< 1 Sama’ila 30 >

1 A rana ta uku, Dawuda da mutanensa suka isa Ziklag, sai suka tarar Amalekawa sun riga sun kawo wa Negeb da Ziklag hari. Suka cinye Ziklag, suka ƙone ta,
Three days later, when David and his men arrived at Ziklag, [they discovered that] men of the Amalek people-group had raided Ziklag and [towns in] the southern part of Judah. They had destroyed Ziklag and burned down all the buildings.
2 suka kwashe mata, yara da tsofaffi da dukan abubuwan da suke cikin garin. Ba su kashe kowa ba, amma suka kwashe su, suka tafi.
They had captured the women [and the children] and everyone else, and had taken them away. But they had not killed anyone.
3 Da Dawuda da mutanensa suka isa Ziklag suka tarar an ƙone garin, an kuma kwashe matansu, da’ya’yansu mata, da kuma’ya’yansu maza ganima,
When David and his men came to Ziklag, they saw that the town had been burned, and that their wives and sons and daughters had been captured and taken away.
4 sai Dawuda da mutanensa suka yi kuka, suka yi ta kuka har sai da ƙarfinsu ya ƙare.
David and his men cried loudly, until [they were so weak that] they could not cry [any more].
5 An kama matan Dawuda, wato, Ahinowam daga Yezireyel da Abigiyel matar Nabal mutumin Karmel wanda ya rasu.
David’s two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail, had also been taken away.
6 Dawuda kuwa ya damu ƙwarai domin mutanensa suna niyyar su jajjefe shi da duwatsu, kowannensu ransa ya ɓace saboda’ya’yansa maza da mata, amma Dawuda ya sami ƙarfafawa a cikin Ubangiji Allahnsa.
David’s men were threatening to [kill him by] throwing stones at him, because they were very angry because their sons and daughters [had been taken away]. David was very distressed, but Yahweh his God gave him strength.
7 Sai Dawuda ya ce wa Abiyatar firist, ɗan Ahimelek, “Kawo mini efod.” Sai Abiyatar ya kawo masa.
David [did not know what to do, so he] said to Abiathar the priest, “Bring to me the sacred vest.” So Abiathar brought it,
8 Dawuda kuwa ya nemi nufin Ubangiji ya ce, “In bi bayan’yan harin nan? Zan ci musu?” Ubangiji ya ce, “Bi su, gama za ka ci musu, ka ƙwato abin da suka kwashe.”
and David asked Yahweh, “Should I [and my men] pursue the men [who took our families]? Will we [be able to] catch up to them?” Yahweh answered [by means of the stones in Abiathar’s sacred pouch], “Yes, pursue them. You will catch up to them, and you will be able to rescue [your families].”
9 Dawuda da mutanensa ɗari shida suka kama hanya, da suka kai Kwarin Besor, waɗansunsu suka tsaya a can.
So David and the 600 men who were with him left, and they came to the Besor Ravine. Some of his men stayed there [with some of their supplies].
10 Dawuda ya ci gaba da mutane ɗari huɗu, don mutane ɗari biyu sun gaji sosai har sun kāsa ƙetare rafin Besor.
David and 400 men continued to pursue [the men who captured their families]. The other 200 men stayed there at the ravine, because they were so exhausted that they could not cross the ravine.
11 Suka sami wani mutumin Masar a fili suka kawo shi wurin Dawuda. Suka ba shi abinci ya ci, suka kuma ba shi ruwa ya sha.
[As David and the 400 men were going], they saw a man from Egypt in a field; so they took him to David. They gave the man some water to drink and some food to eat.
12 Suka ba shi saura wainan’ya’yan ɓaure da kuma wainan’ya’yan inabi, ya ci ya sami ƙarfi. Gama bai ci ba, bai sha ba, har yini uku da dare uku.
They also gave him a piece of fig cake and two clusters/packs of raisins. The man had not had anything to eat or drink for three days and nights, but [after he ate and drank] he felt refreshed.
13 Dawuda ya tambaye shi ya ce, “Wane ne ubangidanka, kuma daga ina ka fito?” Ya ce, “Ni mutumin Masar ne, bawan wani mutumin Amalek. Maigidana ya ƙyale ni sa’ad da na yi rashin lafiya kwanaki ukun da suka wuce.
David asked him, “Who is your master? And where do you come from?” He replied, “I am from Egypt. I am a slave of a man from the Amalek people-group. Three days ago my master left me here, because I was sick [and I was not able to go with them].
14 Mun kai hari a Negeb ta Keretawa ta Yahuda, da Negeb ta Kaleb, muka kuma ƙone Ziklag.”
We had raided the southern part of Judah where the Kereth people-group live, and some other towns in Judah, and the area south [of Hebron city] where the descendants of Caleb live. We also burned Ziklag [town].”
15 Dawuda ya ce masa, “Za ka iya kai ni wurin maharan nan?” Ya ce, “Idan ka rantse mini da Allah, ba za ka kashe ni ba, ba kuwa za ka mai da ni wurin ubangidana ba, sai in kai ka inda maharan suke.”
David asked him, “Can you lead us to this group of raiders?” He replied, “Yes, [I will do that] if you ask God to listen while you promise that you will not kill me or give me back to my master. If you promise that, I will take you to them.”
