< 2 Tarihi 32 >

1 Bayan dukan abin da Hezekiya ya yi cikin aminci, sai Sennakerib sarkin Assuriya ya zo ya yaƙi Yahuda. Ya yi kwanto wa biranen katanga, yana zato zai ci su da yaƙi wa kansa.
Aftir whiche thingis and sich treuthe, Senacherib, the kyng of Assiriens, cam and entride in to Juda; and he bisegide stronge citees, and wolde take tho.
2 Sa’ad da Hezekiya ya ga Sennakerib ya zo yana kuma niyya yă yaƙi Urushalima,
And whanne Ezechie hadde herd this thing, that is, that Senacherib was comun, and that al the fersnesse of batel was turned ayens Jerusalem,
3 sai ya yi shawara da fadawansa da hafsoshin mayaƙansa cewa su datse ruwa daga maɓulɓulan ruwan da yake waje da birnin, suka kuwa taimake shi.
he took counsel with the princes and strongest men, that thei schulden stoppe the heedis of wellis, that weren without the citee; and whanne the sentence of alle men demyde this,
4 Sai babban taro suka haɗu suka datse dukan maɓulɓulai da rafuffukan da suke gudu cikin ƙasar. Suka ce “Me zai sa sarakunan Assuriya su zo su sami ruwa barkatai?”
he gaderide togidere a ful greet multitude, and thei stoppiden alle the wellis, and the ryuer, that flowide in the myddis of the lond; and seiden, Lest the kyngis of Assiriens comen, and fynden abundance of watris.
5 Sai suka yi aiki tuƙuru suna gyaran dukan sassan katangar da suka fāɗi, suna kuma gina hasumiya a kai. Ya gina wata katanga a waje da wannan, ya kuma ƙara ƙarfin madogaran gini na Birnin Dawuda. Ya yi makamai masu yawa da kuma garkuwoyi.
Also he dide wittili, and bildide al the wal that was distride, and he bildide touris aboue, and an other wal withoutforth. And he reparilide Mello in the citee of Dauid; and made armure of al kynde, and scheldis.
6 Ya naɗa manyan hafsoshi a kan mutane, ya tattara su a gabansa a fili a ƙofar birni, ya kuma ƙarfafa su da waɗannan kalmomi.
And he ordeynede princes of werriouris in the oost; and he clepide togidere alle men in the street of the yate of the citee, and spake to the herte of hem,
7 “Ku ƙarfafa, ku yi ƙarfin hali. Kada ku ji tsoro ko ku yi fargaba saboda sarkin Assuriya, da mayaƙan nan masu yawa da suke tare da shi, gama shi wanda yake tare da mu, ya fi wanda yake tare da su.
and seide, Do ye manli, and be ye coumfortid; nyle ye drede, nether be ye aferd of the kyng of Assiriens, and of al the multitude which is with him; for many mo ben with vs than with him.
8 Mayaƙa na jiki ne kawai suke tare da shi, amma Ubangiji Allahnmu ne yake tare da mu, zai kuwa taimake mu yă kuma yi yaƙinmu.” Mutane kuwa suka amince da maganar Hezekiya, Sarkin Yahuda.
Fleischli arm is with him; `oure Lord God is with vs, which is oure helpere, and schal fiyte for vs. And the puple was coumfortid with sich wordis of Ezechie, kyng of Juda.
9 Daga baya, sa’ad da Sennakerib sarkin Assuriya da dukan mayaƙansa suke kwanto wa Lakish, sai ya aiki hafsoshinsa da wannan saƙo wa Hezekiya sarkin Yahuda da kuma wa dukan mutanen Yahuda waɗanda suke can cewa,
And aftir that these thingis weren doon, Sennacherib sente hise seruauntis to Jerusalem; for he `with al the oost bisegide Lachis. He sente to Ezechie, kyng of Juda, and to al the puple that was in the citee,
10 “Ga abin da Sennakerib sarkin Assuriya ya ce ga me kake dogara, har da ka dāge cikin Urushalima da aka yi mata kwanto?
and seide, Sennacherib, the kyng of Assiriens, seith these thingis, In whom han ye trist, and sitten bisegid in Jerusalem?
11 Ai, Hezekiya, ruɗinku yake yi, don yă sa ku mutu da yunwa da ƙishirwa sa’ad da yake ce muku, ‘Ubangiji Allahnmu zai cece mu daga hannun sarkin Assuriya.’
Whether Ezechie disseyueth you, that he bitake you to deeth in hungur and thirst, and affermeth, that `youre Lord God schal delyuere you fro the hond of the kyng of Assyriens?
