< 2 Sama’ila 17 >

1 Ahitofel ya ce wa Absalom, “Zan zaɓi mutum dubu goma sha biyu su fita a daren nan in fafari Dawuda.
Moreover Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Let me now choose twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue after David tonight.
2 Zan fāɗa masa sa’ad da yake cikin gajiya da karayar zuciya. Zan firgita shi, mutanen da suke tare da shi kuwa za su gudu. Sarki ne kaɗai zan kashe
I will come on him while he is weary and exhausted, and will make him afraid. All the people who are with him will flee. I will strike the king only,
3 in dawo da dukan mutanen a gare ka. Mutuwar wanda kake nema zai zama dawowar duka; dukan mutanen ba za su cutu ba.”
and I will bring back all the people to you. The man whom you seek is as if all returned. All the people shall be in peace.”
4 Wannan shawara ta gamshi Absalom da dukan dattawan Isra’ila.
The saying pleased Absalom well, and all the elders of Israel.
5 Amma Absalom ya ce, “A kira mini Hushai mutumin Arkitawan nan shi ma, mu ji abin da zai ce.”
Then Absalom said, “Now call Hushai the Archite also, and let’s hear likewise what he says.”
6 Da Hushai ya zo wurinsa, sai Absalom ya ce, “Ahitofel ya ba da wannan shawara. Mu yi abin da ya ce? In ba haka ba, sai ka ba mu ra’ayinka.”
When Hushai had come to Absalom, Absalom spoke to him, saying, “Ahithophel has spoken like this. Shall we do what he says? If not, speak up.”
7 Hushai ya ce wa Absalom, “Shawarar da Ahitofel ya bayar a wannan lokaci kam, ba ta da kyau.
Hushai said to Absalom, “The counsel that Ahithophel has given this time is not good.”
8 Ka san mahaifinka da mutanensa mayaƙa ne, suna cikin fushi kamar mugun beyar da aka ƙwace mata’ya’ya. Ban da haka ma, mahaifinka gogagge ne a yaƙi; ba zai kwana da rundunar ba.
Hushai said moreover, “You know your father and his men, that they are mighty men, and they are fierce in their minds, like a bear robbed of her cubs in the field. Your father is a man of war, and will not lodge with the people.
9 Kai, ko yanzu ma, ya riga ya ɓuya cikin kogo ko kuma a wani wuri. In har ya fara kai wa rundunarka hari duk wanda ya ji, zai ce, ‘An yi kaca-kaca da rundunar da suka bi Absalom.’
Behold, he is now hidden in some pit, or in some other place. It will happen, when some of them have fallen at the first, that whoever hears it will say, ‘There is a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom!’
10 Kai, ko jarumi mai zuciya kamar na zaki ma, zai narke don tsoro, gama dukan Isra’ila sun sani mahaifinka mayaƙi ne, sun kuma san cewa waɗanda suke tare da shi jarumawa ne.
Even he who is valiant, whose heart is as the heart of a lion, will utterly melt; for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man, and those who are with him are valiant men.
11 “Saboda haka ina ba ka shawara, bari a tara maka dukan Isra’ila, daga Dan zuwa Beyersheba da yawansu ya yi kamar yashin bakin teku, kai kanka ka jagorance su zuwa fagen fama.
But I counsel that all Israel be gathered together to you, from Dan even to Beersheba, as the sand that is by the sea for multitude; and that you go to battle in your own person.
12 Sa’an nan za mu fāɗa masa duk inda yake, za mu fāɗa masa kamar yadda raɓa takan fāɗo a bisa ƙasa. Da shi da mutanensa babu ko ɗaya da za a bari da rai.
So we will come on him in some place where he will be found, and we will light on him as the dew falls on the ground, then we will not leave so much as one of him and of all the men who are with him.
13 In ma ya janye zuwa cikin birni, sai dukan Isra’ila su kawo igiyoyi wa wannan birni, su ja shi zuwa kwari yă wargaje, yadda ba za a bar wani dutse a kan wani ba.”
Moreover, if he has gone into a city, then all Israel will bring ropes to that city, and we will draw it into the river, until there isn’t one small stone found there.”
14 Absalom da dukan mutanen Isra’ila suka ce, “Shawarar Hushai mutumin Arkitawa ta fi ta Ahitofel kyau.” Gama Ubangiji ya ƙudura yă wofinta kyakkyawar shawarar Ahitofel, don yă jawo wa Absalom masifa.
Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better than the counsel of Ahithophel.” For the LORD had ordained to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel, to the intent that the LORD might bring evil on Absalom.
15 Hushai ya ce wa Zadok da Abiyatar, firistoci, “Ahitofel ya ba wa Absalom da dattawan Isra’ila shawara su yi kaza da kaza, amma na ba su shawara su yi haka, su yi haka.
Then Hushai said to Zadok and to Abiathar the priests, “Ahithophel counseled Absalom and the elders of Israel that way; and I have counseled this way.
