< 1 Sama’ila 4 >

1 Duk sa’ad da Sama’ila ya yi magana dukan Isra’ila sukan saurare shi. Isra’ilawa suka fita yaƙi da Filistiyawa. Isra’ilawa suka kafa sansani a Ebenezer, Filistiyawa kuma a Afek.
And the word of Samuel is to all Israel, and Israel goes out to meet the Philistines for battle, and they encamp by Eben-Ezer, and the Philistines have encamped in Aphek,
2 Filistiyawa suka tunƙuro mayaƙansu domin su sadu da Isra’ilawa, yaƙi kuwa ya yi tsanani har Isra’ilawa suka sha kashi a hannun Filistiyawa. Filistiyawa suka kashe Isra’ilawa kusan mutum dubu huɗu a bakin dāgā.
and the Philistines set themselves in array to meet Israel, and the battle spreads itself, and Israel is struck before the Philistines, and they strike among the ranks in the field about four thousand men.
3 Lokacin da mayaƙan suka komo sansani, dattawan Isra’ilawa suka yi tambaya suka ce, “Me ya sa Ubangiji ya sa muka sha ɗibga a hannun Filistiyawa? Bari mu kawo akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji daga Shilo. Domin yă tafi tare da mu yă ba mu nasara kan abokan gābanmu.”
And the people come into the camp, and [the] elderly of Israel say, “Why has YHWH struck us today before the Philistines? We take the Ark of the Covenant of YHWH from Shiloh to ourselves, and it comes into our midst, and He saves us out of the hand of our enemies.”
4 Saboda haka mutanen suka aika waɗansu maza zuwa Shilo, suka kuwa tafi suka kawo akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji Maɗaukaki wanda yake zaune tsakanin Kerubobi.’Ya’yan Eli biyun nan Hofni da Finehas suna wurin tare da akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji.
And the people send to Shiloh, and they take from there the Ark of the Covenant of YHWH of Hosts, inhabiting the cherubim, and there [are] two sons of Eli with the Ark of the Covenant of God, Hophni and Phinehas.
5 Da aka shigo da akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji a cikin sansani, sai Isra’ilawa suka tā da babbar murya har ƙasa ta jijjiga.
And it comes to pass, at the coming in of the Ark of the Covenant of YHWH to the camp, that all Israel shouts [with] a great shout, and the earth is moved.
6 Da jin wannan, Filistiyawa suka yi tambaya suka ce, “Me ke kawo wannan ihu mai ƙarfi haka a sansanin Isra’ilawa?” Da suka gane cewa akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji ne ya shiga sansanin,
And the Philistines hear the noise of the shouting, and say, “What [is] the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews?” And they perceive that the Ark of YHWH has come into the camp.
7 sai Filistiyawa suka ji tsoro, suka ce, “Wani allah ya shiga cikin sansanin. Mun shiga uku! Ba a taɓa yin wani abu haka ba.
And the Philistines are afraid, for they said, “God has come into the camp”; and they say, “Woe to us, for there has been nothing like this before.
8 Kaiton mu! Wa zai kuɓutar da mu daga hannun waɗannan manyan alloli? Su ne allolin da suka buga Masarawa da irin annoba masu yawa a jeji.
Woe to us, who delivers us out of the hand of these majestic gods? These [are] the gods who are striking the Egyptians with every plague in the wilderness.
9 Ku yi ƙarfin hali, ku yi mazantaka, ku Filistiyawa, domin kada ku zama bayin Ibraniyawa kamar yadda suke a gare ku. Ku yi mazantaka, ku yi yaƙi.”
Strengthen yourselves, and become men, O Philistines, lest you do service to Hebrews, as they have done to you—then you have become men, and have fought.”
10 Saboda haka Filistiyawa suka yi yaƙi, Isra’ilawa kuwa suka sha ɗibga, kowane mutum kuwa ya gudu zuwa tentinsa. Kisan kuwa ya yi muni ƙwarai. Isra’ilawa sun rasa mayaƙa dubu talatin.
And the Philistines fight, and Israel is struck, and they each flee to his tents, and the slaughter is very great, and thirty thousand footmen of Israel fall;
11 Aka ƙwace akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji. Aka kuma kashe’ya’yan Eli biyu, Hofni da Finehas.
and the Ark of God has been taken, and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, have died.