12 Hezekiya kansa bai rushe waɗannan masujadan kan tudu da bagadai, yana ce wa Yahuda da Urushalima, ‘Dole ku yi sujada a gaban bagade guda ku kuma ƙone hadayu a kansa ba’?
Whether not this is Ezechie, that distriede hiy places, and auteris of hym, and comaundide to Juda and to Jerusalem, and seide, Ye schulen worschipe bifor oon auter, and therynne ye schulen brenne encense?
13 “Ba ku san abin da ni da kuma kakannina suka yi wa dukan mutanen sauran ƙasashe ba? Allolin ƙasashen nan sun taɓa iya ceton ƙasarsu daga hannuna ne?
Whether ye witen not what thingis Y haue do, and my fadir, to alle the puplis of londis? Whether the goddis of folkis and of alle londis myyten delyuere her cuntrei fro myn hond?
14 Wanne a cikin dukan allolin waɗannan ƙasashe da kakannina suka hallaka ya taɓa iya ceton mutanensa daga gare ni? To, yaya Allahnku zai iya cetonku daga hannuna?
Who is of alle goddis of folkis, whiche my fadris distrieden, that myyte delyuere his puple fro myn hond, that also youre God may delyuere you fro this hond?
15 Yanzu fa, kada ku bar Hezekiya yă ruɗe ku yă kuma ɓad da ku haka. Kada ku gaskata shi, gama babu allahn wata ƙasa ko masarautar da ya taɓa iya ceton mutanensa daga hannuna ko kuwa hannun kakannina. Balle har Allahnku yă cece ku daga hannuna!”
Therfor Ezechie disseyue not you, nether scorne bi veyn counselyng, nethir bileue ye to hym; for if no god of alle folkis and cuntreis myyte delyuere his puple fro myn hond, and fro the hond of my fadris, suyngli nether youre God schal mowe delyuere you fro this myn hond.
16 Hafsoshin Sennakerib suka ci gaba da maganar banza wa Ubangiji Allah da kuma a kan bawansa Hezekiya.
But also hise seruauntis spaken many othir thingis ayenus the Lord God, and ayens Ezechie, his seruaunte.
17 Sarki ya kuma rubuta wasiƙu yana zagin Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, yana faɗin wannan a kansa, “Kamar yadda sauran allolin mutanen sauran ƙasashe ba su iya kuɓutar da mutane daga hannuna ba, haka Allahn Hezekiya ba zai kuɓutar da mutanensa daga hannuna ba.”
Also he wroot epistlis ful of blasfemye ayens the Lord God of Israel, and he spak ayens God, As the goddis of othere folkis myyten not delyuere her puple fro myn hond, so and the God of Ezechie may not delyuere his puple fro myn hond.
18 Sa’an nan suka yi magana da ƙarfi cikin Yahudanci wa mutanen Urushalima waɗanda suke kan katanga, don su firgita su, su kuma sa su ji tsoro don su iya cin birnin.
Ferthermore and with greet cry in the langage of Jewis he sownede ayens the puple, that sat on the wallis of Jerusalem, to make hem aferd, and to take the citee.
19 Suka yi magana game da Allah na Urushalima yadda suka yi game da allolin sauran mutanen duniya, aikin hannuwan mutane.
And he spake ayens God of Israel, as ayens the goddis of the puplis of erthe, the werkis of mennus hondis.
20 Sarki Hezekiya da annabi Ishaya ɗan Amoz suka yi kuka cikin addu’a ga sama game da wannan.
Therfor Ezechie, the kyng, and Ysaie, the profete, the sone of Amos, preieden ayens this blasfemye, and crieden til in to heuene.
21 Sai Ubangiji ya aiki mala’ika, wanda ya karkashe dukan jarumawa da shugabanni da kuma hafsoshi a sansanin sarkin Assuriyawa. Saboda haka sai sarkin Assuriya ya janye zuwa ƙasarsa da kunya. Da ya shiga haikalin Allahnsa, sai waɗansu a cikin’ya’yansa maza suka yanka shi da takobi.
And the Lord sente his aungel, that killide ech strong man and werriour, and the prince of the oost of the kyng of Assiriens; and he turnede ayen with schenship `in to his lond. And whanne he hadde entrid in to the hows of his god, the sones, that yeden out of his wombe, killiden hym with swerd.
22 Ta haka Ubangiji ya ceci Hezekiya da mutanen Urushalima daga hannun Sennakerib sarkin Assuriya da kuma daga hannun dukan sauran. Ya magance su a kowane gefe.
