< 2 Sarakuna 23 >

1 Sai sarki ya kira dukan dattawan Yahuda da Urushalima.
And he sent the king and they gathered to him all [the] elders of Judah and Jerusalem.
2 Sai ya haura zuwa cikin haikalin Ubangiji tare da mutanen Yahuda, da na Urushalima, da firistoci, da annabawa, dukan mutane, manya da ƙanana. Ya karanta musu duk kalmomin Littafin Alkawari, wanda aka samu a haikalin Ubangiji.
And he went up the king [the] house of Yahweh and every person of Judah and all [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem with him and the priests and the prophets and all the people from [the] small and unto [the] great and he read aloud in ears their all [the] words of [the] scroll of the covenant which had been found in [the] house of Yahweh.
3 Sarki ya tsaya dab da ginshiƙi ya kuma sabunta alkawarin a gaban Ubangiji, ya ce zai bi Ubangiji, yă kiyaye dokokinsa, da ƙa’idodinsa, da farillansa, da dukan zuciyarsa da dukan ransa, ta haka ya tabbatar da kalmomin alkawarin da yake a rubuce a cikin littafin nan. Sa’an nan dukan mutane ma suka yi alkawari yin haka.
And he stood the king at the pillar and he made the covenant - before Yahweh to walk after Yahweh and to keep commandments his and testimonies his and statutes his with all heart and with all being to establish [the] words of the covenant this which were written on the scroll this and it took its stand all the people in the covenant.
4 Sai Yosiya ya umarci Hilkiya babban firist, tare da firistocin da suke taimakonsa, da masu tsaron ƙofa su kawar da dukan abubuwan da aka yi domin Ba’al, da domin Ashera, da kuma domin dukan rundunar taurari, daga haikalin Ubangiji. Ya ƙone su a bayan Urushalima a filayen Kwarin Kidron, ya kwashe tokan zuwa Betel.
And he commanded the king Hilkiah the priest great and [the] priests of the second rank and [the] keepers of the threshold to bring out from [the] temple of Yahweh all the articles which were made for Baal and for Asherah and for all [the] host of the heavens and he burned them from [the] outside of Jerusalem in [the] fields of Kidron and he carried dust their Beth-el.
5 Ya kawar da firistocin gumakan da sarakunan Yahuda suka naɗa don su ƙona turare a masujadan kan tuddai na garuruwan Yahuda, da kuma waɗanda suke kewaye da Urushalima, masu ƙona turare wa Ba’al, rana da wata, ga rukunin taurari, da kuma ga dukan rundunan taurari.
And he removed the pagan priests whom they had appointed [the] kings of Judah and he made smoke at the high places in [the] cities of Judah and [the] surroundings of Jerusalem and the [ones who] made smoke to Baal to the sun and to the moon and to the constellations and to all [the] host of the heavens.
6 Ya ɗauke ginshiƙin Ashera daga haikalin Ubangiji zuwa Kwarin Kidron can bayan Urushalima, ya ƙone shi a can. Ya niƙa shi sai da ya zama toka, sai ya watsar da ƙurar a filin kabarin talakawa.
And he brought out the Asherah pole from [the] house of Yahweh from [the] outside of Jerusalem to [the] wadi of Kidron and he burned it in [the] wadi of Kidron and he crushed [it] to dust and he threw dust its on [the] burial site of [the] sons of the people.
7 Ya kuma rurrushe mazaunan karuwai mazan haikali waɗanda suke a haikalin Ubangiji, da kuma inda mata suke yi wa Ashera saƙa.
And he broke down [the] houses of the male cult prostitutes which [were] in [the] house of Yahweh where the women [were] weaving there containers for Asherah.
8 Yosiya ya kawo dukan firistoci daga garuruwan Yahuda, ya kuma lalatar da masujadan kan tuddai daga Geba har zuwa Beyersheba, inda firistoci suke ƙona turare. Ya rurrushe matsafai a ƙofofi shigan gari na mashigi zuwa Ƙofar Yoshuwa, gwamnan birnin, wanda yake a hagu da ƙofar birnin.