16 Yanzu sai ku aika wa Dawuda saƙo nan da nan ku ce masa, ‘Kada ka kwana a mashigai cikin hamada; ka tabbata ka haye ba faci, in ba haka ba sarki da dukan mutanensa za su hallaka.’”
Now therefore send quickly, and tell David, saying, ‘Don’t lodge tonight at the fords of the wilderness, but by all means pass over, lest the king be swallowed up, and all the people who are with him.’”
17 Yonatan da Ahimawaz suna zaune a En Rogel. Wata baranya ce za tă je ta faɗa musu, su kuma su tafi su gaya wa Sarki Dawuda don suna tsoro kada a ga suna shiga birnin.
Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying by En Rogel; and a female servant used to go and report to them, and they went and told King David; for they couldn’t risk being seen coming into the city.
18 Amma wani saurayi ya gan su, ya gaya wa Absalom. Sai dukansu biyu suka tashi da sauri suka shiga gidan wani mutum a Bahurim. Yana da rijiya a cikin gida, sai suka shiga cikinta.
But a boy saw them, and told Absalom. Then they both went away quickly and came to the house of a man in Bahurim, who had a well in his court; and they went down there.
19 Matarsa mutumin kuwa ta kawo tabarma ta shimfiɗa a bakin rijiyar, sai ta kawo hatsi ta baza a kanta. Ba kuwa wanda ya san abin da ta yi.
The woman took and spread the covering over the well’s mouth, and spread out crushed grain on it; and nothing was known.
20 Da mutanen Absalom suka zo wurin matan a gidan, suka ce, “Ina Yonatan da Ahimawaz?” Matar ta ce, “Tuni, sun haye rafi.” Sai mutanen suka yi ta nemansu amma ba su ga kowa, sai suka koma Urushalima.
Absalom’s servants came to the woman to the house; and they said, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” The woman said to them, “They have gone over the brook of water.” When they had sought and could not find them, they returned to Jerusalem.
21 Bayan mutanen suka tafi, sai su biyun suka fito daga rijiyar suka je suka gaya wa Sarki Dawuda. Suka ce masa, “Maza ka ƙetare kogi; Ahitofel ya ba wa Absalom shawara a yi maka kaza da kaza.”
After they had departed, they came up out of the well and went and told King David; and they said to David, “Arise and pass quickly over the water; for thus has Ahithophel counseled against you.”
22 Saboda haka Dawuda da dukan mutanen da suke tare da shi suka tashi suka ƙetare Urdun. Kafin wayewar gari, babu wanda ya rage da bai haye ba.
Then David arose, and all the people who were with him, and they passed over the Jordan. By the morning light there lacked not one of them who had not gone over the Jordan.
23 Da Ahitofel ya ga ba a bi shawararsa ba, sai ya hau jakinsa ya koma gidansa a garinsu. Ya kintsa gidansa sa’an nan ya rataye kansa. Ta haka ya mutu, aka kuma binne shi a kabarin mahaifinsa.
When Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled his donkey, arose, and went home to his city, set his house in order, and hanged himself; and he died, and was buried in the tomb of his father.
24 Dawuda kuwa ya tafi Mahanayim. Absalom kuma ya ƙetare Urdun tare da dukan mutanen Isra’ila.
Then David came to Mahanaim. Absalom passed over the Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him.
25 Absalom ya riga ya naɗa Amasa a kan sojoji a maimakon Yowab. Amasa kuwa ɗan wani mutum mai suna Itra ne, mutumin Ishmayel wanda ya auri Abigiyel,’yar Nahash,’yar’uwar Zeruhiya mahaifiyar Yowab.
Absalom set Amasa over the army instead of Joab. Now Amasa was the son of a man whose name was Ithra the Israelite, who went in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash, sister to Zeruiah, Joab’s mother.
26 Isra’ilawa da Absalom suka kafa sansani a ƙasar Gileyad.
Israel and Absalom encamped in the land of Gilead.
27 Sa’ad da Dawuda ya zo Mahanayim, sai Shobi ɗan Nahash daga Rabba ta Ammonawa, da Makir ɗan Ammiyel daga Lo Debar, da Barzillai mutumin Gileyad daga Rogelim
When David had come to Mahanaim, Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and Machir the son of Ammiel of Lodebar, and Barzillai the Gileadite of Rogelim,
28 suka kawo wa Dawuda da mutanensa tabarmai, da kwanoni, da kayayyakin da aka yi da yumɓu. Suka kuma kawo alkama da sha’ir, da gari, da soyayyen hatsi, da wake, da waken barewa,
brought beds, basins, earthen vessels, wheat, barley, meal, parched grain, beans, lentils, roasted grain,
29 da zuma, da kindirmo, da tumaki, da cukun madarar shanu wa Dawuda da mutanensa su ci. Gama sun ce, “Mutanen suna jin yunwa, sun kuma gaji, ga ƙishirwa a hamada.”
honey, butter, sheep, and cheese of the herd, for David and for the people who were with him to eat; for they said, “The people are hungry, weary, and thirsty in the wilderness.”

< 2 Sama’ila 17 >