16 Ya bi da Dawuda har zuwa can, sai ga su a baje ko’ina a ƙasa, suna ci, suna sha, suna annashuwa saboda yawan ganimar da suka kwashe daga ƙasar Filistiyawa da ƙasar Yahuda.
[David agreed to do that, ] so the man from Egypt led David [and his men] to where the men from the Amalek people-group were. Those men were lying on the ground, eating and drinking and celebrating because of having captured many things from the Philistia and Judah areas.
17 Dawuda ya yaƙe su tun daga fāɗuwar rana har yammar kashegari. Ba ko ɗaya da ya tsira sai samari ɗari huɗu waɗanda suka tsere a kan raƙuma.
David [and his men] fought against them from sunset that day until the evening of the following day. Four hundred of them escaped and rode away on camels, but none of the others escaped.
18 Dawuda ya ƙwato kome da Amalekawa suka kwashe tare da matarsa biyu.
David rescued his two wives, and he and his men got back everything else that the men of the Amalek people-group had taken.
19 Babu abin da ya ɓace, Dawuda ya dawo da kowa, manya da ƙanana,’yan maza da’yan mata duka, da dukan abubuwan da Amalekawa suka kwashe.
Nothing was missing. They took all their people back [to Ziklag]—young people and old people, [their wives], their sons and their daughters. They also recovered all the other things that the men of the Amalek people-group had taken from Ziklag.
20 Ya kuma ƙwato garkunan tumaki, da na awaki, da na shanu. Mutanensa suka koro shanun, suka yi gaba, suka ce, “Wannan shi ne ganimar Dawuda.”
They took with them the sheep and cattle that had been captured, and his men caused those animals to go in front of them, saying, “These are animals that we captured in the battle; they belong to David!”
21 Da Dawuda ya zo wurin mutum ɗari biyu ɗin nan waɗanda suka tafke, suka kāsa binsa, waɗanda aka bari a bakin Kwarin Besor, sai suka taryi Dawuda da mutanensa da suka tafi tare da shi. Sa’ad da Dawuda ya zo kusa da su, sai ya gaishe su.
David and his men got back to where the other 200 men were waiting, the men who did not go with David because they were very exhausted. They had stayed at Besor Ravine. [When they saw David and his men coming], they went out to greet them. And David [greeted them and] said to them, “I hope that things are going well with you!”
22 Sai dukan mugaye da marasa kirki daga cikin mutanen da suka tafi tare da Dawuda suka ce, “Tun da yake ba su tafi tare da mu ba, ba za mu ba su kome daga cikin ganimar da muka ƙwato ba, sai dai kowane mutum yă ɗauki matarsa da’ya’yansa yă tafi.”
But some of the men who had gone with David, men who were evil and troublemakers, said, “These 200 men did not go with us. So we should not give to them any of the things that we recovered/captured. Each of them should take only his wife and children and go [back to their homes].”
23 Dawuda ya ce, “A’a,’yan’uwana ba za ku yi haka da abin da Ubangiji ya ba mu ba. Ya tsare mu, ya kuma bashe sojojin da suka yi gāba da mu a hannuwanmu.
David replied, “No, my fellow Israelis, it would not be right to divide up like that the things that Yahweh has allowed us to capture. Yahweh has protected us and enabled us to defeat the enemies who attacked our town.
24 Wa zai goyi bayanku a kan wannan al’amari? Wanda ya tafi wurin yaƙi da wanda ya zauna wurin kaya, rabonsu zai zama daidai.”
(Who will pay attention to you if you say things like that?/No one will pay attention to you if you say things like that.) [RHQ] The men who stayed here with our supplies will get the same amount that the men who went into the battle will get. They will all receive the same amount.”
25 Dawuda ya sa wannan tă zama dawwammamiyar farilla ga Isra’ila tun daga wannan rana har yă zuwa yau.
David made that to be a law [DOU] for the Israeli people, and that is still a law in Israel.
26 Da Dawuda ya iso Ziklag, sai ya aika wa abokansa, dattawan Yahuda da rabo daga cikin ganimar ya ce, “Ga kyauta dominku, daga cikin ganimar maƙiyan Ubangiji.”
When David [and all the others] arrived in Ziklag, David sent to his friends who were leaders in Judah some of the things that they had captured from the Amalek people-group. He said to them, “Here is a present for you. These are things that we took from Yahweh’s enemies.”
27 Kyautar domin waɗanda suke a Betel, da Ramot ta Negeb, da Yattir,
[Here is a list of the cities and towns to whose leaders David sent gifts: ] Bethel, Ramoth in the southern part of Judah, Jattir,
28 da Arower, da Sifmot, da Eshtemowa,
Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa,
29 da Rakal, da garuruwan Yerameyelawa, da garuruwan Keniyawa,
Racal, the cities where the descendants of Jehrameel lived and the cities where the Ken people-group lived,
30 da Horma, da Bor-Ashan, da Atak,
Hormah, Bor-Ashan, Athach,
31 da Hebron, da dukan wuraren da Dawuda da mutanensa suka taɓa zagawa.
Hebron, and all the other places where David and his men had gone [when they were hiding from Saul].

< 1 Sama’ila 30 >