And he brought all the priests from [the] cities of Judah and he made unclean the high places where they had made smoke there the priests from Geba to Beer Sheba and he broke down [the] high places of the gates which [were at] [the] entrance of [the] gate of Joshua [the] governor of the city which [was] at [the] left [side] of anyone at [the] gate of the city.
9 Ko da yake firistocin masujadan kan tuddai ba su yi hidima a bagaden Ubangiji a Urushalima ba, sun ci burodi marar yisti tare da sauran firistoci.
Nevertheless not they went up [the] priests of the high places to [the] altar of Yahweh in Jerusalem that except they ate unleavened bread in among brothers their.
10 Ya lalatar da Tofet, wanda yake a Kwarin Ben Hinnom, don kada kowa yă iya yin amfani da wurin don yă miƙa hadayar ɗansa, ko’yarsa a wuta ga Molek.
And he made unclean Topheth which [was] in [the] valley of (Ben *Q(K)*) Hinnom to not to make pass anyone son his and daughter his in the fire to Molech.
11 Ya kawar da dawakan nan da sarakunan Yahuda suka keɓe wa gumakan nan na rana daga mashigin haikalin Ubangiji. Waɗannan dawakan suna kusa da ɗakin Natan Melek, ɗaya daga cikin dattawan sarki. Yosiya ya kuma ƙone kekunan yaƙi a yin sujada ga gumakan nan rana.
And he removed the horses which they had dedicated [the] kings of Judah to the sun from [the] going of [the] house of Yahweh to [the] room of Nathan Melech the court-official which [was] in the Parbar and [the] chariots of the sun he burned with fire.
12 Ya rushe bagadan da sarakunan Yahuda suka kafa a kan ɗakin sama kusa da ɗakin sama na Ahaz, da kuma bagadai biyu da Manasse ya gina a filaye biyu na haikalin Ubangiji. Ya kawar da su daga can, ya farfashe su, ya zubar da tarkacen a Kwarin Kidron.
And the altars which [were] on the roof of [the] upper room of Ahaz which they had made - [the] kings of Judah and the altars which he had made Manasseh in [the] two [the] courtyards of [the] house of Yahweh he pulled down the king and he ran from there and he threw dust their into [the] wadi of Kidron.
13 Sarkin kuma ya lalatar da masujadan kan tuddan da suke gabas da Urushalima, kudu da Tudun Hallaka, waɗanda Solomon sarkin Isra’ila ya gina don Ashtarot, ƙazantacciyar alliyar Sidoniyawa, da Kemosh ƙazantaccen allah na Mowab, da kuma Molek allahn banƙyama na mutanen Ammon.
And the high places which - [were] on [the] face of Jerusalem which [were] from [the] south of [the] mountain of destruction which he had built Solomon [the] king of Israel to Astarte - [the] detestable thing of [the] Sidonians and to Chemosh [the] detestable thing of Moab and to Milcom [the] abomination of [the] people of Ammon he made unclean the king.
14 Yosiya ya farfashe keɓaɓɓun duwatsu, ya rurrushe ginshiƙan Asheransu, ya baza ƙasusuwan mutane a can.
And he broke the sacred pillars and he cut down the Asherah poles and he filled place their bones of humankind.
15 Har ma da bagaden Betel, masujadan kan tudun da Yerobowam ɗan Nebat ya yi, wanda ya sa Isra’ila suka yi zunubi. Wannan bagade da masujadan kan tudun ma ya kawar, ya ƙone masujadan kan tudun, ya niƙa su, ya kuma ƙone ginshiƙin Ashera.
And also the altar which [was] at Beth-el the high place which he had made Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat who he caused to sin Israel also the altar that and the high place he tore down and he burned the high place he crushed [it] to dust and he burned [the] Asherah pole.
16 Da Yosiya ya dubi kewaye da shi, ya ga kaburburan da suke can a gefen tudu, sai ya sa aka kwaso ƙasusuwan da suke cikinsu aka ƙone a kan bagade don yă lalatar da shi bisa ga maganar Ubangiji ta bakin mutumin Allah, wanda ya yi annabcin waɗannan abubuwa.
