuwa suka zube daga hannuwansa.
And, lo! an angel of the Lord stood there, and light glared through the apartment: then with a stroke on Peter’s side, he roused him up, and said, Arise quickly. And his chains fell from his hands.
8 Sa’an nan mala’ikan ya ce masa, “Ka sa rigunarka da takalmanka.” Bitrus kuwa ya sa. Mala’ikan ya faɗa masa cewa, “Ka yafa mayafinka ka bi ni.”
And the angel said to him, Gird thyself up, and bind on thy sandals. And he did so. And he said unto him, Wrap thyself in thy mantle, and follow me.
9 Bitrus ya bi shi suka fita kurkukun, amma bai ma san cewa abin da mala’ikan yake yi tabbatacce ne ba; yana tsammani wahayi yake gani.
And going out, he followed him; and knew not that it was a reality which was done by the angel; but he supposed he saw a vision.
10 Suka wuce masu gadi na fari da na biyu, suka kuma isa ƙofar ƙarfe ta shiga birni. Ƙofar kuwa ta buɗe musu da kanta, suka kuma wuce. Sa’ad da suka yi tafiya tsawon wani titi, nan take mala’ikan ya bar shi.
So passing through the first ward and the second, they came to the iron door which leads into the city, which opened to them spontaneously: and being come out, they walked forward through one street; and immediately the angel departed from him.
11 Sai Bitrus ya dawo hankalinsa ya ce, “Yanzu na sani ba shakka Ubangiji ne ya aiki mala’ikansa yă cece ni daga hannun Hiridus da kuma dukan mugun fatan Yahudawa.”
And Peter coming to himself, said, Now I know assuredly, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me from the hand of Herod, and all the eager expectation of the people of the Jews.
12 Da ya gane haka, sai ya tafi gidan Maryamu uwar Yohanna, wanda ake kuma kira Markus, inda mutane da yawa suka taru suna addu’a.
And after considering with himself, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, who is surnamed Mark; where many were thronged together, and praying.
13 Bitrus ya ƙwanƙwasa ƙofar waje, sai wata mai aiki a gidan da ake kira Roda ta zo tă ji ko wane ne.
Peter then knocking at the door of the gatetway, there came a damsel to ask who was there, named Rhoda.
14 Da ta gane muryar Bitrus, ta cika da murna ta gudu ta koma ba tare da ta buɗe ƙofar ba, sai ta koma a guje ta ce da ƙarfi, “Ga Bitrus a bakin ƙofa!”
And well knowing Peter’s voice, she opened not the door for joy; but running in, told that Peter was standing before the door.
15 Sai suka ce mata, “Kina hauka.” Da ta nace cewa shi ne, sai suka ce, “To, lalle, mala’ikansa ne.”
But they said, Thou art raving. But she confidently persisted that it was so. Then they said, It is his angel.
16 Amma Bitrus ya yi ta ƙwanƙwasawa. Da suka buɗe ƙofar suka kuma gan shi, sai suka yi mamaki.
But Peter continued knocking: and they opened the door and saw him, and were astonished.
17 Bitrus ya yi musu alama da hannunsa su yi shiru sai ya bayyana yadda Ubangiji ya fitar da shi daga kurkuku. Ya ce, “Ku gaya wa Yaƙub da kuma’yan’uwa game da wannan,” sa’an nan ya tashi ya tafi wani wuri.
Then beckoning with the hand that they should be silent, he informed them in what manner the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Tell James and the brethren these things. And departing thence he went into another place.
18 Da safe, hargitsin da ya tashi tsakanin sojojin ba ƙarami ba ne, a kan abin da ya sami Bitrus.
Now when the day broke, there was no small stir among the soldiers, what could possibly become of Peter.
19 Bayan Hiridus ya neme shi bai same shi ba, sai ya tuhumi masu gadin, ya kuma ba da umarni a kashe su. Sa’an nan Hiridus ya tashi daga Yahudiya ya tafi Kaisariya ya kuma yi’yan kwanaki a can.
And Herod sought him out earnestly, but not being able to find him, after having examined the guards strictly, he commanded them to be executed. And going down from Jerusalem to Caesarea, took up his abode there.
20 Yana da rashin jituwa da mutanen Taya da na Sidon; sai suka haɗa kai suka nemi ganawa da shi. Bayan suka sami goyon bayan Bilastus, amintaccen bawan sarki, sai suka nemi salama, domin sun dogara ga ƙasar sarkin don samun abincinsu.
Now Herod was fiercely bent on war against the Tyrians and Sidonians: but they presented themselves unanimously before him, and ingratiating themselves with Blastus who was over the king’s bedchamber, they begged for peace; because their country received all their supply of provisions from the king’s territories.
21 A ranar da aka shirya Hiridus, sanye da kayan sarautarsa, ya zauna a gadon sarautarsa ya kuma ya wa mutanen jawabi.
Then on a day appointed, Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, and seated on his throne, made an harangue unto them.
22 Suka tā da murya suka ce, “Wannan muryar wani allah ne, ba ta mutum ba.”
And the populace shouted, It is the voice of a god, and not a man.
23 Nan take, domin Hiridus bai yi wa Allah yabo ba, wani mala’ikan Ubangiji ya buge shi, tsutsotsi kuwa suka cinye shi ya kuma mutu.
But instantly the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not the glory to God: and being devoured with worms, he expired.
24 Amma maganar Allah ta ci gaba da ƙaruwa ta kuma bazu.
But the word of the Lord increased, and was widely diffused.
25 Sa’ad da Barnabas da Shawulu suka kammala aikinsu, sai suka komo daga Urushalima, tare da Yohanna, wanda ake kira Markus.
Then Barnabas and Saul departed from Jerusalem, having completed the distribution of the sum entrusted with them; and they took with them John, whose surname was Mark.

< Ayyukan Manzanni 12 >