12 A wannan rana wani mutumin Benyamin ya ruga da bakin dāgā ya shigo Shilo, taguwarsa a yage, kansa kuma a rufe da ƙasa.
And a man of Benjamin runs out of the ranks, and comes into Shiloh, on that day, and his long robes [are] torn, and earth [is] on his head;
13 Da ya iso sai ga Eli zaune a kujera kusa da hanya yana kallo, domin tsoron da yake da shi saboda akwatin alkawarin Allah. Da mutumin ya shigo a garin ya ba da labarin abin da ya faru sai dukan gari ya ruɗe da ihu.
and he comes in, and behold, Eli is sitting on the throne by the side of the way, watching, for his heart has been trembling for the Ark of God, and the man has come into the city and declares [it], and all the city cries out.
14 Eli ya ji ihun ya yi tambaya ya ce, mene ne dalilin wannan ihu? Mutumin ya rugo wurin Eli,
And Eli hears the noise of the cry and says, “What [is] the noise of this tumult?” And the man hurried, and comes in, and tells Eli.
15 wanda yake da shekaru tasa’in da takwas da haihuwa, idanunsa kuma ƙarfi ya ƙare, baya iya gani.
And Eli is a son of ninety-eight years, and his eyes have stood, and he has not been able to see.
16 Mutumin ya gaya wa Eli cewa, “Shigowata ke nan daga bakin dāgā. Na kuɓuce daga can yau ɗin nan.” Eli ya ce, “Me ya faru da’ya’yana?”
And the man says to Eli, “I [am] he who has come out of the ranks, and I have fled out of the ranks today”; and he says, “What has been the matter, my son?”
17 Mutumin da ya kawo labarin ya ce, “Isra’ilawa sun gudu a gaban Filistiyawa, mayaƙan kuma sun sha mummunar ɗibga.’Ya’yanka Hofni da Finehas su ma sun mutu. Aka kuma ƙwace akwatin alkawarin Allah.”
And he who is bearing tidings answers and says, “Israel has fled before the Philistines, and also a great slaughter has been among the people, and also your two sons have died—Hophni and Phinehas—and the Ark of God has been captured.”
18 Da ya ambaci akwatin alkawarin Allah, sai Eli ya fāɗi da baya daga kujeransa kusa da ƙofa, wuyarsa ta karye, ya kuma mutu domin ya tsufa ƙwarai. Ya yi shugabancin Isra’ila shekaru arba’in.
And it comes to pass, at his mentioning the Ark of God, that he falls backward from off the throne, by the side of the gate, and his neck is broken, and he dies, for the man [is] old and heavy, and he has judged Israel [for] forty years.
19 Matar Finehas, ɗansa tana da ciki a lokacin ta kuma kusa haihuwa. Sa’ad da ta ji labari cewa an ƙwace akwatin alkawarin Allah, ta kuma labarin surukinta da mijinta sun mutu, sai ta shiga naƙuda, ta kuma haihu. Amma naƙuda ta sha ƙarfinta.
And his daughter-in-law, wife of Phinehas, [is] pregnant, about to bear, and she hears the report of the taking of the Ark of God, that her father-in-law and her husband have died, and she bows, and bears, for her pains have turned on her.
20 Da tana mutuwa, matan da suke lura da ita suka ce, “Kada ki karaya kin haifi ɗa namiji.” Amma ba tă ba da amsa ko tă kula ba.
And at the time of her death, the women who are standing by her say, “Do not fear, for you have borne a son,” she has not answered, nor set her heart [to it];
21 Ta ba wa yaron suna Ikabod, ma’ana “Ɗaukaka ta rabu da Isra’ila”, domin an ƙwace akwatin alkawarin Allah, domin kuma mutuwar surukinta da na mijinta.
and she calls the youth Ichabod, saying, “Glory has removed from Israel,” because of the taking of the Ark of God, and because of her father-in-law and her husband.
22 Ta ce, “Ɗaukaka ta rabu da Isra’ila, gama an ƙwace akwatin alkawarin Allah.”
And she says, “Glory has removed from Israel, for the Ark of God has been taken.”

< 1 Sama’ila 4 >