And he turned Josiah and he saw the graves which [were] there on the mountain and he sent and he took the bones from the graves and he burned [them] on the altar and he made unclean it according to [the] word of Yahweh which he had proclaimed [the] man of God who he proclaimed the words these.
17 Sarkin ya yi tambaya, ya ce, “Wane kabari ke nan nake gani?” Mutanen birnin suka ce, “Ai, kabarin annabin Allah ne wanda ya fito daga Yahuda, shi ne ya yi annabcin waɗannan abubuwan da ka aikata gāba da bagaden Betel.”
And he said what? [is] the monument this which I [am] seeing and they said to him [the] people of the city the grave of [the] man of God who he came from Judah and he proclaimed the things these which you have done on the altar of Beth-el.
18 Sai ya ce, “Ku rabu da shi, kada wani yă dami ƙasusuwansa.” Saboda haka suka bar kasusuwansa, da na annabin da ya fito Samariya.
And he said leave alone him anyone may not he disturb bones his and they left undisturbed bones his [the] bones of the prophet who he had come from Samaria.
19 Kamar yadda ya yi a Betel, Yosiya ya kawar da dukan ɗakunan gumaka a kan tuddan da sarakunan Isra’ila suka gina a garuruwan Samariya, waɗanda suka tozarta Ubangiji.
And also all [the] houses of the high places which - [were] in [the] cities of Samaria which they had made [the] kings of Israel to provoke anger he removed Josiah and he did to them according to all the deeds which he had done at Beth-el.
20 Yosiya ya yayyanka dukan firistoci na waɗannan masujadan kan tuddai, ya kuma ƙone ƙasusuwan mutane a kansu. Sa’an nan ya koma Urushalima.
And he slaughtered all [the] priests of the high places who [were] there on the altars and he burned bones of humankind on them and he returned Jerusalem.
21 Sarkin ya ba da umarnin nan ga dukan mutane, cewa, “Ku yi Bikin Ƙetarewa ga Ubangiji Allahnku, yadda aka rubuta a Littafin Alkawari.”
And he commanded the king all the people saying observe a passover to Yahweh God your according to [what] is written on [the] scroll of the covenant this.
22 Ba a taɓa yin irin Bikin Ƙetarewa haka ba, tun zamanin da masu shari’a suke aiki a matsayin sarakuna, ko a kwanakin sarakunan Isra’ila, ko na Yahuda.
For not it had been observed like the passover this since [the] days of the judges who they judged Israel and all [the] days of [the] kings of Israel and [the] kings of Judah.
23 Amma a shekara ta goma sha takwas ta mulkin sarki Yosiya, aka yi Bikin Ƙetarewan nan ga Ubangiji a Urushalima.
That except in eight-teen year of the king Josiah it was observed the passover this to Yahweh in Jerusalem.
24 Ban da haka, Yosiya ya kawar da masu duba, da masu maita, da allolin gidaje, da gumaka, da duk wani abin banƙyaman da ya gani a Yahuda da Urushalima. Ya yi wannan domin yă cika wa’adodin shari’a yadda suke a littafin da Hilkiya firist ya samu a haikalin Ubangiji.
And also the necromancers and the soothsayers and the teraphim and the idols and all the detestable things which they were seen in [the] land of Judah and in Jerusalem he removed Josiah so as to carry out [the] words of the law which were written on the scroll which he had found Hilkiah the priest [the] house of Yahweh.
25 Babu wani sarki kafin Yosiya, ko kuma a bayansa, wanda ya juya ga Ubangiji da dukan zuciyarsa, da dukan ransa, da dukan ƙarfinsa bisa ga shari’ar Musa, kamar yadda ya yi.
And like him not he had been before him a king who he turned back to Yahweh with all heart his and with all being his and with all strength his according to all [the] law of Moses and after him not he arose like him.
26 Duk da haka, Ubangiji bai huce daga zafin fushinsa wanda ya ƙuna game da Yahuda saboda abin da Manasse ya aikata don yă tozarta shi ba.
Nevertheless - not he turned back Yahweh from [the] burning of anger his great which it burned anger his on Judah on all the provocations which he had provoked to anger him Manasseh.
