< 1 Sama’ila 27 >

1 Dawuda ya yi tunani a ransa ya ce, “Wata rana Shawulu zai kashe ni, abu mafi kyau da zan yi shi ne in tsere zuwa ƙasar Filistiyawa. Da haka Shawulu zai fid da zuciya ga nemana a ƙasar Isra’ila, a can kuwa zan tsira daga hannunsa.”
But David thought, “Some day Saul will capture me [if I stay around here]. So the best thing that I can do is to escape and go to the Philistia area. If I do that, Saul will stop searching for me here in Israel, and I will be safe.”
2 Sai Dawuda tare da mutanensa, mutum ɗari shida suka tashi suka haye zuwa wurin Akish ɗan Mawok, sarkin Gat.
So David and his 600 men left Israel and went to see Maoch’s son Achish, who was king of Gath [city in the Philistia area].
3 Dawuda da mutanensa suka zauna a Gat tare da Akish. Kowa ya kasance tare da iyalinsa. Dawuda kuwa yana tare da matansa biyu. Ahinowam daga Yezireyel da Abigiyel matar Nabal da ya mutu daga Karmel.
David and his men and their families started to live there in Gath, the city where king Achish lived. David’s two wives were with him—Ahinoam from Jezreel, and Nabal’s widow Abigail, from Carmel.
4 Da Shawulu ya sami labari cewa Dawuda ya gudu zuwa Gat, bai ƙara fita nemansa ba.
When someone told Saul that David had run away [and was living] in Gath, he stopped searching for David.
5 Sai Dawuda ya ce wa Akish, “In na sami tagomashi a gabanka ka ba ni wani wuri a cikin biranenka in zauna a can. Don me bawanka zai kasance tare da kai a gidan sarauta?”
[One day] David said to Achish, “If you are pleased with us, give us a place in one of the small villages where we can stay. There is no need [RHQ] for us to stay in the city where you are the king.”
6 A ranar Akish ya ba shi Ziklag wanda tun dā take ta sarkin Yahuda.
[Achish liked what David suggested]. So that day Achish gave to David Ziklag [town]. As a result, Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah since that time.
7 Dawuda ya zauna a yankin Filistiyawa shekara ɗaya da wata huɗu.
David [and his men] lived in the Philistia area for 16 months.
8 Dawuda da mutanensa suka haura suka yaƙi Geshurawa, da Girziyawa, da Amalekawa. (Waɗannan su ne mazaunan ƙasar a dā, tun daga Shur har zuwa ƙasar Masar.)
[During that time] David and his men raided the people who lived [in the areas] where the Geshur, Girzi, and Amalek people-groups lived. Those people had lived there a long time. That area extended [south] from Telam to the Shur [Desert] and to [the border of] Egypt.
9 Duk lokacin da ya yaƙi wani wuri, ba ya barin namiji ko mace da rai, amma sai ya kwashe tumaki, da shanu, da jakuna, da raƙuma, da riguna, sa’an nan yă koma wurin Akish.
Whenever David’s men attacked them, they killed all the men and women, and they took all the people’s sheep and cattle and donkeys and camels, and even their clothes. Then they would bring those things back home, [and David would go to talk] to Achish.
10 Idan Akish ya ce, “Ina ka kai hari yau?” Sai Dawuda yă ce, “Na kai hari a Negeb ta Yahuda, ko Negeb ta Yerameyel, ko Negeb na Keniyawa.”
Each time Achish would ask David, “Where did you go raiding today?” David [would lie to him]. Sometimes he would reply that they had gone to the southern part of Judah, and sometimes he would say that they had gone to Jerahmeel, or to the area where the Ken people-group lived.
11 Bai bar a kawo namiji ko mace da rai a Gat ba, gama yana tunani, “Za su ba da sanarwa a kanmu su ce, ‘Ga abin da Dawuda ya yi.’” Haka ya yi ta yi dukan rayuwarsa a ƙasar Filistiyawa.
David’s men never brought back to Gath any man or woman who was left alive. David thought, “If [we do not kill everyone, some of] them [who are still alive] will go and tell Achish [the truth] about what we really did.” David did that all the time that he [and his men] lived in the Philistia area.
12 Akish ya amince da Dawuda sosai, har ya ce wa kansa, “Ga shi ya mai da kansa abin ƙi ga mutanensa Isra’ilawa, zai zama bawana har abada.”
So Achish believed [what] David [told him], and said to himself, “[Because of what David has done, ] his own people, the Israelis, must now hate him very much. So he will have to [stay here and] serve me forever.”

< 1 Sama’ila 27 >