< 2 Sama’ila 16 >

1 Sa’ad da Dawuda ya yi ɗan nesa da ƙwanƙolin, sai ga Ziba mai hidimar Mefiboshet, yana jira yă tarye shi. Yana da jerin jakuna da sirdi suna ɗauke da dunƙulen burodi ɗari biyu, da ƙosai busasshen inabi ɗari ɗaya, da kosan’ya’yan itace ɓaure guda ɗari, da salka ruwan inabi.
And when David had passed a little beyond the top of the mountain, Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth, appeared to meet him, with two donkeys, which were burdened with two hundred loaves, and one hundred bunches of dried grapes, and one hundred masses of dried figs, and a skin of wine.
2 Sarki ya ce wa Ziba, “Me ya sa ka kawo waɗannan?” Ziba ya ce, “Jakuna domin iyalin gidan sarki su hau ne, burodi da’ya’yan itace domin mutane su ci, ruwan inabi kuma domin waɗanda suka gaji a hamada.”
And the king said to Ziba, “What do you intend to do with these things?” And Ziba responded: “The donkeys are for the household of the king, so that they may sit. And the loaves and dried figs are for your servants to eat. But the wine is for anyone to drink who may be faint in the desert.”
3 Sai sarki ya ce, “Ina jikar maigidanka?” Ziba ya ce, “Yana zaune a Urushalima gama yana tsammani cewa, ‘Yau gidan Isra’ila za su mayar mini da sarautar kakana.’”
And the king said, “Where is the son of your lord?” And Ziba answered the king: “He remained in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Today, the house of Israel will restore the kingdom of my father to me.’”
4 Sai sarki ya ce wa Ziba, “Duk abin da yake na Mefiboshet, ya zama naka.” Ziba ya rusuna ya ce, “Bari in dinga samun tagomashi a gabanka ranka yă daɗe.”
And the king said to Ziba, “All the things which were for Mephibosheth are now yours.” And Ziba said, “I beg you that I may find grace before you, my lord the king.”
5 Yayinda Sarki Dawuda ya kusato Bahurim, sai ga wani mutumin dangin Shawulu ya fito daga can, sunansa Shimeyi ɗan Gera. Ya fito yana ta la’anta yayinda yake fitowa.
Then king David went as far as Bahurim. And behold, a man from the kindred of the house of Saul, named Shimei, the son of Gera, went out from there. And going out, he continued on, and he was cursing,
6 Ya jajjefi Dawuda da dukan fadawan sarki da duwatsu, ko da yake sojoji da masu gadin sarki na musamman suna kewaye da sarki dama da hagu.
and throwing stones against David and against all the servants of king David. And all the people and all the warriors were traveling to the right and to the left sides of the king.
7 Yayinda yake la’antar, Shimeyi ya ce, “Tafi daga nan, tafi daga nan, mai kisankai, mutumin banza kawai!
And so, as he was cursing the king, Shimei said: “Go away, go away, you man of blood, and you man of Belial!
8 Ubangiji ya kama ka saboda alhakin jinin gidan Shawulu, wanda kake sarauta a maimakonsa. Ubangiji ya ba da masarautar ga ɗanka Absalom. Hallaka ta zo maka domin kai mai kisankai ne!”
The Lord has repaid you for all the blood of the house of Saul. For you have usurped the kingdom in place of him. And so, the Lord has given the kingdom into the hand of Absalom, your son. And behold, your evils press close upon you, because you are a man of blood.”
9 Sai Abishai ɗan Zeruhiya ya ce wa sarki, “Ranka yă daɗe, don me wannan mataccen kare yake la’antarka? Bari in je in datse kansa.”
Then Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, said to the king: “Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go and cut off his head.”
10 Amma sarki ya ce, “Ba ruwana da ku, ku’ya’yan Zeruhiya. Idan yana la’ana ne domin Ubangiji ya ce masa, ‘La’anci Dawuda,’ wa zai ce, ‘Don me kake haka?’”
And the king said: “What is it to me and to all of you, O sons of Zeruiah? Permit him, so that he may curse. For the Lord has commanded him to curse David. And who is the one who would dare to say, ‘Why has he done so?’”
