< 1 Timoti 6 >

1 Duk waɗanda suke ƙarƙashin bauta, ya kamata su ɗauki iyayengijinsu a kan sun cancanci girmamawa matuƙa, don kada a ɓata sunan Allah da kuma koyarwarmu.
Let all who are under the yoke of slavery hold their own masters to be deserving of honour, so that the name of God and the Christian teaching may not be spoken against.
2 Waɗanda suke da iyayengiji masu bi, to, kada su yi musu reni domin su’yan’uwa ne. A maimako, sai ma su fi bauta musu, saboda waɗanda suke cin moriyar hidimarsu masu bi ne, ƙaunatattu ne kuma a gare su. Waɗannan su ne abubuwan da za ka koya musu ka kuma gargaɗe su.
And those who have believing masters should not be wanting in respect towards them because they are their brethren, but should serve them all the more willingly because those who profit by the faithful service rendered are believers and are friends.
3 In wani yana koyarwar ƙarya bai kuma yarda da sahihiyar koyarwar Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi da kuma koyarwa ta tsoron Allah ba,
So teach and exhort. If any one is a teacher of any other kind of doctrine, and refuses assent to wholesome instructions--those of our Lord Jesus Christ--and the teaching that harmonizes with true godliness,
4 yana cike da girman kai bai kuma san kome ba. Yana da mugun halin son gardama da muhawwara game da kalmomin da suke kawo kishi, rikici, maganar ƙeta, da mugayen zace-zace
he is puffed up with pride and has no true knowledge, but is crazy over discussions and controversies about words which give rise to envy, quarrelling, revilings, ill-natured suspicions,
5 da yawan tankiya tsakanin mutane masu mugun hali, waɗanda aka raba su da gaskiya, suke kuma tsammani cewa bin Allah wata hanya ce ta samun kuɗi.
and persistent wranglings on the part of people whose intellects are disordered and they themselves blinded to all knowledge of the truth; who imagine that godliness means gain.
6 Amma bin Allah da gamsuwa riba ce mai yawa.
And godliness is gain, when associated with contentment;
7 Gama ba mu zo duniya da kome ba, ba kuwa za mu fita daga cikinta da kome ba.
for we brought nothing into the world, nor can we carry anything out of it;
8 In dai muna da abinci da sutura, ai, sai mu gamsu da su.
and if we have food and clothing, with these we will be satisfied.
9 Mutanen da suke son yin arziki sukan fāɗi cikin jarraba, su fāɗa a tarko, suna mugayen sha’awace-sha’awace iri-iri na wauta da cutarwa, irin waɗanda suke dulmuyar da mutane, su kai ga lalacewa da hallaka.
But people who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many unwise and pernicious ways which sink mankind in destruction and ruin.
10 Gama son kuɗi shi ne tushen kowane irin mugun abu. Waɗansu mutane, don tsananin son kuɗi, sun bauɗe daga bangaskiya suka kuma jawo wa kansu da baƙin ciki iri-iri.
For from love of money all sorts of evils arise; and some have so hankered after money as to be led astray from the faith and be pierced through with countless sorrows.
11 Amma kai, mutumin Allah, ka guji duk wannan, ka kuma nemi adalci, tsoron Allah, bangaskiya, ƙauna, jimrewa da kuma hankali.
But you, O man of God, must flee from these things; and strive for uprightness, godliness, good faith, love, fortitude, and a forgiving temper.
12 Ka yi fama, kyakkyawar fama ta bangaskiya. Ka riƙi rai madawwamin nan, wanda aka kira saboda shi, sa’ad da ka yi kyakkyawar shaida a gaban shaidu masu yawa. (aiōnios g166)
Exert all your strength in the honourable struggle for the faith; lay hold of the Life of the Ages, to which you were called, when you made your noble profession of faith before many witnesses. (aiōnios g166)
13 Na umarce ka, a gaban Allah mai ba da rai ga kome, da kuma Kiristi Yesu wanda yayinda yake ba da shaida a gaban Buntus Bilatus ya yi kyakkyawar shaida,
I charge you--as in the presence of God who gives life to all creatures, and of Christ Jesus who at the bar of Pontius Pilate made a noble profession of faith--
14 ka kiyaye wannan umarni ba tare da wani aibi ko abin zargi ba har yă bayyanuwar Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi,
that you keep God's commandments stainlessly and without reproach till the Appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 wanda Allah zai kawo a daidai lokaci, Allah, mai albarka wanda yake kaɗai Mai Mulki, Sarkin sarakuna da Ubangijin iyayengiji,
For, as its appointed time, this will be brought about by the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
16 wanda shi kaɗai ne marar mutuwa wanda kuma yake zaune cikin hasken da ba ya kusatuwa, wanda babu wanda ya taɓa gani ko zai iya gani. A gare shi girma da iko su tabbata har abada. Amin. (aiōnios g166)
who alone possesses immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, and whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be eternal honour and power! Amen. (aiōnios g166)
17 Ka umarci waɗanda suke da arziki a wannan duniya kada su ɗaga kai ko su sa begensu a kan dukiyar da ba ta da tabbaci, sai dai su sa begensu ga Allah, wanda yake ba mu kome a yalwace don jin daɗinmu. (aiōn g165)
Impress on those who are rich in the present age that they must not be haughty nor set their hopes on riches--that unstable foundation--but on God who provides us richly with all things for our enjoyment. (aiōn g165)
18 Ka umarce su su yi nagarta, su wadatu cikin ayyuka nagari, su kuma zama masu bayarwa hannu sake da kuma masu niyyar yin taimako.
They must be beneficent, rich in noble deeds, open-handed and liberal;
19 Ta haka za su ajiye wa kansu dukiya a matsayin tushen mai ƙarfi don tsara mai zuwa, don su riƙi rai wanda yake na tabbatacce.
storing up for themselves that which shall be a solid foundation for the future, that they may lay hold of the Life which is life indeed.
20 Timoti, ka lura da abin da aka danƙa maka amana. Ka yi nesa da masu maganganun rashin tsoron Allah da kuma yawan mūsu da ake ƙarya, ake ce da shi ilimi,
O Timothy, guard the truths entrusted to you, shunning irreligious and frivolous talk, and controversy with what is falsely called 'knowledge';
21 wanda waɗansu suka furta kuma ta yin haka suka bauɗe daga bangaskiya. Alheri yă kasance tare da ku.
of which some have spoken boastfully in connexion with the true faith, and have erred. Grace be with you all.

< 1 Timoti 6 >