27 Saboda haka Ubangiji ya ce, “Zan shafe Yahuda ma kamar yadda na shafe Isra’ila, daga gabana, zan ƙi Urushalima birnin da na zaɓa, da wannan haikali wanda na ce, ‘A can Sunana zai kasance.’”
And he said Yahweh also Judah I will remove from on face my just as I removed Israel and I will reject the city this which I chose Jerusalem and the house which I said it will be name my there.
28 Game da sauran ayyukan mulkin Yosiya, da duk abin da ya yi, duk a rubuce suke a cikin littafin tarihin sarakunan Yahuda.
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Josiah and all that he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah.
29 Yayinda Yosiya yake sarki, Fir’auna Neko, sarkin Masar ya haura zuwa Kogin Yuferites don yă taimaki sarkin Assuriya da yaƙi. Sarki Yosiya kuwa ya yi ƙoƙari ya hana shi wucewa, sa’ad da Fir’auna Neko ya gan shi, sai ya kashe shi a filin yaƙi a Megiddo.
In days his he went up Pharaoh Necho [the] king of Egypt on [the] king of Assyria to [the] river of Euphrates and he went the king Josiah to meet him and he killed him at Megiddo when saw he him.
30 Bayin Yosiya suka ɗauko gawarsa daga Megiddo suka kai Urushalima, suka binne shi a kabarinsa. Sai mutanen ƙasar suka ɗauki Yehoyahaz ɗan Yosiya suka naɗa shi sarki a madadin mahaifinsa.
And they made ride him servants his dead from Megiddo and they brought him Jerusalem and they buried him in own grave his and it took [the] people of the land Jehoahaz [the] son of Josiah and they anointed him and they made king him in place of father his.
31 Yehoyahaz yana da shekara ashirin da uku sa’ad da ya zama sarki. Ya yi mulki na wata uku a Urushalima. Sunan mahaifiyarsa Hamutal’yar Irmiya; mutuniyar Libna.
[was] a son of Twenty and three year[s] Jehoahaz when became king he and three months he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Hamutal [the] daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah.
32 Ya aikata mugunta a gaban Ubangiji, yadda kakanninsa suka yi.
And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh according to all that they had done ancestors his.
33 Fir’auna Neko ya sa shi a sarƙa a Ribla a ƙasar Hamat don kada yă yi mulki a Urushalima, sa’an nan ya sa wa Yahuda harajin talenti ɗari na azurfa, da talenti ɗaya na zinariya.
And he confined him Pharaoh Necho at Riblah in [the] land of Hamath (from reigning *Q(K)*) in Jerusalem and he put a fine on the land one hundred talent[s] of silver and a talent of gold.
34 Fir’auna Neko ya naɗa Eliyakim ɗan Yosiya sarki a maimakon mahaifinsa, ya kuma canja masa suna zuwa Yehohiyakim. Ya ɗauki Yehoyahaz ya kai Masar, a can ya mutu.
And he made king Pharaoh Necho Eliakim [the] son of Josiah in place of Josiah father his and he changed name his Jehoiakim and Jehoahaz he took and he came Egypt and he died there.
35 Yehohiyakim ya riƙa biyan Fir’auna Neko azurfa da zinariyar da ya umarta. Don yă yi haka sai ya riƙa karɓar azurfa da zinariya daga mutanen ƙasar, kowa bisa ga ƙarfinsa.
And the silver and the gold he gave Jehoiakim to Pharaoh only he taxed the land to give the silver on [the] mouth of Pharaoh each according to valuation his he exacted the silver and the gold [the] people of the land to give [it] to Pharaoh Necho.
36 Yehohiyakim yana da shekara ashirin da biyar sa’ad da ya zama sarki, ya kuma yi mulki shekara goma sha ɗaya a Urushalima. Sunan mahaifiyarsa Zebuda’yar Fedahiya, mutuniyar Ruma.
[was] a son of Twenty and five year[s] Jehoiakim when became king he and one [plus] ten year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his ([was] Zebudah *Q(K)*) [the] daughter of Pedaiah from Rumah.
37 Ya kuma aika mugunta a gaban Ubangiji yadda kakanninsa suka yi.
And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh according to all that they had done ancestors his.

< 2 Sarakuna 23 >