11 Sa’an nan Dawuda ya ce wa Abishai da dukan fadawansa, “Ɗana, na cikina, yana ƙoƙari yă kashe ni. Balle wannan mutumin Benyamin! Ku ƙyale shi, yă yi ta zargi, Ubangiji ne ya ce masa yă yi haka.
And the king said to Abishai and to all his servants: “Behold, my son, who went forth from my loins, is seeking my life. How much more does a son of Benjamin do so now? Permit him, so that he may curse, in accord with the command of the Lord.
12 Mai yiwuwa Ubangiji yă ga azabata, yă sāka mini da alheri saboda la’anar da nake sha a yau.”
Perhaps the Lord may look with favor upon my affliction, and the Lord may repay me good, in place of the cursing of this day.”
13 Saboda haka Dawuda da mutanensa suka ci gaba da tafiyarsu yayinda Shimeyi yana tafiya ɗaura da shi a gefen tudu, yana zagi, yana jifansa da duwatsu, yana tayar masa da ƙura.
And so, David continued walking along the way, and his associates with him. But Shimei was advancing along the ridge of the mountain on the side opposite him, cursing and throwing stones at him, and scattering dirt.
14 Sarki da dukan mutanen da suke tare da shi suka isa masauƙinsu a gajiye. A can fa ya huta.
And the king and the entire people with him, being weary, went and refreshed themselves there.
15 Ana cikin haka, Absalom da dukan Isra’ila suka iso Urushalima, Ahitofel kuwa yana tare da shi.
But Absalom and all his people entered into Jerusalem. Moreover, Ahithophel was with him.
16 Sai Hushai mutumin Arkitawa, abokin Dawuda ya je wurin Absalom ya ce masa, “Ran sarki yă daɗe! Ran sarki yă daɗe!”
And when Hushai the Archite, David’s friend, had gone to Absalom, he said to him: “May you be well, O king! May you be well, O king!”
17 Absalom ya ce wa Hushai, “Ƙaunar da kake nuna wa abokinka ke nan? Me ya sa ba ka tafi tare da abokinka ba?”
And Absalom said to him: “Is this your kindness to your friend? Why did you not go with your friend?”
18 Hushai ya ce wa Absalom, “A’a, ai, wanda Ubangiji ya zaɓa ta wurin waɗannan mutane, da kuma ta wurin dukan mutane Isra’ila, shi zan zama nasa, zan kuma kasance tare da shi.
And Hushai responded to Absalom: “By no means! For I will be his, whom the Lord has chosen. And I, and all this people, and all of Israel, will remain with him.
19 Ban da haka ma, wane ne zan bauta wa? Ashe, ba ɗan ne zan bauta wa ba? Kamar dai yadda na bauta wa mahaifinka, haka zan bauta maka.”
But then too, I declare this: whom should I serve? Is it not the son of the king? Just as I have been subject to your father, so will I be subject to you also.”
20 Absalom ya ce wa Ahitofel, “Ba mu shawararka. Me za mu yi?”
Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, “Present a counsel as to what we ought to do.”
21 Ahitofel ya ce wa Absalom, “Je ka kwana da ƙwarƙwaran mahaifinka waɗanda ya bari su lura da fada. Ta haka dukan Isra’ila za su ji cewa ka mai da kanka abin wari a hancin mahaifinka, dukan hannuwan waɗanda suke tare da kai kuwa za su sami ƙarfi.”
And Ahithophel said to Absalom: “Enter to the concubines of your father, whom he left behind in order to care for the house. Thus, when all of Israel will hear that you disgraced your father, their hands may be strengthened with you.”
22 Saboda haka suka kafa wa Absalom tenti a bisa rufin ɗaki, a can ya kwana da ƙwarƙwaran mahaifinsa a gaban dukan Isra’ila.
Therefore, they spread a tent for Absalom on the rooftop. And he entered to the concubines of his father in the sight of all Israel.
23 To, a kwanakin nan shawarar da Ahitofel yakan bayar takan zama kamar wadda aka nemi daga Allah ne. Haka Dawuda da Absalom duk suke ɗaukan dukan shawarar Ahitofel.
Now the counsel of Ahithophel, which he gave in those days, was treated as if one were consulting God. So was every counsel of Ahithophel, both when he was with David, and when he was with Absalom.

< 2 Sama’ila 16 >