And the Lord sauyde Ezechie, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, fro the hond of Senacherib, kyng of Assiriens, and fro the hond of alle men; and yaf to hem reste bi cumpas.
23 Yawanci mutane suka kawo hadayun ƙonawa zuwa Urushalima wa Ubangiji da kuma kyautai masu daraja wa Hezekiya sarkin Yahuda. Daga lokacin zuwa gaba dukan ƙasashe suka girmama shi.
Also many men brouyten offryngis and sacrifices to the Lord in to Jerusalem, and yiftis to Ezechie, kyng of Juda; which was enhaunsid aftir these thingis bifor alle folkis.
24 A kwanakin nan Hezekiya ya yi ciwo, ya yi kusan mutuwa. Sai ya yi addu’a ga Ubangiji, wanda ya amsa masa ya kuma ba shi alama.
In tho daies Ezechie was sijk `til to the deth, and he preiede the Lord; and he herde hym, and yaf to hym a signe;
25 Amma zuciyar Hezekiya ta yi girman kai, bai kuwa yi amfani da alherin da aka nuna masa ba, saboda haka fushin Ubangiji ya sauko a kansa da kuma a kan Yahuda da Urushalima.
but he yeldide not bi the benefices whiche he hadde take, for his herte was reisid; and ire was maad ayens hym, and ayens Juda, and ayens Jerusalem.
26 Sai Hezekiya ya tuba daga girma kan zuciyarsa, haka ma mutanen Urushalima; saboda haka fushin Ubangiji bai zo a kansu a kwanakin Hezekiya ba.
And he was mekid aftirward, for his herte was reisid; bothe he was mekid, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem; and therfor the ire of the Lord cam not on hem in the daies of Ezechie.
27 Hezekiya mai arziki da girma ne ƙwarai, ya kuma yi baitulmali domin azurfa da zinariyarsa da kuma domin duwatsu masu daraja, kayan yaji, garkuwoyi da kuma domin dukan kayayyaki masu daraja nasa.
Forsothe Ezechie was riche, and ful noble, and gaderide to hym silf ful many tresours of siluer, of gold, and of preciouse stoon, of swete smellynge spices, and of armuris of al kynde, and of vessels of greet prijs.
28 Ya kuma yi gine-gine domin ajiyar hatsi, sabon ruwa inabi da mai; ya kuma yi wuraren ajiyar kowane irin shanu dabam-dabam, da kuma turke domin tumaki.
Also he bildide large housis of wheete, of wyn, and of oile, and cratchis of alle beestis,
29 Ya gina ƙauyuka ya kuma samo shanu da garkuna masu yawa, gama Allah ya ba shi arziki mai yawa sosai.
and fooldis to scheep, and sixe citees. For he hadde vnnoumbrable flockis of scheep and of grete beestis; for the Lord hadde youe to hym ful myche catel.
30 Hezekiya ne ya datse ruwan bisa na maɓulɓular Gihon, ya sa ruwan ya gangara zuwa gefe yamma na Birnin Dawuda. Ya yi nasara a kome da ya yi.
Thilke is Ezechie, that stoppide the hiyere welle of the watris of Gion, and turnede tho awei vndur the erthe at the west of the citee of Dauid; in alle hise werkis he dide `bi prosperite, what euer thing he wolde.
31 Amma da masu mulkin Babilon suka aika da jakadu su tambaye shi game alamar da ta faru a ƙasar, Allah ya rabu da shi don yă gwada shi don yă kuma san kome da yake cikin zuciyarsa.
Netheles in the message of the princes of Babiloyne, that weren sent to hym for to axe of the grete wondir, that bifelde on the lond, God forsook hym, that he were temptid, and that alle thingis weren knowun that weren in his herte.
32 Sauran ayyukan mulkin Hezekiya da kuma kyawawa ayyukansa, suna a rubuce a cikin wahayin annabi Ishaya ɗan Amoz, a cikin littafin sarakunan Yahuda da Isra’ila.
Sotheli the residue of wordis of Ezechie, and of hise mercies, ben writun in the profesie of Ysaie, the profete, sone of Amos, and in the book of kyngis of Juda and of Israel.
33 Hezekiya ya huta tare da kakanninsa, aka kuma binne shi a kan tudu inda makabartan zuriyar Dawuda suke. Dukan Yahuda da kuma mutanen Urushalima suka girmama shi sa’ad da ya mutu. Sai Manasse ɗansa ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
And Ezechie slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym aboue the sepulcris of the sones of Dauid. And al Juda and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem maden solempne the seruyces of his biriyng; and Manasses, his sone, regnide for him.

< 2 Tarihi 32 >